The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 271 - 271 Tea (3)

271 Tea (3)

Heather was reluctant to join Alessandra but seeing as she was the only person offering a seat, she had no choice but to accept. Luckily, the women at the table Alessandra was seated at should be civil since the queen was there.

As Heather approached the table, she saw right through Alessandra’s kindness. It must be amusing for Alessandra to see her in this state. Now Alessandra would make fun of her to join the other ladies. If not for her mother who was greatly upset with her losing Priscilla’s favor, Heather would not be attending this gathering.

Heather’s mother had ultimately taken Priscilla’s side in the matter, not wanting the long friendship to end and for Priscilla to exclude her. Heather desperately wanted to go back to White town since Pricilla’s influence there wouldn’t be this cutthroat and she would be able to relax. Unfortunately, her mother was forcing her to be social, and with her father not present, she had no to go against her mother.

“Good afternoon,” Heather greeted the table as she sat down. Once receiving numerous compliments and warm smiles in the past she was met with mumbling and others avoiding her gaze. This was why she wished she was never wrapped up in Priscilla’s plans for Edgar.

For years Heather saw what it was like for someone to be made an outcast by Priscilla and always tried her best to be obedient. She had two tasks when it came to Priscilla. One, visit her regularly to keep her entertained and two, win Edgar’s affection.

“Good afternoon,” Alessandra loudly greeted Heather instead of using a hushed tone like the others. “Thank you,” she accepted the tea from Hazel.

‘I can’t blame her,” Heather thought as she watched Alessandra.

At first, she had been angry with Alessandra for waltzing into Edgar’s life and upsetting Priscilla. Life was easy when there weren’t any women around Edgar but then Edgar was suddenly married and Priscilla made Heather travel out of town to ruin it. Heather wanted to blame Alessandra but she could not. It would be childish. Instead, she was glad everything worked out this way. She was free of Priscilla. She only needed to get used to the bullying.

“How have you been Heather?” Alessandra asked, attempting to break the silence and awkwardness at the table.


“I have been doing well Duchess. I hope you and the Duke are having a happy marriage. I must apologize for the way we met,” said Heather.

Alessandra smiled, not upset with what was in the past. Besides, she could tell Priscilla dragged her there. “It is in the past. I,” she paused not knowing what else to speak about with Heather. Should she ask if she was alright with what was going on with Priscilla? Talk about the weather or dresses?

“How did you fall out of Priscilla’s good graces? You had many young women envying you. I am curious how you have angered her. I want to avoid doing the same in the future,” said Emma.

Alessandra started to realize something else about Emma that would make them never click. “We should talk about something else-”

“Duchess,” Emma stopped Alessandra. “You should be curious too since it is your mother-in-law. What if Heather did something bad to her and you regret being nice to her? I am also trying to protect you from being an outcast along with Heather since I like you.”

“Emma, I am already an outcast to the women here, and neither my title nor husband matters. It is not a good feeling to be an outcast. Bullied and treated like dirt by others. I don’t want to be a person who turns blind to anyone being made fun of or taunted. And to anyone looking to use me to get close to Priscilla, she doesn’t like me so I guess you should treat me the same as Heather. I don’t have to be curious now right?” Alessandra asked Emma.

Emma opened her mouth to speak but didn’t know what to say. Priscilla had been silent these days so she wasn’t aware that the woman did not like Alessandra. Still, Emma wanted to be close to Alessandra because of her plan for Oliver.

“Priscilla does not like me either so anyone looking for her favor should leave the table now,” Hazel said, jumping into the mix to join the not liked by Priscilla club.

Eleanor raised her hand. “I have been close to her but I am raising my hand to be a part of the fun and I don’t mind Heather sitting here. We all know that Priscilla was vocal in wanting Heather to be her daughter-in-law. Let’s put two and two together since the Duke is now married she no longer finds Heather useful. Seems like Priscilla is someone to avoid if you ask me,” she muttered.

“Eleanor! Priscilla is a woman well-established in society. Look at her husband, her life, her status, and the wealth she extends with her investments. She is what all of us here want to be. I would not mind having her life. A husband who loves her and a perfect son,” Emma argued. She would give anything for her life with Oliver to turn out this way.

“I wasn’t aware you were living with Priscilla Collins,” said Eleanor.

“What?” Emma replied, not understanding why Eleanor thought she was living with Priscilla.

“You want her life but you do not know what it is like when we are not watching. For all we know, she and her husband might not love each other. She could be mean, which I think she is for letting you all gang up on someone close to her. Some role model,” Eleanor said, taking a sip of her tea.

“What is your problem with her? Did she turn you away? Only girls who lost her favor speak negatively about her,” said Emma.

“Ha!” Eleanor almost spit out her tea. “Me? Looking to be on her good side? Sweetheart, never in this life or any other. All of you act like mean-spirited older ladies are the only ones who can take you under their wings. There are nice women that can teach you something and not need you to kiss their ass to be around them.”

Hazel raised her cup of tea agreeing with Eleanor’s every word. Why did all the young women entering society want to become Priscilla’s puppets?

“I don’t want to speak to you anymore, Eleanor. You know nothing.”

“I have long opened my eyes to the truth of the social world we are in. Just know Emma. While you are trying to question why she is here at this table, the world works quite interesting. It can be her today,” Eleanor pointed at Heather. “And you tomorrow,” she pointed at Emma.

“I will never do something stupid enough to get myself ousted from any group,” Emma declared, confident in her words.

“Really?” Eleanor mused. Emma was not aware of how much her spilling a drink on the Duchess was spreading and she was being labeled a drunkard. “I wonder which one of us will be proven wrong.”

“Thank you,” Heather whispered to Eleanor.

“Oh don’t thank me. It wasn’t my intention to defend you. I just happen to like drama and shutting up others. It is the most exhilarating thing to do,” Eleanor said as she traced her fingers along the rim of her cup.

“You have always been known to stand up for those being picked on, Eleanor. Don’t try to act all cool now,” Hazel said, enjoying what Eleanor was adding to the table. She made a mental note to invite Eleanor to the palace again. No, it was better for Alessandra to invite Eleanor to her party.

“I am cool,” Eleanor said as a matter of fact. “Fine, I can’t resist helping those that are shy or don’t know how to defend themselves. That is why I was rooting for you Emma but you are just like the others.”

Emma wanted to ask what Eleanor meant by that but stopped as she did not want to continue arguing. Instead, she turned to Alessandra who had been silently drinking her tea and staying out of the conversation. “Duchess, is it alright for me to call you Alessandra in this setting?”

“It is alright,” Alessandra replied.

Emma smiled, happy to be improving their relationship. “Alessandra, how is the Duke doing?”

“He is fine. Edgar is currently in the castle. Why?”Alessandra asked.

“I was thinking of arranging a double date for the four of us. We should all get to know each other well. What do you think?”

Alessandra didn’t see that happening. “Um, Edgar is busy these days and only has time to attend important meetings or parties but I will bring it up to him. I can’t guarantee he will say yes-”

Emma cut in already having another solution.”Then what about if I pay a visit to your home and my fiance just happens to be there dropping me off? Surely the Duke wouldn’t mind spending a couple of minutes entertaining your guest-”

“Emma,” Alessandra spoke up having had enough of what Emma was trying to do. “My husband and your fiance no longer have a friendship. Just like my husband would not force me to be friends with certain ladies, I am not going to plot for him to be friends with your husband again. Please stop pushing for it as it will not help your problem.”

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