She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 79: 079: Tang Family Heir

Chapter 79: 079: Tang Family Heir

Chapter 79 079: The heir of the Tang family

At this time, Fang Hongyu never thought that the little **** back then was not dead, and was still in Qingshi!

If she remembers correctly, Fang Youling went to Dongcheng Blood Collection this time and passed by Qingshi to meet Mrs. Lu.

This moment.

Fang Hongyu panicked.

just in case

What if they recognize each other?

If Fang Youling recognizes that little bastard, what else will happen to her?


She couldn't let this happen.

Fang Hongyu tried her best to calm herself down, took a deep breath, and looked at her assistant, "Are you sure?"

The assistant bit her lip, "Now there is only one certificate of appraisal."

Before she had the certificate of appraisal, she didn't dare to answer Fang Hongyu's words directly.

Fang Hongyu narrowed her eyes, "After you go back, ask someone to send me their information immediately."


On the way back to Tang's house from the airport, Fang Hongyu was in a bad mood.

ups and downs.

She didn't understand how the life of that little **** was so big.

She didn't even know how she got back to the Tang family,

Getting off the car, Fang Hongyu went straight to the study.

Lv Tang looked at her mother's back in a hurry, and frowned slightly, "What's wrong with my mother?"

Fang Hongyu has always maintained the demeanor of a lady, and has never lost her composure like now.


Something is not quite right.

The servant beside him shook his head, "Maybe there is something wrong with my wife's work."

Lu Tang was a little worried, followed her mother to the study, knocked on the door of the study, "Mom, are you in?"

"What's wrong?" Fang Hongyu's voice came from outside.

Lu Tang pushed open the door, "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No." Fang Hongyu pressed her forehead, "I'm just a little tired."

Lu Tang continued: "Do you want to invite Grandma Wu to show you?"

"Okay." Fang Hongyu leaned on the back of the chair, "Your grandma Wu is very skilled in medicine, maybe she can prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine for me to recuperate."

"I'm going to call right away."



At this moment, a notification sound came from WeChat.

Fang Hongyu immediately opened WeChat.

It was sent by the assistant.

Just one file.

Fang Hongyu clicked to receive the file.

The files will be received soon.

Fang Hongyu clicked on it immediately.

Inside is Lin Guixiang's personal information.

Lin Guixiang.


Thirty-eight years old.

Pro-town people.

Education level: illiterate.

Marital status: Divorced with a daughter, and currently living with her brother's house in Qingshi with her 18-year-old daughter.

There is also a photo of Lin Guixiang below.

The woman is standing in the farmland, holding a handful of seedlings in her hand, and smiling at the camera.

It may be because of doing farm work all year round, her complexion is a little dark, and there are a lot of wrinkles on her face, she looks more than ten years older than her actual age.

She can be described as old and ugly.

This kind of person, in normal times, Fang Hongyu might not even take a second look.

But now

However, Fang Hongyu also heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the other party is just a country woman.

As for her daughter.

is not worth mentioning.

You don't need to think about it, the daughter of a country woman must also be a country woman.

"Mom, Grandma Wu said she will be there soon." Lu Tang hung up the phone and walked in from the outside.

Fang Hongyu's face has softened a lot, she nodded upon hearing this, "Okay."

Although mother said that she was just a little tired, Lu Tang still felt that something was wrong, "Mom, what's wrong?"


Although Lu Tang is very smart, she is still young after all. Fang Hongyu worries that if she knows too much, if she slips up, she will shoot herself in the foot.

"Are you really okay?" Lu Tang asked.

Fang Hongyu smiled and said, "It's really all right."

Seeing that her mother refused to say more, Lu Tang didn't ask any more questions.

Fang Hongyu looked at her daughter, and continued: "Your grandma is not at home, so you should run faster with your grandpa."

It can be seen that Tang Shaowei still likes the granddaughter Lu Tang very much.

Maybe one day when the old man is happy, he might hand over the Tang Corporation to Lu Tang.

"Yes." Lu Tang nodded, "I know, Mom."

She is not a fool, so she naturally knows what to do.

The three of them are not the real Tang family, and she will be careful until the formal will is established.

"Let's go." Fang Hongyu continued.

Lu Tang nodded, turned and left.

After Lu Tang left, Fang Hongyu sat back on the chair and continued to study Lin Guixiang's information.

She was not sure whether this person was Tang Qiushui who had been missing for many years.

after all.

She doesn't have a testimonial now either.

not long.

Footsteps sounded outside the door.

Fang Hongyu looked up, and saw Wu Muzhen carrying a medicine chest.

Wu Muzhen still had that kind appearance, "Hongyu, I heard that you are not feeling well, are you feeling better now?"

"It's okay, but I'm a little tired recently."

Wu Muzhen walked up to Fang Hongyu and felt her pulse.

After a while, Wu Muzhen let go of Fang Hongyu's wrist, and said in a low voice, "Hongyu, you are worrying too much!"

Fang Hongyu was taken aback!

Wu Muzhen is really good, even this can be diagnosed.

Wu Muzhen continued: "My child, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Sometimes you don't have to think too much."

The Tang family is here.

Can't grow wings.

can't fly either.

"This time is different."

"What's different?" Wu Muzhen asked.

Fang Hongyu glanced at the closed study door, and continued: "My heart hurts, intermittently."

Hearing this, Wu Muzhen frowned slightly.

"My heart hurts?"

"Hmm." Fang Hongyu continued, "It seems like I'm about to lose something important."

Wu Muzhen continued: "I'll give you a new pulse."

"Okay." Fang Hongyu stretched out her hand towards Wu Muzhen.

This time, Wu Muzhen did not diagnose the cause quickly, but thought for a moment, and then said: "Hongyu, I will prescribe you a medicine. You can take the medicine according to the prescription for a few days, and the situation will probably improve."

"Please trouble Aunt Wu."

"This child, why are you being polite to me?" Wu Muzhen said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Wu Muzhen took out banknotes from the medicine box and began to write the prescription.

A few minutes later, she wrote the pen, folded the prescription and handed it to Fang Hongyu, exhorting: "Hongyu, you must take it according to the dosage, and you must not overdose. In addition, you must not exceed the daily medication time."

"Okay." Fang Hongyu took the prescription and nodded.

Wu Muzhen put away the medicine box, "If you have nothing else to do, I'll go first."

"I'll see you off." Fang Hongyu got up and sent Wu Muzhen outside the door.

Wu Muzhen did not leave the Tang family immediately, but came to Tang Shaowei's yard.

Tang Shaowei has recovered fairly well recently.

Wearing a Tang suit, he is doing Tai Chi in the yard at this time, looking full of energy.

Fang Youling was not at home, so he had to support Tang's affairs by himself.

Tang Shaowei didn't dare to take it lightly at this time.

Maybe I was too focused, and I didn't even know that there were more people in the yard.

Wu Muzhen said with a smile: "Brother Tang, it seems that you have recovered well these days!"

Tang Shaowei opened his eyes again, looked at Wu Muzhen, and asked curiously, "Doctor Wu, why are you here?"

Usually, he would call Wu Muzhen over only when he was feeling uncomfortable.

But today

Wu Muzhen continued: "Tangtang called me and said her mother was not feeling well, so I came to take a look."

Hearing that his niece was not feeling well, Tang Shaowei immediately said, "Is Hongyu okay?"

"She said her heart hurts. I took her pulse and found that the child is overworked." Having said this, Wu Muzhen's expression changed, and she continued: "If she goes on like this for a long time, it is very likely that she will suffer from overwork. Myocardial infarction."

Hearing the last sentence, Tang Shaowei's eyebrows jumped.

Myocardial infarction!

"So serious?" Tang Shaowei frowned slightly, and continued: "But I heard that myocardial infarction is a disease only for the elderly?"

Wu Muzhen shook her head, "Social progress is great now, and the pressure on young people is also increasing. Many geriatric diseases are gradually becoming younger. I read a study that said that every year, more than six young people suffer from myocardial infarction. Elderly people over the age of ten!"

Wu Muzhen didn't make alarmist remarks. What she said had a basis.

She has never been a nonsense person either.

Hearing this, Tang Shaowei sighed, "The situation in our family is really thanks to Hongyu all these years. This child always takes care of himself and never tells us anything."

"She can't tell you." Wu Muzhen continued: "Brother Tang, speaking of which, you also watched Hongyu grow up, and you should know her character better than I do. Either you and Sister Youling are busy looking for Qiushui , or busy with company affairs, according to her temperament, how could she tell you about trivial matters in life?"

A look of guilt appeared on Tang Shaowei's face.

Authorities fans.

Bystander clear.

After so many years, Tang Shaowei knew for the first time from Wu Muzhen how difficult it was for Fang Hongyu to be in this family.

The two of them were busy looking for their daughter and dealing with things, but they didn't take care of Fang Hongyu.

They forgot.

Fang Hongyu is just a child

Looking at Tang Shaowei's face, Wu Muzhen put the medicine box on the table, "Brother Tang, don't talk about it. You are here, and I will check your body by the way."

"Okay." Tang Shaowei nodded, sat opposite Wu Muzhen, rolled up his sleeves, and stretched out his hand in front of her.

Wu Muzhen took Tang Shaowei's pulse.

After a while, Wu Muzhen let go of Tang Shaowei's wrist, and said with a smile: "Brother Tang, your body is recovering well, but you still have to remember not to be too tired. I still say the same thing, leave things that can be handed over to the children. Kids, nothing is more important than your body."


Wu Muzhen put away the medicine box, "Sister Youling is not at home, so I'll go back first."

"Okay, let's go slowly." When the words fell, Tang Shaowei called the housekeeper again, "Send me Dr. Wu."

The housekeeper immediately followed Wu Muzhen's footsteps, "Master Wu, please come this way."

Looking at Wu Muzhen's back, Tang Shaowei's eyes were filled with deep thoughts.

he was thinking.

Do you want to announce now that Fang Hongyu is the future heir of the Tang family?

After Fang Youling came home, he must have a good discussion with Fang Youling.

the other side.


Lin Wu and Shen Lijun came out to drink milk tea together.

Shen Lijun looked at Lin Wu, as if she wanted to say something, but she was too embarrassed to speak.

Lin Wu said with a smile: "Li Jun, do you have something on your mind today?"

"Xiaowu, have you seen all this?" Shen Lijun said in surprise.

Lin Wu continued: "We are friends, so say what you want, you don't need to be stressed."

Shen Lijun was the first friend Lin Wu made in this different world.

This man has no heart.

Lin Wu is also very relaxed with her.

"Then I'll tell you," Lin Wu said, so she stopped coddling, and continued: "Xiao Wu, because the skin care products you gave are so easy to use. So, my mother would like to ask I asked if you could help me buy Beauty Yin's phoenix suit, she wants to buy two sets."

So that's what happened.

Seeing Shen Lijun's hesitant look, Lin Wu thought something was wrong with her.

Hearing this, Lin Wu smiled and said, "Of course."

"Really?" Shen Lijun asked in surprise.

Actually, she didn't intend to bother Lin Wu about this matter.

She made a special trip to Meirenyin's store.

There were two stores in total, and there were long queues. When it was finally her turn, the phoenix had already been sold out, and she was told that there might be no stock in the last few days, because the people who lined up in the previous few days were really There are too many and need to be sold first to those who have queued before.

Shen Lijun was scheduled one week later.

This is not the most important.

The important thing is that it may not be there in a week.

So, Shen Lijun could only ask Lin Wu with an attitude of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wu actually agreed directly.

"Yes." Lin Wu nodded slightly, "Really."

Shen Lijun continued: "But when I went to line up yesterday, their clerk told me that the phoenix had already been sold out."

Lin Wu took a sip of milk tea, "In the future, if you want to buy beauty songs, just come to me directly, and you don't need to queue up."

"Xiao Wu, are you kidding me?" Now that the scalpers have increased the price of a set of Beauty Yin by more than three times, they can't buy it. How did Lin Wu get it?

Shen Lijun was very curious.

"I'm not kidding," Lin Wu said mysteriously, "Because I'm the daughter of Boss Meirenyin."

"Really?" Shen Lijun looked skeptical.

"Really." Lin Wu nodded.

But Shen Lijun felt that Lin Wu was joking, "Then I am the daughter of a billionaire! I am actually the heir to a wealthy family!"

Although what she said is true.

The two girls laughed and made noise, causing passers-by to look back frequently.

After a while, Lin Wu went on to say: "I have two sets of phoenixes at home now. After shopping, you can go back with me to get some."

"Okay." Shen Lijun nodded.

After the words fell, Shen Lijun continued: "How much money, I will transfer it to you."

Lin Wu didn't intend to collect money, "You"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Shen Lijun directly, "Xiaowu, if you say you don't want money, then I don't want it!" Meirenyin is hard to buy now, Lin Wu can sell it to her Two sets are already a big favor!

How can she not want money.

Lin Wu smiled faintly, "It's been said that Meirenyin belongs to my family, and I'm not short of money."

Shen Lijun snorted, "Then I'm still the heir to a wealthy family! I'm not short of money!"

"Oh well."

After drinking the milk tea, Lin Wu took out a book from her backpack.

The cover is quite strange.

Shen Lijun asked curiously: "Xiao Wu, what books do you read?"

Lin Wu said: "About ancient medicine."

Most of the original books on ancient medicine are inscriptions on oracle bones, so it is normal for Shen Lijun not to understand them.

"An ancient doctor?" Shen Lijun was even more surprised, "What do you see this for?"

"Research." Lin Wu's tone was light.

She also only recently found out.

This world is different from her previous world.

People like her are called illegal medicine here.


She is preparing to take the doctor's certificate, pharmacist qualification certificate and Chinese medicine qualification certificate.

"Research?" Shen Lijun thought she had heard it wrong, "Xiaowu, you said you want to read medical books for research?"

This should not be so easy to test, right?

It seems that many medical doctors fail the examination.

"I'll try it first."

Shen Lijun nodded, and continued: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you fail the exam, Xiaowu, after all, you are only a third year in high school. And you are already smarter than many people."


Today is the day for Lin Guixiang to take the subject one exam.

But she was absent-minded.

The first time I took the exam, I was absent-minded, and I only scored 85 points.


Fortunately, there were two chances in one day, so Lin Guixiang took the exam again.

This time it's over.

95 points.

Knowing that Lin Guixiang passed the exam successfully, the coach came over with a smile, "Sister Lin, come and practice subject two tomorrow."


Xu felt that Lin Guixiang's face was not right, the coach continued: "Sister Lin, are you okay?"

"It's okay," Lin Guixiang shook her head, "Maybe I was too nervous during the first exam."

The coach smiled and said: "Subject One is so nervous, so why not be so nervous about Subject Two? You have to calm down and don't think too much."


Lin Guixiang nodded.

After the exam, Lin Guixiang took a taxi back home, thinking that the vinegar at home was gone, Lin Guixiang went to Lin Guimei's supermarket again.

"Guimei, bring me a bottle of vinegar."

Lin Guimei took a bottle of vinegar and handed it to Lin Guixiang, "Sister, did you get off work so early today?"

It's only three o'clock in the afternoon.

In the past, Lin Guixiang pretended to be very busy and didn't go home until five or six o'clock at least.

It's fine now.

She didn't even want to pretend.

Lin Guixiang took the bottle of vinegar, "I went to test one today, so I came back early."

Section One?

Lin Guimei frowned slightly, "Then how did you do in the exam?"

"It's over," Lin Guixiang met Dan Dan, "The coach asked me to practice subject two tomorrow."

Practice subject two?

Hearing this, Lin Guimei almost died of laughter.

An illiterate can pass subject one!

Lin Guixiang is taking someone for a fool.

Is she so easy to deceive?

"Really?" Lin Guimei continued: "Congratulations, big sister, it seems that you are not far away from buying a car. By the way big sister, what kind of car do you plan to buy?" "The car is just a transportation , as long as it can be driven." Lin Guixiang didn't have much pursuit of cars.

Lin Guimei narrowed her eyes, "I think you are suitable for driving an Audi."

"Audi?" In the past, Lin Guixiang definitely didn't know what an Audi was, but now she not only knows, but also recognizes the Audi logo. Audi."

Audi only.

To the current Lin Guixiang, this is really nothing.

Hearing this, Lin Guimei was speechless.

This illiterate is illiterate. Even Audi doesn't know what it is, so he dares to promise indiscriminately.

The cheapest Audi costs hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Lin Guixiang probably doesn't even have tens of thousands of yuan now.

Lin Guimei snorted coldly in her heart, "Sister, it seems that your skin care store must have made a lot of money, right?"

"Yes." Lin Guixiang nodded slightly, "It's okay."

Lin Guimei frowned slightly.

What time is this, and Lin Guixiang dares to lie to her.

Really think she is a fool?

Lin Guimei smiled, "Since we have decided to buy a car, is the next step going to be buying a house?"

Lin Guixiang didn't hide anything, nodded and said, "Well, that's how I prepared it."

This person buys a car and a house, dont want money?

Lin Guixiang lied, maybe even she herself was believed by herself!

Fortunately, this kind of person is not her own sister.

Lin Guixiang held the vinegar, and continued, "How much is Guimei?"

"Twelve." Brothers have to settle accounts clearly, not to mention that Lin Guimei has no blood relationship with her, so of course she will take the money.

Lin Guixiang took out her mobile phone to scan the QR code.

In the past, Lin Guixiang used to pay cash when she came to buy things. Seeing this, Lin Guimei smiled and said, "Sister, you can pay by mobile phone now."

"Yes. Xiaowu taught it."

After paying the money, Lin Guixiang left.

Not long after she left.

Two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, came to the supermarket.

The two should be husband and wife, holding hands, with a scrutinizing look in their eyes.

Lin Guimei is sharp-eyed, and she can tell at a glance that both men and women are well-dressed.

The bag that Guangnu carried in her hand was worth hundreds of thousands!

not only.

The temperament of the two is also very good. Lin Guimei has opened a supermarket for so long, and this is the first time that her temperament is directly proportional to the luxury goods on her body.

Unlike some people, although they suddenly became rich and wore a suit of big-name clothing, they have no cultural background to support these famous brands.

These two people might belong to the noble circle of Qingshi!

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei immediately cheered up and said with a smile: "Welcome, what do you want to buy?"

It was also at this time that Lin Gui didn't realize that there were two young men in suits behind them.

Physically strong.

Like bodyguards for rich wives on TV.

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei narrowed her eyes.

These two young men are not really bodyguards!

It seems that I really met a noble person today.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman walking in front asked Lin Guixiang, "Are there any blood swallows from Thailand?"

Sure enough.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I asked for expensive things.

But Lin Guimei is just a simple supermarket, and usually only sells some firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea and daily necessities.

Where can there be a high-end tonic like Xueyan?

Lin Guimei continued: "I'm sorry, ma'am, there is no blood swallow. But we have imported high-end milk powder and other high-end supplements."

Lin Guimeis supermarket is located in a residential area after all, and she usually encounters people visiting relatives.

So I also prepared some mid-range nutritional products.

But I didn't prepare much because I was afraid that no one would buy it and it would expire.

Hearing what the middle-aged woman said, she regretted it very much. If she had known that such a distinguished guest would come today, she should have asked the wholesaler to send some high-end things.

The middle-aged woman hesitated for a while, then looked at the middle-aged man beside her, "What do you think?"

The middle-aged man lit a cigarette, "Then get a copy of everything she has in the store, buy some casually first, and let the housekeeper deliver something to our mother in a few days."

Hearing this, Lin Guimei's eyes lit up.

What kind of family is this!

There is even a butler!

To know this word, Lin Guimei has only heard it on TV, but she didnt expect to meet it in real life today. She cant wait to take out her mobile phone and take a vibrato to let everyone know that she met a wealthy wife today.

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman nodded, "Okay, although these things are a bit worse, they are better than nothing." After saying a word, the middle-aged woman looked at Lin Guimei again, and continued, "Just follow my husband's instructions. Come on, get a portion of every nutritional product you have, imported milk powder and so on."

"Okay, okay, wait a moment, both of you."

Although the nutritional products in Lin Guimei's store are not too high-end, the unit price is more than two hundred. If each nutritional product comes in one serving, then her afternoon income will be more than two thousand yuan!

It can be worth her two days' turnover.

"Okay, okay, I'll get it for you right now, just wait a moment."

Lin Guimei put all the high-end goods away, and she would only take them out when asked. ,

Seeing Lin Guimei turn around, the middle-aged woman and the middle-aged man next to her looked at each other. In just a few seconds, both of them saw what the other wanted to express from each other's eyes.

After Lin Guimei took something to settle the accounts, the middle-aged woman seemed to have no intention of asking: "Are you the proprietress here?"

"Yes." Lin Guimei nodded.

The middle-aged woman continued: "Then your business must be good?"

"So-so." Lin Guimei said.

Although she can sell things worth a thousand dollars a day, her profit is only a few hundred dollars, no different from ordinary office workers.

The only advantage is that they have their own house in Qingshi, and they don't need to buy a house or repay the mortgage.

If an ordinary person asked this question, Lin Guimei would definitely not tell the truth, but the person standing in front of her was a wealthy wife. If she could have a relationship with such a person, it would be a blessing she had cultivated in three lifetimes.

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman looked around, "Actually, this place is not bad, but it lacks a little fireworks."

"No, it's all business for regular customers." Lin Guimei agreed.

The middle-aged woman changed the subject, "But it's suitable for the elderly. The elderly should live comfortably here."

Lin Guimei nodded, "The environment here is indeed very good. There are several retired old people living in the back yard!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman narrowed her eyes, "Miss Boss, do you consider selling here?"

Sell the supermarket?

Lin Guimei shook her head, "I haven't considered it."

Although the business of the supermarket is not very good, it can still maintain daily expenses, and at least it can earn 18,000 yuan a month. The house price here is only a little over 10,000 yuan. Her small supermarket has a total of 50 square meters, even 600,000 yuan. If you can't sell it, it's not worth it at all.

As soon as this remark was made, the man who looked like a bodyguard following the middle-aged woman immediately said: "Madam proprietress, our wife thinks that your place has a good environment and is suitable for retirement, so she wants to buy it and renovate it, and take the old lady here to live here." ! If you are willing to sell it, just ask a price. Our wife is not short of money!"


Old lady?

This is a title that can only be heard in TV dramas.

Lin Guimei was even more convinced that this middle-aged woman was not an ordinary person, so she tentatively asked, "Then how much are you willing to pay?"

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "One million."

one million

Lin Guimei was taken aback.

You know, a middle-aged woman charged a price that was nearly double the market price.

Although one million is not much, when combined with her savings, it is enough for her down payment to buy a large flat in a high-end neighborhood in the city center.

Lin Guimei has already inquired about it.

The large flats over there are 50,000 yuan per square meter, and it takes more than five million yuan to buy a one-hundred-square-meter house. If the down payment is more than three million yuan, the mortgage pressure will not be so great later.

Furthermore, her supermarket is only about 50 square meters, and it's all business for regular customers, so no one is willing to take it over if it is transferred.

Unexpectedly, a God of Wealth came today.

But Lin Guimei didn't reveal her small thoughts, "One million seems a little little?"

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "Then how much do you want?"

Lin Guimei gritted her teeth and said a number directly.


Lin Guimei thought that middle-aged women would be disgusted by her asking this price, but the other party smiled and said, "Yes."


Typical people are stupid and rich.

Lin Guimei's heart was full of joy. Since the one and a half million yuan agreed, if she raised the price, the other party would definitely agree.

Thinking about this, Lin Guimei continued: "Two million!"

I thought the middle-aged woman would agree this time, but unexpectedly, she just looked at Lin Guimei like this, "Miss Boss, you don't have enough hearts to swallow like a snake."

Lin Guimei is a typical petty citizen mentality.

Never be satisfied.

Eating looks ugly.

Lin Guimei was taken aback.

The bodyguard who spoke before looked at Lin Guimei, "Our wife is filial, so I don't care about the 501 million, but if the lady boss wants to make an inch, it will be boring!"

Lin Guimei also knows how to accept it, "Then I'll go back and discuss it with my husband! If he agrees, I'll sell it to you for 1.5 million!"

The middle-aged man didn't answer, his eyes fell on the nutrition products on the counter, "Like how much are these?"

Lin Guimei's heart skipped a beat.

What should I do if the God of Wealth is angry?

That's 1.5 million!

Three times higher than the market price.

Lin Guimei immediately changed her words, "Madam, I'll sell it! I'll sell it to you for 1.5 million!"

The middle-aged woman came here without any haste, trying to get her, "You'd better go back and discuss it with your husband! I'll come back tomorrow afternoon when I have time. Let's figure out how much these things cost!"

Come back when you have time?

It's over!

God of Wealth is really angry!

Lin Guimei felt a little uncomfortable, but raised her smiling face, "It's 2890 yuan and 30 cents in total, you can just give 2800."

The middle-aged woman took out her mobile phone and scanned Lin Guimei for 3,000 yuan, "Take the remaining 200 yuan as a tip."

Lin Guimei was taken aback again.

Sure enough, he is a rich man.

Even a tip of 200 yuan.

After the words fell, the middle-aged man turned around and left.

The two bodyguards following behind immediately followed up with the things on the counter.

Lin Guimei also ran out and shouted: "Madam, my husband and I will wait for you in the store tomorrow afternoon! 1.5 million, we promise we won't increase the price!"

I don't know if the other party heard it, but they didn't answer Lin Guimei's words.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Lin Guimei can't wait to slap her thighs green.

She regretted it.

Regret that I am not satisfied and keep increasing the price.

That's 1.5 million!

I hope the other party can come over tomorrow as promised.

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei clasped her hands together and muttered, "Bodhisattva bless you, Bodhisattva bless you!"

Walk out of Wutong Road.

The middle-aged woman looked at the middle-aged man, squinted her eyes and said, "What do you think? Will that woman be fooled?"

The middle-aged man threw the remaining cigarette **** on the ground and crushed it with his toes, "It should."

No one can refuse a windfall.

Not to mention 1.5 million.

The middle-aged woman continued: "Is your news accurate? Is that area really going to be demolished?"

If its not correct, wouldnt it mean that you wont even be able to put on your pants?

"Absolutely." The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, "Don't forget what my younger brother does. Whether we can make a fortune depends on this wave. I heard that this demolition is to divide the houses according to the head , There are eight people in our family. No matter what, we can divide into eight houses, and we will give financial subsidies!"

Hearing this, the two young men who looked like bodyguards behind them said, "Dad, can we share a set?"

The middle-aged man nodded.

In this way, the wedding room of the two sons is also settled.

Not even their nursing home.

It is no different from getting rich overnight.

The middle-aged man is Qian Dazhi and the middle-aged woman is his wife Liu Hairu.

The two are not rich at all, they are very ordinary locals in Qingshi. They have two sons and a daughter. The daughter is married now, but the household registration has not been moved out. Seeing that the housing prices in Qingshi are getting higher and higher , They had no money to buy a wedding house for their two sons, so they had to make the first move.

It just so happened that Qian Dazhi's younger brother was working in a related unit. When chatting with him last time, he overheard that there was a small area on Wutong Road that was going to be demolished to build a shopping mall. The small supermarket was within the scope of demolition, so he, his wife and two sons came to stage such a play.

Qian Dazhi looked at his eldest son, Qian Wang, "Go and get the marriage certificate with Guo Jing tomorrow, and then quickly move her household registration here, and try to get another house."

The Qian family now has a total of eight people including their daughter, son-in-law and grandson, but people are greedy. Who doesnt want to share an extra house?

Hearing this, Qian Wang nodded, "OK."

The youngest son Qiancai continued: "Dad, then my girlfriend and I will also go get a certificate, so our family can share more houses?"

Hearing this, Qian Dazhi hesitated for a while, not because of anything else, but because his youngest son's girlfriend is a foreigner.

As a parent, who wouldn't want his son to find a better girlfriend?

Outsiders are always a bit short.

Liu Hairu looked at her husband, "Don't think too much about it, it's a house! Outsiders are outsiders, as long as we like Cai Cai."

After the words fell, Liu Hairu looked at his youngest son again, "Let's go, move quickly, don't delay the business."

Although Liu Hairu doesn't like her future daughter-in-law, where can she find a local who is willing to get a certificate for her son?


Outsiders are outsiders!

Looking at the face of a house, Liu Hairu can bear it.

Qian Cai nodded excitedly, "Okay."

He and his girlfriend have been dating since they dropped out of school. They have been dating for five years now, but because their girlfriend is not a local, their parents have always opposed it.

This way.

Since Qian Dazhi and Liu Hairu left, Lin Guimei has been a little absent-minded. She is wondering whether they will come back tomorrow!

"I'm such an idiot! I should have left a phone number just now!" Lin Guimei slapped herself angrily.

But that's okay.

Since they have taken a fancy to the location of the supermarket, they will definitely come back tomorrow.

After all, the rich are not short of the 1.5 million.

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei squinted her eyes, her face was full of complacency, and when she sold the supermarket, she went to the city center to buy a flat.

When she got home at night, Lin Guimei shared the good news with her family.

Hearing this, grandma said angrily: "You are so unscrupulous! When people agreed to 1.5 million, you still insisted on 2 million! Do you really think that rich people are fools?"

Those who come from small places are from small places, and they will never change their greedy temperament.

Sun Shanshan was also a little worried, "Mom, grandma was right! Why did you increase the price at that time? It would be great if you sold it directly for 1.5 million yuan, saving you from long nights and dreams."

That is three times higher than the market price.

Lin Guimei also regretted it, and said with a smile: "I want to order more, don't I? Besides, I don't own this supermarket alone. I have to come back and discuss it with your grandparents and your father?"

At the end of the sentence, Lin Guimei looked at Sun's parents, "Mom and Dad, since you agree, if they come again tomorrow, I will sign the contract directly."

Grandfather doesnt make decisions at home, so grandmother nodded, Yes, you put it bluntly, its still unknown whether he will come or not!

Lin Guimei is full of confidence, "It will definitely come, so you can rest assured."

Lin Guixiang cooked three dishes and one soup, waiting for Lin Wu to come back for dinner.

Shaliwa squatted on the ground and waited with Lin Guixiang.

Not long after, Lin Wu came back with her bag on her back, "Mom."

Hearing Lin Wu's voice, Shaliwa immediately jumped from the ground into Lin Wu's arms and started meowing.

"Good evening, Shaliwa." Lin Wu touched Shaliwa's little head.

Lin Guixiang also retracted her thoughts at this time, and said with a smile: "Xiaowu is back, go wash your hands and eat."

Lin Wu nodded slightly, "Mom, how did you do in the subject test today?"

"It's over." Lin Guixiang nodded.

"Congratulations," Lin Wu came out of the bathroom after washing her hands, "By the way, have you thought about that?"

Lin Wu refers to whether to put Lin Guixiang's information on the relative search website.

In case Lin Guixiang is an abducted child, the chances of being reunited with her parents will be increased.

Lin Guixiang didn't speak.

She is torn.

If she is really a kidnapped child, it is impossible for her family to have no information after so many years

Birth without support is not worthy of being a parent at all.

She was raised by adoptive parents, and without adoptive parents, there would be no her. If she went to find her biological parents now, she would be too sorry for her adoptive parents.

She can't pass the psychological level.

Seeing that her mother kept silent, Lin Wu raised her eyes slightly, "Mom, there is an 80% chance that you are a kidnapped child."

Lin Guixiang fits the characteristics of a missing child too well.

However, Lin Guixiang's own wishes have to be respected whether to find her parents or not.

After a while, Lin Guixiang put down his chopsticks, "Let me think about it."

"Okay." Lin Wu nodded slightly.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

Lin Wu went to open the door.

It was none other than Lin Guimei who came, "Auntie."

Lin Guimei crossed her arms and looked into the house, "Where's your mother?"

"I'm eating." Lin Wu replied.

Lin Guimei came to the house.

Seeing Lin Guimei coming, Lin Guixiang smiled and said, "Guimei, have you eaten yet? If not, come and eat with us."

Hearing this, Lin Guimei looked down at the food on the table.

Very shabby three dishes and one soup.

Give the dog food and the dog will not eat it.

"I've eaten it." Lin Guimei continued: "Sister, didn't you say that you are going to buy a house? It just so happens that I plan to buy a house recently, how about we buy it together?"

She came here on purpose to show off.

"I'm planning to buy a large flat in the city center. I'll finalize the purchase of a house after the supermarket's transfer procedures are completed tomorrow."

"Supermarket? Transfer?" Lin Guixiang frowned slightly, "Guimei, don't you plan to open that supermarket?"

"Well, there is a wealthy wife who plans to buy my shop at a price of 1.5 million, which is three times higher than the market price."

"I remember your supermarket is only 50 square meters?"

Lin Guimei nodded.

Lin Guixiang was surprised and said: "That 1.5 million is really worth it!" According to the current price, a 50-square-meter supermarket is at most 500,000.

"No," Lin Guimei said with a smile, "The person who bought our supermarket is a wealthy family in Qingshi. He not only has bodyguards when he goes out, but also a housekeeper at home. He doesn't care about the 1 million."

Lin Guixiang frowned slightly, feeling that this matter was a bit mysterious, no normal person would be willing to pay so much higher than the market price to buy a small supermarket, "But rich people are not fools, Guimei, you need to be more careful, Don't be fooled."

Hearing this, Lin Guimei's face was completely speechless.

Lin Guixiang must be jealous of herself!

How could she be cheated?

Only a stupid and stupid person like Lin Guixiang would be deceived.

After the words fell, Lin Guixiang looked at Lin Wu, "Xiao Wu, do you think this is reliable?"

Not only Lin Guixiang regards Lin Wu as the backbone, but since Lin Wu successfully predicted the shops on South Street, everyone in the small courtyard wants to ask Lin Wu's opinion when buying a house.

In Lin Guixiang's view, Lin Guimei is her sister no matter what, and she can't just watch her sister be deceived.

So I have to ask Lin Wu about this matter.

Hearing this, Lin Wu said in a calm tone, "Mom, you are right, there must be demons when things go wrong."

Speaking of this, Lin Wu raised her eyes to look at Lin Guimei, and continued, "Auntie, I guess some people must have received the notice to develop here, and your supermarket happened to be within the scope of demolition, so they partnered up to stage a show." If it comes out like this, its better not to sell this supermarket, once you sign the contract and go through the transfer procedures, its too late for you to regret it.

Lin Guimei didn't listen to a single word that Lin Wu said.

In her opinion, it was Lin Guixiang who was jealous of herself. After all, if she bought a house, she could go to the city center to buy a flat.

And Lin Guixiang will continue to live in this old and dilapidated community.

Let's talk again.

How old is Lin Wu?

What does she know!

I really think of myself as an onion.

Lin Guimei pushed back the broken hair from her temples, and looked at Lin Wu with a smile, "Xiao Wu, you are still too young to see anything in the world! Rich people can earn millions in a minute, so why waste it?" Time to come to me to act?"

Speaking of this, Lin Guimei looked at Lin Guixiang again, "Sister, don't try to persuade me, I have already discussed it with my parents-in-law, and when the wealthy lady comes over tomorrow, we will sign a contract and handle the transfer!"

Good morning everyone~

Ask for a ticket~

See you tomorrow~


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