Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


NEOMA landed on her feet gracefully.

As soon as she did, the people once again cheered as if she was the only person they could see.

Mama Boss, Dahlia, Lewis, Trevor, and Princess Maan were practically ignored.

[Even Tteokbokki. They were amazed the first time they saw a red dragon. But now, only a few seem to be interested.]

"Princess Neoma, welcome back."


It was Hanna– and she wasn't alone.

A loud collective gasp from the sea of people emerged when they noticed the arrival of the emperor and the Crown Prince.

[Yep, Papa Boss and Nero are in the hauz~~~]

The fact that the people only noticed Hanna, Papa Boss, and Nero now only meant that Hanna used her Shadow Veil to conceal their presence earlier.

[Geoffrey, Jeanne, and Nero's "children" are also with them.]

It was a big group, so it was impossible not to be noticed. Hence, her theory about Hanna using her Shadow Veil must be correct.


[I wonder where my "children" are.]

"His Majesty and His Royal Highness…"

"Also our future Crown Princess…"

"This is the first time I saw the Imperial Family step foot in the plaza for the commoners…"

"Everyone looks so majestic!"

"Of course, they are, fool. They're called 'Your Majesties' for a reason!"

"I want to stare at them all day…"

"Bow your head, silly!"

The sea of people parted and gave way for the emperor and the Crown Prince, everyone bowing their heads deeply as Papa Boss, Nero, and Hanna walked past them.

It was indeed a sight.

After all, it was rare for the ENTIRE member of the Imperial Family to gather in once place. Especially if the said place was for the commoners.

[We're breaking rules.]


"Welcome back, Neoma," Papa Boss said. He wasn't smiling, but his face was bright. And his eyes sparkled when he turned to Mama Boss. "I'm glad you returned safe, Mona."


[Love is in the air.]

"Welcome back, Neoma, Mother," Nero said, smiling. Of course, that smile was fake. Even so, the Crown Prince was a good actor. Hence, they probably looked like a harmonious family to everyone who didn't know the "tea." "The palace felt empty without the two of you."


[Look at this little rascal act in front of someone who has a prestigious 'Best Child Actress' award under her belt.]

Neoma knew that Nero was just sprouting bullshit, but she didn't care. "I missed you, too. Mother and I terribly missed you and Father," she said, then she ran to Nero and hugged him. "I hope you didn't miss me too much, Brother~"

Nero froze, but he eventually relaxed. And to probably continue his act as a loving twin brother, he gently wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you, too, Neoma."


She had to stop herself from laughing.

Plus, the things she heard from the crowd were pretty interesting.

"The Imperial Princess and the Crown Princess seem to have a good relationship."

"His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highness are twins, so their bond is more special than normal siblings."

"But His Majesty and the late Princess Royal were also twins and yet, their relationship was pretty horrible–"

"Shh! The new generation is different!"

"Moreover, His Majesty has changed."

Neoma had to agree with that one.

Surprisingly, Papa Boss approached her and Nero while the two of them were hugging. Then their father wrapped his arms around them.

Soon, Mama Boss also joined the big family hug.


It was a rare sight, so it wasn't a surprise that the citizens were shocked.

"Oh, my…"

"What a warm-hearted scene…"

"This is the first time my chest feels warm while watching the Imperial Family…"

"In my eighty years of living in this empire, this is the ONLY time I saw the Imperial Family act affectionately in front of a crowd…"

"I thought the Imperial Family is cold-hearted, but it seems like I was wrong…"


Neoma was satisfied by the image their family painted to the public.

[Hanna must have worked hard to make the people like me even though I lied to them when I acted as Nero before.]

Anyway, they soon broke their family hug to address the public.

Of course, Papa Boss led the talk since he was the emperor.

"First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who has gathered in this plaza to give my daughter a warm welcome."



A loud gasp was heard from the crowd.


[People are shocked and delighted that Papa Boss is doing bare minimum as a decent human being.]


Neoma mentally patted her shoulder for a job well done.

[Raising Papa Boss was worth it.]

"I believe most of you have already heard about Princess Neoma's accomplishments in the past," Papa Boss said, addressing her by her formal title in front of their people. "And, just recently, Princess Neoma saved the merfolk clan."

Papa Boss was being vague on purpose.

She informed Dahlia in advance to not give the specifics of how she saved the merfolk clan, after all.

[I know that the crows will realize right away that I saved the merfolks by cleansing the Impure Mana that they used to harm the clan. But even if it's only for a day, I'd like to delay it if possible.]

Nothing good would come out of revealing her awesomeness to the enemies anyway.

"Princess Maan of the Hali Clan is here as my daughter's ally."

After saying that line, Papa Boss turned to Maan.

The Mermaid Princess got the message right away and opened her mouth.

"It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Princess Neoma saved not only the merfolks, but the entire marine life in the sea our clan rules," Maan said in a sincere voice that probably touched the people since the public suddenly looked emotional. "Pledging our loyalty to Princess Neoma would never be enough compensation. Hence, the merfolks will never forget that we are indebted to the Imperial Princess for the rest of our lives."

Uhm, that was a little…

[It's not like I saved them for free. No need to pledge their loyalty to me forever. I got paid anyway.]

Of course, Neoma couldn't say that out loud since this was good for her public image.

[I have to play politics.]

Plus, Mama Boss and Papa Boss looked proud of her.

Nero, on the other hand, was smiling.

But she could practically hear what her amnesiac twin brother was thinking at the moment.

[Nero is definitely being wary of me since he still sees me as a competition for the throne even though he's already the Crown Prince.]



Neoma was pretty surprised when Papa Boss addressed her casually this time while looking at her warmly.

[Oh, I feel weird…]

"I'm proud of you, my precious daughter," Papa Boss said, smiling. Yes, Papa Boss smiled. It was his rare genuine smile that was only reserved for their family. "Hence, I'm glad that this day has finally come."


That wasn't in the script.

Neoma felt nervous when Papa Boss suddenly held her hand. "Father…?"

Of course, she had to address her Papa Boss properly in public.

[The nobles will probably have a stroke if they heard me address Papa Boss the way I do.]

"Princess Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio, the First Star of the Great Moonasterion Empire," Papa Boss said proudly. "It took a long time, but your name is finally added to the Royal Household, my precious daughter."



[That means I'm officially a member of the de Moonasterion Imperial Family.]

Of course, Neoma already expected that. However, she didn't know her Papa Boss would announce it this way. Moreover, she didn't know she'd feel this way.

[Why do I suddenly feel like crying…?]

Before Neoma could compose herself, Lewis suddenly appeared in front of her.

Then Hanna, Dahlia, and Trevor did the same.


And, much to her pleasant surprise, her "children" appeared one by one in front of her.






"Congratulations, Princess Neoma," Hanna said, smiling with her eyes brimming with tears. "I, the Quinzel Princess, officially declares my loyalty to Your Royal Highness."

Much to Neoma's pleasant surprise, Hanna got down on one knee.


Hanna was the highest ranking noble lady in the entire empire– she should only be kneeling in front of emperor.

[But Hanna bent her knees for me– in front of all these people.]

"On behalf of the Moonrose Knights, I– Lewis Crevan, the Commander– swear to live and die ONLY for Princess Neoma," Lewis said in a calm yet firm voice. "Forever."

Ah, right.

Now that Neoma was officially accepted as a legit member of the Imperial Family, the Moonrose Knights had also become an official Order.

It seemed like a dream.

But then, Lewis got down on one knee and bowed his head towards her.

Juri, Jeno, Xion, Paige, and Greko followed their commander. The now-official Moonrose Knights all knelt and bowed. "We pledge our lives to Princess Neoma."

Woah, woah.

"I, Dahlia– the last surviving Black Witch in the world– also pledge my loyalty to Princess Neoma," Dahlia said while getting down on one knee. Then she bowed her head towards Neoma. "Please accept me as your humble servant, Your Royal Highness."

[Uhm, can't we just continue being friends…?]

This was getting awkward.

[My friends and my children are treating me like I'm their master or something…]

"I, Maan of the Hali Merfolk Clan, also pledge my loyalty to Princess Neoma," Maan said, kneeling and bowing her head as well. "On behalf of the merfolks of the Hali Clan, I'm honored to say that we will always be at your service."

[But you already compensated me…]

"Ahem, ahem."


It was Trevor's turn, and the mischievous look in his eyes already told Neoma that he was enjoying seeing her flustered.

[And he's definitely going to make me flustered even more!]

"My Moon Princess, it's a golden rule that a Sorcerer must only dedicate himself to magic. But I don't give a damn about that stupid rule. I'm already the best Sorcerer in the world anyway," Trevor said, grinning as he dramatically put a hand over his chest. "My heart, my soul, my mind, my body– they're all yours."

Just like the others, the demon boy also got down on one knee while bowing his head.

"I will forever serve you, Princess Neoma," Trevor said sincerely. "As your Contractor, friend, or whatever you want me to be."

It wasn't only her friends and allies.

Even Papa Boss and Nero's knights bowed their head towards her– an acknowledgement that they recognized her as the Imperial Princess.

Before Neoma knew it, she was already choking up.

She was overwhelmed.

Each person who knelt and bowed to her was an individual with either high position, high skills, or both.

[These amazing people recognize me as someone they wish to serve…]

That meant they trusted her with their lives.

Who wouldn't feel overwhelmed by that?

"We greet Princess Neoma– the one and only Imperial Princess of the Great Moonasterion Empire!"

"Long live, Princess Neoma!"

"It's an honor to be Your Royal Highness' subject!"

Those words came from the people of the empire.

Soon, the citizens knelt one by one until the only people standing in the entire plaza were Papa Boss, Mama Boss, and Nero.

Everyone else bent their knees for her.


It was Mama Boss who whispered her name so softly.

Ah, her mother was already crying. Of course, those were tears of joy.

Even so, Papa Boss still wrapped his arm around Mama Boss' shoulders to console her.

Nero, on the other hand, just gave her a polite nod as if telling her she had to give a response to the people who pledged their loyalty to her.

[Right, I need to answer them properly.]

Neoma faced her people, ready to give a speech…

… or so she thought.

As soon as she opened her mouth, a sob came out.

Oh, fuck.

Neoma was crying… hard.

She was sobbing like a child.

Her dignity as the Imperial Princess was already forgotten.

But who could blame her?

Three lifetimes.

She had to live as Neoma Quinzel, Kim Neoma, and Neoma 'Ramsay' before she was finally acknowledged as Princess Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio.

It wasn't about getting added to the Royal Household officially. To be honest, it was more about reclaiming her birthright and rightful place as her mother and father's daughter. Now she could proudly say that she was indeed Papa Boss and Mama Boss' 'Baby Pumpkin.'

Neoma Quinzel grew up with Duke Rufus and Duchess Amber Quinzel as her adoptive parents.

Kim Neoma grew up with Go Areum and Kim Won-shik as her parents.

During her childhood in this lifetime, back when Papa Boss was still a scumbag, she gave herself the family name 'Ramsay' because there was no official record of her existence.

But it was over now.

She was Princess Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio– daughter of Emperor Nikolai de Moonasterio and Lady Mona Roseheart.

Also, she was the twin sister of Prince Nero Roseheart de Moonasterio.

And the best part?

[Everyone knows who I am now.]

"It's no longer a royal secret," Neoma said, laughing softly as tears continued to roll down her cheeks. She probably looked like a lunatic while laughing and crying at the same time, but she didn't care. "I'm a princess!"[1]

No, scratch that.

Neoma was THE  one and only IMPERIAL PRINCESS of the Great Moonasterion Empire– and it was official now!



Helstor, who was standing on top of a tower in the plaza where he could clearly see the harmonious Imperial Family, chuckled.

Princess Neoma seemed to be happy to be finally acknowledged as the Imperial Princess.

"I'm sorry, little princess," Helstor said, and he genuinely felt bad for Princess Neoma. "I hate to rain on your parade, but I have to do my job."[2]

He snapped his fingers.

And, just like that, dark clouds slowly yet surely began to cover the sun.

Soon, the entire empire– no, the entire continent– would be engulfed with darkness.

Helstor smiled, then he looked up at the sky that was slowly turning dark. "It's time for me to eat."


TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY~~~ Please go to my k/o-fi page (ko-fi. com/sola_cola) and donate/buy a coffee if you can. If I reach my target amount of donations, I get to win the May Challenge. I'm still so far away from the target since only one person has donated so far. Please help~ T_T Only if you can, of course. Hehe~ 


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[1] Neoma finally said the book title. The end is really near. LOL

[2] Give Neoma a break. Y_Y

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