The Over-Break System

Chapter 486 R-1 Swarm (4)

[Sigh, you'd think they would have used stronger monsters, but no ~ they just had to start us off with the weakest of the weak!] Slashing at the air with both Kodachi, Cynrik finished off his batch of Chimeras from Wave-3 with minimal effort.

-You have Killed three Level 5 Initial Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 300,000 XP.-

-Your Faction Member Brance Jetlensr has Killed three Level 6 Initial Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 360,000 XP.-

-You have completed Wave Three of the Egress Break.-

-Wave Four is now beginning; eight Early Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian) have breached the Egress Barrier.-

[Hey, I thought the number of Chimeras was supposed to increase by two times. Why were there only six on Wave three? Shouldn't it have been eight?] Brance asked with concern while channeling a sharp gust of Wind Mana to clear the viscera off his shields.

[Tsk, I thought I was the brother bad at math, Brancie. Tell me, little brother, what is two times three?] Rolling his eyes and watching as the next Wave kicked off, Cynrik quizzed.

[Six, oh…I see what is happening; it's the wave number times two. Got it, WAIT. Doesn't that mean by the time we get to wave twenty-one, there will only be forty-two of them?] With his eyes widening slightly, Brance looked away from the incoming Chimera and stared at Cynrik.

[Che, yeah, but you forget the power scaling. We are on Wave Four, and they have already reached Early Tier-3, meaning they should be around levels 10-15. That's a decent jump in allocated stat points.] Hearing his brother talking down on the later waves so easily, Cynrik scoffed loudly.

**For those wondering, here. TIER-3 Initial:0-9, Early:10-24, Mid:25-39, Late:40-49, Peak:50**

[Brance, what Wave do you estimate these Chimeras will stop coming out of the Gate as Tier-3?] After saying this, Cynrik kicked off the ground and moved to meet the incoming four creatures who had separated from the pack and were charging in his direction.

[Uh, hm, if they keep increasing by classification every 3-4 gates, then it should be around…fuck, Wave 20.] Bringing up his shield, Brance expertly deflected a swatting downward claw strike from the first creature to arrive and upper-cut it with his second shield, shattering its jaw and causing the Chimera to do half a backflip as it was flung away.

-Your Faction Member Brance Jetlensr has Killed a Level 10 Early Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 200,000 XP.-

[Well, to be more exact, the boss that comes out on Wave 20 will be Initial Tier-4. After defeating it, the Egress will expel twenty-two Initial Tier-4 creatures. Usually, I would chastise you for not knowing this, but seeing as most teams never make it past Wave 12-14, I don't really expect you to know what happens in the later Waves.]

Crouching down while he spoke, Cynrik bounced to the right and avoided one of the creatures before spinning in the air and hacking off both the front legs with a swift slash of both Kodachi.

On the way down, Cynrik reversed the grip on his left-handed Kodachi and stabbed it into the skull of a second Chimera, instantly killing it as he penetrated its brain and lower jaw.

-You have Killed a Level 10 Early Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 200,000 XP.-

It only took three minutes for Cynrik and Brance to finish Wave Four and move on to Wave Five, which spawned 10 Level 12 Chimeras. Upon completing the Wave, Cynrik frowned and motioned for Brance to move up and get closer to the Egress Gate.

[Are you sure? I thought we were doing fine with wasting time by having them come to us.] Brance questioned while still following the order and slowly walking away from his initial spawn point.

[Un, although I would like to run down the clock, there isn't much point in doing so. Based on my observation of those two dickheads from Romeoville, they should still be on Wave Two.] With a flick of his wrist, Cynrik spun both Kodachi before resetting his grip and dropping his arms. He then began reducing the distance between himself and the Egress from One Kilometer to about a quarter of a Kilometer, or 250 meters. *820 feet*

[How far do you think they will make it?] Stepping up and defending against a triple-pronged attack from three of the five creatures, Brance asked.

[They should be eliminated after the first boss fight on Wave 10. I don't see the two of them being able to handle twenty-two Mid-Tier-3 opponents. When I looked at their Mana Signatures, I estimated they were on the high end of Mid-Tier-3, approaching the Late Class. So, twenty-two opponents will overwhelm them.] Finishing his statement, Cynrik flourished his Kodachis and moved to meet the incoming Chimeras.


Meanwhile, as Cynrik and Brance made short work of each enemy, the same couldn't be said for Romeoville's Team. As Cynrik had predicted, they were just finishing up Wave Two and moving into Wave Three.

Although Derrik and Paul didn't appear tired or worried, their progress was astronomically slow compared to that of Cynrik and Brance's speed. While unknown to the two from Romeoville, this fact was world-shattering to the viewers and Commentators.

Cesar: "I...I don't even know what to say right now. From how Cynrik was boasting that no one could give him a challenge, I was inclined not to believe it. Numerous competitors had made such claims over the years, only not to deliver when push came to shove."

Visibly distraught and attempting to fill the dead air which continuously came up between him and Roni, Cesar babbled.

Roni: "VSFA has now moved on to Wave Six, leaving Romeoville in the dust as they complete Wave Three. Even more impressive, we still have yet to see the Jetlensr Brothers use a single skill. They have solely relied on physical strength and technique to defeat each creature."

Unlike her colleague, Roni's eyes were only for Cynrik, as a strange light flickered and a rosy blush crept unto her cheeks.

Cesar: "Indeed, but the question is, how far will they go? This isn't the first time we have seen competitors brute force their way through the early waves, but when that happens, they usually end up petering out when it comes time to fight the first boss."

Roni: "Oh? The brothers decided to decrease the distance between themselves and the gate, whereas Derrik and Paul pushed further back. This is an interesting development." Leaning forward on the desk, Roni watched as Cynrik jumped side to side while cleanly eviscerating his opponents.

Noticing Roni was focusing heavily on a certain competitor, Cesar narrowed his eyes and tried watching to see if there was anything peculiar about Cynrik's movements.

However, a few seconds later, Cesar was stunned by what he observed. Unlike what he expected to see from a First-year student, which was robotic attacks that followed predetermined patterns, every one of Cynrik's slashes, stabs, and movements were not only random but fluid.

This meant not only was Cynrik an expert Swordsman, borderline Master, but his positioning before attacking was so hard to read that Cesar could feel sweat beading on his forehead.

Finding himself unable to anticipate the young man's next attack, Cesar wanted to know what kind of hellacious training the youngster had been put through to come out fighting so well.

Roni wasn't much better; although she kept spewing out random information and barely saying enough to fulfill her position as a commentator, she was drawn in by the beauty of Cynrik's attacks and movement style.

The more she watched, the more she envisioned herself fighting against Cynrik, and setting aside the obvious power gap between them, she couldn't simulate a fight that ended in her getting the better of the young man, a fact that was beyond shocking to her.


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