The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 272 - 272 Tea (4)

272 Tea (4)

“I don’t understand,” Emma replied.

Hazel almost rolled her eyes because Emma did not understand what was clearly explained. “She’s not going to ambush her husband with someone from the past who he does not get along with. You must not know Edgar Collins that well so I will tell you he’s not going to be around someone he doesn’t like for too long. He always looks for an escape. Has your fiance stated he wants to rekindle his friendship with the Duke?”

“No, but it looks that way. I am hoping it-”

“What will it do for you honestly?” Eleanor entered the conversation as she felt Emma needed a reality check. Forcing two men to become friends again wouldn’t help her become closer to her fiance. “You know this can backfire right? Your fiance can get angry with you for trying to make him speak with the Duke. Instead of making the two men meet, ask the married women at the table how to get closer to your fiance.”

Eleanor didn’t see why people liked to go the hard route to trouble themselves. So many married women were in the room. Some were once in Emma’s position of trying to make their partner like them and some are still in that position though they are married. The latter could help Emma open her eyes to wanting something more.

“I’d be happy to offer advice,” Hazel said.

“I will,” Alessandra stated though she wasn’t sure how helpful it would be. She had not done anything on purpose to make Edgar have feelings for her. It had happened naturally.

“Really?” Emma sat up in her chair. “Well, we’ve been spending time together thanks to our parents but I am always the only one trying. He just gives a short response. What can I do to make him open up to me? I want him to feel what I already feel. What was your experience, your highness?”

“I have to say the bad thing about arranged marriages is how long it might take for the two people to click. It is rare these days that the couple falls in love quickly. Throughout the selection process for the future queen, Tobias and I enjoyed the time assigned to us so I had feelings for him. He also admitted to having feelings for me right before I was chosen as queen. I got to know past him being the future king. Have you ever asked Oliver about his work or hobbies?” Hazel asked.


“No, I normally ask what my mother told me to. About the weather or what he wants for the wedding. I already know he is a guard so what more is there to ask?” Emma trailed off. She wasn’t that interested in his job but she wouldn’t mind finding out about his hobbies. Then she would make them her own and they would have something to bond over.

“So you really have not been getting to know him,” Eleanor sighed, already bored of this conversation. She might murder her father if he were to ever trouble her with an arranged marriage.

“Eleanor,” Emma forced a smile. “I don’t think you should be taking part in this conversation since you are not engaged or married.”

“Says who?” Eleanor replied.

“You’re getting married?” Hazel asked as this was news to her.

“Well no. No one at this table knows me well enough to know my business. I could get married in secret and pop out with a ring. That is how private I like to be,” said Eleanor.

“Please,” Emma rolled her eyes. “You mean you don’t have friends to share anything with. I’m curious how the daughter of someone who owns a place that sells women’s innocence is seated at this table, let alone inside the palace. It does not suit someone like you.”

Eleanor wasn’t offended by Emma’s words. Instead, she regretted wanting the girl to stand up for herself as it was now clear the innocent image Emma had was a lie. The girl carried that same annoying judgemental wanting to fit in personality as the other birds in the room.

“No matter how much all of you mention my father’s business it won’t upset me. As for not sharing anything, I choose not to go around telling everyone my business as you do so I am not handing them a knife to stab in my back later. Do not concern yourself with how I am here. You should focus on not pissing me off because I know a lot of secrets,” Eleanor said, secretly wishing Emma would say something else.

“Umm, I think we should talk about something else,” Alessandra spoke up to stop another argument from happening, and then a second person would have to leave their table. “Would you like some tea, Heather? The one Hazel gave me is nice.”

“Yes thank you,” Heather accepted. She was so wrapped up in what was being said at the table that she had not looked for something to drink or eat.

“Good afternoon,” a maid came to the center of the room. “As always, parts of the palace have been marked for you to wander if you want to talk and walk around. There will be maids around to offer you drinks and pastries on the outside. Please do not go outside of the pink ribbons tied around the palace halls. You can stay inside this room if you want to. Please enjoy your time in the palace.”

“Finally, we do not need to be cooped up at this table. Alessandra, Eleanor, Heather, and Emma,” Hazel reluctantly said Emma’s name.

Hazel liked Emma but she felt she would enjoy her time with Eleanor more and with the two women starting to not like each other, Hazel would have to separate them. She just knew it would be rude as queen to suddenly dismiss Emma so she was bringing her along. The same couldn’t be said for the other women at the table who were silent this entire time. Hazel forgot they were even there until she looked around.

“I hope you will all join me to stretch our legs. No more fighting please or I will respectfully have to send you away from my side,” Hazel said, specifically to Eleanor and Emma. “Come along, Duchess. Hopefully, we run into your husband so that I can see if he is glowing too.”

Alessandra blushed, realizing Hazel was aware something happened between her and Edgar. Was it honestly that obvious? She had covered all of his marks and wasn’t acting odd. At least she didn’t think she was.

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