She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 78: 078: The real face!

Chapter 78: 078: The real face!

Chapter 78 078: The real face!

Lin Bingqiang didn't even know how he said those words.

As soon as this remark came out.

The air was instantly quiet.

After a while, Lin Guixiang came to her senses and said with a smile, "Qiangzi, don't make such jokes with sister!"

Not funny at all.

"I'm not kidding." Lin Bingqiang continued: "Sister, I actually hesitated a lot before deciding to tell you. Cui Nong is right. You have the right to know about this matter. We can't do it deliberately when we know it. It's so unfair to you to hide."

As a younger brother, he can't let his sister's life have any regrets.

Lin Guixiang took a deep breath, "Qiangzi, are you serious?"

"Yes." Lin Bingqiang nodded.

Hearing this, Lin Guixiang couldn't tell what mood she was in now.

Are you sad?

It doesn't seem too sad.


It seems that there is no such thing.

It's just that the scene when her parents died instantly appeared in her mind.

Both of them died in a car accident.

Because the driver who caused the accident ran away, the two of them disappeared before the ambulance came.

When Lin Guixiang saw her parents.

They are already two cold corpses.

She sat in front of her parents' dead bodies and cried for a whole day.

It was also at that time that Lin Guixiang realized that crying could not solve the problem.

When she was very young, she also took on the burden of life from that time on.

She doesn't just have to support herself.

There are two younger siblings to support.

At that time, she wished that someone would stand up and help her.

She also wants to study.

She also wants to be like a normal child.

But no.

She has been supporting it all by herself.

Looking back now, she doesn't even know how she survived at that time.

Lin Guixiang was immersed in the memories of the past, and it took a long time to realize it. She turned to look at Lin Bingqiang, "Then, who am I?"

Who are her biological parents!

Lin Guixiang has too many questions to ask.

Lived almost forty years.

Lin Guixiang felt so confused in life for the first time.

She didn't even know who she was.


Lin Bingqiang shook his head.

He doesn't know either.

But he knew that Lin Guixiang would always be his big sister.

is a mother.

Thinking of this, Lin Bingqiang held Lin Guixiang's hand tightly, "Sister, no matter what happens, you will always be our eldest sister!"

Lin Guixiang nodded, "Yes."

At the end of the sentence, Lin Guixiang looked at Lin Bingqiang, and continued: "When did you know about this?"

Lin Bingqiang sighed softly, "I only found out about it recently."

"Then uncle, who did you listen to?" Lin Guixiang couldn't ask some questions, but Lin Wu could. She continued, "Do you know who my mother's biological parents are?"

"Your grandma Zhao said it." Lin Bing said strongly.

"Aunt Zhao?" Lin Guixiang frowned slightly.

Zhao Cuinong continued: "Sister, my mother said that you were about three or four years old when you came to the town. You suffered a lot and spoke with a foreign accent, which they couldn't understand. Later, you developed a high fever. .

High fever?

Lin Guixiang realized why she had no memory of when she was three or four years old. Now it seems that it is very likely because of that high fever.

Lin Wu frowned indistinctly, "Auntie, do you know why my mother appeared in Lincheng Town?"

Was she lost with her family, or was she intentionally abandoned?

These are really important to Lin Guixiang.

Zhao Cuinong shook his head, "I don't know either."

Lin Wu narrowed her eyes, "Can I have a chat with Grandma Zhao?"

In any case, this is all about Lin Guixiang's life experience. Whether she was lost, abducted or abandoned, it should be clarified.

"Okay." Zhao Cuinong nodded, "Then I'll go downstairs and call my mother back."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Lin Wu said.

Zhao Cuinong came to the children's paradise downstairs.

Lin Guodong was playing with the children in the sand, while Mrs. Zhao was chatting with a group of old ladies.

Mother Zhao is a social cow.

It has only been a few days since I came to the small courtyard, and it is clear that whose daughter-in-law is unwilling to have a second child, and whose daughter is married twice.

At this time, she was beaming and said to the old ladies beside her: "My daughter is more filial than my son, and my son-in-law is also a good man. Look at my new clothes. My son-in-law bought them for me. His own My parents left early, and have always treated me as my own mother and filial piety!"

It's also thanks to the Lin family's parents who left early, otherwise Lin Bingqiang would definitely respect his own parents instead of her.

At this moment, Zhao Cuinong walked up to Mother Zhao, "Mom, come here."

"What's the matter?" Zhao's mother was chatting happily, but she was a little upset to be dragged away by Zhao Cuinong suddenly.

Zhao Cuinong continued: "Qiangzi told my eldest sister about her life experience, and they want to ask you something, so go home and tell them."

Mother Zhao was taken aback, "Have you already said that?"


Mother Zhao nodded, "OK, OK, I'll go upstairs."

Zhao Cuinong reached out and grabbed his mother's sleeve again, "Mom, wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" Mother Zhao turned her head impatiently.

Zhao Cuinong really knew her mother's character very well, and said: "You can pick up the useful ones and just say it, don't talk about it, my eldest sister is not in a good mood tonight. Qiangzi protects my eldest sister the most, you should know that of."

"Don't worry! Your mother and I have lived such an old age, don't you understand this bit of worldly wisdom?" She only said some things around her daughter. If Lin Bingqiang listened to it, wouldn't it be disgusting? ?

After finishing speaking, Mother Zhao went upstairs.

Soon reached the third floor.

Seeing Mother Zhao approaching, Lin Bingqiang immediately stood up, "Mom."

Mother Zhao nodded, "Qiangzi."

After the words fell, Zhao's mother looked at Lin Guixiang again, "Guixiang, actually, you don't have to be too sad. In that era, your situation was very common."

Looking at Lin Guixiang's red eyes, Mother Zhao really didn't understand.

There's nothing to cry about!

Anyway, things are over.

What difference does it make if it is biological or not?

Mother Zhao felt that Lin Guixiang was a little hypocritical.

Hearing this, Lin Wu frowned slightly, "Grandma Zhao, you mean we still have people like my mother?"

"Of course! But compared with those people, your mother is much luckier," Zhao's mother continued, "At that time, sons were preferred over daughters. Many families threw their daughters into the toilet and drowned! Or they sent them to the rear." Go to the mountain to be eaten by wolves, compared with them, your mother survived at least."

Mother Zhao's words were simple, but the listeners felt creepy.

That's a child.

It's not a cat or a dog.

Even if it is a cat or a dog, it cannot be treated like this!

Lin Wu grasped the crux of the problem keenly, "Grandma Zhao, the children you mentioned just now must have been thrown away at birth, right? I heard from my aunt that when my grandparents adopted my mother, she was three or four years old. Is it old?"

Who would wait until the child is three or four years old before throwing it away?


Lin Wu suspects that Lin Guixiang is likely to be a kidnapped child, rather than being intentionally abandoned.

Mother Zhao nodded, squinting her eyes and said: "Yes, your mother should be about four years old at that time. But your grandparents still registered for her at the age of three, and your mother's current birthday is picked up by your grandma. her day."

Speaking of this, Zhao's mother sighed, "At that time your mother was dirty all over, and she couldn't speak clearly. She would shake her head when asked her anything. She couldn't eat enough and couldn't wear warm clothes. She slept in our bed every day. In the garbage dump in the town. If your grandparents hadn't brought her home, how could your mother still be alive?"

Hearing this, Lin Bingqiang, a tough man, couldn't help but have red eyes.

My sisters life is really hard!

Abandoned when she was a child, she finally lived a good life for a few years, but fate still didn't let her go.

Lin Wu continued: "Then was my mother injured?"

"Yes!" Zhao's mother nodded, "I remember that she was lame in one leg, and it took a long time for her to be cured."

"Except for the legs?" Lin Wu asked.

Mother Zhao narrowed her eyes, "There are also some minor injuries on her body, anyway, she doesn't look like a child from a good family." How could a good family treat a three or four-year-old child like this?

Lin Wu continued: "Then did my mother wear any gadgets at that time?"

Hearing this, Zhao's mother tried hard to recall the scene when she saw Lin Guixiang, and finally shook her head, "No. It was June, but your mother was still wearing a long coat and trousers. We wanted to see her at the time. Did the child have any documents or anything like that, but nothing was found."

June day?

Long-sleeved gown?

This shows that Lin Guixiang was probably lost in spring or winter.

It is also possible that the family is poor and has no money to buy summer clothes, so they wear long jackets and trousers for their children.

Zhao's mother continued: "There were a lot of people watching your mother at that time, but they all just watched the excitement and said that this child is really pitiful. Only your grandma thought of adopting your mother. Such a good man, but his life is a bit short."

Listening to Zhao's mother's words, Lin Guixiang felt as if something had been knocked over, with mixed feelings.

Nearly forty years old.

Suddenly being told that she was not born to her parents, this feeling may not be understood by anyone.

She really wanted to know why she appeared in Lincheng Town and why she slept in a garbage dump

Is she a kidnapped child?

But at the same time, Lin Guixiang was very afraid of knowing the truth.

She was afraid that she was the extra person.

Zhao's mother was very curious why Lin Wu asked so many questions, and asked suspiciously: "Xiao Wu, you ask so many questions, do you suspect that your mother was abducted and sold to Lincheng Town?"

"Yes." Lin Wu nodded slightly.

Zhao's mother directly denied, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You don't even know how worthless girls were in those days, and your grandparents are honest. If it were someone else, who would take your mother back?"

Are you full?

Zhao's mother's words are hard to hear, but they do have some truth. After all, in that era, such things were too common.

When Lin Guixiang was a child, she even witnessed the drowning of her newborn daughter at the uncles house next door.

Thinking of this, Lin Guixiang's expression darkened.

Lin Wu's expression remained unchanged. Although the general environment was like this at the time, Lin Guixiang's life experience was still full of mysteries.


Why was she already three or four years old when Lin's parents met her?


Why did her accent at that time come from a foreign country?

The third is her dress problem.

June in Lincheng Town is very hot and dry. Under normal circumstances, no parents would wear long jackets and trousers for their children.

If Lin Guixiang's parents were to abandon her, they wouldn't wait until she was three or four years old. The accents of several cities near Lincheng Town were very similar, but Zhao's mother said that they didn't understand Lin Guixiang's accent at the time, which meant that Lin Guixiang was probably From cities thousands of kilometers away.

If the biological parents want to abandon the child, the most they can do is send the child to an orphanage. There is no need to choose thousands of kilometers away!

Zhao's mother talked a lot, and looked at Lin Wu, "But your grandpa and grandma will be rewarded for their good deeds, otherwise they suddenly had a car accident, how could your uncle and your aunt both go to college!" As she said that, Zhao's mother couldn't help but began to complain about Lin Guimei, "If you ask me, your little aunt is really heartless. Your mother finally brought her up and sent her to school, she is lucky, she just forgot about it! It's your mother's birthday tonight, and she doesn't even come to see it."

If she was Lin Guixiang, she wouldn't look at Lin Guimei more.

But Lin Guixiang is also a fool.

Lin Guimei has treated her like this, but Lin Guixiang is still so kind to Lin Guimei.

Lin Wu seemed to have caught something, and looked at Mother Zhao, "Did my grandparents die in a car accident?"

The parents of the Lin family left early, and Lin Guixiang seldom mentioned this matter in front of the children. Therefore, Lin Wu only knew that the two elders died young, but did not know the reason.

Now it seems

Things don't seem right.

"Yes." Mother Zhao nodded.

Lin Wu looked at Lin Guixiang again.

Lin Guixiang also nodded.

Lin Wu asked again: "Who is the driver who caused the accident? Mom, do you know him?"

"Just because the driver who caused the accident ran away and didn't pay a penny." Before Lin Guixiang could speak, Zhao's mother continued: "Otherwise, your mother wouldn't be so tired."

Surveillance was not popular in that era, and the time of the incident was at night, so there was nowhere to investigate.

Lin Wu frowned slightly.

After talking so much, Zhao's mother felt a little thirsty, poured a glass of water to drink, and continued: "Your mother may not even remember this incident, I remember that day happened to be a big fair, your grandpa and grandma Pulling the trolley and taking your mother to the market to sell the piglets, your mother felt a little sick on the way and didn't go with you. Fortunately, I didn't go, or else."

The next words are self-evident.

If Lin Guixiang is also there.

More than two people died.

"So, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. Look at how successful your mother is now! Not only is she doing well in her career, but she also gave birth to a daughter as capable as you!" Mother Zhao looked at Lin Guixiang with a smile again, " Guixiang, anyway, you have been here for so many years, what does it mean if you are your own or picked it up? Although your parents have no blood relationship with you, they treat you better than your own daughter!"

In Mother Zhao's view, these are not important at all.

After all, the hard days are over.


It is always about looking forward.



Zhao Cuinong looked up at the direction of the house, feeling a little anxious, not knowing how his mother was talking with them.

"Cui Nong? Why are you standing here?" Lin Guimei came back from overtime work, and saw Zhao Cui Nong standing there, looking worried.

Could it be that their skin care store is going to close?


Definitely so.

After all, it has been so long.

Zhao Cuinong must be worried that the store cannot be transferred.

Lin Guixiang thought that she could invest in Beauty Yin.

Isn't this harmful?

Fortunately, she was smart and rejected Lin Guixiang in time.

Thinking about this, Lin Guimei went on to say, "Cui Nong, is something bothering you?"

Zhao Cuinong came to his senses at this moment, "The second sister is back."

Lin Guimei nodded and continued: "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," Zhao Cuinong continued, "I'm waiting for jelly."

Lin Guimei saw Lin Guodong playing beside him.

"Then how do I see your preoccupied look?" Lin Guimei narrowed her eyes.


Seeing Zhao Cuinong like this, Lin Guimei knew that her guess was pretty good.

It must be that the skin care store is going to close down!

Lin Guimei smiled and said: "A few days ago, my eldest sister told me about the investment. How is the business of your store now?"

"Very good." Zhao Cuinong nodded.


Hearing this, Lin Guimei's eyes were filled with mockery.

Does Zhao Cuinong really think her a fool?

Just the kind of three-no skin care products, sold to ghosts, ghosts dont even have them!

Can they still start a business?


Although she thought so in her heart, Lin Guimei didn't express it, and changed the subject: "Today is the eldest sister's birthday, I came back late, is she still at your house now?"

Hearing this, Zhao Cuinong glanced at Lin Guimei, then nodded, "Here."

"Then I'll go up and have a look, and give her a gift by the way." Although Lin Guimei didn't want to get involved with Lin Guixiang, that person was her sister after all, and she was the one who raised her.

She can never be called a white-eyed wolf!

So, the gift that should be prepared still needs to be prepared.

Lin Guimei acted openly and aboveboard, but she didn't want to be offended.

Looking at Lin Guimei's back, Zhao Cuinong seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly called to stop Lin Guimei, "Second Sister, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Lin Guimei turned her head in doubt.

Zhao Cuinong organized his words in his mind, "At this moment, eldest sister and the others are talking about things upstairs."

"What are you talking about?" Lin Guimei was very curious.

She is also a member of the family, is there anything she can't listen to?

Zhao Cuinong still has to stop her?

Hearing this, Zhao Cuinong considered it for a while, and then said: "It's about the elder sister."

About Lin Guixiang?

Hearing this, Lin Guimei was taken aback.

Could it be that they are giving Lin Guixiang a blind date?

Now Lin Guixiang is indeed different from before.

If you don't tell me, who knows that she is from the countryside?

Keep the beauty in the bone but not the skin.

Lin Guixiang's knowledge cultivation failed to keep up with her appearance, so even if a man fell in love with her appearance, the relationship would not last long.

Those who use **** to deal with people, the color fades and the love relaxes.

Who would accept an illiterate who doesn't know a single character?

Although she had already guessed it, Lin Guimei still deliberately asked: "What's wrong with the elder sister?"

Zhao Cuinong was thinking whether to tell Lin Guimei about this matter.

Finally decided to speak out.

After all, Lin Guimei is also a part of this family.

And this matter cannot be kept secret.

Lin Guimei will know in the end, so why not tell her now.Thinking about this, Zhao Cuinong lowered his voice and said what happened.

Hearing this, Lin Guimei's eyes widened, "What?!"

She never expected Lin Guixiang to be picked up by her parents.

So, there is no blood relationship between them at all!

"Are you sure this is true?" Lin Guimei asked immediately.

"En." Zhao Cuinong nodded.

Lin Guimei narrowed her eyes, "Who did you listen to?"

Zhao Cuinong told the truth, "My mother."

Zhao's mother is an old man in the town, and she is of the same generation as Lin's parents. They really don't need to lie about such things.


This is 100% true!

"No wonder." It took Lin Guimei a while to say these three words.

No wonder Lin Guixiang is stupid and can't read a single word, but she and her younger brother were admitted to university.

It turned out to be a genetic problem.

So, Lin Guixiang's biological parents must have poor genes, and they can't compare with their family!

In the past, Lin Guimei always wondered why she and her younger brother were both dragons and phoenixes, while Lin Guixiang was a shameless country woman.

So where is the reason!

Hearing this, Zhao Cuinong frowned slightly, "No wonder why?"

Of course, Lin Guimei would not speak out what was in her heart, and said lightly: "It's nothing, I was just surprised! I really didn't expect that the eldest sister was not born to my parents."

After saying a word, Lin Guimei seemed to have thought of something, and continued: "By the way, since the eldest sister is not from our family, who are her biological parents?"

Lin Guimei just wants to let Lin Guixiang leave Qingshi quickly.

Dont come here anymore!

To avoid embarrassing her.

Speaking of this, Lin Guimei suddenly thought of the old Li's family in the east of the village. It's no secret that the old Li's family favored boys over girls and threw away several children!

The most important thing is that Lao Li's daughter-in-law is mentally retarded, so the children born are very stupid, and the son will not be able to marry a wife in his thirties this year.

As far as Lin Guixiang's IQ is concerned, there are nine out of ten children who are not wanted by Lao Li's family.

Parents too!

Why do abandoned babies of unknown origin all go home?

They don't feel ashamed, but she does.

Zhao Cuinong shook his head, "I don't know about that either."

have no idea?

It is right to think about it.

Old Lis family will definitely not make this kind of incident known to everyone, but the parents who have passed away must be clear about it.

At the end of the sentence, Zhao Cuinong continued: "No matter what, she is our eldest sister."

"Yeah." Lin Guimei nodded, "Cui Nong, what you said is right, she is the eldest sister no matter what. However, if someone over there comes to recognize the eldest sister, I advise the eldest sister to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan. After all, Human hearts are fleshy! If it werent for the difficulties at the time, who would be willing to throw away their children as a parent?

She wished Lin Guixiang would be recognized by Lao Li's family immediately.

Once she recognizes her back, she has nothing to do with Lin Guixiang!

"It doesn't have to be thrown away, what if it's a kidnapped child! It depends on the situation. If the eldest sister was thrown away, then there is no need to recognize her biological parents. If the eldest sister is a kidnapped child, then she must follow Biological parents recognize each other."

What qualifications do people who are born but not raised have to be parents?

But being abducted is different!

Hearing this, Lin Guimei snorted coldly in her heart.


With Lin Guixiang's IQ, who would abduct her?

Say it again!

If Lin Guixiang was really an abducted child, after all these years, someone would have found her long ago!

But until now no one came to Lin Guixiang.

This shows that Lin Guixiang must be from Lao Li's family!

Lin Guimei was too lazy to chat with Zhao Cuinong, "I'll go back and prepare first, and then send the birthday present to the elder sister."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left.

Looking at Lin Guimei's back, Zhao Cuinong frowned indistinctly.

Didn't she just go directly to her house?

Why do you have to go back now?

What kind of medicine is sold in this person's gourd?

Soon, Lin Guimei returned home.

She took out a beautiful box from her bag.

This is Lin Guimei's birthday gift for her sister, a silver necklace worth 1,000 yuan.

Although the silver necklace is not expensive, it is already considered a luxury for a countryman like Lin Guixiang who has never seen the market.

Not to mention the silver necklace.

She didn't even wear an iron necklace.


After learning of Lin Guixiang's life experience, Lin Guimei no longer intends to give this necklace.

After all, Lin Guixiang is not her own sister, and there is no blood relationship between them. As for Lin Guixiang raising her, it should be for her to go to college.

After all, it was her parents who gave Lin Guixiang her life.

If it wasn't for her parents, Lin Guixiang might have died long ago!

So these are Lin Guixiang's duties.

Thinking about this, Lin Guixiang took out the necklace from the box, and put in the pair of pearl earrings as a gift next to it.

With Lin Guixiang's current status, she is only worthy of a gift.

After repacking the gift, Lin Guimei went out.

Sun Shanshan just came out of the study to practice the piano, saw Lin Guimei going out so late, and asked curiously: "Mom, why are you going?"

Hearing this, Lin Guimei turned her head with a smile, "It's your aunt's birthday today, I'll go and give her a birthday present."


Hearing this address, Sun Shanshan frowned indistinctly.

She hates Lin Guixiang.

Especially after learning that Lin Guixiang cannot read.

Having such an aunt is simply an insult to her.

Sun Shanshan also hated her mother's dealings with people there.

After a while, Sun Shanshan continued: "Mom, did you know that Lin Wu is in love?"

Before Lin Guimei could speak, grandma came out from nowhere and asked in shock, "Is it true?"

Sun Shanshan nodded, "It's true, I saw her boyfriend driving her back with my own eyes!"

Did you drive it back?

Grandmother narrowed her eyes. It seems that this man's conditions are good.

Maybe he is a native of Qingshi.

Thinking of this, grandma snorted coldly, "I knew Lin Wu had a charming face, she was a vicious girl! I never thought that she would hook up with someone so soon!"

Grandmother absolutely does not allow Lin Wu to marry someone from Qingshi.

Because Lin Wu is not worthy.

After the words fell, grandma continued: "Shanshan, have you seen the boy's appearance? Whose family is he from?"

After all, grandma is a native of Qingshi, and her daughter and son-in-law are teachers of Qingzhong, so she is very popular in the neighborhood and has a good reputation. As long as she says something, everyone is very convinced.

So, she planned to find the boy's parents and expose Lin Wu's true face.

Break Lin Wu's dream.

Speaking of this, the corners of Sun Shanshan's mouth could not help but rise slightly, "Her boyfriend is a car repairman at the gate of our school, and the car he drives is also an old model more than ten years old. We locals in Qingshi should not be so shabby?"

Most of the locals in Qingshi are rich second-generation households, how could they repair cars? It is even more impossible to drive an old car that has fallen in price! of


Needless to think about it, Lin Wu's boyfriend must be an outsider.

Grandmother frowned slightly, "A car repairman?"


The next second, grandma laughed outright, and looked at Lin Guimei, "Your niece is really promising!"

Lin Guimei was also a little embarrassed. It was not good for Lin Wu to find someone, she had to find a car repairman.

It made her feel ashamed too.

Fortunately, she has no blood relationship with Lin Guixiang now.

Without waiting for Lin Guimei to speak, Grandma continued: "However, the little village girl and the car repairman are indeed quite suitable."

Just a girl like Lin Wu.

Don't try to get ahead in your life.

can only be used as a stepping stone for her granddaughter forever.

Lin Guimei didn't want to be belittled by her mother-in-law because of Lin Guixiang. She considered the words in her heart, and then said: "Mom, my eldest sister is just an abandoned baby adopted by my parents, and has nothing to do with me."

After saying this, Lin Guimei was relieved, feeling unprecedentedly relaxed.

Mother Sun looked at Lin Guimei and frowned slightly, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Even if he wanted to separate himself from Lin Guimei, he wouldn't use such words to lie to her.

Lin Guimei immediately said: "Mom, I'm serious, Lin Guixiang really has no blood relationship with me!"

"Really?" Grandma asked incredulously.

Lin Guimei nodded.

Mother Sun wanted to say something else, and then said: "I heard from Dingbang that Lin Guixiang wanted to find you for investment a few days ago."

"There is such a thing." Lin Guimei nodded.

Grandmother frowned slightly, "The one hundred thousand yuan your sister-in-law threw in is no different than throwing it into the water. You can't be foolish and take the money from our old grandson's family and go for it."

Although she has been mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for so many years, grandma still looks down on this daughter-in-law who came from the countryside.

Talking is even more merciless.

Because there is no need.

Lin Guimei didn't dare to get angry, she just smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry, I'm not stupid! How could I invest in them!"

"You just need to be clear in your heart." At this point, grandma took a look at Lin Guimei, "Since you have no blood relationship with Lin Guixiang, then get rid of the relationship as soon as possible! To save them from being entangled!"

"Yes." Lin Guimei nodded.

My mother-in-law was right. Lin Guixiang's identity would not be on the stage at all, and their Sun family would definitely become more and more prosperous in the future.

How will Sun Shanshan meet people in the future?

Hearing this, Sun Shanshan looked at Lin Guimei, smiled and said, "Mom, since you and Lin Guimei are not related by blood, then Lin Wu has nothing to do with me, right?"

"Yes." Lin Guimei nodded.

The smile on Sun Shanshan's face became brighter, and she knew that she was not such an embarrassing cousin.

After all, she is going to become a famous female entrepreneur in the future. How can she have such a cousin?

Lin Guimei looked at her grandma, "Mom, you and Shanshan should go to bed early, and I'll go to my brother's house."

"Yes." Grandma nodded, "Go."

Lin Guimei turned and left.

They live in the same building.

It's just that one is on the seventh floor and the other is on the third floor.

Lin Guimei took the elevator to the third floor. She didn't knock on the door immediately, but listened to the sound inside.


It stands to reason that Lin Guixiang should be telling Lin Bingqiang about his life experience at this moment.

Why is there no sound at all?

After a while, Lin Guimei reached out and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened.

The person who opened the door was Lin Bingqiang.

"Second sister, are you okay?" His attitude was a bit bad.

When Lin Guixiang celebrated her birthday just now, if Lin Guimei didnt come, whats the point of coming now?

Lin Bingqiang was really disappointed with this second sister.

Obviously Lin Guimei was not like this when she was a child.

Lin Guimei didn't seem to notice that Lin Bingqiang's expression was wrong, she glanced into the room, "Where's the eldest sister?"

Lin Bingqiang glanced at her, "Go home."

At the end of the sentence, Lin Bingqiang continued: "I don't understand. Is your supermarket so busy? You don't even come to have a meal for your eldest sister's birthday!"

Seeing her younger brother like this, Lin Guimei was speechless.

They are not related by blood, why should my brother be angry with her because of an outsider?

"I know everything about Qiangzi."

"What do you know?" Lin Bingqiang frowned.

"The eldest sister was adopted by my parents, she is not our biological sister at all." Strictly speaking, she has nothing to do with Lin Guixiang, so she doesn't need to pay anything for Lin Guixiang.

Hearing these words, Lin Bing was so angry that his face turned pale, "Second sister! Do you know what you are talking about? If it weren't for the eldest sister, would we be able to go to college and live the life we are now?"

Every time Zhao Cuinong said that Lin Guimei didn't know how to be grateful, Lin Bingqiang would always cover up for her.

After all, they are all brothers and sisters.

Sometimes he feels that Lin Guimei's life in her husband's house is not easy these years.

Available now.

He actually heard such words from Lin Guimei's mouth.

What does Lin Guimei mean?

Could it be that since the eldest sister has no blood relationship with them, can she erase her contributions over the years?

This made Lin Bingqiang very angry!

Seeing that her younger brother was angry, Lin Guimei immediately changed her tone, "Qiangzi, look at you, why are you so impatient? It's not like you don't know me, and you can speak out as soon as you have something to say. In fact, you have no bad intentions at all! If I If you were so heartless, would you come to your house to look for her now? Would you come to give her a birthday present? "

Lin Guimei's two question marks in a row stunned Lin Bingqiang, and she put the gift box into Lin Bingqiang's hand, "This is a birthday present I prepared for my eldest sister, please pass it to her for me. "

Her brother is also weak.

I don't know which is more serious.

Lin Guixiang has no blood relationship with them, why should she get angry with her because of an outsider?

Has he forgotten that in this world, only she is his only biological sister.

"Why don't you go yourself?" Lin Bingqiang asked.

For Lin Guixiang's birthday, it's okay if Lin Guimei doesn't show up, now even the birthday present has to be handed over.

what is this?

Lin Guimei made an excuse casually, "Tomorrow morning, Shanshan will take her dance exam, and I will get up early to send her to school."

Hearing this, Lin Bingqiang's expression softened a bit, and he continued: "Then go back and rest early."

After Lin Guimei left, Lin Bingqiang closed the door, planning to go with his wife to give Lin Guixiang a gift.

At this moment, Zhao Cuinong came out of the bedroom, "Did someone come just now?"

Lin Bingqiang nodded, "It's the second sister."

"What is she doing here?" Zhao Cuinong frowned slightly, "Eldest sister has gone home, so hypocritical."

Lin Bingqiang subconsciously covered up for the second sister, "Don't say that, the second sister is actually pretty good, she came here specially to give the eldest sister a gift. Do you think she would make a special trip here if she didn't have the eldest sister in her heart? ?

Hearing this, Zhao Cuinong's eyes fell on the box in Lin Bingqiang's hand, "That's it?"

"Yes." Lin Bingqiang nodded.

Zhao Cuinong smiled and said: "I can guarantee that there is definitely nothing valuable in it."

Lin Bingqiang frowned slightly, "Don't always be hostile to my second sister."

"I'm hostile? Lin Bingqiang, if you don't believe me, you can open it now and have a look."

Although it is impolite to open other people's gifts, Zhao Cuinong still wants to see what Lin Guimei used to perfunctory Lin Guixiang.

At the end of the sentence, Zhao Cuinong picked up the bag in his hand and took out the contents before Lin Bingqiang could react.

Inside is a pair of very ordinary pearl earrings.

Although Lin Bingqiang doesnt understand jewelry, he knows the logo on the jewelry box. This is LG jewelry. I bought it for you last year. Their products start at a minimum of 1,000.

Being able to send something worth more than a thousand means that Lin Guimei still has her sister Lin Guixiang in her heart.

Zhao Cuinong was taken aback.

She thought she was delusional just now, but now that she looks at it this way, this thing is indeed from the brand.

How could Lin Guimei be so kind?

This is very abnormal!

Lin Bingqiang continued: "Cui Nong, my second sister is just a little outspoken. Don't talk about her like that in the future."

Isnt the family harmonious?

At this moment, Zhao Cuinong seemed to have thought of something, pointed to the pearl earrings in the box and said, "I remembered! This earring is just a gift, no wonder I said why your second sister suddenly became so polite!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Cuinong continued: "Your second sister is really irritating. If you don't want to give something, don't give it. Who are you insulting with this kind of gift?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Although Lin Guimei was a bit stingy, Lin Bingqiang felt that she would never do such a thing.

"You don't believe it, do you? I bought a necklace of this brand and there is a gift that is exactly the same, and I will show it to you now!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Cuinong walked towards the bedroom.

Soon, she came out with a pair of identical earrings, "See! This is a plastic gift!"

Even the pearls are fake.

"If you don't believe me, you can take it to the LG counter tomorrow and ask!"

Lin Bingqiang frowned slightly.

He didn't understand why Lin Guimei did this.

Lin Guimei runs a supermarket, and her brother-in-law Sun Dingbang also has a stable job and income, and his small life is very prosperous, how could he not even have a decent gift?

Let's talk again.

Lin Guixiang worked so hard to bring the two of them up, even if there is no blood relationship, he should still think about the kindness of upbringing.

She did this, which is really chilling.

Thinking of this, Lin Bingqiang sighed softly.

Zhao Cuinong frowned slightly, looked up at Lin Bingqiang, "You didn't believe what I said before, but now you should know who your second sister is?"

Lin Bingqiang did not speak for a long time.

Zhao Cuinong continued: "Do you know why your second sister has always been unwilling to invest in Eldest Sister's Beauty Song? Because she has always looked down on Eldest Sister and Xiao Wu, and she never thinks Eldest Sister can succeed! Just wait and see God, after she knows that Meirenyin is very profitable, she will definitely post it eagerly!"

The capital.

Fang Youling packed up and saluted, and was about to set off to Dongcheng to collect blood.

Fang Hongyu sent her to the airport.

"Auntie, I wish you a safe journey. After landing, remember to send me a message."

"Okay Hongyu." Fang Youling nodded, and said with a smile: "The things at home will be **** you."

"What are you talking about, aunt? This is what I should do. Go and board the plane, it will be too late!" Fang Hongyu looked at her watch and urged.

"Hmm." Fang Youling pushed the suitcase and walked towards the security checkpoint.

As soon as Fang Youling's figure disappeared in the direction of the security checkpoint, Fang Hongyu's assistant trotted over and whispered something in front of Fang Hongyu.

Hearing this, Fang Hongyu's expression changed, "What! Qingshi?!"

Good morning everyone~

See you tomorrow~


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