Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 155: You are not Ashe Heath at all

Chapter 155: You are not Ashe Heath at all

Looking at the visitor, Sylin stood up abruptly. The Blood Moon shone through his hair, illuminating his stunned face.

Why are you?

Perhaps its just to see the expression on your face now.

Ashe laughed, Ashe Heath, who had never learned swordsmanship, fought against a reckless elven swordsman in a battle, miraculously defeated him, sought revenge on the person who framed him after escaping from prison, and thus began a dramatic lifewhat do you think of this script?

By the way, dont move around, or my finger will tremble.

Sylin felt a chill on his neck, and a warm liquid flowed into his collar.

Dont look down, your head will fall off. Ashe said seriously, his right hand forming a sword, pointing at the Elven Professor.

He pulled out a long sword from under his tongue, propped it on the ground, and the Sword Aegis Miracle was ready.

Sylin glanced downwards, Heart Sword Valcas Heart Sword spirit? I see, I was wondering, Valcas is not a careless elf, if he really wanted to kill someone, theres no reason why he would make a nearly dead mistake its more likely that he did it on purpose, he has always liked to show off.

Ashe was slightly taken aback, He has always liked to show off?

Yes, like scoring one more point on each test than the previous one, standing on one finger in balance, or turning the tide in a sword competition after losing 10 points he has always been fascinated by his own talent, always wanting to become a dazzling hero, always wanting to increase the difficulty to attract peoples attention.

Sylins eyelids half-closed, He has always been a naughty and proud child.

Ashes pupils slightly enlarged, What is your relationship with Valcas?

Sylin tilted his head slightly, allowing his throat to be cut by the Heart Sword, I know what you are thinking I was once a teacher at the Jade Dragon Nursery, teaching for thirty-one years, well, its now called the Jade Garden. In my second year of teaching, the Beloved Church sent six elven children one of whom was Valcas Uhl.

I named him, implying free water lily. In theory, the elves should choose a new name for themselves after leaving the nursery, just like my name, which I chose for myself, implying gorgeous iron begonia.

He didnt change his name, which means he likes this name, and also means

Sylin gently pressed his left chest with his right hand, He respects me, the guardian teacher who watched him grow up.

Although Ashe had anticipated that Sylin and Valcas had an unusual relationship, given the deep hatred that Valcas showed in front of Ashe, indicating that the enmity between these two elves is deep, it is far from an ordinary interest relationship.

But Ashe never expected that the relationship between Sylin and Valcas would be this close!

Why did you send Valcas to the Blood Moon Tribunal?

What a strange question, Heath, very strange. Sylin said, He violated the law, was imprisoned, was sent to trial, everything was deserved, everything was as it should be. He took the wrong path, made a wrong step, killed himself, why do you say it as if I killed him?

Stop pretending, do you think I would still buy your nonsense after hearing Fernand Snows speech a few days ago? Ashe sneered, In a high position, using your power wisely, wrapping personal interests in public interests, hiding personal matters in public matters, you can achieve your goals within the legal scope, all these are just a small caprice of power.

What I want to ask is, given your deep connection with Valcas, how could you decide to eliminate him? Just because he was incompetent, unable to kill me in the death match? Simply to ensure my death in the Blood Moon Tribunal, you put him in the judgment sequence too, leading both of us to mutual destruction?

Simply? A rare anger surfaced on Sylins face. I was seriously trying to kill you! I did everything I could, used every means at my disposal. You summarized all my efforts and determination over these days with just one simply!?

The sudden outburst from the elf forced Ashe to retreat a bithe had to, or his sword heart would cut through the elfs throat! Sylin dared to ignore his own life, leaning his head forward to glare at Ashe, as if Ashes words had provoked his fury!

Calm down, calm down, Professor Sylin, Ashe didnt even know what he was saying, Lets talk it out slowly, dont move around. I didnt want things to come to this either.

In an instant, the positions switched: the assassin Ashe became humble, while the victim Sylin seemed to rise up in indignation. The reason was simple, Ashe found his threat was not as effective as he had imagined.

He thought when he successfully put the sword heart to the elfs throat, there would be only two outcomes

The elf would rather die than submit, leaving Ashe with no choice but to grant him a swift death;

Or the elf would beg for mercy, allowing Ashe to complete a satisfying revenge.

But Sylins reaction was completely beyond Ashes expectation.

He was surprised, but not afraid; he was unafraid of death, and did not mind revealing information to Ashe.

Ashe thought Sylin was preparing some sort of miraculous counterattack, ready to behead him with a single stroke as soon as Sylin tried anything.

However, Sylin did not counterattack; instead, he deliberately bumped his throat against the blade of the sword heart.

This left Ashe in a dilemmabecause he needed more than just information from Heath, he also needed information to escape from the Blood Moon Realm.

But the latter was not something ordinary like him, without an ID, could find out. This elf in front of him, however, was a high-level player who had achieved revered status in political reputation (as a congressman), racial reputation (Elf Rights Association), academic reputation (a university professor), and local reputation (Woodpecker). Sylins two hundred years of connections made him a massive source of information.

With Ashes current ability, Sylin was the best person to consult about leaving the Blood Moonof course, aside from Sylin, there must be many others who knew how to leave, such as the Blood Mad Hunter Gerard, the Director of the Research Institute, the War Zone Commander, the Bishop of the Beloved Church This was why Ashe was so torn, because aside from Sylin, everyone else could easily defeat him.

Ashe quickly weighed his gains and decided to go along with the elf for now. Once he had obtained the needed information, he would stab his sword through the throat of this mastermind, complete a splendid revenge, and become a legitimate fugitive.

That time when Valcas stabbed my throat in the Blood Moon Tribunal, now Im stabbing yoursits fair, right? Im just making a slight profit. I took the sword heart, but essentially, its Valcas betraying you.

As the saying goes, every debt has its debtor. When you get to the Virtual Realm, Professor Sylin, you can take your revenge on Valcas. Of course, you can also come at me. Ill let the Sword Princess blow up your head.

Having prepared himself to be the villain, Ashe managed to squeeze out a friendly smile: Professor Sylin

I gave him a chance.


I never hesitate to show kindness to my kind. For every Elf who has lost their way, I give them chance after chance to atone for their sins, Professor Sylin said calmly, How I wish I could have a hearty drink and merry conversation with Valcas if given the chance How I wish I could pass on this study to him just like 70 years ago, when the previous president handed this study over to me.

He was once my most admired successor. He detested politics, but he was skilled at it since a young age. He had a love for killing, but he was always clean and left no evidence. He loved to take risks, which is why he spent ten years as the leader of the Woodpecker those were truly the most comfortable ten years. Compared to him, Gesas is like a wild boar that only knows how to search for treasures in the mud.

Moreover, your initial guess might not be wrong.


Ashe took a moment to understand his initial guess?

Besides being Valcas guardian teacher, I might also be Valcas provider in a biological sense, Sylin stated.

Ashes mouth opened wide, and after a moment of shock, he managed to utter a word, Possibly?

I dont have the same interest as Fernand Snow, specifically tracing the flow of my own bloodline, Sylin said calmly. However, we Elves are a very special race. Apart from our lower sexual desire, the combination of our genetic factors also has a very low probability, only rising from 0.8% to 13% in a certain month. This month is known as Elf Birth Month, which occurs only once every three years on average.

Unlike other races that can reproduce freely, Elves only have full mating rights during the Elf Birth Month. This is not just to increase the birth rate, but also to cut off bloodline bonds the birth count of Elves is too low. If we spread out reproduction, bloodline providers can easily find their children based on the birth date.

A year before Valcas joined the Foster Home, I responded to the call of the church and fully mated. Theoretically, Valcas could indeed be my child. Our hair and eye colors are identical, and I can see my past self in him.

Sylins voice did not fluctuate, only his pupils revealing the frozen vicissitudes of time.

Time cannot etch the bodies of the Elves, but their souls have long been occupied by the vast past. Simply flipping a page from their memory would reveal a journey of hardship.

If he is both your student and your child, why

Valcas disappointed me, Sylin covered his eyes with his hand, He is a stain on the Elves, a rebel of the immortal race. I gave him a chance, promising him the reward of reuniting with his biological child, but he still chose to defy my wishes I cant wait to see him suffer in Blood Moon Heaven.

Perhaps it was because he had been living in this bizarre land for too long, Ashe found himself calmly observing these incomprehensible interpersonal relationships, losing the urge to comment.

Now that they had unraveled the mystery of Valcas, what was next

Professor Sylin, why exactly do you want to

Ashe suddenly found himself slowing down, even his thoughts seemed sluggish as if he was listening to a foreign language comprehension test. He watched with wide eyes as Sylin took a step back, out of the range of the sword heart, and began summoning a spirit to perform a Miracle.

At that moment, the thought I need to use Sword Aegis to defend slowly surfaced in Ashes mind.

But he had no time to do anything. The wooden floor suddenly sprouted branches that pierced through the carpet, flowing along his body. In no time, a large tree formed in the study, and Ashe had already fused into the tree trunk, completely bound by it!

Time fell like rain, each moment landing with a clear ring. Ashe regained his senses, but it was already too latethis tree not only bound his body but also locked away his arcane energy. The floating sword heart, which depended on that energy, had vanished due to the interrupted connection!

The Honeyed Words, Dagger in Heart, which was essential for invoking sword spirits, had been seized by the tree branches. Now, all his sword spirits were rendered useless!

This was the weakness of professional spiritsif one could identify the common restrictions of the corresponding faction and seize the necessary casting medium, they could disable most of their opponents powerful spirits!

Indeed, you cannot resist the control of the Stunning Eyes.

It was only then that Ashe noticed Sylin had removed the glove from his right hand.

He held his right hand over his eyes, yet Ashe could clearly see the elfs green iris. It was so deep, so bright, as if it wanted to suck in ones soul.

But what surged in Ashes heart was profound shock.

Because there was a hole in the palm of Sylins hand.

A hole that could allow an eye to peer through!

Youre not really Ashe Heath, are you? Who the hell are you?

Sylin lowered his hand, sat back down in his chair, and looked at Ashe with a puzzled expression.

Although he didnt know how hed been discovered, Ashe quickly seized the opportunity to play along: Yeah, thats right. Im not Ashe Heath. Just a regular guy who couldnt sleep and went out for a late-night walk. I hope the esteemed elf will let me go soon, or Ill accuse you of detaining me and violating my human rights

Sylin ignored him completely, muttering to himself.

But soon he abruptly stood up, his face filled with unmistakable terror and hysterical hostility!

Could it be the ritual was successful?

He glared at Ashe as if he wanted to tear this handsome young man to pieces: Are you the real Touch?

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