The Villain's Story

Chapter 194 [194] What Am I? I Am....

Henry faced the raging behemoth by shooting multiple arrows of wind, all doing little to no damage.


He dodged another tackle of the Goliath type, applying wind on his feet to increase his speed.

'That damn armour of its is annoying!'


He thought whilst dodging another tackle of the Goliath, firing off two Arrows at its face.



They bounced off its armour yet again, and Henry was running out of mana to use.


The demon attacked everything in sight, destroying the building and surroundings one by one.


A flying rock hit Henry in the head as he was trying to dodge the Demon.

Blood started to fill his vision....and then he found himself unable to move.

Mud had gathered around his feet, restricting his feet.


Henry cursed as he found himself trapped in the demon's trap, unable to move whilst it was rushing towards him with its huge body made of stone.

He struggled to move, and the demon got closer and closer to him.

His life flashed before his eyes...until.



Accompanied by a heroic warcry, a large steel hammer smashed into the Goliath, sending it off course, and barely missing Henry.

Isshin had appeared and had saved Henry.

And Along with his appearance, came a sword of light that attacked the Demon from above, finally damaging the foul beast.


A pained cry came from the Demon. Enraged, it turned towards the attacker, Elaine Parker.



Elaine cursed as she saw the goliath rushing towards her, she tried to run but was instead carried by a spirit (Wind Eagle) into the skies.

"Sky, take her to the skies and keep her there! Elaine supports us from Above."

Henry shouted as he summoned his spirit, the Wind eagle Sky, and ordered her to take Elaine to the Skies.

"Im scared of heights!"


Elaine screamed but was instantly shut by Henry.



Isshin and the Goliath engaged in battle, Isshin smashing it with his hammer whilst it tried to grab Isshin.



Henry fired two more arrows at the Goliath but used a skill immediately after.

[Lance of Wind!]

A lance as large as an Adult male and twice the width appeared from Henry's hands and reached for the Goliath, Hitting it!



Finally, some of the armour covering the Goliath broke, revealing its corrupted skin.

It was given no moment of rest as a dozen spears of Light attacked it, embedding themselves within its body.

It thrashed around, managing to hit Isshin who was sent flying, But two balls of Golden light hit him almost immediately when he crashed, Healing him instantly.

Elaine, showing her skill as a great healer, immediately sent two heals towards him.

Isshin got up, and then rushed towards the Goliath once again...the fist of the Goliath and Isshin's hammer collided.


They both clashed, and Isshin's hammer broke into Pieces from the impact, shocking Isshin greatly.

During his Shock, the Goliath hit him again and flung him off, it was about to take him but was distracted by Henry.

"Eat This you stone freak!"

Henry said as he fired another Lance of Wind at the goliath, Hitting its face and breaking off another few pieces of its armour.


And as it screamed in Pain, Henry almost fell as he was low on Mana...but then a sudden SHout from Elaine woke both Isshin and Henry up.

They were covered in a golden light, rejuvenating them as they heard Her voice.

"I Need you guys to keep that thing still for a few seconds!"

Both Henry and Isshin stared at Elaine incredulously.

"Just for a few Seconds!"

They both gulped...and rushed to the Demon together.

Henry, being Faster, reached it first and just as he was about to tackle the Goliath, he jumped high up and dropped behind the Goliath, He prepared His Bow and was about to Shoot the Legs of the Goliath, but it turned around at breakneck speeds and grabbed Henry with its big Hand.


It crushed Henry's waist with its Grip...but was suddenly tackled by Isshin from Behind.

"Deal With someone your own Size!"

He grabbed the Goliath from the waist, keeping it in place as he tried to dig his finger into the stone giant's body...but was failing.

Henry kept firing arrow after arrow at the face of the Stone Giant, all whilst his waist was being Crushed.

'Come on...Elaine Come ON!'

He thought in his mind as he pleaded for Elaine to finish up with whatever she was planning....and then it Came.

A golden light encompassed them both, Rejuvenating both Isshin and Henry, all whilst dealing the Demon great Damage, its rock armour melting.

It let go of Henry...and thrashed around in Pain.

"No way...that didn't take it down...?"

Elaine said from the sky, her strongest Skill, [Beacon of Holiness] had failed to defeat the demon...and she was slowly losing consciousness due to the absurd Mana Cost.

Henry and Isshin fell back, not wanting to get caught up in the rampage of the demon whilst it was in pain.

Henry and Isshin both coughed up blood, even if they were healed a little from Elaine's Skill, they were still far too injured to be healed so easily.

"Isshin...Can you draw its attention for a while?"

"Got it,"

Henry asked Isshin, who agreed immediately and rushed at the Demon.


Henry shouted whilst Isshin engaged with the Stone Giant, keeping it occupied for as long as possible.

He took a deep breath as a bow larger than even himself formed in his hands.


He screamed, And Isshin upon hearing his signal immediately ducked.




A bolt of wind encased in some lighting shot towards the Stone giant, hitting it in the exposed area of its face...and blowing it clean off.

Henry fell Unconcious due to the recoil of using a technique far above his capacity.

And as he fell unconscious, his spirit disappeared, dropping Elaine from the sky.

She hit her Head On Isshin, and they both were knocked out.



"How does it feel to witness my Supreme Power Draconian?!"

Kasoris mocked Kazikato as they continued their bout in the sky.

The sea below them raged, the Sky above them Dark, it was clear a storm was approaching.

Kazikato stayed still in the air, looking at Kasoris as he blocked another attack.


Kasoris continued his onslaught, attacking and attacking Kazikato, an instant blocked Kasoris hits and Slahshed his chest.

Kazikato had had enough, he was tired of this fight. It was not entertaining.

"Almighty? Supreme?"

Kazikato said as he looked at the injured Kasoris. And continued his speech.

"You call that Supreme?"

He said, as a wild wave of mana erupted forth from Kazikato, pushing Kasoris Back.


Kasoris said, intimidated and surprised by the sheer level of Power Kazikato was emitting as he backed off slowly...the mana of death corroding his very existence, his chaos flames suddenly not being able to defend against it.

"You are not Supreme."

Kazikato said, to him this was a mockery towards the Actual Supreme Beings.

His GrandDragon, Ariel...was a being that surpassed the rank of Supreme...and this fool of a demon thought he was just a rank below her?


The chains of death restricted Kasoris as he tried so so desperately to break free.

Kazikatio, whilst looking at him, smiled as he raised his scythe high up in the Air.

Death mana started to converge around it, shaking the world as it began to distort.

" Who am I?"

Kazikato asked the restrained Kasoris, getting closer and closer as his scythe began to take on an even darker shade.


Kasoris screamed, his pride and his demeanour gone, the same confidence he held gone, erased from existence.

His fear increased tenfold as he gazed at the black Scythe that was inching closer and closer to him.


Kazikato spoke, terrifying the poor demon even more, the world getting darker and darker around them.

" Am [Death]."

He Said, in a low yet shrill voice, and his scythe slashed down at Kasoris.

And then the world went black for Kasoris.


A/N; Alan is coming next, sorry for the wait.

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