Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 113: Haruka being bullied?

Chapter 113: Haruka being bullied?

Haruka was anything but calm at the moment. It has been around fifteen minutes since Seth left her side to save all the women who got kidnapped from the town. As a human being, he was doing a marvelous job, and knowing his might, Haruka knew, he could take care of himself.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but feel apprehension bubbling up to the bottleneck, and remaining at a place seemed impossible for her as the violet-haired lady fidgetted from place to place while gawking at the distance occasionally.

The townspeople gathered inside the perimeter but they have yet to return to their residence. Most of the men were still walking to and fro the entrance to have a lookout for any uncertain circumstances, whereas, some were in charge of bringing water and medication for the soldiers who got injured in the incident.

Haruka was escorted to a nearby eatery where she was asked to rest for the time being. There were other females whom the kidnappers didn't take, along with Haruka to make her comfortable in this foreign place.

Alba, the blonde woman whom Seth left by Haruka's side was also nearby but she has yet to speak a single word. Haruka was not paying attention to the woman much but she was rather curious about her relationship with Seth.

The older woman's concerns were evident which made the women who were left in the town, smile in awe as they passed a comment to help Haruka cool down a bit.

"It was pretty cool, how Lady Haruka's boyfriend comforted her, no?"

Taking the cue of the short girl, the redhead beside her who had a long scar across her face, relied on the same teasing tone, making Haruka stiff dead in her track.

"Boyfriend you say, but from their intimacy and understanding, it seemed they were more like a married couple~"

The group of seven giggled audibly making the violet-haired professor even more flustered as she turned her blush-dyed face in the group's direction while finding it hard how to utter the reality.

Do they....really look like that?

Haruka had no way to find it out since more than previously, she currently seemed worked up to the point that the screws in her mind seemed to be loosening up and a strange heat spreading across her body.

Haruka's gaze instinctively turned toward Alba, and for god sake, even she had a small smirk on her face providing the last shot Haruka needed before she plopped down at her spot and covered her face with her palms.

'Bully...they all are bullying me, Seth! '


On the other side, inside the hideout of the criminal organization where Seth arrived to retrieve the hostages, chaos ensued for some minutes. The tranquility of the place has been swapped by the screams of annihilation and pure horror.

At the center of it stood a particular male who was the reason for such drastic change. Without even lifting a single finger he was able to subdue all the guards as well as most of the men who came for the so-called auction.

Inside the tent where previously biding was transpiring taking place, Seth could be seen currently kneeling in front of the eleven-year-old child who previously was crying in helplessness but now the little child looked at Seth with bright sparkling eyes

Seth gently patted the small child as he sighed inwardly at the thought of where could have possibly ended up if not for him coming here tonight The girl has not even the knowledge of the purpose she was brought here and just wished to be with her mother again who was left back in the town with the brand of 'defective product'.

It was not the first time Seth had come across such low-life scums since even in the last life he had to put some bastards in their places who tried to bring harm to Mayu. But even having the experience of facing such people, Seth's anger never lessened at all.

"Don't worry, you will soon meet your mother, Aria." Seth comforted the girl who seemed to have calmed down a lot compared to the self she was portraying some minutes ago.

The ranked noble, Baron Stunner Winchine was currently wiggling and cursing as he was tied with the soul entrapper after Seth bisected his arm off. The bespectacled teen has ended the life of every man in the room who was in this incident and only has left Stunner along with the hostages and the entertainer who were brought here by force in the past and now were resigned to their fate.

"T-Thank you, big brother." Even with a tear-stained face, Aria's smile radiated brightly before the small girl pecked Seth's left cheek in gratitude. Seth was taken aback by the sudden gesture but soon he smiled back at her and tousled the little girl.

"Now go, and stand beside those sisters, okay?"

There was still lingering fear remained when she was told to go away from big brother, but Aria nodded obediently and walked up to the group of hostages who were crying and helping each other to untie their binds. Most of them had thanked Seth at least thrice signifying the desperation they held on this single thread of hope.

"You...! You don't know whom you are messing with! Even if you kill me right now, you won't ever escape the justice of my people, you understand! Just wait-"


Seth approached the fat man before grabbing his big mouth and restricting his voice from throwing another garbage. The clutch with which Seth held the man's face was enough to make the facial bones creak slightly, delivering unimaginable pain, and draining all the colors from his face in an instant.

Seth looked down at Stunner with a cold-blooded gaze before he spoke in an equally chilly tone.

"You have spoken enough for this life, Stunner, so now rest and enjoy the pain you deserve, okay?"


With a loud crack, Seth broke Stunner's jaw, making him unable to say anything but just fo scream incoherently. His lower jaw was hanging loose and his hoarse voice coming out of his wide parted mouth. Seth chuckled at the display before he raised his hand and using his skill, brought the arm which he severed out of Stunner, earlier.

"Have a little snack for now."

Saying so, Seth forced the arm down Stunner's spreaded mouth making his voice gaged as Stunner felt the finger reaching the end of his throat. His eyes turned white and his body shivered uncontrollably because of the traumatic experience.

Seth shook his head seeing the weak display before he turned toward the women who were frightened and somewhat seemed relieved at the scene. Seth could understand their emotions and was thankful that they didn't let the little girl witness the scene.

" are some toys I have that you may like."

Suddenly Seth began pulling some of the things out of his spatial storage which mainly consisted of nail-pierced wooden bats, whips, thorny rods, and many more things which could only be used for torture and nothing else.

The women understood his intention and surprisingly most of the entertainers who have been welling up with anger and frustration by being used for months walked forward and picked several tools from the ground.

"Thank you....for everything."

Looking at their fierce expression and bloodthirsty demeanor, the gratitude seemed unnatural, but Seth didn't say anything and let the women proceed toward their target. Most of the hostages remained at their place seemingly new to this side of reality.

Seth walked toward them with careful steps to not make them alert before he halted some meters away from the still terrified group and spoke out his words in a soft tone.

"I know a lot happened, but now is the time to go back home. So cheer up and wait for a shortie who would take you all out of here, okay?"

"Young master."

Everyone gasped at the sudden appearance of Alan but seeing Seth composed they all understood that he was the same person Seth just regarded about.

"Ah, here he is. Alan, please escort the ladies safely out of here."

Alan had a hard time not letting his brows twitch when he heard himself being 'complimented' about his height earlier but he brushed it away soon after and asked Seth in an uncertain tone.

"What about you, young master."

Hearing his query, Seth just cracked his neck and stretched his arms before he replied with a face that might have scared the little Aria away.

"Well, it's been a while since I have gotten this opportunity to let loose. So it's natural for me to enjoy the buffet, right?"


A/N: - Drop a comment~

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