Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 115: Overwhelming appreciation!

Chapter 115: Overwhelming appreciation!

[Alan's POV:]

It has been an hour since young master Seth has begun his onslaught on the hideout after I retrieved every hostage and prisoner from the camp and settled them in my shadow. It didn't take me much time since the guards stationed at the prison level were weak enough to be handled with a single hit.

I thoroughly went through each cabin and tent to see if there were any more captives and after assuring that I had everyone stored in my dark space, I gave Young Master the green flag he needed to unleash his wrath on the hideout.

I...never thought he would grow this strong in much less time since last as I remember he was still at the peak of the fifth tier and was struggling at the threshold for some time. His lack of combat training and the council work he looks after were the reason why Young Master was stuck in that phase. Not to talk about his love rivalry which ended some months ago with the marriage annulment.

But now, the person I was witnessing was truly worthy to be called the firstborn of my queen. Not only I could see Madame Valarie's sadism in the young master but also the ruthless fighting style he adopted which never left a single chance of survival for the enemies.

He was masterfully utilizing his skills by directing his psychic powers in almost 360° direction to pull a whole bunch of assailants in one go before bisecting their heads in swift motion which could even rival Nux. His movements were refined and flawless to the point where not even a single unevenness was left when he slayed his foe.

Currently, he was lifting seven people in the air, and before I could blink for the second time, all their heads got crushed like paper with crimson blood splattering all around, and the scene of gore elevated two folds.

I had no problem seeing all this but I was sure that if someone from those students with whom young master associates within the academy were to see this...they probably would get too terrified to approach him further.

He was flying, crashing people like pebbles, crushing heads, cleaving throats, and massacring to his heart's content. And the most striking part...his grin never left his face throughout the carnage.

"Can you sense any remaining fodder?"

I did as Master said and expanded my shadow throughout the place to have a quick yet detailed survey. Until any soul presence touches my shadow directly or not, I would get alert of their existence.

Doing a double check, I turned toward the young master who currently was cleaning his glasses which had numerous blood patches and some stains of innards as well. His attire was messed up enough to hide the original shade of his shirt.

"None, young master."

The young master was a bit contemplative before he asked in an unsure tone.

"Hmmm...tell me, Alan. How long would it take for you to clean all the mafia hideouts in a fifty-kilometer diameter from that town?"

I had some overview of this region but not a thorough one since this area was under the control of Kuro but if my memory serves right then there were in total fifty hideouts around the vicinity.

I calculated the time I require for traveling and annihilation before uttering the estimation.

"Two days at most."

"Very well, then. Return to the town with me, and have some rest before you depart."

"Understood, my lord."


Seth along with Alan returned to the village near dawn but still, the populace around the entrance was as crowded as ever. Seth changed his clothes before he asked Alan to free all the women some meters away from the town since it would be too weird from the townspeople's perspective to see them emerging out of nothing but a shadow.

"H-Hey, someone is coming in this direction!"

"W-Wait those many-ah!"

"Is that Aria I am seeing?! Am I not turning senile right?!"

"But chief you already are senile..."

Many of those who were guarding the entrance went frenzy and began weeping in elation alerting everyone inside the town about the arrival of their loved ones.

Soon everyone began rushing out of the perimeter to confirm what they heard was true. Most of them were too glad to move from their spot and streams of tears wailed out of their sockets. Half of them chose to rush forward and embrace their beloved as soon as they could.

The scene was harmonious but too crowded for Seth to remain there so he told Alan to follow behind before being entered inside the town through levitation. Using his psychic abilities in these many fields was extremely convenient for Seth.

Seth surprisingly found the Governor of the town standing just at the same place where he last saw him, seemingly waiting for Seth rather than meeting everyone outside.

The smile on his face told that he believed Seth would get them back safely which made Seth slightly baffled but he didn't point it out.

"As promised, I brought everyone back. Uh, and there are some other victims as well who were stuck there so give them some space for the time being before they disclose their hometown."

"That will be managed, Young boy. But first of all, I would like to offer my humblest gratitude for saving those precious lives even though you merely came here to stay for the night. Words can't describe how I am feeling right now, but believe me, if my life would have proven worthy as a sign of my thanks then nothing would stop me from offering myself to you."

Seth was slightly embarrassed by all the genuine overwhelming appreciation the old man directed at him. Seth was able to see in his eyes how much thankful the governor was.

Shaking his head, Seth brought his hand over the man's shoulder before he spoke in a warm tone.

"Don't sweat over it and since it was something I did of my own free will, there is nothing for you to thank for."

The old man was not ready to not do anything in return for the blessing Seth had bestowed upon the whole town, so after a little contemplation Seth just asked to let them stay here and provide them with the town's bestest meal.

"Nothing could be better than Smith's broth and bread. Please rest for a while before our town's delicacy would be served."


Leaving the governor behind who also went to meet his daughter, Seth approached the place where Alba stood as a guard outside a one-story house.

He told Alan to get something to eat and rest in the nearby motel for some time. Alan was not that tired but he didn't question his master's words and complied obediently.

"Is the Professor sleeping inside?"

Alba nodded before she asked in her usual solemn tone.

"Should I escort you to the room?"

Seth was about to reply that he would find her by himself but suddenly an evil thought appeared in his mind, lifting the edge of his lips and making the blond shadow soldier shiver slightly at the sight.

Seth turned toward his precious attendant with a grin before asking her to execute a brilliant idea.

"Listen carefully, Alba. For now, you go in there and inform the professor that I..."


A/N: - The arc ends. We would return to the academy soon and continue the plot with a twist.

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