The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 251 - 251 All in one room (5)

251 All in one room (5)

“She is inside washing her face. You can go in if you want to. No, you should go in,” Alessandra changed her words since Oliver was the only person who could rest Emma’s mind.

“Why is it always the two of you?” Oliver glared at Alessandra. It was bad enough Edgar was aware of his secret affairs but now his wife was too. “Am I supposed to believe this is a coincidence just like at the ball?”

Alessandra didn’t see why each time she was around Oliver he would glare at her. She was married to someone he hated or perhaps still liked but she had nothing to do with whatever was going on between the two ex-friends.

“I’d also like it if your problems weren’t always before us. Your life is not that intriguing for me to be going around trying to get in the mix of it. Your fiance spilled her drink on my wife’s dress. She was drunk and taken to the bathroom. As a town guard, you should be glad someone took care of her. As her fiance, you should be thanking my wife,” Edgar said.

Just like Alessandra, he noticed how Oliver was glaring at her. Truthfully, Oliver should not have a problem with either of them. Alessandra didn’t know Oliver and Oliver only hated Edgar for not having the same feelings as him.

Oliver felt the need to punch the wall once more. He hated the sight of Edgar which was why he wanted the man to be tossed into jail so he would never see him again. He wished he could turn back time and avoid being friends with Edgar in the past. Then he would be normal and wouldn’t have so many secrets.

“Oliver, stop fucking glaring at my wife. I’m trying to be civil and let her enjoy this party. Instead of punching walls, you should check on the young woman inside-”

“I don’t take your advice, Edgar. Just mind your own business. Move,”‘ Oliver commanded Edgar and Alessandra as they blocked his path to enter the bathroom. Of all people, why did Emma have to spill a drink on Edgar’s wife?

Alessandra touched Edgar’s arm and said, “Let’s go, Edgar. I don’t want to stay here any longer.”


Oliver’s anger was too much and it wouldn’t be long before someone stumbled upon them. Edgar was calm at the moment but it wouldn’t be long before he considered doing something to Oliver.

‘He truly needs to get rid of this unnecessary anger,’ Alessandra thought about Oliver.

It wasn’t right how he blew up at Edgar whenever they crossed paths because Edgar did not share the same feelings as him. You could not force anyone to return feelings. If Oliver could stop being angry with Edgar all for nothing Alessandra felt like the two could become friends again. Edgar did not seem like he had completely thrown away the friendship and was only angry that Oliver kept meddling in his life.

Edgar decided to walk away since Oliver wasn’t worth the time or energy. He focused on Alessandra instead of the fuming man and held her hand to lead her back to the party.

“You must be ecstatic that no one has any leads for who killed your maid. Once again, you used your connections to get away with murder. I won’t give up until I find out what really happened to that maid. Whether it was you or your mother,” Oliver declared as the couple walked away.

He furrowed his brows when he heard Edgar laughing at him as he walked away. What was so funny? Did Edgar truly think he was not capable of solving the case?

Alessandra looked back at Oliver, feeling sorry for him. If only he could be honest about his feelings but many people would judge him if word of his preference got out. Perhaps he thought everything would have been better if Edgar was just like him. He had no one to turn to other than the man they saw him with at the ball but their relationship did not seem too good.

“I feel bad for him,” Alessandra said to Edgar.

Edgar rolled his eyes, highly annoyed with Alessandra’s words. “Do not. He is not a little boy anymore and it is time for him to live his life the way he wants. Oliver needs to stop fearing his father and tell the truth. I warned him not to continue with this marriage as Emma and the man he is seeing will get hurt. Clearly, he intends to continue until the very end.”

“I suppose I should be feeling bad for Emma. Oliver will get to see his lover in private and there is nothing she can do. It is not like she can have a lover of her own. I never had the courage to go against my family until you arrived so that is why I understand and pity both of them. If he gets rid of his anger and comes to you for help, would you?” Alessandra asked.

“He’d have to beg first but I have no issue helping him. It is not that I hate him, I just find him to be annoying nowadays. He was a good friend a long time ago. I don’t want to speak of Oliver anymore,” Edgar said as the only man on her mind should be him. “Talk about me instead.”

“Not every conversation can be about you, Edgar. How many compliments do you want to receive today? I already told you that you look handsome. You are the most handsome man in the room. Are you happy?”

“I don’t enjoy the tone but I will take the compliment. I have to commend the dressmaker for a job well done on the dress you are wearing now. It is quite tempting and I might have to slice off a few heads today,” Edgar stopped right before they would go back out to join the party.

Alessandra looked off to the side to hide her face. “You are forgetting that people look away from me because they think I am cursed. Our marriage has not yet changed that. You are the only person who desires me this way.”

“I am the only person that should be desiring you as I am your husband but unfortunately, times are changing,” said Edgar.

When they entered the party he had noticed some of the stares Alessandra received from men. She was hiding half of her face but the other half was still beautiful despite what Alessandra saw. With the weight she had been gaining plus Erin making dresses that suited Alessandra perfectly, her body was gaining a lot of attention.

Women would care to gossip about her being cursed more than men. Men will care more to lust for Alessandra in secret. Once Alessandra was comfortable enough to attend parties without her mask, Edgar knew she would gain more attention which he would hate. It was only a matter of time before people stopped caring about old rumors and women would be jealous of the woman Alessandra was blossoming to be.

Alessandra didn’t believe that but as a man, Edgar was bound to notice things she did not. “You have no reason to be upset with their stares. I am with you,” she said.

Edgar leaned close to Alessandra to whisper in her right ear, “Unless they get touchy, I am not upset with them. I want them to be jealous of me. I am the one who has the pleasure of taking off this dress tonight.”

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