Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!


"YOU CAN have my youngest son, Princess Neoma."


Neoma laughed mentally, but she maintained a polite expression on the surface.

No matter how ridiculous the merfolk king's offer was, she was still dealing with a foreign king who just became her ally. Hence, she was being careful.

"My son is only three years older than you, Princess Neoma," King Lagun said cheerfully. "Moreover, when it comes to looks, my son won't lose to you."

Neoma hadn't seen the king's youngest son yet, but she believed the king.

[Merfolks are known to be very beautiful, after all.]

But, of course, she wasn't tempted.

"The safe route, the allegiance, and the Mermaid Tears," Neoma said calmly, pointing out the payment that she received from the merfolks in return for saving them. "I understand that the things I received aren't enough compensation for saving your people and the kingdom. Even if you offer me all your children around my age, it won't still suffice."

She acted haughty on purpose.

No wonder the king looked offended.

The queen and Maan, on the other hand, remained poker-faced as if the two were just waiting for her to continue.

It was a good thing that it was a private meeting in the conference room.

On Maan's side, she had King Lagun and Queen Cordelia.

Of course, on Neoma's side, she had Mama Boss, Lewis, Dahlia, and Trevor.

"My youngest son may not inherit the throne, but that doesn't mean he has no value," King Lagun insisted. "The only reason he didn't become my successor was because he was born late. But he's actually more intelligent and talented than the Crown Prince. You won't regret it, Princess Neoma."

"If Your Majesty's youngest son is more intelligent and talented than the Crown Prince, then you should have chosen him as the successor for the sake of the kingdom," Neoma said politely. "But as a foreign princess, I guess it's none of my business."

After all, different cultures had different values and rules.

"I don't understand why you look upset, Princess Neoma," the king said carefully. "Marriage talks like this should be normal between monarchs, no?"

"Your Majesty, I understand treating marriage as another business contract is the norm for us," Neoma said, addressing King Lagun in a calm yet firm manner. The royal merman might look intimidating, but not enough for her to back down. "However, just because it's the norm doesn't mean we should continue normalizing it. I hope Your Majesty stops treating your children as commodities that you can marry off for your convenience. Let's get with the times, please."

"You're being incredibly rude, young princess," the king said, scoffing as he turned to Mama Boss. "Lady Roseheart, are you just going to watch your daughter speak like this to me?"

"Trust me, Your Majesty. That is Neoma being polite already," Mama Boss said, smiling in resignation. "Moreover, my daughter neither said anything wrong nor crossed the line. If that was the case, I would have intervened already."

Her Mama Boss was right.

Neoma could be a rude little piece of shit most of the time. But her contract with Maan was official business. The merfolk clan had just become the empire's ally, so she couldn't afford to mess this up.

But there were things that must be said, so she opened her mouth.

[I was polite, though.]


King Lagun raised an eyebrow at Mama Boss. "Lady Roseheart, are you saying you agree with the things your daughter said?"

"I do, Your Majesty," Mama Boss said, smiling. "After all, our children aren't our properties."

That statement rendered the king speechless.

"That's enough chitchat," Queen Corelia said sternly, then she turned to Neoma. "Princess Neoma, once again, the merfolk clan is indebted to you."

"There's no debt between us, Your Majesty," Neoma said while shaking her head. "You already compensated me for my service. That's why we have a contract."

"Even so, we will always be grateful to you."


Perhaps saving the merfolk clan was more of a big deal than she initially thought.

[Then it's okay to be greedy, I guess.]

"I hope to see the merfolk clan's sincerity during the war against the crows," Neoma said, smiling. "After all, the crows are also after your clan. Let's look out for each other, Your Majesties."


"YOUR MAJESTY, I received a report saying Marquis Spencer approached Prince Nero while His Royal Highness was his on way to the academy."

Nikolai scoffed after hearing Geoffrey Kinsley's report. "Nero's schedule should have been confidential. Find the rat who leaked my son's schedule to that filthy marquis."

Geoffrey bowed his head politely. "As Your Majesty commands."

After dismissing Geoffrey, another Paladin came by.

It was Jeanne Audley who brought Hanna Quinzel to his office.

Ah, right.

[Hanna took a leave from school to prepare for her own engagement ceremony.]

Was Nero even helping his fiancé with the preparations?

[After my son got my permission to have the Moonlight Rings, he never mentioned anything about the engagement again.]

Were the de Moonasterion men really this useless without their partner?

"I apologize for coming unannounced, Your Majesty," Hanna said, bowing in apology. "I have a report to deliver, and a request to make."

"No need for apology," Nikolai said. "Raise your head, Hanna."

Hanna did as she was told. "May I use the Shadow Veil here, Your Majesty?"


The Shadow Veil was a technique used by the Quinzels to make an area soundproof and invisible from the outside. It was a barrier with the intention to keep things hidden inside.

[It only means Hanna's report is strictly confidential.]

Which also meant it was connected to Neoma.

"Alright. You may do that," Nikolai said, then he turned to Geoffrey and Jeanne. "You two may leave now."

Geoffrey and Jeanne bowed before leaving the office quietly.

Hanna then covered the entire office with her Shadow Veil in only a few seconds.

[Her ability has improved drastically.]

The Shadow Veil was arguably the easiest technique to master for the Quinzels. However, just because it was a basic technique didn't make it less important. After all, you couldn't call yourself a master if you couldn't do the basics perfectly.

[And that's why Hanna is talented– she has mastered the basics well.]

"Your Majesty, Lady Mona and Neoma are scheduled to return to the empire tomorrow morning."

That was news to him.

[Mona hasn't sent me a message yet.]

"I got in touch with Dahlia because I had something important to report to Neoma, but I learned something huge while talking to them," Hanna said, and that explained why Hanna found out about Mona and Neoma's return first. "Neoma gave me the permission to report the details to Your Majesty, so I'm sharing them to Your Majesty now: Neoma succeeded in saving the merfolk clan. In return, Neoma received three precious gifts from her deal with Princess Maan– one of the Mermaid Princesses."

Ah, he heard that part from Mona's last message.

But he didn't get to ask what the compensation was.

"First, the merfolks promised a safe route in the sea exclusive for the Imperial Family and their people."

That was an impressive feat.

[After all, the merfolks are known for being territorial. But they willingly opened a route for the Imperial Family? Neoma must have done an excellent job then.]

"Then Princess Maan also gave Neoma a string of Mermaid Tears– a pearl necklace, to be precise."


Nikolai wasn't interested in jewelry, but even he knew that a pearl necklace made from a Mermaid Princess' tears couldn't be bought with money.

[The materialistic members of the high society would surely die from envy.]

That thought made him smirk.

"Finally, Princess Maan pledge her alliance with Neoma," Hanna said in an excited voice. "And the Mermaid Princess is willing to make it public."


Now he understood why Hanna looked excited.

"Your Majesty, let's give Neoma a hero's welcome," Hanna said, her green eyes sparkling. "I already discussed it with Neoma, but I still need Your Majesty's permission."

Nikolai chuckled, suddenly reminded of Rufus.

[Hanna has her mother's eye color, but she definitely got the sparkle from Rufus'.]

"Alright, let's do that," Nikolai said, nodding. "I'll tell Geoffrey to help you with the preparations since Nero is quite… busy."

Hanna smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

[I'm glad that my future daughter-in-law is bright and competent.]

He thought Hanna would bid him goodbye after stating her business, but his future daughter-in-law remained standing.

The joy on her face earlier was replaced by a serious look now.

"Your Majesty, I decided to invite Lord Rubin to my engagement ceremony."

"Rubin Drayton?" Nikolai asked, frowning. "I thought the Draytons and their vassal families are excluded from the guest list?"

Hanna was in charge of the preparations, but Nikolai's approval was still needed for the guest list.

After all, the engagement ceremony would be held in his palace.

Hence, it was only right that Hanna informed him of the additional guest in the list.

[I'm surprised that she invited Rubin Drayton, though.]

He was aware of the ongoing "cold war" between House Quinzel and House Drayton.

[Duke Drayton complained to me several times about how Rufus was "crossing the line," but I just ignored him. Naturally.]

"I only invited Lord Rubin, Your Majesty."

"Is there a reason for that?"

Hanna was cold and vicious to people who landed on her bad side.

[This is the young lady who bravely ignored House Drayton, after all. Nobles don't fight openly to protect their image. But Hanna didn't care about that. She mercilessly attacked House Drayton's businesses.]

"Your Majesty, it seems like Lord Rubin remembers his first life," Hanna said nervously. "The one where he was engaged to Neoma."

Nikolai pressed his temples, stressed. "Ah, so that's why House Drayton keeps on sending marriage proposals to Neoma."


"PRINCE NERO, you don't have to drop out. The controversy has died down already, so please don't worry about the backlash. Your Royal Highness is the future emperor, hence, you must have your degree here in the Royal Moon Academy!"

Ah, so that was why Headmaster Salvatore– the director of Royal Moon Academy– refused to accept Nero's drop-out form.

[They just want the bragging rights.]

Nero sipped his tea leisurely, ignoring the fact that Headmaster Salvatore was already breaking out in a cold sweat while waiting for his response.

Right now, the two of them were having tea in the schoolmaster's office.

[Now I understand why this old man is being stubborn.]

After all, ever since the Royal Moon Academy was established, every single emperor who sat on the throne was an alumnus.

Even his father was a graduate of the Royal Moon Academy.

[Since I'll be ascending the throne soon, they're latching onto me for the academy's prestige.]

"I understand where you're coming from, but it wouldn't look good for the future emperor to take his words back mindlessly," Nero said, putting the teacup down on the saucer quietly. And yes, he was speaking to the schoolmaster informally. He came there as the Crown Prince and not as a student anyway. "Hence, let's compromise."

Headmaster Salvatore wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief. "H-How do we compromise, Your Royal Highness?"

"I will no longer attend my classes for the rest of the semester," Nero said firmly, standing up while looking down at the schoolmaster. "I want you and the entire faculty to come up with the hardest exam of the century. If I pass that exam, then give me my diploma."

That was not a request.

It was an order.

And Headmaster Salvatore, who gulped hard, knew that.

Nero just smirked before turning his back to the schoolmaster, then he went out of the office.

It wasn't like the headmaster had the power to stop him from leaving.

"Prince Nero, you're cool even though you're rude to your elders~ Even though it was you and Princess Neoma who deceived the school, you still managed to punish the schoolmaster by giving him a very difficult task~"

Nero just rolled his eyes at Sanford Devon's playful teasing. "It was Melvin's idea."

Yes, the order that he gave the schoolmaster was Melvin Lucchesi's idea.

It was his secretary who came up with the solution for him to get his diploma without taking back his words that he would stop going to school. Since he was going to take a fair exam this time, there wouldn't be too much backlash from the public.

[As expected, hiring Melvin as my secretary was the best decision I made as the Crown Prince so far. There's no way I'd let him resign now.]

Speaking of which…

Nero knitted his eyebrows. "Where is Melvin?"

Raku, who was silently opening the door of the royal carriage for him, stopped and turned to Sanford.

"Melvin is on a date~" Sanford said playfully. "Lady Sandie called him out earlier~"

Sandie Morrisley.

[Hanna's closest friend in the academy, and also Viscount Morrisley's daughter.]


[Come to think of it, the Northern Lords haven't appeared to the public yet after they failed to show up at the trial. Father confirmed that the Northern Lords are safe, but why do I have a feeling that I have to get rid of that faction?]

Melvin's father was also a Northern Lord, though.

[Even so, I need to get rid of anyone or anything that might be a headache in the future…]

"Prince Nero, you'll make Melvin mad if you touch the Northern Lords~"


Sanford was a quick-witted bastard, indeed.

"How dare you give me a warning?" Nero scolded Sanford. "Don't forget your place, Sanford Devon."

Sanford suddenly turned serious, then he bowed his head. "I apologize for my discourtesy, Your Royal Highness."

"As long as you understand."

After saying that, Nero finally entered the royal carriage and sat opposite the guest who had been waiting for him all this time.

"It seems like I made you wait, Marquis Spencer."

Yes, it was the filthy marquis.

"I didn't wait that long, Your Royal Highness," Marquis Spencer said politely. "I'm just grateful that you spared me some of your precious time." He even bowed towards him. "My utmost gratitude, Your Royal Highness."


[This disgusting noble is coaxing me.]

"Let's hear it now," Nero said, getting straight to the point. "What are you going to offer me in exchange for Neoma's hand in marriage?"

"I heard there's a Black Witch that Your Royal Highness fancies," Marquis Russell Spencer said. "House Spencer has the device to control the Black Witches– a device that could make them your servant, Prince Nero."




[I'm famous.]

That was Neoma's first thought while looking down at the crowd that gathered in the plaza to welcome her return.

Hanna already informed her in advance, but it was still a surprise.

Fortunately, Neoma and her group arrived in a cool manner. After all, they were riding on Tteokbokki's back. Yes, her Soul Beast was in his full adult form.

[I probably look cool as heck right now.]

After all, she was standing while her beautiful long hair fluttered with the wind.


"Princess Neoma!"

"Her Royal Highness is here!"

"So pretty!"

[Yes, I'm pretty. Thank you.]

"It's OUR one and only Imperial Princess!"

Neoma wondered why the people were suddenly giving her a warm welcome, and it made her a little nervous.

[Hanna, did you brainwash these people to love me…?]


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