The Over-Break System

Chapter 487 R-1 Swarm (5)

Back in the Swarm Event, Cynrik and Brance promptly finished off the final Chimera of Wave Nine, and after moving closer, each wave, the Brothers were now only 40 meters away from the massive circular Mana Construct.

Looking up at the swirling purple mass of Mana, Cynrik took a deep breath and fell into his combat stance, his actions drawing a similar reaction from Brance, who stepped forward and held up both of his shields in a defensive posture to protect himself and Cynrik.

Slowly the Mana of the Gate churned like turbulent water, and a colossal head emerged from its depths, beak first, followed by a large pair of shoulders.

[Fucking hell, that thing is big,] Cynrik murmured as he watched a Chimera three times the size of the others step through.

[It has to be like forty meters tall.] Brance said in awe with sparkling eyes.

[On your guard Brancie, due to the sheer size of this thing, I doubt it will fall in only one or two hits.] Right as Cynrik stated this, the creature let out a deafening roar and pulled itself entirely from the gate while shaking its fur like a wet dog.

The next instant, strands of red lightning peeled away from the Egress Gate and engulfed the Chimera. With each second that passed, the lightning struck the Chimera's body like a swarm of wasps, causing it to shrink slightly as its Tier and Level plummeted from Mid-Tier-4 down to the high end of Mid-Tier-3.

-Wave Ten is now beginning; A Mutated Creature Is spawning.-

-A Mid-Tier-3 Level 39 Chimera (Wolf/Avian) has breached the Egress Barrier.-

Looking up at the bloodshot double pairs of canine eyes on the Chimera's bird-shaped head, Cynrik smirked under his hood.

"Now THIS will be fun," unlike all the previous times he had spoken since entering the VR Capsule, this time he spoke aloud, mainly to continue his cocky persona for the audience watching back home.

"ROAAAAAAARRRRR!!" Catching sight of Cynrik and Brance a few tens of meters away, the Chimera unfurled its three sets of wings and rushed forward.

"Beyblade Formation Two! MOVE!" Taking a deep breath through his nostrils, Cynrik jumped backward and began channeling a combination of Fire and Wind Mana into the blades of his Kodachis.

Meanwhile, the instant Cynrik stated which formation they were using and gave the order to "move," Brance raised up his right leg, moved it forward, and slammed it into the soft ground, burying it to his knee before pushing off and tearing through the terrain.

Instantly, he was propelled forward by using his Terra Affinity to skate across the ground.

Smiling like a demon, Cynrik's eyes followed Brance as he destroyed the surrounding terrain while looping around the Chimera. It took Brance less than twenty seconds to form a complete ring around the giant creature, and when he reached the starting point, Brance lept into the air, did a flip, and executed a superhero landing.

Upon smashing back to the ground, dirt and rock kicked into the air, forming a large, raised, rocky bowl, with the Chimera trapped dead center.

"ROARRRR!" The Chimera cried as it tried to take flight, only to be smashed back into the ground due to a layer of rock and dirt locking all eight of its feet in place.

Meanwhile, as it struggled to free itself, the Chimera didn't notice a shadow appear in the sky above the bowl. This shadow was Cynrik, whose Kodachi was now bathed in Bluish Red Fire with a cyclone of Green Mana particles swirling around the flames.

'Tobs, give me the We.b Beyblade Op cover!!!' Cynrik thought as he lined himself up to begin the attack.

-Now playing "Beyblade Opening Theme: Let's Beyblade! Cover" by We.B.-

Using his Umbra Affinity to hide his presence, Cynrik started spinning slowly at first. However, thanks to his Wind Affinity, he soon became a blur of Blue, Red, and Green as he dropped down from the air and landed in the "Bey-stadium" generously provided by Brance.

"LET IT RIP!!! SPIRAL SURVIVOR!" Cynrik screamed as he burst forward like a flaming top or Beyblade and circled around the Chimera's ankles, shredding them like paper while flickering by at high speeds.

His movement was extremely unnatural; however, by manifesting a cushion of air under his feet, Cynrik reduced the friction he usually would have been subjected to and glided across the rocky surface like an ice skater.

The Chimera's roars quickly turned to cries of agony as Cynrik left nothing to chance, starting by severing the Achilles tendon of all eight legs, then moving on to its three tails, and lastly, he sliced off every one of the creature's six wings.

With a loud BOOM, the Chimera collapsed to the ground in a pool of its blood as Cynrik used the concaved shape design of the bowl and went airborne again. Only this time, he flew over the downed Chimera, broke free of his rotation, raised both Kodachi overhead, yelled, "BLAZING GIGS TEMPEST!" and came down like a meteor on Top of the Chimera's neck, lopping its head off in a single momentum-powered strike.

-You have Killed a Level 39 Mid-Tier-3 Mutated Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 780,000 XP.-

-You have completed Wave Ten of the Egress Break.-

-Wave Eleven is now beginning; Twenty-Two Mid-Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian) have breached the Egress Barrier.-

[Drop the Bey-stadium and get ready; a lot of enemies are inbound. Skills are available but use them sporadically.]Using the Chimera's corpse as a springboard, which shattered into particles upon contact, Cynrik ran up the edge of the bowl like a ramp. Upon reaching the top, he jumped over the lip and glided away from the Mana construct.

Then, in mid-air, he spun around and watched the Bey-stadium crack and collapse into rubble, revealing a horde of Chimera 1/4th the size of the one he just killed.

[These guys are all Top of the Mid-Tier spectrum; the next batch will be Late class, so be ready.] Landing softly on the grass beside Brance, Cynrik coated the outer edge of his Kodachis with Bluefire and rushed forward to meet the horde head-on.


Cesar: "WHAT IN THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" On his feet and pointing at Cynrik as if the young man was the most fearsome yet marvelous monster he had ever seen, Cesar screamed into the microphone in his right hand.


Roni: "Language, and it seems that Cynrik has not one, but Three different Affinities, Dark as we already knew, Fire, and Wind. Then, there's Brance, who seems to have a Terra Affinity on top of his Light Affinity." Catching her colleague by the back of his suit collar, Roni flung Cesar over her shoulder and across the room, where he crashed into a stack of luggage cases, creating a loud BANG.

Half a beat later, Cesar appeared back in his seat, and if you ignored his messy hair, you wouldn't know he had just been thrown across the room like a stuffed toy.

Cesar: "Those two skills he used, those are unlike any I have ever heard of; also, that name, Beyblade, is new terminology to me. Back to the skills, though, if you listened carefully, Cynrik called out two names while unleashing two very different attacks." Cesar Analysed, leaving Roni to jump in and continue his train of thought.

Roni: "The first is in two parts, starting with the phrase, [Let it Rip,] which is followed by [Spiral Survivor], although I've never heard of this skill, it appears to cause a controlled spin similar to the Warriors Skill, [Whirlwind]."

Roni: "As for the second, it seems to be called [Blazing Gigs Tempest], right now we have no further information, but I am sure we can draw Cynrik back in for another interview, where we can have him clarify if these two attacks are Skills or techniques."


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