The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 250 - 250 All in one room (4)

250 All in one room (4)

‘What are the odds she bumped into me? Is the world not tired of throwing conflict my way or is she not as drunk as she appears?’ Alessandra couldn’t help but wonder.

It was too much of a coincidence in Alessandra’s eyes that Emma bumped into her of all people. The only reason she wanted to believe it was an accident was that Emma had no reason to purposely want to bump into her and if she did, was it worth acting like she was drunk at a party like this?

Alessandra decided to put any questions she had to the side for now and just get Emma to the bathroom. She was not going to force Edgar to help her hold Emma because she wished to avoid him being wrapped up in trouble with Oliver who wanted every chance to do something to her husband because of unrequited feelings.

Alessandra and Emma followed Edgar to a bathroom. Once they reached it, Edgar remained outside to give the two some privacy.

“Please let me know if you feel like throwing up. I don’t want any to get on you or the floors. How much did you have to drink before what was in the glass spilled on me? I am not asking to have something to talk about with other women. I am not fond of gossiping about someone, especially at a moment like this when you are in need of help. I need to know so I can have Edgar find someone to take you home,” said Alessandra.

To behave like a drunkard at a party like this full of people with great titles was sure to ruin Emma’s reputation. People would distance themselves from her because she was not acting ladylike in their eyes. Then there were people like Kate who would twist the truth to ruin Emma.

“I’ve truly made a fool of myself. This is not how I wanted to meet the Duke and Duchess. Be honest with me, Duchess. As woman to woman. Is it better after the wedding? The relationship you have with the Duke I mean. Does he open his heart to you? I feel like I have been trying to make the man I am about to marry care about me but I am so desperately failing,” Emma sniffled, wiping away tears to avoid looking even more pitiful in front of Alessandra.

“I think it is different for everyone,” Alessandra answered. It wasn’t her place to share Oliver’s secret and tell Emma the reason why she found difficulty connecting with Oliver.

Alessandra couldn’t help feeling bad for Emma but it wasn’t her place to do anything. Oliver had to confess his true feelings or Emma would have to stop waiting for Oliver to try loving her. She thought their union had to be complicated since Oliver could not back out of it.


“All I ever hear is how it will get better. I don’t want to go into a marriage not knowing if things will get better. I found myself falling for him and thought naturally he would fall for me too but when we are not in front of our parents he shoves me away like I am the most disgusting thing he ever touched. I am sorry for dumping all of this on you,” Emma apologized as it wasn’t her intention to share her troubles with a woman she did not know.

Emma blamed the alcohol for making her talk so much when she was normally shy. She and Oliver had gotten into an argument not too long ago which prompted her to grab a drink. One thing led to another and it wasn’t long before the room was moving around funny.

“It is alright. Perhaps you should have a conversation with him. Getting drunk won’t find you a solution and it will only make you feel better in the moment. I will say that everyone deserves to be loved. If you think that you won’t ever receive his love, you should think of calling off the wedding. Do not stay because it is what everyone wants you to do. Follow your heart,” Alessandra advised Emma.

“If only it were that easy. Our fathers are close so if I mention calling off the wedding even for a second it won’t happen. My father would threaten to cut me off. It is up to Oliver to call it off but he is scared of his father. There is nothing I can do but hope we will one day love each other like everyone says will happen. I cannot speak to my mother because she is glad I have secured a husband before I turn eighteen,” said Emma.

Alessandra wanted to say marrying at a later age was not bad but knew her words would fall on deaf ears. Most girls got married between sixteen and eighteen. If they took too long to find a partner they would talk of the town and be less likely to find a good partner in the town’s eyes.

Alessandra was beyond those ages as she was now twenty-one and knew there were people talking about how long it took for her to get married. If the town didn’t believe in rumors so easily, it wouldn’t have taken her so long.

“I have heard Oliver’s father speak of him being friends with the Duke once before. My husband rarely talks to anyone outside of work for me to ask them for help so can you ask the Duke to try speaking to Oliver? To try seeing what he feels about me?” Emma nervously played with her fingers as Alessandra stared at her.

“This wasn’t an accident. You were trying to speak with Edgar. Listen,” Alessandra sighed as neither she nor Edgar could help Emma. “My husband and your fiancee are not on good terms. Edgar won’t be able to help you and even if he could, he does not like to meddle in things like this. I am sorry.”

Emma was devastated but she smiled to not show it. “That is alright. I’m truly sorry for spilling my drink on you. I did not purposely do that. I was just excited to have a word with your husband. I need to splash some water on my face and sober up before I make a fool of myself. Your body has been spinning for a while now and I-”

A noise coming from outside the bathroom interrupted Emma and made her look at Alessandra.

“What was that? Did your husband fall?” Emma asked. Perhaps she wasn’t the only drunk one.

“That would be your fiancee finding my husband outside the door. I will be right back,” Alessandra quickly went to the door to check on Edgar.

She opened the bathroom door and found Edgar standing with his hands in his pants pockets on one side and Oliver with a fist against a wall right behind the bathroom door. Alessandra sighed in relief that it was not Edgar who caused the noise but Oliver who punched the wall.

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