Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 153: Heart-Bewitching Girl

Chapter 153: Heart-Bewitching Girl

Ashe was momentarily stunned, then he laughed and said, Shouldnt I be the one asking you that?


You recognized me as Ashe Heath before we even signed the contract, didnt you?

Ashe continued, But you still signed it.

Well, thats because youre a notorious jailbreaker. Freya rubbed her eyes, avoiding Ashes gaze. How dare I defy you? Not to mention the benefit of receiving a spirit.

Ashe chuckled: Dont forget, at that time I held the Compassion Art Spirit, I could feel your curiosity towards me, and pity.

Freya remembered the night five days ago. She hesitated before signing, noticing the man beside her displaying various emotionsurgency, hesitation, fear. His eyes unconsciously darted towards the balcony, seemingly prepared to plunge into the deep night at any moment.

She suddenly recalled an unrelated scenewhen she was casually browsing a pet shop and saw a Fold-ear Cat running amok. The cat, once caught by the staff, would look towards the window, then towards Freya.

So she purchased Xiao Xian.

So she signed the contract.


Im kind to you not out of pity, but out of fondness, Ashe said. As the first person I met outside prison, although you have many habits I cant understand, and your values differ from mine, your whole being is steeped in the bloody scent of the Blood Moon Realm

But the kindness deep in your heart makes me feel that the world is still beautiful.

Its because of you that I dont want to be a mere bystander. Even if its just you, I hope you can find enough happiness to heal a lifetime.

Freya felt her face blushing, the formidable Bewitcher was even feeling shy: Youre about to leave, why say such things

Its not like we cant meet again, Ashe said. Though Ill likely leave the Blood Moon Realm, I might return in the future. Even if I dont, youll become a Sorcerer, and we might meet in the Virtual Realmof course, its better if you dont meet my Sorcerers projection there.

Were Sorcerers, we cant stop believing in miracles.


Ashe stood up, patting Freya and Xiao Xians heads: Goodbye, Freya, I hope youll become a Spirit Art Master when we meet again. Goodbye, Xiao Xian, I hope your illness will completely heal.

Freya bit her lip, watching him, Goodbye, Ashe, I hope I hope you turn out to be a good person.

You make it sound like Im a bad person now

With the closing of the door, the figure of the cult leader vanished into the night. Freya rubbed her eyes, laid the Glowing Sphere and Xiao Xian down, returned to her desk, and picked up her pen to continue her homework.

As she wrote, large hot teardrops fell onto the paper, blurring her vision and smudging her writing.

She leaned on the desk, her shoulders shaking slightly, weeping silently.

Im surprised he didnt take her with him.

The Sword Princess sat in Ashes seat, watching the crying Freya with interest. Despite all the changes in the jailbreak, Ashe still met the Heart-Bewitching Girl. Rather than coincidence, Id call it fatethe Heart-Bewitching Girl is always the apocalypse observers follower.

No, it has nothing to do with fate or coincidence, its the result of a meticulous calculation.

The Observer leaned against the balcony railing, watching Ashe disappear into the night. This apartment is the closest to Caimon Comprehensive University, Freyas room was the only one without a light on the third floor at the time, Ashes choice was inevitable.

Is it inevitable? the Sword Princess tilted her face upward, So the followings of Heart-Bewitching Girl were accidental?

The Observer nodded: I wasnt even a Sorcerer when I escaped from jail. Having Freyas help could save me a lot of troubles. Using her was undoubtedly the most cost-effective choice. For Ashe, who has now become a Two-wing Sorcerer, Freya would only be a burden, theres no need to take her along.

This is the first time Ive felt injustice for Ashe. The Sword Princess laughed in anger, You actually used your dirty thinking to speculate and tarnish Ashes good intentions?

He might have good intentions, but hes made many considerations deep down. The Observer said lightly: Its all the same.

If its all the same, then why are we here? The Sword Princess said coldly, What we desire is the unique miracle.

Whatever you say.

Observer, is it my illusion, but I feel like youre not in a good mood today. At other times, you would have mocked me with all sorts of shameless and boring jokes.

The Sword Princess looked at Freya: Is it because youve met an old subordinate whom you havent seen for a long time? How did the Heart-Bewitching Girl die? I only remember that I didnt kill her

The Observer glanced at her: Sword Princess.

I suddenly recalled a distant rumor. The Sword Princess seemed oblivious, The Heart-Bewitching Girl initially followed you because of her love for you, but you never satisfied her, and even until she died, she seemed unable to win your favor.

Just satisfy my curiosity, would you tell me your story with the Heart-Bewitching Girl?

The Observer stared at her coldly, and the Sword Princess bravely stood up to him.

It wasnt until Freya hiccuped from crying too hard that the Observer coldly said, Are you feeling injustice for your former enemy?

The Sword Princess said, I am feeling injustice for women who have met jerks.

After a long silence, the Observer said: Do you know why her Mind Series miracle has such a high priority, such a wide range, and such a deep influence?

Because shes a Bewitcher?

Because shes an Abstinent Enchantress. The Observer said lightly, An abstinent Bewitcher not only can greatly increase the learning speed of the Mind Series but also cause qualitative changes to the Mind Series miracle. This is not exactly a secret poison. It may be passed among the Bewitcher group, but few Bewitchers can achieve it they must have a person that they are infatuated with, then the Bewitcher can enter the abstinent state, and only after they become integrated with the object can they relieve it.

So, to get the Heart-Bewitching Girls combat power, you kept using her in that way?

I did it for her good.

The paradise created by the Blood Moon Supreme was also for the good of the pets living in it. The Sword Princess said coldly, You make me sick, Observer.

Ashe may not be Freyas regret, but you were once the disaster of the Heart-Bewitching Girl.

Xiao Xian walked to the Observers feet and affectionately rubbed against the Observers boots.

I will tell the others about this when I go back. Now we finally have a reason to unite. How can things go well when youre with this kind of loudmouth

The Sword Princess was speaking, and when she turned her head, she found that the Observer had disappeared.

The Fold-ear Cat jumped onto the desk and snuggled into Freyas arms.

Freya raised her head in a daze, saw the Fold-ear Cat affectionately licking the tears on her face, and suddenly her nose was sour, and she held the Fold-ear Cat and cried loudly.

The Sword Princess calmly watched this scene, her mouth slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile.

Trying to make up for it nowhow pathetic.

But she immediately shook her head in self-mockery: We are just as pathetic.

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