The Villain's Story

Chapter 196 [196] Fight, Till Your Last Breath.

A ripped-off lower Jaw, along with bleeding from numerous areas of his body, is now purple due to Kubrick's fists.

And Alan still threw punches, fighting again.

His spear continued to attack, and his white mana fought against the Aura of Kubrick and was pushed back.

"Impressive endurance warrior."

Kubrick said as he punched Alan in the stomach, making him fly back.

Kubrick did not call Alan a human anymore, after all, that had gone down, he now called Alan a warrior.

He deserved Kubrick's respect, after continuing to fight even though he was in 'that' state.

But even a warrior will fall.

Kubrick slashed his axe horizontally, aiming at Alan's waist.

And Alan who was struggling to move...could do nothing but get hit by the storm of red aura that enforced the axe.

The axe hit, and a red storm consumed Alan. His white perishing.

His body, which could not be seen inside the red storm of aura, flew crashing into multiple trees.

Sabrina couldn't even see it...she struggled to stand up in the storm of aura that covered the area.

And as heard the footsteps of the Orc walking toward her...she heard the distinct sound of a glass cracking.


"He deserved to die a more honorable death, not one protecting someone so weak."

Kubrick said as the sound of his footsteps got closer and closer...All whilst Sabrina tried to desperately fight off the pressure.

"Truly Admirable, he had a will of tempered steel, a body that was the same.

A Shame he wasn't born an orc. If he was he would have been far stronger than even me."

'Fight it...FIGHT IT.'

Kubrick spoke, and Sabrina thought in her mind, raising her mana, trying so desperately to fight this pressure off.

She tried and tried...her mana flared...a hidden rage awakening.

And then it happened...


Thunder was heard...golden mana flared from her body...And lightning was born.


A large bolt of lightning was launched straight at Kubrick's face...and Sabrina could finally stand back up as the mana that covered her slowly start to change color.

From a bright and golden an abyssal black.


And then, Black lightning erupted forth from her body.

Destroying the area around...she had just done a feat that even elven magic prodigies found hard to do.

The combination of two different, contrasting elements.

Lightning...and Darkness.


[Alan Peccator PoV]

... I can't move...

My guts are spilling spine that stopped the axe when my flesh could not is cracking...

Stand up...


I can hear the sound of thunder.

I tried to hand did not move.

I tried to legs did not move.



The aura that has attacked me is stopping the power of the Pheonix.

I cannot eyes are filled with blood...I cannot jaw is gone...

Heal, please...My body please heal.


The sound of thunder is weakening...

And I still cannot move.

Oh, Mighty this the extent of your powers?

To lose to the aura of an orc?

I know it isn't...I know it is because of my weak bloodline concentration...

I plead....please show your blood that contains the the might of a being that clashed with the king of chaos dragons, The being that had a seat at the council of Godbeasts.

Please...hear me and heal me.

Please...let me fight up.



Mend, my flesh...fight off this aura with your golden aura...and make me stand up.

[The Blood of the phoenix is getting stronger.]

[Your Bloodline concentration has increased.]

With this golden aura...that mends my flesh..that signifies the birth of a phoenix...make me rise... fight.



Kubrick fought off the black lightning as he made his way toward Sabrina.

A storm of black lighting covered him as he made his way to the genius of magic.

His aura fought it off, the black lightning trying so desperately to break through but failing mostly.

'An Elven genius would find it hard to do so, but this human did it at her age...'

He thought as he now realized why these humans had so many points on their heads.

And regret came to him....if only they were not human.

If only these two geniuses were born as orcs or elves...they would have achieved so much and would have been provided much more guidance and Protection.

Such a shame that he is forced to kill them for his freedom.

He grabbed Sabrina with his hand, his hand large enough to grab her entire body...and he slowly crushed it...making sure that she could not breathe.

Sabrina tried to elctrocute Kubrick...but to no avail.


Kubrick said as he gripped harder.

Sabrina struggled to breathe...and just as she was about to pass out... both her and Kubrick saw a golden light.

Kubrick's eyes widened and Sabrina showed a faint smile.


'...I knew he wouldn't die that easily...'

They thought respectively as they saw Alan fucking Peccator rise up.

Slowly...his body was shrouded by a golden his flesh mended and his eyes began to glow blue.

Kubrick dropped Sabrina, and raised his axe to fight again...finally feeling threatened.

A golden light engulfed him, a fire that burned him and in front of his very eyes, Alan Peccator began to transform...a pair of golden wings of fire appearing on his back, his body beginning to glow a bright blue and growing larger.

Scales appeared on his body, a tail formed, and then roar was heard.


and in front of both Sabrina and Kubrick, a Draconian with white-blue scales appeared, a draconian with golden wings of fire appeared.

A body of similar size to Kubrick, Charged at the orc.

And Kubrick met this challenge head on.


A/N;Short chapter cuz I am sick...

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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