The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 196: 196: A crazy with unlimited power!

Chapter 196: 196: A crazy with unlimited power!

Chapter 196: A crazy with unlimited power!

After Ryuko received her evolution ball, she went through the mana pool implantation surgery. When she was done, she leapt from her [Mid Tier 7] to [Low Tier 8], which should have made her a few times stronger.

After that, Rumi and Momo joined in on the surgery, one after another. When they were done, all five girls were now stronger than ever.

[Ryuko Tatsuma - Low Tier 8

MP: 110,000]

[Rumi Usagiyama - Mid Tier 8

MP: 160,000]

[Momo Yaoyorozu - Peak Tier 8

MP: 500,000]

[Nejire Hado - Peak Tier 8

MP: 900,000]

The strongest amongst them was Nejire, of course. Not only was her Draconic High Human toppling everyone in both strength and Mana capacity, she even had a powerful quirk that was further enhanced by the two Tier Potions she consumed after waking up inside the Tower, now named as Arcane Plane.

Next, it should have been Rumi who should have had the 2nd highest Tier, but it seemed Momo had an innate talent for Mana, her body was like that. Maybe it had something to do with her Quirk, Neji didn't know.

After her Rumi had the highest Tier, though she didn't look happy being at one 3rd spot.

However, from her body language, Neji could read she was at least somewhat relieved that she was stronger than Ryukyu, when he told them all about their "Ranks". After all, she had trained all her life with the rabbit quirk, whilst Ryukyu lay lazy, being lucky to be born with a powerful quirk. Her mood might have stayed sour for a long while if she stood on below, or even the same ranks as Ryukyu, at least after taking one Special Tier Potion and on a normal one.

His rabbit had evolved, finally.

[Moon Bunny - Level 1: The user's body shows clear bunny traits, such as ears and tail. User is many times stronger, faster, and more durable than a normal human.

–Can access [Wild Form], which boosts her rabbit genes and transforms her into a half-human half-rabbit hybrid. All the previous physical boosts are simplified further in this form.

–Under the moonlight, her body naturally uses the moon's aura to enhance her body. During this period, she becomes 5-times stronger in both her Base Form and Wild Form.

–She has a slight Authority over the Moon, thus allowing her to control the trajectory of the moon. If she wishes, she can summon great tsunamis by controlling the moon.

–Artificial Moon Creation: Allows her to create an artificial Moon by releasing a small portion of her life force into the air via her mouth. This moon lasts 12 hours, working even under the bright sun, however because of the life force being used to create this, the user gets a 10-time boost in her power, which adds-on top to the 5-times boost if she creates this moon under an already moonlit sky.]

These were really strong abilities, one of the strongest in Neji's eyes, and it was just Level-1.

Though in the end, she was just a discount super saiyan, except she wasn't a monkey.

Only Kimi and Neji got the joke though, laughing to themselves like maniacs while the other four girls gave them dry looks.

Uncultured swines.

Speaking of Kimi, she actually was quite miserable at this moment, though she hid it well.

"Peak Tier 7." Neji said, looking at the girls while leaning with his back against the wall, his hand resting on Yue's head who silently stood beside him. "You are the weakest, Kimi. Tch, look how far you have fallen."


"Your kohais have all surpassed you. Each of them can kick your ass, yet, tsk."

Now it was Kimi's try to join the girls to give him a dry look. Nejire was glaring at her younger brother, her eyes telling him to stop, but he acted obliviously.

Though that was to be expected. Nejire, Ryukyu, and Rumi, all received some buffs after entering the Dungeon. Momo was most likely because of her Creation ability, after all, she might be able to create living atomic bombs that would do volunteer mass suicide bombings that can destroy the world.

Kimi, though, wasn't so special, and since she didn't receive a new evolution, and neither did any Tier potions, she was falling behind.

His words seemed to ruin her mood, though she hid it nicely, but Neji's many eye-related quirks saw through. He almost regretted teasing before the cat woman did something weird.

"Noo~" after a while, she dramatically fell to the floor, her hand on her forehead. The girls gasped, trying to help her get up, but she denied their help. "Is this the end of my journey? Have I devolved to a damsel in distress? No, no, no! I refuse to become a damsel in distress. I will stay down, on my knees, but I won't accept help!"

She really loved staying on her knees.

Though Momo and Nejire were used to her shenanigans, the other two girls weren't.

"H-hey, he's just joking, I think… He is probably lying about your Tier!"

"I-I think so too."

Ryukyu and Rumi, one after another, tried to soothe her broken heart, but the cat woman didn't give in.

"I thank you two for reaching out, but… no, no, I will manage alone-"

"Anyway, girls, sit down on the ground beside Kimi. Your Vampire Loli teacher will start teaching you magic now." Neji said, patting Yue. "Mana without any spells is just dull stone. To make it into a sharp weapon, you'd need to learn magic spells."

The girls, exchanging glances, sat down beside Kimi, who stopped her acting with a shrug, shocking Rumi and Ryuko.

Neji, Momo and Nejire giggled at the sight while Kurai rolled on the ground while laughing in cat language.

"Ahem, anyway." Neji cleared his throat, stepping forward with Yue. "I might act like a know it all, but I will have to admit I have zero knowledge in magic, outside games, animes and mangas. Because as I said, I was cursed not to be able to wield Mana, so I never bothered to learn about it."

The girls attentively listened to him as he continued. "But with Yue here, an ancient Vampire who knows… well, almost all magic I can imagine, you wouldn't have a hard time learning spells. Though I would suggest not to compare yourselves with Kurai's learning speed. She's cheating."

Kurai humphed at that, raising her head up in the air to look down at the humans, or should she call them hybrids now? Or maybe just "mortal" was a more correct term for these mix-breeds.

"I wouldn't observe your 'classes' since it's meaningless for me to learn these. I would rather go out and do something." Neji said, watching as Nejire looked at him.

"Where would you be going?" Nejire asked, making Neji shrug.

"Just a stroll, don't worry about it."

She looked suspicious but didn't pry deeper. With that, Neji left after telling Yue to start her teaching.

She seemed to try to say something about never having any disciples before so she was nervous about this, but Neji's ears failed him all of a sudden and he fled the place.


This was terrible. Yue was nervous, for the 2nd time in eternity. The first being when the mad Gamer tried to destroy the world.

"Babe, it's fine, ignore that jackass." The cat-woman said, smiling sweetly. However, Yue couldn't find herself to trust that smile after what Neji had said. "Just take it slow and easy. We aren't going anywhere."

She… she was a pedo. A child predator.

Though it was true that Yue wasn't a little girl and her outer form was just her special skill Automatic Regeneration, at work. This signature skill of hers, which manifested at the age of 12, automatically regenerates any injuries or lost body parts, but also prevents her ageing. This meant that she still looked like a 12-year-old, even though she was 1200 years old today.

She couldn't trust this woman, not after she promised to serve the Gamer. This cat woman might molest her, and she would be forced to endure it, not being able to hurt her, since that'd anger the Gamer.

So, she forced herself to look away from the cat woman's beautiful blue eyes, making the woman blink in confusion.

"Everyone," she said, looking in the middle at Nejire Hado, the Gamer's older sister. She liked this girl, her face radiated innocence. "I will be transparent, I have no experience in teaching magic. I also have been a magic prodigy since birth, so I wouldn't be able to evaluate your talent or progress either. I believe this job suits the magic tower's Leader, but… since the Gamer left to take a stroll already, I guess it can't be helped. So for today, I will try to teach you some spells."

At least her temporary students, and a cat, seemed respectful enough to listen to her silently and nod when needed.

Slowly, she started to explain the basics of magic and mana to her students, sometimes going too much into depth before realising her mistake and summarising the important parts.

She explained how each person has an innate talent for certain types of magic that others might not share. She explained that some people can cast spells without any chanting, known as Silent Casters, whilst some can create a magic circle just by imagining it.

"Those two traits are innate too, but they can be earned manually too. In fact, I can give all of you that ability right away."

Her class listened to her silently until the last line, making the girls slightly surprised. While Kimi… that cat woman, she moaned.

"Ahhh, she's so cute~ I can't take it anymore~"

The woman almost jumped at her, bearing who knows what evil intentions in her mind, but luckily she was restrained midway.

"Kimi, control yourself! She's a child! This is pedophilia!" Yue hadn't misjudged that Nejire girl was a nice person as she held Kimi down, only to make the woman moan again.

"Hey! I am not going to eat her or anything! I was just about to hug her!"

"Lies! We all know what you did to Neji when he was young!"


She wasn't a child though…

The class calmed down after a while, the cat playing with a ball of rubber, almost uncaring though Yue could tell she had her attention on the class too.

"I have already scanned you for your innate talents. Amongst you all, the Cat God right there has the Death and Corruption affinity."

"No way." Kimi gasped, looking at the cat. This time she looked genuinely surprised. "...Kurai? A Cat God??"

"Ah, oh yeah." The cat blinked, going back to playing with the ball. "I became a God recently. You must keep your head higher now mama, as the mother of a God such as me."

Clearing her throat, Yue continued. "Momo you… have both Creation and Life Affinity. Having two is rare, honestly. More so since you're not a divine being like Kurai." The black-haired girl with a red bang falling over her face smiled at those words. "Next, Ryukyu has the Dragon Affinity. That's a very powerful one too if you are taught well. From basic elemental controls to godly destruction spells, all are found there."

"The rabbit has Yin affinity, she would do pretty good with dark magic." Yue looked at her master's sister. "Nejire has the Dragon and Change affinity. The Change affinity is the ability to change things, convert things, empower things, replace things… It's a powerful branch of magic. That's a lucky one. Though I am interested in the reason for this affinity. Usually, God's and such have this one."

Nejire looked surprised before smiling. "Ah, I think it has something to do with Potential Energy."

"Potential Energy? What's that?" Yue tilted her head in a cute manner, making the girls blink. "...Our planets have different societies, it's natural for me to not know things."

"Oh, true!" Nejire said. "Potential Energy is-"

She tried to explain, but Yue shook her head. "It's fine, we will talk about it when I start teaching you the spells. Rather," she turned at the last person, the oldest woman in the room. "At last, miss Kimi… You have Lightning Affinity, Speed Affinity, Builder Affinity and finally… Space & Time Affinity. It wouldn't be short to say I am shocked."

"Wow, five of them?" The woman simply whistled. "Also, Time & Space? Where's the young master now? Didn't he just call me weak!"

The woman started to laugh, almost like a villain who had checkmated the hero.

Yue just observed, confused about why and how this woman had so many and so powerful affinities. She could understand the titles, namely Lightning and Space-Time are the White Tiger's powers. But the problem is, even though she had evolved into a white tiger after consuming an evolution stone, she was previously a normal person. She should at most have inherited only one trait from the tiger. Yet, here she was with so many of the Tiger's affinities. It's as if this woman was created artificially, in a very perfect manner, to adapt to any powers.

"Anyway," Yue cleared her throat, unwilling to get too curious and make a mistake. "Before I move on with teaching actual magic spells, it's first to test out the basics." She brought her hands in front of her small chest as they started to glow bright blue. "Follow me as I gather mana in the middle of my palms. I will describe the process as best as I can, and you try to cop-"

A bright blue light flashed from within the girls.

"Ah, it's working!" The cat woman yelled, making everyone turn to her and look at the ball of mana between her palms. "Hey, it's not that hard! Try it out, girls."

The other girls did so as she said, but none managed to do so in their first tries. Some took three, some two five, and Rumi even took nine tries, grumbling in her throat.

"Ehh, you guys are kinda bad-"

"Shut up, you are cheating!"

"Yup, Kurai must be helping you!"

"Maybe Neji gave you some secret item, you are his favourite!"

The black cat was laughing in the background, rolling on her back and almost choking on her breath, seemingly proud of her 'Mommy'. Though Yue could sense that the cat wasn't involved in this at all.

"Anyway," Kimi suppressed a smile and continued to play with her mana. "Let's cast some flashy magic!"

"Hey, I haven't shown you yet-" Yue tried to stop the woman, trying to make sure no accidents occurred, but it was too late.

The woman had raided her hands in the air, the mana ball floating above her head.

"Abra-Ka-Debra! Lightning! I summon thee!"

The blue ball of mana erupted, turning white and elongated as it spread across the room, buzzing as it electrified the metal around the room and burned through the wood.

That spell was bullshit, meaningless. This was Silent Casting. And also Imagination Casting.

"Ah! Stop! Stop! H-Hey, Yue, help!"


How did she end up here?


Neji played a bit of Minecraft: Real-life Edition inside Yue's palace. She made some very safe graves, installing traps around them and many more defending mechanisms, before burying his and Momo's parents. He did this alone, even though he didn't like it alone, because doing this with Momo and Nejire will break them down again. He would show them this place after they are calmer, even though they might hate him for it.

When Neji returned back to the Ogre village, watching as two of his clones played Minecraft here too, building rich luxurious buildings, shops, smithies, bars, etc for the monsters to use, before he stepped inside his Imperial Palace that he made a while ago.


"Ahaha! I am so good! Kurai, do you see this!"

"Mama! You are cheating! Even I am not that good! Stop cheating!"

The sight in front of him, the girls who looked like their self-esteem had all been lost, and even Kurai, the fucking mini gamer, looked as if she was on the verge of crying.

In the corner of the room, even the usually indifferent Yue had her mouth agape.

The cause for all this, his airheaded maid was using magic, like a maniac, fire, water, electricity, as make-shift electronic devices made of wood of all things, laid around the place.

Most importantly… While the girls' Tier was the same, something had changed with Kimi's.

Since when… did Kimi start cheating?

[Kimi Sugihara - Byakko - Low Tier 9]

What the hell happened here?




Author's Notw: 😩 Kimi too OP. VOTE powerstones so that she can go crazier!

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