She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 80: 080 more than one identity

Chapter 80: 080 more than one identity

Chapter 80 080 more than one identity

Lin Guimei is no fool.

She will not be deceived by Lin Wu's few words, let alone give up the idea of selling the supermarket because of Lin Wu's few words.

Although Lin Wu had the experience of successfully buying a store before, it was nothing more than a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

Lin Wu, a teenage yellow-haired girl, really thinks she has any abilities?

Really shameless.

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei snorted coldly in her heart.

Hearing this, Lin Guixiang looked at Lin Guimei, "Guimei, are you really not thinking about it anymore? In case, in case demolition really happens, aren't you losing money?"

The demolition and relocation in Qingshi all distribute houses according to the head.

Lin Guimeis house can be divided into at least five houses in this case.

Five houses for one million are also worth five million.

What is 1.5 million compared to 5 million?

What's more, the five houses are more than five million.

Although Lin Guixiang has no blood relationship with Lin Guimei, and Lin Guimei has done things that made her feel cold, but as a sister, Lin Guixiang still doesn't want to see her sister do things that make her regret.

But Lin Guimei doesn't think so, and she doesn't think that Lin Guimei made her think more because of the deep love between sisters.

In Lin Guimei's view, Lin Guixiang is just jealous of herself, and doesn't want to see her sister live a good life and buy a flat in the city center.

This kind of person is really bad.

But it's normal to think about it.

Lin Guixiang has no blood relationship with her after all, so how could she really be good for herself?

If Lin Guixiang was her own sister, she would definitely be happy for her as a younger sister.

Not like now!

Lin Guimei smiled and said: "Sister, I accept your wish, but since I have made a decision, I will not regret it."

No matter what happens, she will never regret it.

Lin Guixiang frowned nonchalantly, "Have you told Qiangzi about this? He may know some people in the work unit, so ask Qiangzi to help you find out. Things take time, and you can sell them after confirming that there is no problem."

Tell Lin Bingqiang?

She sold her house, why did she tell Lin Bingqiang?

Does she still need Lin Bingqiang's consent to sell the house?

What a big joke!

Lin Guimei said: "Shanshan's aunt knows the bureau chief who is in charge of the demolition. She has inquired about it for us, and there is no demolition for now. Sister, I am not a fool. I can't think of problems that you can think of?"

The last sentence is also indirectly telling Lin Guixiang that she should not worry about being illiterate and illiterate.

It's not her turn to worry about this matter.

After all, Lin Guimei is an undergraduate.

Could it be that she, who has studied in college, will be deceived?

Could it be that a person who has studied in college is not as illiterate as she is?

Lin Guixiang thinks too highly of herself!

Hearing this, Lin Guixiang didn't say anything more, after all, as an elder sister, she had already said what should be said.

"Well, Guimei, since you have already asked, then I will respect your decision."

Lin Guimei nodded, thinking, what if Lin Guixiang doesn't respect her?

Can Lin Guixiang still make decisions on her behalf?

After a while, Lin Guimei smiled and said: "Sister, I haven't reached the point after all this. Didn't you say before that you want to buy a house? Why don't you buy it with me this time!"

She wanted to see what Lin Guixiang wanted to buy.

Lin Guimei is the person who hates other people's bragging the most.

Even if this person is my sister.

Lin Guixiang said: "Recently, the shop has been a bit busy, and Xiaowu has started to build a factory again. It may take a few days to finish before starting to buy a house."

Building a factory?

Hearing this, Lin Guimei thought she had heard it wrong. She frowned slightly, looked at Lin Guixiang, and asked with some uncertainty: "Sister, do you mean that you are going to set up a factory?"

"Yes." Speaking of the establishment of the factory, Lin Guixiang's eyes were inadvertently stained with a smile, "There are queues in the store every day. If the scale is not expanded as soon as possible, there will be not enough products to sell."

Not enough to sell?

Lin Guimei originally thought that she had overheard the establishment of the factory.

Unexpectedly, Lin Guixiang would really dare to say anything in order to compare herself with herself.

He even dared to say something like building a factory!

Does she know what building a factory means?

Really think anyone can build a factory?

Building a factory requires not only the approval of the site by the relevant units, but also various procedures.

These are all secondary.

What matters is the money!

With less than 10 million net worth, I don't even think about building a factory.

But it is normal for Lin Guixiang to say these words so easily.

After all, she has little knowledge.

If you cant afford a house, you cant afford a house. Why should you fool yourself with nonsense about building a factory?

Lin Guimei tried her best to hide the sarcasm in her eyes, and continued: "So, Cui Nong should have made a lot of money with you during this time?"

Lin Guixiang nodded slightly.

Thinking that Lin Guixiang would say something about inviting her to become a shareholder, Lin Guimei directly interrupted Lin Guixiang's fantasy, "Sister, I don't have much ideals, and I am satisfied if I can buy a 150-square-meter flat in the city center. I ask you not to talk about it in the future, this money is not something I can earn."

Because no one is a fool.

Lin Guixiang wanted to lie to her?

no way!

Hearing these words, Lin Guixiang's eyes flashed a trace of loneliness.

What is she expecting?

From the moment Lin Guimei threw Mei Renyin away, she didn't expect Lin Guimei to have any sisterly affection for her.

Thinking about this, Lin Guixiang nodded, "Well, Cui Nong will be the only investor in Meirenyin from now on."

She will not let anyone take a stake.

Lin Guimei pointedly said: "That Cui Nong will definitely become a rich man in the future."

Quotations, Lin Guimei brought up the topic of buying a house again, "Sister, buying a house is just a waste of a day, you really don't want to go to the city center with me?"

She specially bit down on the three words'city center'.

Lin Wu raised her eyes slightly, "Auntie, our goals may be different. My mother and I are going to buy a first-class house in the Tang Dynasty, so even if we go together, we have to look at the house separately."

As the most expensive house in Qingshi, Tang Dynasty Yipin has its own sales service department, and their houses are not listed in any intermediary.

Tang Dynasty Yipin again?

The mother and daughter probably only know one Tang Dynasty First Grade?

Lin Guimei snorted coldly in her heart, still maintaining a faint smile on her face, and looked up at Lin Wu, "Xiao Wu, Tang Dynasty Yipin is not something you can just talk about, and the interest is so expensive now, you have a lot of loans to buy a house." Not worth it!"

Lin Wu's tone was light, "My mother plans to buy it in full, so I don't need to worry about the interest on the loan."

Full money to buy a house?

Buy Tang Dynasty Yipin?

In Tang Dynasty, Yipins house cost at least 12 million yuan. The mother and daughter built a factory and bought the house with full money. Do you really think that the money is blown by the wind?

My heart is higher than the sky.


Life is thinner than paper.

Even Lin Wu and Lin Guixiang want to live in the first class of the Tang Dynasty?

It's just a dream.

In the next life.

"Buy with all the money? That's really amazing!" Lin Guimei smiled without a smile, and her eyes fell on Lin Guixiang, "Eldest sister, I really congratulate you for raising such a good daughter! She is better than our Shanshan How many times!"

Aside from adults, Lin Guixiang liked Sun Shanshan very much, and said with a smile, "Shanshan is also very good. After all, she is one year younger than Xiaowu."

Lin Guimei was speechless.

Lin Guixiang couldn't even hear her irony.

With Lin Wu's appearance, how can she compare with Sun Shanshan?

But instead of feeling ashamed, Lin Guixiang said such a thing.

She doesn't really think that Lin Wu is better than Sun Shanshan, does she?

This person is really hopeless!

Lin Guimei's purpose of this trip has been achieved, she stood up from the sofa, "Sister, I'll go back first. I have to get up early tomorrow to sign the contract."

"Okay." Lin Guixiang nodded slightly.

If it was normal, Lin Guixiang would definitely pick up a box of Beauty Songs for Lin Guimei to bring.

But not anymore.

Because people like Lin Guimei never know how to cherish.

After eating.

Lin Wu went downstairs for a run, walking the cat along the way.

Shaliwa is very obedient, even when he comes downstairs, he obediently follows Lin Wu, neither running nor barking.

And it doesn't use a litter box either.

Every time I go outside to defecate.

One person and one cat running on the road full of sycamore trees, the picture is particularly eye-catching.

beep beep

At this moment, a horn sounded in the air.

Lin Wu looked back slightly, and saw the black Volkswagen parked on the side of the road.

The car window lowered slowly, revealing a man's angular profile hidden under the dim streetlights, he waved to Lin Wu, "Little friend."

Lin Wu trotted over.

She is wearing a white T-shirt and black sweatpants.

The T-shirt is a bit short, just revealing a small waist. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as skin like cream, especially in the dark.

Lu Ye frowned slightly.

Why are you wearing so little?

Is it not cold at night?

"Why are you here?" Lin Wu said lightly.

"Just passing by." After speaking, Lu Ye took out a book from the driver's seat, "Is this yours?"

A glass of green paper.

A bit old.

Did not write the name.

"Why are you here?" Lin Wu took the green paper and asked in surprise.

She has been looking for this book for several days.

I didn't expect to be here in Luye.

Lu Ye's tone was light, "I sent you back last time, and you left on the car. I just saw it."


"On the way."

Lin Wu held the book, "I'll treat you to milk tea next time."

"How many next time?" Lu Ye raised his eyebrows slightly.

If he remembers correctly.

This is the third time that the kid has asked him to drink milk tea.

But the kid never took the initiative to invite him.


Women's mouths are deceiving ghosts, it seems that even children are no exception.

Lin Wu smiled lightly, "Be sure to please next time."

"Okay." Lu Ye nodded slightly, "I still have something to do, let's go first."

"Drive slowly."


Soon, the black masses disappeared into the night.

The speed of the car is not as fast as when it came.

Keep around seventy yards.

Soon, we arrived at the repair shop.

Xue Jinghao just finished repairing the last car of the day.

"Third brother, you are finally back!"

This repair shop was obviously opened by Lu Ye, but the car repairer turned out to be him.

If those people in the capital saw him, they would think that he was so downcast that he was repairing cars for a living.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ye glanced at him.

Xue Jinghao shook his hands, "Heizi just came, but left again. Third brother, where were you just now?"

"Go and deliver books to the children."

"No way!" Hearing this, Xue Jinghao's eyes widened, "That green book really belongs to Sister Lin?"

"It's hers."

Xue Jinghao swallowed his throat, and looked at Lu Ye after a while, "Third brother, who do you think this sister Lin is?"

Can make games!

can also understand ancient Egyptian writing.

Xue Jinghao even wondered, is she really only eighteen years old?

At the end of the sentence, Xue Jinghao continued: "I seriously doubt that sister Lin is definitely not just W!"

Hearing this, Lu Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

After Lu Ye left, Lin Wu continued to run.

Shaliwa followed behind her.

Because it was not far from home, many neighbors she knew greeted her, "Xiao Wu is running."

"Grandma Liu is good."

Grandma Liu used to have a problem with Lin Guixiang, she felt that Lin Guixiang's money was unfair, but now she doesn't know it at all. Since she bought a house in the eastern suburbs after listening to Lin Wu's suggestion, she has earned hundreds of thousands !

Both her son and daughter-in-law praised her for her good vision.

Grandma Liu continued: "I made small shrimp wontons today. I heard from your mother that you like them. I'll send you some later."

"Thank you, Grandma Liu."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Grandma Liu turned her eyes and landed on the little white cat at Lin Wu's feet, "Xiao Wu, is this cat yours?"

"My mother raised it." Lin Wu replied.

"So cute."

As if he understood, Shaliwa raised his head and meowed at Grandma Liu.

Grandma Liu said with a smile: "Who's cat looks like that, this cat follows Xiaowu, smart!"

"Then Xiaowu, I'll go back first."

"Okay." Lin Wu nodded and continued running.

Shaliwa immediately followed Lin Wu's footsteps.

One person and one cat continued to run.

Just running, the painting style becomes Shaliwa squatting on Lin Wu's shoulder, licking his paws gracefully, causing passers-by to turn their heads.

"This cat is so cute!"

"The little girl is also very beautiful."

There is a university nearby, and many college students come here to play basketball at night.

Li Xiang is also one of them.

He was holding the ball and walking towards the dormitory with his brothers, when he saw the girl running. The most eye-catching thing was that there was a cat on her shoulder.

"This sister is beautiful!"

"Nice body!"

"Brother Xiang, go ask for WeChat."

Several people encouraged Li Xiang to ask for WeChat.

Li Xiang half-pushed and trotted to Lin Wu's side, and said with a smile, "Hi, I'm a student at the nearby University of Finance and Economics. My name is Li Xiang. Can I add a WeChat account?"

Qin Fengyang just came back from the cram school when he saw someone stopping Lin Wu to ask her for WeChat.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Could this person be the actor Lin Wu hired?

Otherwise, how could he just happen to meet him.

Lin Wu wanted this to stimulate him and set him up as a love rival.

Think about this.

Qin Fengyang raised his mouth slightly.

Although he knew that Lin Wu liked him very much, he didn't know that Lin Wu loved him so much.

Actually found someone to act in a play!

This is not like it anymore.

is obsession.

Next, Lin Wu will definitely add the actor's WeChat in front of him.

Qin Fengyang just looked at it.

Facing Li Xiang who wanted WeChat, Lin Wu raised her eyes slightly, her tone was soft, "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring my mobile phone when I went out."

Actually, its not considered a polite refusal, because Lin Wu had a mobile phone in her running pocket and she was afraid of trouble, so she left the mobile phone at home.

She really doesn't have a mobile phone now.

Li Xiang's height is 185 and he is considered handsome. At school, there is no WeChat that he can't get, and there is no girl he can't flirt with. I didn't expect to hit a wall with Lin Wu today, and said with a smile: "Then I will know." What's your name? Maybe I can see you next time, I often come here to play."

"Lin Wu."

"Thank you." When he learned of Lin Wu's name, Li Xiang left generously.

Seeing this, Qin Fengyang froze for a moment, he thought that Lin Wu would add Li Xiang's WeChat in front of him.

did not expect.

Lin Wu refused!

Lin Wu What does this mean?

Is it because you are afraid of misunderstanding? So I wanted to find a passerby to ask for WeChat in front of me, to prove her beauty.

Lin Wu is indirectly telling him that she is very popular, if he doesn't take the initiative to pursue Lin Wu, Lin Wu will accept other people.

have to say.

Lin Wu's idea is too simple.

He is not some brainless high school student, let alone delay his future because of a little girl.

From start to finish.

Qin Fengyang is very clear about what he wants.

After a while, Qin Fengyang walked to Lin Wu's side, and it was at this time that he saw the cat on Lin Wu's shoulder, "Lin Wu, why do you have a cat?"

Didn't he remember that Lin Wu said that she doesn't like small animals?

Especially small animals that love to shed hair.

"My mother raised it." Lin Wu's tone was light.

Lin Guixiang raised it?

How can it be!

If it was really raised by Lin Guixiang, how could this cat be so close to Lin Wu?

Qin Fengyang narrowed his eyes.

Lin Wu didn't raise cats because of him, right?

Because he once said in front of Lin Wu that he likes cats very much, but unfortunately Feng Qiaoqiao won't let him keep them.


Lin Wu is doing what he likes and filling his regrets.

It seems that Lin Wu really did a lot of homework in order to be liked by him.

If she could devote all her energy to her studies, she would probably be a college bully.

such a pity.

Lin Wu's vision is too short-sighted, she only thinks about marrying the right person, but never expects to rely on knowledge to change her destiny.

Qin Fengyang felt that his mother was right.

Maybe the Lin family is broken from the root.

There is an example of Lin Guimei flying on a branch to become a phoenix, and her niece naturally wants to follow the gourd.

Although he knew that Lin Wu was lying again, Qin Fengyang didn't expose it, but just smiled and said, "I'm going home, do you want to go together?"

Actually, the sentence he asked was redundant.

Needless to think, Lin Wu would definitely choose to go back with him. Just when Qin Fengyang was waiting for Lin Wu to nod his head, Lin Wu said, "Go back first, I have to run a few more laps."

How many more laps?

This answer is different from what Qin Fengyang expected.

But Qin Fengyang also knew the purpose of what she said.

A girl deliberately speaks ironically in front of a boy she likes, why else?

Of course it is to attract the attention of boys.

Achieve the effect of playing hard to get.

Qin Fengyang had a smile in his eyes, and asked, "Do you run to lose weight?"

"Fitness." Lin Wu said.


Qin Fengyang definitely didn't believe Lin Wu's words.

In his opinion, Lin Wu ran to lose weight, because boys nowadays like thin girls, Lin Wu's behavior is also to please himself.

But Lin Wu is already very thin!

There is no need to lose weight at all.

Qin Fengyang seemed to want to say something more, but when he looked up, Lin Wu's figure had already run away.

ran pretty fast.

Looking at the direction in which Lin Wu disappeared, Qin Fengyang's mouth curled up slightly, Lin Wu must be embarrassed.

No girl can resist blushing in front of the boy she likes.

But Lin Wu held back.

Qin Fengyang has observed that Lin Wu can really keep his eyes and heart in front of him.

But Qin Fengyang guessed that Lin Wu probably couldn't bear it for a long time, otherwise, how could Lin Wu run away in a hurry.

Needless to think, Lin Wu's face must be very red right now.

After running for about half an hour, Lin Wu walked towards home.


Shen family.

Shen Lijun gave Lu Xiyue two boxes of Phoenix.

Seeing the phoenix, Lu Xiyue's face was full of surprise, "Junjun, your friend really has a way!"

Worried that Shen Lijun's friend would not be able to get Phoenix, Lu Xiyue asked someone to find a scalper.

But the scalper said that it would take another two days for the goods to be available.

She didn't expect her daughter to come back with the phoenix.

"That's it," Shen Lijun said arrogantly, "I've said it all, my friend is very good, you didn't believe it before, you should believe it now!"

Lu Xiyue took the phoenix, squinting her eyes like she was treating some kind of treasure, "Junjun, your friend is not a scalper, is he?"

Besides scalpers, Lu Xiyue can't think of other professions.

"How could it be! Xiao Wu is not a scalper!"

Lu Xiyue continued: "How much are these two sets?"

"1620 yuan." Shen Lijun replied.


Lu Xiyue narrowed her eyes, "Isn't this the original price of the phoenix? She didn't ask you for a handling fee?"

Phoenix is currently priced at 810 a set.

It has been multiplied by 5 times at the scalper, and it has become a set of 4,000.

There are still many people who can't buy it.

"It has been said that Xiao Wu is not a scalper." Shen Lijun continued: "I reckon that she may have some relationship with the employees of Meirenyin, so I can get the goods from inside."

Although Lin Wu said that Meirenyin belonged to her family, Shen Lijun didn't believe it. She felt that Lin Wu just made a joke.

Beauty Yin's business is so hot.

She shouldn't live in a place like Wutong Road.

Lu Xiyue originally thought that Lin Wu was getting close to Shen Lijun on purpose, and she was a little worried, but now she is not worried at all, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the friend you made now is still useful."

"What does it mean to be useful?" Shen Lijun frowned slightly, "Xiao Wu is my best friend, not something that can be used to measure interests."

Realizing that she had said something wrong, Lu Xiyue immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mom didn't mean anything malicious, it was just a quick talk."

At the end of the sentence, Lu Xiyue continued: "I have time to bring your friend back for dinner."

She really wanted to see Lin Wu's true face in Mount Lu.

Shen Lijun nodded, "You will definitely like Xiaowu by then."

Lu Xiyue smiled and said, she likes pretty girls, but she hasn't seen a girl she can fall in love with at a glance.

Besides, although she and Shen Lijun are in a mother-daughter relationship, their aesthetics are quite different.


Lu Xiyue didn't think Lin Wu was so good-looking.

80% of the time it is Shen Lijun's own filter for Lin Wu.

The second day.

Lu Xiyue went to the clubhouse to participate in the poker game of the rich wives.

no doubt.

The person who is surrounded by stars today is still Liang Mengyi, the mistress of the Huo family, who came from Beijing.

Liang Mengyi's bones are very good, and her facial features are very delicate. As the mistress of the Huo family, her temperament is not hidden.

If you don't wear heavy makeup to cover your freckles, you are still a top-notch beauty.

Although the Shen family is not short of money, as an upstart, Lu Xiyue is still a little short in front of rich ladies with cultural background, but fortunately, she has a high emotional intelligence, and she does well in the circle.

As soon as Lu Xiyue arrived, someone greeted her immediately, "Mrs. Shen is here, and it happens that we are short of two players in the third game."

Lu Xiyue said with a smile: "I tutored my daughter to play the piano in the morning, so I came a little late."


Lu Xiyue knows a little bit.

But it was Shen Lijun who taught her, she really didn't have the ability to tutor her daughter.

The reason why I said this is also to increase my status inadvertently.

After all, these rich ladies look at people with their nostrils.

Every sentence and word you say here must be carefully considered.

"No wonder." Mrs. Yao, who is close to Lu Xiyue, smiled and said, "I heard that your old Shen signed a contract with Mu's a few days ago. Congratulations."

"It's just a small list, not as good as your boss Yao." Lu Xiyue is also a flatterer.

Thats how it is in this circle.

Today we are good friends who talk about everything, but tomorrow we can fight to the death because of interests.

So in the circle.

Lu Xiyue makes friends, but not heart.

After Lu Xiyue came, they sat down and started playing cards.

Liang Mengyi was sitting at the next table.

There is always chatting at the poker table, and the topics for women are nothing more than bags, skin care products and clothes.

While chatting, someone talked about Lu Xiyue's skin.

"Mrs. Shen looks good recently."

"Well, it's really good," Lu Xiyue said with a smile: "Can you see that, in fact, I didn't wear makeup today, I just put on lipstick."

Mrs. Yao said in surprise: "I thought you were wearing light makeup! I didn't expect you to be in such good condition without makeup. Tell us what brand of skin care products you use."

"Yes, yes, tell us quickly." The rich wives at the same table were very curious.

Lu Xiyue was almost done, and then said: "Do you know the beauty singing?"

"Beauty singing?"

"It doesn't seem to be? Is this the new series of that big-name skin care product?"

The skin care products of this group of rich ladies cost tens of thousands of dollars, how would they know that the unit price is only a few hundred dollars?

Lu Xiyue smiled and said: "Beauty Yin is a new brand that just came out recently. Their boss is very powerful, and the secret recipe passed down from ancestors. I just used their yellow cream to get my complexion so good!"

"They also have lotus lotus lotion for acne. Isn't my daughter going through puberty recently? There are a lot of acne on her face, which disappear after using it! There is also Phoenix Freckle Cream, which can even remove age spots!"

After saying this, one of the rich wives said: "I think I have heard some up master recommend it! But it seems that the price is a little lower, and a set of freckle removal products is only a little over 800."

They are not short of money.

The more expensive the things used on the face, the better.


I can't afford this cheap product.

Wouldn't it be a joke if people knew that they used skin care products that cost only a few hundred dollars?

"If they are so useful, why are they sold so cheap?"

Wouldnt it be more profitable to sell more expensive?

As soon as this remark was made, everyone else echoed it.

Lu Xiyue had specially learned about Meirenyin's corporate culture, and said with a smile: "This is because the boss of Meirenyin is also a girl, and she is a girl who came from the bottom. After investigation, she found that there are many ordinary working-class workers in Huaguo. The family cannot afford big-name skin care products, and many girls who have just graduated can only catch up with them, so she decided to create a brand that has no threshold, and anyone can afford it.

"The masks we usually use cost more than 1,000 or even more than 10,000 sheets. If you say it, you can believe it. The mask that costs 5 yuan a sheet is better than the mask we usually use."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiyue went on to say: "I really like the words that Meirenyin printed on the packaging box, Meirenyin wants all girls to say goodbye to skin anxiety."

It was also after learning about Meirenyins corporate culture that Lu Xiyue fell in love with this brand completely.

Became a fan of this brand.

Hearing this, everyone had different expressions.

"real or fake?"

Lu Xiyue's expression remained unchanged, "My family is not in the skin care industry, so will lying to you bring me any benefits? Besides, if the beauty chant doesn't work well, wouldn't I put all the wives in Qingshi's aristocratic circle Are you offended? Then, should our Shen family continue to do business in Qingshi?"

Lu Xiyue is right.

At first, the Shen family was not involved in the skin care business.

Secondly, lying is not only of no benefit to Lu Xiyue, but it will also affect the Shen family's status in Qingshi.


She shouldn't be lying.

Lu Xiyue didn't say these words to advertise for Beauty Yin, she wanted to attract Liang Mengyi's attention and make Liang Mengyi come to her on her own initiative.

She took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Liang Mengyi, and Liang Mengyi took the initiative to come to her, there is a big difference.

Lu Xiyue paid 50,000 yuan, and continued: "It's just that this beauty is selling so well, you may not be able to buy it in the past, and you have to wait in line for several days."

"It's easy," Mrs. Zhou on the opposite side threw out a piece of 70,000 yuan, "Just find a scalper."

These days, as long as you have money, what else cant you buy?

Hearing that, the other rich wives all nodded, "Mrs. Zhou is right, just find scalpers."

Lu Xiyue smiled lightly, "I'm afraid you all underestimated the popularity of Beauty Yin."

Mrs. Yao looked at Lu Xiyue, "Mrs. Shen, can you buy it?"

Lu Xiyue smiled and said: "My daughter is a friend of the founder of Meirenyin, and it happened that she gave my daughter some sets."

Anyway, she now has two extra sets of phoenix at home.

Who can confirm whether Shen Lijun and the founder of Meirenyin are good friends?

"Then can you share with me the acne cream you mentioned?" Mrs. Zhao looked at Lu Xiyue and asked tentatively.

She has an acne-prone physique, and pimples appear on her face every once in a while. Every time she develops acne, she can't make up for several days. After the acne finally disappears, there are still bumpy acne marks on her face, which is unsightly.

"That's really unfortunate, there are only two sets of freckle-removing phoenix left at home."

The look of expectation in Mrs. Zhao's eyes slowly dissipated, "It's okay, then I'll go back and ask the housekeeper to see if I can find someone to buy it for me."

She couldn't believe that beauty Yin was so popular.

After the game is over.

The first time Liang Mengying returned home was to ask her assistant to inquire about Mei Renyin.

Soon, the assistant came back.

"Madam, I checked, and the word-of-mouth reputation of Meirenyin is indeed quite good." Having said this, the assistant handed the tablet in his hand to Liang Mengyi, "Ma'am, look, these are the real accounts of users who have used Meirenyin on the Internet platform." Feedback."

Ghetto Girl's Treasure Skincare Products!

A set of Phoenix 860, equivalent to less than 200 yuan per item, what kind of fairy skin care product is this, I love it.

[This is what I look like after using the Beauty Chanting Phoenix series for two and a half months. It is really effective. In the first week after using it, I will find that the freckles are gradually fading. In the third week, the freckles on my face The freckles are almost gone. In the end, this is what I am now! Now everyone says that I look very beautiful without makeup, like an egg with its shell removed! Sisters must persevere!

Mei Renyin is really a good product with a conscience, and the skin care products that cost tens of thousands before are not as good.

Hey, it seems that Meirenyin only has a physical store in Qingshi. Last month, I flew there to buy it. After arriving, I found out that there is actually a queue for tm! Then, the turning point came, babies, when the boss sister knew that I came from thousands of kilometers, not only let me buy it on the same day, but also gave me a box of facial masks! Really love love love!

The lotus dew for acne is really easy to use, not only for acne, but also for whitening.

Picture 1 is what I looked like before I used the phoenix. At that time, I really felt inferior because I had a lot of freckles on my face. Picture 2 is the appearance after three months of using the phoenix. Now the freckles are no longer visible on the plain face, and I feel as if I have returned to my youth.

Liang Mengying flipped through the pages.

She has been in business for so many years, and she has never seen a product that can achieve 0 negative reviews.

But Beauty Yin really did it.

After a while, Liang Mengying closed the computer and looked at the assistant, "Go and help me buy a set of phoenix and come back."

The assistant was stunned for a moment, and then said in a bit of a dilemma: "Madam, the phoenix series of Beauty Yin is out of stock recently. It may take a few days before you can buy it."

"What about the scalper?" Liang Mengying continued to ask.

The assistant still shook his head, "The scalpers have to queue for about a week."

Hearing this, Liang Mengying frowned slightly.

I thought Lu Xiyue was exaggerating, but I didn't expect to have to wait.

And its still a week!

The assistant continued: "I have already made a reservation for you with a more reliable scalper. He said that he will notify me as soon as the goods arrive."

Liang Mengying's squinted eyes are not visible. According to the user's feedback, she can see the effect of lightening spots within a week after using it. At this time, Liang Mengying can't wait for a week!

She wished she could use the phoenix right away.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of Lu Xiyue.

Didn't Lu Xiyue say she has?

Thinking about this, Liang Mengyi continued: "Go find Mrs. Shen's contact information."

The assistant nodded, "OK."

Not long after, the assistant brought Lu Xiyue's phone number.

Liang Mengyi took the initiative to add Lu Xiyue's WeChat account.

Lu Xiyue was watching a short video when she suddenly received a notification sound for adding a friend on WeChat.

She clicked on it.

Hello, Mrs. Shen, I am Liang Mengyi.

Lu Xiyue immediately smiled, and she knew that Liang Mengyi would definitely come to her after she couldn't buy the phoenix. Thinking of this, Lu Xiyue immediately clicked to agree to the friend application, and took the initiative to say hello to Liang Mengyi.

The two chatted for a while, and Liang Mengyi asked tentatively: Mrs. Shen, I heard you said you had a phoenix during the card game this morning. Do you still have any? If so, can you give me a set?

Lu Xiyue didn't play tricks, because no one is a fool, especially Liang Mengyi.

Of course, Mrs. Wen can send me the address, and I will send it to you.

Liang Mengyi originally thought that Lu Xiyue would say no more, and then deliberately made it difficult for her to say that she finally got the phoenix after several turns. Only in this way can she show how precious her phoenix is, but Lu Xiyue didn't.

This surprised Liang Mengyi.

Thank you, Mrs. Shen, I'll let my assistant pick it up.

Lu Xiyue replied: [It's okay, I just happen to be free at the moment.

Liang Mengyi sent an address.

Lu Xiyue picked up the phoenix set at home and drove it to Liang Mengyi.

Liang Mengyi warmly invited Lu Xiyue to have a cup of tea at home.

Lu Xiyue would naturally not refuse.

It was also during this exchange that Liang Mengyi was surprised to find that she and Lu Xiyue were still fellow villagers, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became. The two finally made an appointment for a few days to go out for afternoon tea alone.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Guimei was waiting in the store, but she just couldn't wait for Mrs. Fu from yesterday.

She was a little anxious.

Did he offend others?

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei sighed.

I knew that she shouldn't increase the price at will yesterday.

Now what?

Right now.

A luxury car suddenly appeared in front of the supermarket.

Afterwards, two security guards walked out of the car, followed by Qian Dazhi and Liu Hairu in gorgeous clothes.

The security guard following behind is naturally the son of the two, Qiancai Qianwang.

A few people came here on foot yesterday, but today Lin Guimei discovered that their car is actually a Lamborghini!

Rich people are different.

"Madam, you are here!" Lin Guimei immediately greeted her with a smile on her face.

Liu Hairu just looked at Lin Guimei with her rented bag, without saying a word.

Qiancai, who was walking behind, looked at Lin Guimei, "Our husband and wife are here today to sign and handle the transfer procedures. Ms. Lin, have you considered it?"

Ms. Lin?

Hearing this, Lin Guimei was stunned.

How did they know their last name was Lin?

She never seems to say what her last name is, right?

But Lin Guimei quickly realized that they are so rich and drive a Lamborghini casually. It is easy to know their last name, right?

Lin Guimei smiled and said: "Think about it, think about it! This supermarket is written in my husband's name, and he is also in it now. As long as you pay the money, we will go to the Housing Management Bureau to complete the formalities now."

Liu Hairu and Qian Dazhi still put on a show and didn't speak, Qian Cai continued: "Okay, then let's talk first."

At the end of the sentence, Qian Cai made a gesture of "please", "Mr. Ma'am, please."

Several people walked into the supermarket together.

Sun Dingbang was sitting inside and reading a newspaper. When he saw Lin Guimei and others coming in, he immediately put down the newspaper.

Lin Guimei took the initiative to introduce: "Dingbang, this is the husband and wife I told you to buy our supermarket. This is my husband Sun Dingbang."

Although Sun Dingbang works in a relevant unit, the people he usually contacts with most are just colleagues, and he has never met real upper-level people. He smiled and extended his hand to Liu Hairu and Qian Dazhi, "Hello, Sun Dingbang."

Neither Liu Hairu nor Qian Dazhi stretched out their hands.

They are rich people, of course they have to maintain a style, but they can't be seen at such a critical time.

Qian Wang explained: "My husband and wife both have cleanliness, we have already prepared the contract, just sign it."

Qiancai brought a lockbox, "Here is 1.5 million in cash."

This is the savings of a family of four.

Seeing so much cash, Lin Guimei's eyes lit up, and she immediately took the contract, "Okay, okay, let's sign it right away."

Sun Dingbang faintly felt that something was wrong, but before he had time to think about it, he was urged by his wife to sign his name.

Coming out of the Housing Management Bureau, Lin Guimei held Sun Dingbang's hand, "Dingbang, let's book a house in the city center in the afternoon."

"Yeah." Sun Dingbang also felt that the matter of the house should be settled quickly.

Although the community I live in now is not bad, the environment is still a little bit worse.

Lin Guimei continued: "Then let's go back and take Mom and Dad to look at the house together."

Suns parents are at home.

After hearing that the supermarket was successfully sold, both of them were very happy, and immediately followed their son and daughter-in-law to the city center to look at the house.

Walking out of the unit building, I met neighbors and greeted them.

"Grandma Shanshan, where are you and your family going?"

Grandma couldn't suppress the complacent look on her face, she smiled and said, "Our supermarket sold for 1.5 million yuan! Now we are going to go to the city center to see the flat floor, and if it is suitable, we will pay for it. If you pay, its not like living here all the time.

"My God! That supermarket of yours actually sold 1.5 million!" The neighbor who asked the question had a look of envy on his face when he heard the figure, and continued: "Then the small facade of our house is worth one or two million yuan?" ?

Grandma took a look at her, her eyes were full of disdain, "Do you think everyone is as lucky as our family? The one who bought our supermarket is a wealthy wife, and she is not short of money at all!"

Good morning, babies~

During the peak period of the second yang recently, Yinyin was also recruited. It feels much more uncomfortable than the first yang, with headaches and leg pains everywhere.

Babies, please pay attention to wearing a mask, protect yourself and send a few ^_^

See you tomorrow^_^

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