The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 198: 198: They're here… (2)

Chapter 198: 198: They're here… (2)

Chapter 198: They're here… (2)

It's been 25 days in the outside world, meaning 250-days or 8-months in the Arcane Plane.

That was enough time for the people of this continent to accept the emergence of "God".

The general public had believed the news immediately when their Empress of all people declared Neji's existence in public. However, the more influential people had a problem with that, taking this as something of a ploy. In the end, they didn't want a new and outside force in their playground, forcing them to try and eliminate Neji quite a few times. Though they realised their mistakes, it had been too late.

They were annihilated.

On the monster's side of things, a Monster Kingdom was finally created with Mursha as their Queen. A peace treaty was formed between them and the Demi people by Neji's influence. Thanks to that, the monsters had managed to form a somewhat workable society amongst themselves.

Mursha, with the help of gallons of 'seeds', had managed to reach Level-700, now that Neji's semen didn't only raise level caps, but the Level itself too. The Viking part of her race was also becoming more dominant, therefore giving her some stronger [Skills].

Same with Andirus with her Level-680, as she had somehow learned some ancient secret clan techniques that let her transform from a deadly wolf to a demi-human wolf mommy.

But Neji was yet to "help" Yue and Raven to level up, so they hadn't grown much. He was honestly surprised to learn they had a Status-Interface as well because they were from the outside world, but it seemed living in this dimension for so long changed a part of their existence to allow a level-up interface.

As for why he couldn't "help" them, that's because Neji wasn't really into Lolis, and found it more fun to tease Yue, than anything. He wouldn't mind pushing her down on the bed, but he would wait until she formed some feelings for him before doing so.

As for Raven… Neji theorised she was asexual, that girl. Though he didn't have the luxury to test if that was true or not since Raven was almost always around his girls, teaching them.

At last, in the last 8 months, many things have changed for his girls too. Mainly their strength and secondly their internal bonding. The two new girls, Rumi and Ryuko, had finally mixed into the group like family. As it turned out, sex helped bring people closer, despite of genders.

Eight months was a very long time for Nejire and Momo to mostly return to their normal selves, their depression and sadness long vanishing. It so happened that time was the best healer. Though they were angry, as Neji had expected, when he showed them the parents' graves and told them about how he brought back the intact bodies. Though their anger had calmed down when he confirmed their parents' souls were in actual legit Heaven.

Apparently, they had seen too much to doubt his words anymore, even when he talked about heaven and hell.

At the same time, by now they have become stronger than before. Although they lacked a system interface, their growth was still huge.

But undoubtedly, Kimi's growth was the greatest, that little cheat.

[Kimi Sugihara - Byakko - High Tier 16]

If not for the fact that every few days, a Neji from the outside world came inside to give Neji all the quirks that had been newly harvested, Neji might have fallen behind Kimi.

At the same time, as it turned out, he had passed Level-1000 and unlocked his system's final restriction too.

Only to be disappointed.

[Your Class, "The Gamer", has fully integrated with your existence! Now, you can choose other Classes, one after another as you make them integrate with yourself.]

That was good news, only if he didn't have to use Mana for all the classes present. In the end, he didn't choose any class since he would be locked with it forever since he would never be able to fully integrate with it. Rather, he would wait for any interesting or lucky options.

But he wasn't particularly in a hurry for that. As a Level-1789, Neji was very strong already. Levelling up this much would have been harder in other situations, but the end of the world oddly came with opportunities too. That, along with the dungeons spread around the world that his Bees raided, he earned quite a feastful of Levels.


Name: Neji Hado

Age: 16

Level: 1789

Class: [Undecided]

Title: Harem Lord

Race: [Draconic High Human]

HP: 60360/60360

SP: 60310/60310

MP: #/#

STR: 6026

END: 6036

DEX: 6031

INT: 5558

WIS: 5550

CHA: 3626

LUC: 7258

HP REG: 24144/m

SP REG: 24124/m


He hadn't put more points in Luck after it reached 5000, not because he was being stupid, but because Lady Luck said not to do so by herself.

[Lady Luck says this much is fine, the connection between you and her that these 5000-points bring is strong enough for her to interfere as much as needed. Though she also adds that, unfortunately even by doing everything she can, she can't push the time more than 25 days. She hopes you'd spend the other points sparingly, and not in Luck as it's unneeded.]

That's what her message had said when Neji was about to put more than 5000 points in Luck. So, he had put his other points in other Stats, bringing up and up to this point.

Now, he was monstrously strong.

More than it meets the naked eye since he brought his Copy-Paste clones inside the dungeon, where they have been doing their quirk copy-pasting for 250 days now. All of Neji's quirks were above [Level 70] now, and one in particular had reached above [Level 100].

Kurai has grown as well. Since Kurai was given the Quirk, Queen Bee, he let some of Kurai's Bees out on earth too, where she partook in the bombardment of the burning world outside.

She had reached Level-1069, though she was much much stronger than that. Where Neji had all types of Quirks that fulfilled his lack of Magic, Kurai had the real thing. She could cast almost any magic known to both Yue and Raven, as Affinities didn't matter to a Gamer.

Though Kimi still knew more spells compared to the cat, the cat had greater mana reserves and regeneration speed. Along with her other Stats, her new racial Skills and new racial boosts, which now made her Mana = INTx200, she was frightening.


Name: Kurai

Age: 7

Level: 1069

Race: [Nergal]

Class: All-Rounder Mage!

HP: 12280/12280

SP: 12080/12080

MP: 779400/779400

STR: 1233

END: 1228

DEX: 1208

INT: 3897

WIS: 1719

CHA: 1220

LUC: Same as its Owner

HP REG: 4912/m

SP REG: 4832/m

MP REG: 38970/m


She even had a class of her own now, since her system was connected with his and she could luckily enjoy a Class unlike him.

This made Kurai tower above her old self, by a large margin. Coupled with the thousands of spells she came to learn, she was a foe to be careful with.

The other girls weren't so behind, either. Nejire had reached [High Tier 14], shared by Momo and Rumi, whilst Ryuko was [Mid Tier 14].

Now, all the girls had all gathered in the room, along with Yue. They were standing beside each other, wearing armour and magic enhancing mage costumes, and looking at Neji.

"Today is the day when they will come." Said Neji, meeting all their gazes. "Even if we wait here, they'd still manage to slip inside. I would rather have them destroy earth than this place since this is my safe haven where I can teleport back and forth anytime."

"That sounds like a plan to me." Rumi said, her arms crossed. She was wearing a red qipao that was split in two from under her waist, giving a peek of her chocolatey legs. "Though do you really think earth will actually be destroyed?"

Rumi and Ryuko both had families on earth too. Though their parents had long passed away, they had relatives in that place. However, they had zero chance to be alive in the condition earth was in right now.

"It's better to be destroyed than fine. With the condition earth is right now, even demons wouldn't be alive." Neji said. "I told you about the nuclear war there, yeah? You'd realise how underwhelming my words were when you see the real thing."

The girls went silent at that, glancing at each other.

"Okay, fine." Nejire said, wearing a green and blue tight dress, resembling her old hero costume. "We will discuss more about that if things go right. We should move now!"

"You worry too much, guys. We would win one way or another, it wouldn't be that hard." Kimi suddenly said, adjusting her witch hat. Her hair was short, an illusion she made using her magic, and she was wearing a black witch dress, that was a bit too revealing.

With a black blindfold over her eyes, her 2B-cosplay honestly looked gorgeous.

[Image Here]

"No," Neji frowned. "Fighting is the worst-case scenario, as I had said before, but if we really fight then things wouldn't be easy." Neji corrected her. "Remember, first we try to escape, if that fails only then we engage in a fight, but that fight wouldn't be an easy one. Far from that."

Kimi blinked, humming. "Mhm, yeah I almost forgot. When the Gods teleport to earth, dimensional travels should be available again." Kimi said. "That's our chance to use that Magical Coupon."

The coupon she was talking about was the one Neji received upon conquering the tower.

[Dimensional Travelling Coupon (Divine Rank)

Details: A coupon made by the Director of the Last Act. It allows the user to travel from his universe to another, teleporting him to another world.

–The world can be chosen by the user.

–Can only carry one person.]

This was the coupon he had received, the thing that had gotten his hopes up until he realised he couldn't actually use it upon simulating his [Future Sight].

It turned out Dimensional Travelling was blocked from his MHA-world, most certainly done by the Gods. He couldn't use it from this Arcane Plane either, as this place also blocked all sorts of dimensional travel, so much so that even he couldn't make it happen with his authority. That's also the reason why Raven was unable to leave.

That meant the only chance to use this coupon would be to use it when the Gods reach earth, therefore obviously reopening dimensional travel.

As for the Person-Limit, that was one of the reasons why he recruited Raven. In the last 8 months, she had managed to reverse engineer the coupon to allow more than one person to be carried along with it.

"Anyway, enough chit-chat. We should leave now." Neji said, snapping his fingers just as a portal opened behind him. This gate to the outside world was the only dimensional travel possible in this world.

He soon pushed the girls through the portal one by one, and when everyone left, he looked at Yue.

"Take care of the place in my absence." He said as the girl nodded. Time didn't freeze when he left this place anymore, it rather became 10 times slower than the outside. So he needed someone to watch over. "It's sad I can't bring you out, you'd have been a great help."

She looked regretful at that too. Neji thought since he could take outside people inside this place, he should be able to take the inside people outside too, and he was right. However, it turned out that the "Boss Monsters" couldn't be taken out.

Though Raven could be taken out, she didn't want to leave, fearful that her father would sense her the moment she took a step outside. Neji could have forced her to help him still, but he didn't see the need to.

"I will be waiting for you," Yue said, looking slightly worried, making Neji chuckle.

He put a hand on her head and ruffled her hair. "I will be back, in one piece too. Thanks for worrying, but it's needless."

Haah, needless he said. He couldn't believe his own words. If «Future Sight» was anything to trust, then her worry wasn't truly needless. Far from that.

But Neji didn't show his fear on his face and just walked through the portal after patting Yue for one last time.

Finally, it was time to confront his lifelong enemies.




[°] Image in this chapter

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