The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 249 - 249 All in one room (3)

249 All in one room (3)

“Am I missing something?” Simon looked down at Kate for an explanation for why Edgar was speaking to her with a bit of hostility in his voice.

Kate looked up at him with a pitiful expression and shook her head as if she did not know what was going on.

“Duke Collins, can I ask what is your problem with my date?” Simon decided to find out for himself since Kate didn’t know.

“No,” Edgar bluntly replied. Edgar had no reason to answer any of Simon’s questions. Why was Simon even standing before him with Kate? They weren’t friends and hardly acquaintances. Kate should have at least an ounce of common sense to know not to approach him.

“I don’t think you should get in between the relationships of two sisters. Alessandra-”

“Duchess,” Edgar corrected Simon. Simon wasn’t familiar with Alessandra to be referring to her without her title. It was disrespectful and a marquess was sure to know that. Unless Simon thought being with Kate meant they were now somehow all close.

“Right, Duchess Alessandra. I didn’t mean any harm by that mistake. As I was saying, people might think you are controlling if you get in between the Duchess and her family-”

“I am trying to figure out why you think I would care about your opinion or anyone else for the matter. Do not try to meddle in what you do not know about, Simon. I’d get to know the woman on your arm a little bit more before you worry about her relationship with my wife. I’d like to say it was nice seeing you but I hate to lie. Come, Alessandra,” Edgar tried to lead her away but Simon stepped in front of him.

“I am only getting involved because Kate has expressed to me how much she misses her sister. It seems the Duchess has not returned home since marrying you. I am not trying to be messy. I only hate to see when relatives are at odds. Where are you going?” Simon asked after Edgar and Alessandra walked around him.


Kate clung to Simon feeling grateful he was fighting against Edgar for her. ‘He’s so gullible,’ she thought. A few tears and sweet smiles were all it took for him to already be in the palm of her hands. She was learning from her mistakes with Edgar and would have a wedding by the end of winter.

“The Duchess hardly said a word. I’ve been waiting to meet her but this meeting was a letdown. Why does she wear a mask?” Simon asked.

“Well ugh,” Kate paused to lick her lips. She was not expecting this question right now. Kate shrugged her shoulders and said, “I am not sure about it. My father and mother never informed me about it. It just kind of happened overnight and I got used to it. After the awful rumors about my sister, she shut me out so I am not surprised that she does not want to speak to me. Besides, we had an argument about her not attending the funeral.”

Kate looked away from Simon to hide her annoyance at constantly speaking about Alessandra. She only brought up Alessandra to appear like a good sister and paint Alessandra as the villain. She didn’t think Simon would be bold enough to walk up to Alessandra and talk about their relationship. She was glad nothing bad was said from either Alessandra or Edgar.

Kate forced a smile and looked back at him. “Let’s move on from this, Simon. This isn’t the right place for us to be talking about family matters anyway. I’m sure I will see my sister again soon. Should we meet more of your friends?”

Simon decided to drop the matter now that Kate wanted to move on. He found it hard to comprehend why Edgar would pick Alessandra when Kate was the better option. “You’ve been good to your sister right?” He asked.

“Of course. Despite what was said about her over the years I tried to make her happy but she did not want to be close to me. There was nothing I could do but wait for her to open up to me. People without siblings don’t know how hard it is for me to try everything to have a relationship with my sister even when she makes me angry. Alessandra always paints me as the villain and it seems like she told Edgar something about me,” said Kate.

Kate continued to say, “Do you think I am a bad person? Just because she wears that mask people seem to think she is the only victim. I-”

“I wouldn’t have brought you here today if I did not think you were a good person. Your kindness is what attracted me to you and then there was your beauty. A lot of the women present could learn from you. I do not understand how you have not been proposed to yet. You are perfect,” he complimented Kate.

Kate wanted to feed into her ego but her mother advised her to always play dumb. She tucked a strand of hair behind her hair acting shy and replied, “I am sure I have many flaws you have not seen yet.”

“No, you are perfect unlike everyone else,” said Simon.

Meanwhile, Alessandra and Edgar walked to the other side of the room to get away from Kate and Simon.

“It appears Kate will get what she always wanted. A rich man to hook her hand around. I hope that now she has him, she will not be bothered by our relationship so much to pester me,” said Alessandra.

Alessandra hoped that Simon could occupy all of Kate’s time so that Kate would not have even a second to think about her. She was glad that Kate had moved on from Edgar.

“Are you alright?” Edgar asked since the last thing Alessandra was expecting to see was one of her relatives.

“Yes. Her presence does not bother me. It is only the fact she seems to talk about us like we have a good relationship. Not all siblings get along so I do not understand why she must put on the act like we are alright. I did enjoy your comment on her acting skills. Alfred is quite talented but Kate can hide her true personality well once she puts her mind to it,” Alessandra replied.

Suddenly, Alessandra was pushed forward and felt something wet splatter on her left hand. Edgar quickly caught her to prevent her from falling and then looked at the culprit. To his surprise, it was a young woman with a now empty glass in her hand. From the way she stood, he could tell that she was drunk.

Alessandra balanced herself and tried to wipe the strong alcohol from her hand. She hadn’t been present at the party long but her arm and the side of her dress were already a little bit wet. She looked up at the woman who bumped into her and did not recognize the person. Judging from the woman’s shocked expression, it wasn’t done on purpose.

“D-Duke Collins. I’m so sorry,” the young woman quickly apologized. “I didn’t mean- I was only trying to. I don’t know where I was going,” she tugged her hair.

Alessandra heard snickering close by and looked to see two other young women laughing but not at her. They were laughing at the woman who was clearly drunk. How could they be laughing at a time when someone needed help? “Would you like to come with me to the bathroom? Let me take this,” Alessandra tried taking the empty glass from the woman and succeeded.

Alessandra handed the glass to Edgar so she could help the young woman walk. “What is your name?”

“E-Emma Norman. I am so sorry Duchess. I didn’t do it on purpose. Do not be angry with me,” Emma pleaded on the verge of tears. Her father would scold her endlessly for bumping into the Duchess.

Alessandra smiled to show that she was not angry. “It was an accident. We need to go to the bathroom for you to sober up. Edgar, do you know where the bathroom is?”

Edgar stared at Emma who was sure to bring him trouble just by being around him. He recognized who she was the moment her name was mentioned but Alessandra was clueless. As much as he would like to avoid the incoming headache, he would not stop Alessandra from helping Emma.

“This way,” he pointed in the direction of the bathroom. He had been here many times and hid in the bathroom most of those times to get away from annoying guests who sought after him to present their daughters. No matter how many times he stated he did not want to get married there was always that one delusional mother or father who thought their daughter could change his mind.

“Edgar, can you help me hold her? She is not walking straight or holding her own weight,” said Alessandra. Edgar was stronger than her so he would be more helpful.

“I would love to help but I’m afraid it’s best if I do not touch her. A fight will break out if I do since she’s Oliver’s fiancee,” Edgar replied. He knew she could not be here alone and it wouldn’t be long before a certain guard would be in his face. Edgar wasn’t in the mood to punch anyone today.

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