The Over-Break System

Chapter 485 R-1 Swarm (3)

-Now playing "DBZ – Vegeta and Goku Train Together" by Saiyan Enigma.-

The synthetic and familiar song started slowly, and as it did, Cynrik felt himself slipping into a half-sleeping state before he opened his eyes and found himself in a vast prairie, where the sky was dark, and a storm was brewing high above.

Off in the distance, he spotted a large purple circular Mana Construct gate, with red lightning flickering around it menacingly, a sign that it was about to "break," allowing all manner of creatures to storm out to wreak havoc.

"Sheesh, a Purple Alpha, that's annoying." Cynrik chirped, bringing his arms down by his side and swapping into his combat gear. Not even a full second later, he was decked out in black leather armor, with both swords and Assassins tools equipped.

Turning his head and looking at Brance, Cynrik shrugged his shoulders and chuckled as if to say, "well, let's get this over with," and pulled up his hood as a roar resounded from the Egress Gate.

Beside him, Brance had swapped into his plate armor and was already holding both tear-shaped shields by his sides.

-A nearby Purple Egress has become severely unstable!-

-A significant reduction in the stability of this Egresses Barrier has allowed creatures inside to break through unhindered and enter your world.-

-Due to the suppression exerted by Vinestra's World Will, the creatures that breach the Egress will see a reduction in their power and Tier.-

-Wave One is now beginning; two Initial Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian) have breached the Egress Barrier.-

[Well, now, isn't that a surprise? Not only is there a World Will, but it reduces the strength of whatever comes out of the Egress; gotta remember that in the future.] Raising an eyebrow, Cynrik thought aloud in the mind link while observing the hulking behemoth bird-wolves fumbling about as they left the Egress and locked on to him and Brance.

[Damn, those are some ugly mother fuckers, amirite Brancie?] Calmly turning his body and facing Brance, Cynrik angled himself, so his right shoulder was facing the Egress.

[Eh? I don't know; they look kind of cute to me. I mean a woof's body with six legs, two tails, four wings, and a big ass bird head. I wouldn't mind having one as a pet.] Brance stated while mimicking Cynrik's stance and facing his brother, making his left shoulder point at the creatures as they half skipped, half ran the one-kilometer distance toward them.

[Woof? Did you just say Woof?] Cynrik asked with his face contorting in disgust.

[Ugh, fucking hell, not this shit again, Yes Cyn, I said Woof, get over yourself. You'd think after 30+ years, you'd stop correcting me every time I say a fucking word wrong!]

[No, nono, you don't escape this one that easily. I can't believe you still say Woof. I thought I broke you of that a long time ago. Tsk, you remind me of Earth Dad, who had a whole slew of incorrect vocabulary. Half a kilometer.]

[Come off it, Cyn, seriously, I say woof, and I'm sure there are numerous words I fuck up. I know it's "wolf," but I say it too fast sometimes; English isn't an easy language.] Brance countered while monitoring the approaching 12-meter tall, 15-meter long four-winged creature out of the corner of his eye.

[Invalid argument, just because we speak English naturally to each other, doesn't mean [Language Proficiency] stops working. You are purposely saying Woof instead of Wolf. Quarter kilometer.]

[I swear, I'm not, it's a fucking speech impediment Cynrik, christ, just let it go.] Rolling his eyes, Brance caught sight of the chimera only a few meters away and calmly tilted his head at an angle and back to stare it down.

Noticing his younger brother's posture, Cynrik followed suit, giving the appearance that the brothers were moving as a single person; then, in a blink of an eye, the moment the two creatures entered range, the two moved.

Bringing up his right arm, Brance punched out, creating a rippling effect as his arm tore through the air before connecting with the creature's massive bird head. The reaction was immediate; just like a particular Anime Hero who has an affinity for red gloves, Brance turned the creature into a red mist of gore with a single punch.

Meanwhile, Cynrik lazily unsheathed his kodachi and, with a single flourish, shredded the creature into hundreds of neat chunks of flesh, killing it just as quickly as Brance had his.

Then, with a flick and spin, Cynrik cleaned the blood and goo off his weapons before resheathing them before the first notifications could come through.

-Your Faction Member Brance Jetlensr has Killed a Level 2 Initial Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 40,000 XP.-

-You have Killed a Level 3 Initial Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 60,000 XP.-

-You have completed Wave One of the Egress Break.-

-Wave Two is now beginning; four Initial Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian) have breached the Egress Barrier.-

[Calm down, OPM; I should have picked that OST instead of a DBZ cover.] Fighting back laughter internally, Cynrik eyed Brance as he popped his neck loudly.

[Hey now, you were the one who said to conserve energy. It was easier to punch it than smack it with my shield.] Rolling his eyes, Brance caught sight of the four newly spawned chimeras running at them at full speed.

[True, so do I mark that down as one point each, or are we writing it off because of how easy killing them is?]

[Don't you dare write it off; the score is one to one, and the brother to come out of this with the least amount of points forfeits dessert for a week.] Understanding that, as usual, Cynrik was turning things into a competition, Brance quickly laid down the challenge.

[One to One it is then, gets ready to hand over your snacks, Brancie hehe, when I win, Vii and Sie will get all the good things.] Monitoring the approaching creatures, Cynrik didn't move and stayed in the same stance, facing Brance and keeping the chimeras on his right side.

[How selfless of you; I suppose I'll give all your snacks to Milo then.]

[Tsk, bold of you to assume you'll be winning, Brancie. Aren't you forgetting about your girlfriend? If you win, Milo only gets the snacks if Gabby doesn't intercept them first.]


Meanwhile, as the brothers were bantering, everyone watching the event was shell-shocked at what they had just witnessed, none more so than the two commentators.

Cesar was a babbling, incoherent mess, and Roni wasn't much better, with her mouth hung open for everyone to see her pink tongue wiggling back and forth.

The commentators robotically turned and looked over at the live feed projecting Romeoville and saw that Derrek and Paul were in a full-scaled fight with their first two chimeras. Yet, when they turned to look at Cynrik and Brance, they were astounded to see them effortlessly dispatch their creatures with a single attack before returning to their intimidating poses.

Cesar: "Roni, what in the flying hell did we just see?"

Roni: "*Gulp,* If you don't know, who am I supposed to ask, Cesar?"

Cesar: "Folks watching from home, I don't know how to put this into proper words, but it seems we have GREATLY underestimated Cynrik and Brance Jetlensr. Unlike the two students from Romeoville, who appear to be putting in quite a bit of effort to kill their chimeras, the Jetlensr Brothers had absolutely no trouble killing them off with a single attack."


Back in the Pinhurst mansion, Cinyah was on her feet, with Rikard attempting to drag her back down to the couch as she screamed at the HoloTv.

"YEAHHH!!! THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT BOYS! SHOW THOSE ASSHOLES HOW IT'S DONE!" Cinyah roared as she waved a small flag in each hand, one with Brance's face and the other with Cynrik's.


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