Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 114: Laila's belief!

Chapter 114: Laila's belief!

[Some hours ago]

It was around five in the evening when Serena left the academy with a tired expression marring her face and slumped shoulders signifying how heavy the day went for the blond girl.

It was not just Serena but most of the students who have been participating in the competition had the same demeanor considering the fact currently, the selection period is undergoing. Most of the students have been drawing their names for this massive event which would not only provide them with the ultimate reward but also ensure every participant's future if they perform well under those many prominent audiences.

Serena had passed the first phase of the test which was a competitive round among her peers where she had to cross various traps and subjugate different training dolls amidst the path to reach the goal. She was not the fastest but her quality decision-making and also the least injury she incurred gave her the green flag, Serena was required to step on the second stage.

She indeed passed this one just by chance but Serena had no idea what she would do in the upcoming battles where she would have to face powerful opponents one-on-one. There would be no other option but rather to go all out and use 'that' as well.



Serena pulled herself out of her stupor hearing a familiar voice before she turned toward it and found the pink-haired senior standing there. Smiling slightly, Serene approached her before asking in a delighted tone.

"How is it going, Laila? Did you pass your test, today?"

Even after vacations and all the things that happened with Arata, Serena, and Laila had been meeting often so as they did before the holidays. True, it was Arata who brought them close initially, but even in his absence, they were still natural. The strange part was, Laila didn't seem much bothered by the fact that Arata was no longer hanging around with them.

Serena thought that the senior might be growing some affection toward Arata but with Laila's uncaring attitude, Serene recovered from her delusions.

"The assessment went really well. It was that good that I ended up failing in it."

"Is that so? I am gla-eh?!"

Serena voiced out a strange exclamation sound directing many gazes from her surroundings but the blond cared none of that at the moment. Her whole focus was on this pink-haired smiling face who seemed far from someone who has failed such an important test recently.

"D-Did I hear correctly? You really failed in it?"

"Well, it may be disappointing but I am not physically fine enough to compete with those many talented people. Not to talk about these...they always hinder my movements."

Laila pouted while lifting her massive breast, attracting, even more, gazes from the surroundings. Serena facepalmed inwardly before taking Laila's hand and dragging the clueless girl toward a bench nearby.

Seriously, this girl is too innocent for this cruel world—Serena sighed before making the senior sit beside her.

"You should not do such things so openly, senior. It's inappropriate for such a fine lady like you."

"Is that so?"

Laila nodded absentmindedly and made a mental note to not lift her breast the next time.

"So, what are you planning for the week? Uh...I am sorry to hear that you no longer are in the race, Laila."

Laila didn't seem much concerned about the competition, from the other surface but inwardly she indeed was feeling a bit disheartened. She thought, being able to enter the tournament and proving her worth to Seth might make him look in her way.

It might not have made much effect on him, considering how much pain she has given him in the past, but this could've proven to be an initiative. But alas...nothing could she have done in such a short period. Laila has always been a spoilt kid so despite training for the past couple of weeks, she was not able to keep up with the other hard-working students who have been honing their skills and foregoing their bodies to become what they were today.

"It's okay, Serena. And about this week, then... I will be trying to meet Seth if I can."

"Wait... WHAT?"

Serena could have expected anything but that coming from the senior since from what Serena remembered Laila didn't have a good relationship with Seth, to the point, Laila even got worked up just by meeting the student council president.

It was no secret that Laila and Seth were engaged in the past but due to Laila'a own dissatisfaction with the arrangement, Seth announced the annulment. And now to say, that the person who became the reason for the breakup was actually seeking a chance to meet her ex-fiancè... Indeed Serena had enough reasons to exclaim like that.

"I know it's a bit shocking since I myself said I don't like Seth's company much...but recently I have come to realize why he behaved like that around me or why he always seemed so distant. I was a fool to not see his intentions and his true feelings which caused our breakup. But now things have changed..."

Serena didn't know what Laila majorly talked about since she was unaware of the past where only Laila and Seth were included. But there was one thing for sure, in the eyes of Laila, the blond noble was seeing some dark feelings that the girl have seen in Anabelle's eyes in the past as well.

Serena shivered slightly upon the thought of Anabelle before she calmed herself down somehow and took the hold of Laila's hand.

"I am glad that now you understand your feelings toward President Seth. But you do know...that it would be a thorny path from here on, right? It goes without saying Senior, that you have hurt him by intentionally getting closer to Arata so healing such wounds would be a difficult thing to accomplish, Laila."

Serena has her sources to have information about high nobles. From what Serena has heard, if not for Seth's own initiative in this relationship, nothing could have caused a bond between a Viscount and a Ducal house. It was no brainer to guess why Seth would have asked for engagement between the two, and from thereon Serena just had to put two and two, and she guessed the whole scenario between these two individuals.

Serena was rather surprised to realize that Seth had a preference like Laila. There was no denying that Laila was beautiful and all, but someone as serious and diligent as Seth and someone as clumsy and bubbly as Laila...didn't actually fit together.

(A/N: - I have my own different opinion about this tho...)

In response, Laila stayed silent for a long period, since she knew what Serena said was true. She indeed has hurt Seth by sticking close to some other man. It must be too painful for Seth that was why he annulled the engagement, but that signifies one thing. least had feelings for Laila.

And that was enough for the girl to keep moving forward and do everything in her power to gain the same trust and love from Seth like before.

Serena patiently waited for Laila to collect her thoughts before the senior finally seemed to have resolved on some decision as she beamed with a smile and replied in a cheerful tone.

"I will do my best. I just know he would accept me once again, so please cheer for me, Serena."


A/N: - Drop a comment~

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