Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 154: The Cheating Secret of the Blood Moon

Chapter 154: The Cheating Secret of the Blood Moon

In Caimon City, the cathedral area of the Upper District, at No. 22 of the Silent Forest Villa Area.

Knock, knock.

Three seconds after the respectful knock, a cold voice comes from inside: Come in.

Beastman Gesas pushes the door open, stepping into the study that could be described as a small library along with his entourage. The room is 7.7 meters high and covers 79 square meters. All the walls are inlaid with bookshelves carved by Goblin craftsmen. Even the ceiling is covered with a glass canopy, behind which are ancient scrolls crafted with secret magics. The floor is covered with a soft, pinkish-purple carpet made from Bewitching Wool.

Its not Gesass first time here, but each time he sees this lavish room, he cant help but bow even lower.

Not to mention the precious knowledge that would never be circulated in the Canopy, the pinkish-purple carpet alone is enough to prevent anyone from harboring any rebellious thoughts. You see, Bewitching Wool comes in many colors, and pinkish-purple is arguably the rarest and most beautiful.

How many Bewitchers would have to die to weave such a carpet?

Of course, Gesas doesnt think his master would use any unlawful means for a carpet. According to his masters character, he would never display something dirty so openly. Therefore, this carpet is a lawful and legitimate piece of art.

He guesses it might be something his master purchased from a research institute, or a gift from a scholar of the sacred bloodline. Almost all goods related to corpses are produced by the institute.

Only the institute with control over all corpse resources could lawfully and legitimately create such a dazzling work of art.

Following the carpet through the book forest, what catches Gesass eye is a desk that looks like a tree trunk. There are no lights on in the room. A faint red moonlight comes through the French windows, split in two by a chair, gently illuminating the area around the desk.

The person sitting on the chair is bathed in darkness. When he opens his green eyes, Gesas bows his head and dares not meet the Elfs gaze.

You dont look like youre bringing me good news, Gesas.

We have located Ronat. We dispatched two Golden Mouths and seven Silver Mouths, but due to the fierceness of the Death Eaters, they still managed to escape, Gesas quickly stated. All the black market healers are under surveillance by the Woodpeckers. As soon as they seek treatment, they will be caught by us.

Hmm, what else?

Although there are no eyewitness reports, based on shopping and garbage collection situations, we can confirm that Igor Bukin is hiding in the apartment of Blood Mad Hunter Emma Lekthas. But Emma Lekthas is a Moonshadow, so we cant investigate further.

Even the Moonshadows are willing to shelter him? The Elf seemed a little surprised. They must have been deceived, most Moonshadows are simple-minded creatures What else?

Several affiliated hospitals Corpse Recovery Departments have reported that when they went to recover bodies at the coordinates provided by the Heresy Court, they found no bodies. A Heresy sub-bureau in the Upper District arrived at the crime scene within ten minutes of receiving the death signal, but they also found no bodies and couldnt even track down any traces.

There were several sensational murders in the Lower District. The heads of several gangs under the Eternal Wine Club suddenly went mad and slaughtered their subordinates. The bodies of the perpetrators have clear Necromancy Traces.

A former member of the Eternal Wine Club died in his sleep without any signs of resistance.

The clean and proficient way of handling bodies, as well as the style of a control master, all indicate that Corpse Lover Archibald Harvey is seeking revenge.

Gesas continued, Based on his range of activity, we can basically determine that his base is inside the Pig District. Give me three more days, and I will definitely find him!

I dont doubt your capabilities, but Im certain you wont be able to find him.

The elf gently tapped the surface of the desk with his fingers, This necromancer has violated the taboos of the sacred bloodline. These days, the Heresy Court is bound to be doing everything in its power to track him down perhaps even as we speak, hes been caught by the Blood Mad Hunter, bled like a pig, his memories being unraveled, and his body being broken down into various materialswhen facing an enemy who can touch their interests, the sacred bloodline always shows respect.

Although they havent caught him, these four pieces of news can be considered as good news, right? So

Is there more?

Gesas was trembling all over, his knees buckled, and he knelt down directly, his forehead pressed against the carpet, his heart gripped by boundless fear, but his words were still fluent: Im sorry, Woodpecker simply couldnt find any traces of Ashe Heath, not a bit of information.

Light laughter came from behind the desk, Under the glory of the Blood Moon, everyone is equal, and Gesas, you are a Two-wing Sorcerer who has bathed in the rain of gold, dont kneel so easily.

Faced with this seemingly comforting consolation, Gesas didnt dare to move a muscle. This pride of the beastmen, still maintained the most humble posture, exposing his defenseless back to his master.

Thats right, he and his master were both Two-wing Golden Sorcerers. If it were anywhere else, Gesas wouldnt say he was on par with his master, but at least he wouldnt be this humble however, this was the Blood Moon Realm.

The law is the will of the gods, the rules are the desire of the gods.

Unless one is willing to renounce society, civilization, willing to become a beast, willing to quit this garbage game, even legendary sorcerers must obey societal rulesand in a game with rules, resources are the biggest voice.

Power is a type of resource, an important one, but not the only one. The more stable a society, the less valuable power as a resource becomes, and in this civilization that has been passed down for more than a thousand years, power exists merely as a threshold, like a degree.

Non-sorcerers can only honestly become fuel for society, although sorcerers have the qualification to participate in this game, its just a qualification, because this is a PVP game that started a thousand years ago, with no newbie villages, no low-level zones. All new players who join face various guild leaders (businessmen), high-level players (legendary sorcerers), and even cheaters (Blood Moon Dual Race).

The most interesting part is, although its a PVP game, all areas in society are safe zones, theoretically not allowing attacks on each other.

Thus, new players only have two pathsthey can become dogs for the old players, sharing the resources that trickle down from their fingers through flattery; or they can become fuel, being silently isolated and pushed out by the old players.

Gesas was a new player who only started this game thirty-six years ago, although his talents were indeed extraordinary, a mere beastman who reached the Two-wing level at thirty, but his master, he was an old player who joined this game one hundred and eighty years ago.

Compared to arcane energy, connections, power, and resources are the elfs most terrifying strengths.

Titles like the chairman of the Elf Rights Association, city council member, school professor are needless to mention, merely being the mastermind behind Woodpecker is enough to easily ruin all of Gesass years of hard workGesas was certainly the current leader of Woodpecker, but most of Woodpeckers core members could be directly controlled by the master.

Its funny, as an organization that does the dirty work, core members of Woodpecker actually dont have things like wages, even if their labor rights are violated, labor laws certainly wouldnt protect them, they might be better off seeking revenge from the Heresy Court.

The primary source of income for most members of the Woodpecker organization, including Woodpecker itself, isloans.

All the rewards that everyone receives are temporary loans from financial companies. Of course, as long as you work honestly, they wont ask you to repay the money, let alone charge interest. But once a financial company chooses to collect, anyone who cant repay the money will directly become a defaulter.

In the Blood Moon Realm, becoming a defaulter is tantamount to sleeping in cardboard boxes under the overpass. You cant use any transportation, cant pass any checkpoints, cant make any high-consumption activities, cant rent a house, and even cant communicate. Its like being kicked out of civilized society with one foot.

Some may wonder, with such harsh conditions, why would anyone join Woodpecker? Cant they just work honestly and sign a service contract where their rights and interests are protected by law?

Because the members of Woodpecker cant stand the 9 to 5 work routine. And for a Sorcerer, unless they join a specific institution like a research institute, most jobs are a waste of time.

Learning as a Sorcerer requires full-time dedication and a lot of money.

Even if they want to borrow money to study full-time, no bank will approve this kind of loan. Comparatively, Woodpeckers offering of no-term interest-free loans is very appealing. If they can become a Two-wing Sorcerer, Woodpecker will naturally waive the loan and even value their services. Even if they dont become a Two-wing, as long as they dont betray the organization, Woodpecker wont ruin their credit.

If they want to work and practice at the same time, its not impossible. In fact, those who do this are often promoted as inspirational models. But since its inspirational, it shows how rough this road is. Every successful person needs to have talent, hard work, and luck to break out of the ordinary life.

Those with these qualities, if they come to Woodpecker and take the evil path earlier, might succeed faster.

Woodpeckers growth to this day is not by chance. Even without Woodpecker, these wicked Sorcerers would still pledge allegiance to other forces in exchange for learning resources (especially time resources), even if it means signing even stricter contracts and sparing no effort.

Moreover, most Sorcerers dont even have the chance to be a dog.

They can only be a dogs dog.

If we say the income of regular legal work is 1, the feed for a dog like Gesas is 15, then the income of a Woodpecker with a Silver Mouth is 5, and a Golden Mouth is 10.

So even if Gesas rises up now and could potentially kill the Elves, he would still humble himself.

Even if he kills his master, so what? He cant inherit any of the Elves legacy. The debt-ridden Woodpecker wont recognize a criminal leader, all the Elves had will be divided among his peers, and Gesas, who broke the game rules, will only be sent to Shattered Lake Prison. As a dreadful criminal leader, he will be stripped of his last dignity in the Blood Moon livestream.

The best outcome would be for other old players to appreciate Gesas, save his life, and take him under their wing. In other words Gesas would simply have a new master.

This is the racial equality of Blood Moon. In front of the immortal races, everyone is equally inferior.

This is the freedom of human rights in Blood Moon, the freedom to choose which old player to serve under.

From a long time ago, Gesas knew that the Blood Moon was a paradise for the immortals. In this game where there is no inheritance, no generational accumulation, and all new players need to start over, lifespan is the most powerful cheat code.

The longer the lifespan, the more resources you can get; the longer the lifespan, the more you can become an old player; the longer the lifespan, the more you can form an interest group centered on yourself.

This explains why the Blood Moon Dual Race is the ruling class and why Elves are praised as stewards of societyfor the Blood Moon Dual Race, Elves are the only race that has the right to stand on an equal footing with them.

As for those short-lived species that would die within a century, they are not worth attention at all. This is not about discrimination, nor even about interests, because in the eyes of the long-lived species, the short-lived ones are merely their resources.

Lifespan is the ultimate class barrier.

So even if he has to bow and scrape, even if he is as lowly as a maggot, Gesas has to earn enough money to afford the life-extension surgery.

Sometimes Gesas would wonder, if he had not been born in a foster home in the lower district, if he had determined to go to high school, college, and finally succeeded in being admitted to a research institute as a member of the sacred bloodline, would everything be different?

But there are not so many ifs in the world. If he was not born in the right place, if he did not do well in school, he would have to take the toughest road.

As time passed by the second, the study was so quiet it seemed to solidify. Not until Gesas was soaked in cold sweat did the Elfs voice sound slowly: Keep an eye on Gerard.

After a moment of silence, Gesas said, The captain of the Blood Mad Hunters, the White-Haired Butcher Gerard Westminster?

Ashe Heath made him lose face, Gerard will definitely hunt him down personally. If Gerard kills him on the spot, then it ends there; if Gerard chooses to arrest him and spares his life

Then the woodpecker will eat this pest.

Stealing a kill from Ashe Heath in front of a Tri-Wing Sanctuary Sorcerer?

Even thinking with his gut, he knew how difficult this task would be, but Gesas responded without hesitation: Your command will be carried out, but since two days ago, Gerard has been elusive, even the Heresy Court does not know his whereabouts, I wonder

Hes probably at Observation Point 53. The Elf said, Go, may the Blood Moon light your way.

Gesas exited the room with measured steps, closing the door gently behind him.

The Elf opened a file next to him. Inside was the resume of Ashe Heath. It detailed his birth records, upbringing in a foster home, high school awards, and college activities.

He tapped the desk lightly with his finger, his nails were quite slender, creating a tap, tap, tap sound on the wooden table

Why havent you left yet?

The Elf looked up, gazing at the hooded figure in front of his desk.

The hooded figure walked from the shadows of the study into the blood-lit ground, wearing a mask, his eyes filled with surprise.

Indeed, even among Two-wing Sorcerers, there is a hierarchy. He chuckled, Even a Two-wing Sorcerer could detect me, it seems I cant bluff in front of Gerard

Youre not Gesass follower? The Elf furrowed his brow, Who are you?

He had noticed this person just now, but he thought it was Gesass follower, so he didnt pay much attention.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized a problemGesas never brought anyone to see him, only the leader of the Woodpecker had the privilege to meet him

Its really heartbreaking, after all the hardships I escaped from Shattered Lake, you, Professor, cant even recognize your prized student.

He pulled down his mask, revealing a refreshing smile.

Nice to meet you, Sylin Dole, Im Ashe Heath.

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