The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 273 - 273 Visitors (1)

273 Visitors (1)

“James, why is the carriage out front of the house? Is Kate going somewhere or is it the old bat? Please tell me Greta has finally decided to get the hell out of town. I can no longer handle that woman judging everything and trying to boss me around all for a little bit of money,” said Katrina.

“I am leaving mother,” Kate happily announced as she neared the front door where her mother and the butler were standing. “You should be happy to know that things are going well with Simon. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the man proposes to me soon. He’s invited me to a private gathering with his friends. It takes away from not being invited to the palace with all the other girls. Goodbye, mother.”

“Kate,” Katrina stopped her daughter before she could leave. She was happy to hear things were going well between Kate and Simon but she felt the need to intervene so Simon would not slip through Kate’s fingers like Edgar did. “I need you to step your game up past being his little date everywhere. Someone else can still catch his eyes. Remember he does not belong to you until you both say I do.”

Kate felt slightly discouraged as if all her efforts weren’t enough. She had made it quite clear to the other young women that Simon was off-limit now that he was courting her. Someone would have a death wish to mess with her plans to marry him. “What can I do, mother?” Kate asked, open to help from her mother.

“Tell him you are curious about his home and if he takes you, find a way to spend the night. Do not give yourself to him but tempt him enough to want you. There are other girls ready to jump into his bed to have him. You have to play into seducing him Kate,” said Katrina.

She would have told Kate to sleep with him in hopes of getting pregnant but since Simon already liked Kate and Katrina didn’t need any more gossip about the family, she decided against it. This way suited her when she wanted to trap Desmond. It was an excellent ploy to claim to be pregnant only to actually get pregnant later on once Desmond brought her into his home after the first wife ran away.

James didn’t see this to be a good idea but kept silent. They didn’t know Simon that well and there was no one to watch over Kate while she was alone with this man but Katrina was impatient to get Kate married. He knew how upset she was by the fact Alessandra had long married before Kate and Kate did not receive any new proposals.

“Mother, I will find a way to have a ring by the end of the week. If someone as boring as Lila can get married, why can’t I? Though men with hardly any wealth are easy to marry. That is why I shouldn’t feel jealous of her. Poor thing will be begging for money in no time,” Kate chuckled, wanting to see Lila’s marriage crumble before it could start.

“Lila is getting married?” Katrina with a hint of surprise in her tone. She always found the girl to be boring to look at. “Her parents must have gotten tired and pushed her into the arms of the first man who proposed. A girl like that couldn’t have many prospects. Still, it must have been fun for them to watch you have no new proposals.”


Katrina was now angered by how many proposals Kate had lucked out on. She had been the most sought girl this season but since her eyes were glued to Edgar, they had rejected all. Now those men were chasing after some other young girl and Kate has to hold onto Simon or she would have to wait a while longer to get married. It would be embarrassing for Kate.

“I thought I would have snagged Edgar and it is partially your fault for not throwing a party or letting me attend enough parties to advertise that I am looking for a husband. You also need to step your game up mother. You have to play the role of both parents now that my father is not here to introduce me to young men he knows. We all have things to work on but make no mistake I will wed soon,” said Kate.

She was working hard to rise up to where Alessandra was and teach the girl a lesson. Alessandra looked down on her yesterday when Simon was talking but that would never happen again. Kate could never let go of Alessandra stealing what belonged to her no matter how cruel Edgar was turning out to be. The dresses, the jewelry, the status, relationship with royalty were all suited for Kate.

‘I should take off that mask and show the people why she should go back into hiding. Or maybe,’ Kate smile as she exited the home. ‘Rumors of her being cursed should resurface.’

This time, Kate would not be caught as easily as her mother was. She would prove she was far smarter than anyone thought. She helped to spread Alessandra was cursed in the past so it wasn’t a hard task for her to accomplish. She only needed to find a way to knock off Alessandra’s mask.

“That girl is finally growing up and will make me proud soon enough. A marriage to a man like Simon will be the end of our problems. If not for the stupid rule from Desmond’s mother, I would consider getting married again but this time aiming for a higher status. I suppose I shouldn’t be so greedy since I have,” Katrina paused, realizing James was still present. “Close the door-wait. Who is that?” Katrina asked, looking out at the gates where men on horses were coming in.

James squinted his eyes to get a good look at the visitors and was stunned when he noticed the uniform they wore. “They are the men from the court, Baroness.”

“From court? Invite them in. I hope they’ve come to tell me there is some money to be given to me since Desmond is dead,” said Katrina.

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