The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 197: 197: They're here… (1)

Chapter 197: 197: They're here… (1)

Chapter 197: They're here… (1)

Later that day, Yue had taken Kimi as her personal disciple, much to the latter's amusement and Neji's shock.

After that the vampire confessed to Neji about her lack of teacher qualities and suggested that he recruited the master of the Magic Tower, instead.

'If she can't teach them properly, even if she's super strong, things are meaningless. I guess I do need a better teacher.'

Though that only made it more confusing as to why she took Kimi as her disciple.

When asked why, she answered with slight fascination in her tone.

"To learn magic, teachers aren't always required. Look at ancient dragons for example. They are so talented that they catch on any spell just by seeing it used once, they don't need to be taught. This cat-woman's talent far surpasses even dragons, she just needs someone to show her what magic to cast, not how to cast them. I am skilled enough to be able to do that, at least."

Neji was surprised yet again. Was Kimi really that good? How?

He soon realised the "how" part when Yue asked if Kimi was artificially created or not.

'Of course, she's a copy of Nawab, that strange otherworldly woman.'

Neji still didn't know what Nawab was, to this day. Her Regression quirk, it shouldn't belong to a world like MHA. She might have had more to her origin than what met the eyes.

Whatever the case, she was gone, though still alive in some corner of the omniverse.

This meant Nawab was either- A natural born magic genius, or she managed to change her body in a way to become a genius, either aware or unaware. So, when Kimi was cloned from her body, she inherited Nawab's magic constitution.

Neji gave Yue a brief of this story, which made the vampire nod her head in understanding.

"So, who's the magic tower Master? You seem to trust this person's teaching capabilities a lot."

"She…" Yue trailed off, looking into his eyes. "She's someone like me, someone from outside this dimension. But unlike me, she didn't come when the outer Gods attacked. She allegedly tried to escape from her dimension to run from her father, and ended up here, now unable to leave. Also she's pretty good with dimensional magic, it's better to show her that coupon you received as a loot instead of me."


That's interesting. Who was this new fatherless girl?

By now, Neji had heard a summary of when, how, and why Yue was in this dimension. So he knew she was the real deal, not a look-a-like. Then perhaps whoever this magical girl was, she may be someone he knew too?

Speaking of Yue's summary though, he also listened to her in-depth story of the "Outer Gods". Fortunately, they weren't the Lovecraft Outer Gods that Neji feared. People just referred to them as Outer Gods because they were Gods from outside this dimension. From her story, it seemed they were trying to conquer this dimension before they were ultimately forced to flee.

It also seemed that there was land outside of this continent, so this planet must be quite larger than Earth since this continent alone had more landmass than Earth, almost twice. Though when Neji tried to go around the planet by flight, he failed to do so after moving a few kilometres outside the sea.

A message had greeted him.

[The next region is yet to be unlocked. You have to visit another "Tower" to access that region.]

In the MHA world, only this Tower existed. Meaning, to access the other parts of this huge world, he would have to travel to another world and enter that Tower. He might meet more summoned fictional people in the other parts, he guessed.

Honestly, that future didn't seem so far from here, now that the earth outside was at war.

"Anyway, we should meet this Magic Master asap. I am kind of in an emergency, you see."

Yue nodded at his words and then opened a portal through which she guided Neji inside a luxurious office room that had a mixture of medieval and modern look to it.

Turned out, this world wasn't exactly medieval. There were fridges, TVs, trains in this world. Yet it lacked cars and smartphones.

There was a table and a chair in the room, with documents placed on the table. From how scattered they were, it seemed someone was working on them until not so long ago, but now the room was empty.


"I don't think it's strange." Neji replied to the Vamp. "You know, this world was almost about to get destroyed. I saw people freaking out everywhere when you were busy with my girls. Nobody would be in their right mind to still work on papers."

The Vampire considered his words for a moment before nodding.

"That's true… Then I think I know where she is."

Saying so, she opened another portal and walked in, Neji following. Immediately, he heard a bang from the other side.

"This can't be happening! Nobody has any answers, and the Empress isn't anywhere to be found!"

The room they ended up next was blooming with dozens of people sitting around a huge meeting table, with the main chair empty, that chair should belong to the Empress, from the looks of it.

Opposite that chair though, on the other side of the table, the person Yue was talking about was present. Neji could tell immediately because he was familiar with that girl.

As they entered the room, the person that had just yelled while slamming on the table, along with all the other people turned their gazes at the them.

"... It's the empress!"

"She's back!"

"Watch out, who's that behind her?"

"Wait, he matches the description of the terrorist!"

They all babbled amongst themselves, looking at each other with worried glances. Amidst them all, only the Magic Tower's Master stayed silent.

"Silence," Yue said in a cold voice, making the room quiet down immediately. "You are in the presence of the God of this world, watch out how you talk."

Was she calling herself God? That was quite unusual from her personality until now-

"He, who is the owner of this dimension, the single man who can destroy us all at a whim." The vamp interrupted his thoughts, presenting him to the crowd with her hands pointed at him. "Meet Neji, the King of this reality, the absolute ruler of this world."

The room fell silent. Along with Neji.

'Haah, wow.'

She didn't introduce him as the Gamer, since he had warned her to not call him that in front of others, but this was surprising. In a sense, he truly was this place's God, as the world listened to any of his commands (at least this continent did).

"Is it an impostor…?"

One of the people present in the meeting dared to say as he looked at Yue, only for his head burst into a puddle of blood.

The room fell silent again, with Neji controlling a snicker.

"It seems she's not an impostor, though I don't know about the boy." The magic tower master finally said something, standing up and walking closer to Neji's location.

She soon stood face to face with Neji, her red eyes looking at his blue ones while the red gem on her forehead gleamed softly. This beautiful young lady had pale, white skin, like that of a ghost, while her purple lips matched the colour of her hair, along with her purple leotard and cape.

[Image Here]

It was Raven, daughter of Trigon.

"Who are you?" She asked without any emotion in her voice, looking into his eyes with her dry ones, as the glint in Neji's eyes turned mischievous.

He cleared his throat, grinning like a devil, before a deep almost scary voice left his throat. "You don't recognise me, daughter? I am Trigo-"

He couldn't finish his words before the demon child made a move. Purple spheres appeared around her hands just as a dark tentacle wrapped around Neji's neck, causing his voice to stop. But the purple translucent tentacles didn't stop there, they kept increasing their pressure, squeezing Neji's neck as they tightened up each second, but…

Neji stood relaxed, shrugging a second later.

"I expected you to be stronger, honestly," he said, looking at the text hovering above her head.

[Raven - Princess of the Dark - Level 951]

As the devil princess flinched, purple lightning burst out from Neji's neck as the tentacles dispersed into dark essence. It appears that electricity had quite the resistance against Mana, so Neji could shake off most direct Mana attacks using it.

She tried to attack again, but Neji didn't even have to move as his vampire servant's eyes gleamed red and the girl failed to move, her body paralysing except for her eyes.

"I am not your father, cutie. It was a joke. Though I do know about him."

The girl, struggling for a moment, let out a sigh and closed her eyes as a sign of defeat, allowing Yue to free her.

She then crossed her arms and looked at Neji with squinted eyes. "How do you know Trigon?"

"As my beloved vampire said," Neji patted his pet blood sucker. "Like your father, I am something of a God myself."

"My father is not a God. Someone like him can't be one."

The girl opposed immediately, missing the point.

"Well God, Devil, same thing." Neji shrugged. "Didn't he have a cult? That makes him a God in my book, albeit an evil one."


"Anyway, I don't have the time for all this." Neji went serious. "I need your help, and you will help. Either by force, or we can make a deal where I would answer some of your questions upon receiving your help."


He would come up with some bullshit when that time comes, though he wouldn't even talk to her about it before the fight with the Gods.

"...What do you want me to do?" The girl asked, frowning softly as Neji smiled.

"Many things, dear," he looked dreamy all of a sudden. "Many things…"




[°] Image in this chapter

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