The Villain's Story

Chapter 193 [193] Fight, Oh Hero That Defied Oblivion!

What is a hero?

What kind of person is a hero?

What kind of symbol is a hero?

A Savior?

A Fighter?

A Symbol of hope?

In the end, what is a hero?

What is the hero's reason to fight? To save? To Be a Symbol?

Trauma? Desire? Kindness?

Or is it just the thought of being remembered for centuries that excites them?

Or is it that they have the 'pure heart' that compels them to fight for Justice?

To fight evil? To dedicate themselves to the eradication of Evil?

Even Elijah Ardor didn't know.

He didn't know at all...despite his numerous studies into a hero.

He found so many definitions....and still was confused.

'A Person who is admired for their courage and bravery.'

'A Hero is a person who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage or strength.'

'A Person who is akin to a symbol of good, someone that saves, somewhat fights evil...someone that influences others to be like him.'

A Young Elijah wondered...Every time he looked at the computer screen...he wrote down every single definition in a notebook.

And thus...after years He finally found something...or rather multiple things that suited a Hero.

Someone who fights for their loved one's safety...someone who fights for good. Someone who cannot let Tyranny Rule, Someone who....will do Anything to protect people...someone who will go extreme lengths their duty!

That was what a young Elijah Ardor believed...and this belief didn't change through hundreds of iterations.

It was only strengthened...The Belief was only strengthened through numerous defeats...

And became the belief that a Hero must be a beacon of light and hope even in the Darkness Of Oblivion and Extinction...

No Matter how many times he falls...he must always get back up.

He Must!


Avari suddenly stopped torturing Serena as he felt tremendous pressure that gave him chills.

He dropped the girl in his hands and turned to face the tremendous as he drew his claws...

And there he saw the boy that he had beaten black and blue, the boy that struggled to move his body...the boy that had lost so much blood it was utterly unbelievable he was alive.

He stood up...covered in a red, blood-red flame.

The flame pulsed, it encompassed the entire Area and as soon as it made contact with Avari it burned his skin.


As his skin was being burnt by the mysterious flames...he felt it.


His screams of pain would be heard by no one, and the one causing this much pain to a demon of his rank was none other than Elijah Ardor...who had activated [DECIMATION] to its full capacity.

His body become red, covered in red lines that appeared to have magma flowing through them.

'Elijah' slowly walked towards Avari, so calmly it was frightening.

Avari Flew up, withstanding the pain as he tried to flee.

Elijah didn't care for him, ignoring him and just moving to his injured Salamander and Serena, covering them up in a flame that healed their wounds.


Avari screamed as he flew high up in the air and screamed at 'Elijah'.

'Elijah' looked at him calmly, and just simply raised his hand as Avari found it difficult to move.


"Why can't I move?!"

Avari screamed as his body was being constricted, his fear multiplying tenfold. The energy Elijah was omitting terrified the shit out of him.

'Elijah' stared at the struggling demon in the air, screaming at him.


Amidst his screams, 'Elijah' uttered only three words.

" I am..."

'Elijah' spoke for the first time...and ended the demon with his next word.


A pillar of fire fired from Elijah's Hands and covered Avari, burning him till nothing was left.


The Pillar of fire, after burning the demon did not stop even after extinguishing the demon from existence.

It clashed with the barrier encompassing the Island, dyeing the Island under a bright red glow, a radiant glow.

And as it disappeared, as the howls of a wolf were heard, 'Elijah' staring at a direction where 'thunder' could be heard.


'Elijah' muttered, the lines of magma receding.

"I'm not the monster."

His gaze shifted to the sky above where he was looking.

And from that direction, where he heard the Crackles of Lightning, he saw a beam of white rise.

A beam that overshadowed his pillar of fire, breaking the barrier encompassing this Island.

"Isn't that you, Aranus?"

And the lines of magma receded, and he fell unconscious whilst standing.

A Hero must never fall, after all.



At the highest peak of Celestia, A Sword lay embedded in a cloud, just below the Moon.

A beautiful and elegant sword, with its handle made of a golden material and blade possessing pure white radiance.

The Blade, vibrated for a bit as it sensed a familiar Energy, The energy of its true master, The Defyer of Oblivion.

The Pure white Blade, began to glow, signifying its awakening, announcing it to Celestia.

Slowly, from the cloud, the dark skies of Celestia began to be encompassed in a golden light that filled the entire realm.

All celestials that saw the Golden light, raised their swords, Hands, and whatever else they were holding into the sky, and shot a golden beam of their own Celestial Mana.

Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubs, Seraphims...everyone raised their hands and began to chant a prayer.

"Oh, Hero of Celestia, your awakening fills us with hope!"

"Oh, Hero of Celestia, Your Awakening fills us with hope!"

"Oh, Hero of Celestia, your awakening fills us with hope!"

They chanted in unison, the entire realm of Celestia being drowned in their prayers...A sight that was magnificent as the glow illuminated the night sky.

It was the light that signified a prophecy, and the awakening of their Greatest Weapon.

Caliburn, The Ruler of Holy weapons...had awakened.



In the grand cathedral, the figure draped in a white robe and wearing a golden mask basked in the light that Caliburn exuded.

It was a phenomenon that went on for quite a while, hours even and he stood still in the same place, basking in the holy light.

But Eventually, it had to end.

"A pity...I would have liked to Enjoy it more."

The figure said, lamenting over the fact that the light ended very soon.

"So you have awakened once again, Ardoris, yet only for a brief moment..."

The figure said, gazing down at the bright green fields of Celestia, thriving with life.

"The threads of fate begin to spread once again, another iteration appears, another round of Suffering ensues..."

The figure continued, his golden mask which displayed no emotion...suddenly appearing remorseful, full of regret.

"Since Ardoris has now Awakened...'He' will soon make an Appearance soon enough..."

The figure said, spreading its senses to far reaches...keeping it like this for a while...but he did not need to keep it for long.

For he felt it....The figure felt 'His' Power.

"And so it Begins...once again."

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