The Villain's Story

Chapter 195 [195] Fight, Alan Peccator!

Alan grabbed Sabrina and jumped away, barely avoiding an attack from a large green hand aimed at Sabrina.


Sabrina said, surprised as Alan suddenly pulled her, and then...she felt enormous pressure.

A Figure, more prominent than a Pit Fiend, had appeared in their previous location. Holding a large war Axe with one hand and its other hand extended from its robe, a large green hand, covered in red markings.

Alan Let Sabrina down as he slowly got in front of her, summoning his armor and Spear.

[Sabrina, listen to me and stay close, shit is about to get real.]

Sabrina received a message from Alan through the Spatial, and she was about to respond when multiple explosions went off.




The Entire Island...was full of them.

"Impressive, To think you dodged it."

Alan and Sabrina heard the attacker speak, a red energy covering energy that was not Mana.


Alan said...steadying his stance as he saw the red energy flare higher up.


The figure answered, removing its hood, revealing a bald green head that was filled with scars and red markings and a purple Metal Band around its neck.

An orc...a species that should be near impossible to find on Earth.

The orc held a large war axe, which although it may look worn down because of the multiple battles it had brought victory in, was still emitting a menacing aura.

Sabrina And Alan remained quiet, Alan barely being able to move his mouth while Sabrina was barely being able to stand.

"Sabrina Wellington."

Suddenly, the orc called out Sabrina's name, catching her and Alan Off guard.

"You have quite the bounty on your head as the daughter of the Wellington's, a magic prodigy and apparently very beautiful according to humans."

The orc said, all whilst Alan carefully watched its movements.

"Come with me quietly, I do not want to cause unnecessary bloodshed, I will not kill that boy with you as well."

The orc said a ridiculous statement and released its pressure so that Sabrina could talk but before she even had the chance to speak...Alan had already rushed towards the Orc.


At a speed she was not able to see, Alan lunged at the Orc.


Alan's spear was blocked by the axe, and the orc Sighed.

"Why do you have to intervene? I was offering an easy choice there."

The orc said, looking at the Boy that had just denied a chance to live with pity.

"Sorry, But I am not letting you touch her."

Alan said as he pushed his spear against the axe, and the orc seemed somewhat surprised by his strength.

"You possess remarkable strength for a human of your rank,"

The Orc said whilst Alan Continued to push harder and harder, but to no avail.

Sabrina for the first time saw Alan Being overpowered, and looking smaller than his opponent just as she was about to attack as well, The orc pushed Alan off easily before smashing his axe on the ground.


The earth beneath it shattered like glass and send Alan flying, the crack heading to Sabrina but Alan pushed her out of the way.


"Change of Plans! RUN WHILE I HOLD HIM OFF."

Sabrina had no time to even get up before Alan intercepted another attack from the Orc.

And Just like that, flashes of red and White were all she saw.

A Battle that she could not even see properly, the two combatants going at speeds she could not fathom.

She got up and ran away just like she was told.

She knew she was no help here, only a massive burden.

It was better for Alan to fight without having to worry about protecting someone.

"Where do you think you are going?"

But then, as a red aura passed her and created a dome...she stopped.

The orc was right behind her and she could not breathe.

She stopped in her tracks...and just when she felt that the orc was going to attack, Alan appeared and rammed into the Orc, sending them both flying.

"Persistent brat."


The orc said as picked Up Alan and Slammed him into the ground.

Meanwhile, Sabrina did not look back and began to run again until she collided with the red dome and fell when it repelled her.

'Shit...we're trapped.'

The horrifying realization came...and she calmed her breathing and turned to face the battle between Alan And The Orc.

Since she couldn't run away...she now might as well try to be of help...however little that may be.

But she had a feeling that she was nothing in this battle.





White and red flashed in the area, as a spear and waraxe collided.

"You are impressive Human."

The orc said as he nonchalantly blocked Alan's attacks.

"Your strength, speed, and durability all surpass that of a normal human at your rank."

The orc said as he kicked Alan in the stomach, sending him flying.

"And you possess good technique as well."

The Orc said as he rested his axe on his shoulder as he walked towards Alan who was bust coughing up blood.

The orc reached Alan and raised the war axe high up in the sky and said.

"Farewell, Let it be known that it was I Kubrick, that defeated y-"


But before it could slash down, a thunderbolt struck its face, and then another hit.

Smoke rose in the air, but the orc seemed unfazed.

The orc turned to face Sabrina and exuded a terrifying aura of pressure that made her legs crumble, her knees fall to the ground and she struggled to get up.


Suddenly Alan got up and kicked the Orc with a low kick, the orc responded with a horizontal slash that Alan Dodged by Jumping...but the wind pressure that the attack exuded sent him flying even though he dodged.

Alan fell to the ground and barely managed to raise his spear to block the fearful war axe coming straight to his head.


Alan struggled to keep the axe away, and it inched closer and closer to his face...and what was worse was that the orc had put its foot on Alan's Chest, crushing it.


Cracking sounds were heard as Alan struggled...

He struggled to keep the axe up, and the foot that was crushing his chest made it even harder.

"Why don't you just run away? I will let you go if you let me take her peacefully."

Alan heard the orc and smirked as blood seeped out from his teeth.

"Sorry, It's my job to protect her you green fuck."

He said, and the Orc sighed before saying.

"Well, it was your own choice."

The red aura appeared from the orcs body, fighting against Alan's white mana and pushing it down.

The ground beneath him cracked, and went under, as the red aura pushed the white mana down.


Alan's insides were being messed up as he tried to fight back desperately but to no avail.

He was going to die.

He was going to die...when.


The orc stopped the pressure as he heard Sabrina's scream.

"Let him go and I'll come with you peacefully!"

Kubrick ignored and continued to pressure Alan...until.

" You need me alive right? What if I do this?!"

Sabrina imbued lightning mana into her fingers and pointed them to her neck, and at this Kubrick stopped.

"You don't have the guts."

Kubrick said, not believing that Sabrina would kill herself...but then she pushed the fingers deeper into her neck and drew blood whilst showing s wicked smile.

"You think you're the first one to try kidnapping me?"

Sabrina said, and pushed her fingers deeper into her neck.

"Try me."

She said, but then Kubrick disappeared from her sight and appeared behind her and grabbed her arm forcefully, breaking it.


"I can't have you die."

He said before moving to her other arm as a red screen covered Sabrina's screams as her arms was broken.

But just as Kubrick was about to break her other arm, alan stood up and fired an ice blood at Kubrick's face.

[What are you going?! Just stay down!]

Sabrina said to Alan through the spatial bond...but the response she got was something that completely made her efforts fruitless.

[And let him take you? Over my dead body.]

She was flabbergasted and tried to convince him to stop as Kubrick was about to break another arm...but Alan continued firing Ice bolts that missed her and hit Kubrick.

[It's happened multiple times, my family will just need to pay a ransom and i just have to be tortured for a bit!]

There was no response from Alan as she said here words for a while....but she felt that was angry as he lunged at Kubrick, making Kubrick drop Sabrina.

[...What are you saying?]


Alan blocked Kubrick's attack...but was then punched in the face with all his might...Kubrick appearing above him and attacking him continuously....

And then he ripped Alan's lower jaw...but Alan still continued to fight as he sent a message to Sabrina.

[It is my protect you...and I am DOING MY DAMN JOB]

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