The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 252 - 252 Fighting back (1)

252 Fighting back (1)

Edgar was pleasantly surprised that Alessandra had not rejected the fact he would be taking off the dress when they returned home. Normally Sally would rush to the room to help Alessandra but it seemed his wife wanted otherwise tonight. He was only teasing her but he would turn away a golden opportunity.

Edgar was now more interested in returning home than taking part in the party though they had not been here for long.

“We should return to the party before others start to wonder where you are and more people find out about Emma,” Alessandra said, stepping away from Edgar to go back into the party area first. She felt hot but it wasn’t the heated room making her this way.

Once again, Edgar wished Alessandra knew that her running away would always entice him. For now, he would be on his best behavior and hold out until they returned home.

They both returned to the party and by this time, Hazel and Tobias had arrived so everyone was focusing on the royal duo.

“Edgar!” Tobias called out to Edgar as soon as he spotted his friend. He took Hazel’s hand and gracefully walked over to Edgar and Alessandra. “Where are you two coming from? A little quick one in the bathroom? I remember those good days where-”

Hazel stepped on Tobias’ shoes to close his big mouth. Why would he bring up something like that now when many eyes were on them?

Tobias paid no attention to the heel pressing down on his shoe. There was nothing wrong with a little pain. In fact, Hazel’s angry side always got him horny. “Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was going to say that I remember the days when I couldn’t stay away from my wife during the early days of our marriage. You young folk have it nice.”

“We’re the same age, you idiot,” Edgar rolled his eyes. Matter of fact, he was older than Tobias by two weeks.


Hazel ignored what the two men were talking about and decided to focus on the most important person here. “Alessandra, it has been so long since I have seen you. Did you enjoy your trip out of town? What was it like?”

“It was fun. The weird weather ruined some parts of it but I still enjoyed myself and I met some of Edgar’s family. Have you been well?” Alessandra asked.

Hazel took a deep breath as she thought about the past week. “Life has been hectic. The winter ball to celebrate Tobias’s birthday is always stressful. I don’t know why he threw a ball a few weeks ago when the winter ball already requires so much attention. Then there are the lectures for me because I have not provided an heir yet. It feels nice to get out of the palace.”

Alessandra couldn’t imagine what it was like to be in Hazel’s place. Rose and Alfred were awaiting an heir so they could raise the child and just enjoy its company but they would not be as demanding as the people in the palace. As Hazel was queen, she would be reminded each way she turned to have an heir quickly for the sake of the kingdom.

“If you ever want to escape the palace, please come to our home. I will help take the stress away,” she offered.

Hazel smiled and seriously considered taking Alessandra up on her offer. Tobias snuck away from the palace many times to visit Edgar so why shouldn’t do the same?

“I am planning my first party at our home and will be inviting young ladies only to attend. Once the list has been completed, I will send out the invitations. You are invited,” Alessandra informed Hazel. “And Linda for certain.”

“Wonderful. I am glad you are here because I wanted to personally invite you to a gathering that will take place in the palace tomorrow. I hope you are not busy as it is for young women in Lockwood. I am not the one who plans it though that is what people think. The palace has it every year to bring together young women from prominent families. As queen, I play the host. You can attend to make new friends and get an idea of who to invite to your party,” said Hazel.

To convince Alessandra to attend Hazel added, “You can stick by my side and let us not forget our plan.”

“That is the reason why I want to hold a party. I would love to attend tomorrow-”

“What plan is this? Are the two of you plotting something behind your husband’s backs?” Tobias interjected as Hazel had not mentioned a plan she had with Alessandra. She was the one to say married couples should not have secrets but here she was being all secretive.

“Stay out of our business, Tobias. Look, Linda’s grandfather is waving at you. He must want to speak with you and Edgar. Go on, I will keep Alessandra safe by my side,” Hazel shooed the two men away.

Alessandra smiled to show Edgar she would be alright. The only person they had to be concerned about was Kate but she would not do anything when she was acting like an angel before Simon. Then there was Hazel beside her so she did not need Edgar to stick beside her like glue.

“It won’t take long, lover boy,” Tobias teased Edgar. He wasn’t a fan of their marriage at first but he was starting to enjoy this new side of Edgar. ‘Oh how he has quickly eaten his words,’ he thought.

Tobias wished there was some way they could rewind to when Edgar cursed him out for mentioning marriage. ‘Now look at him. All in love and shit. Killing fathers and punching relatives. I could honestly cry for this heartless bastard. He truly does have a heart.’

Tobias placed his hand on Edgar’s shoulder as they left the two women and said, “I am proud of you, Edgar.”

Edgar smacked Tobias’s hand from touching him and replied, “Do not touch me, you weirdo”

‘Still heartless,’ Tobias cried on the inside.

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