Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"THOSE AREN'T clouds, Princess Neoma."

"I know, right?" Neoma, who was standing on the balcony of her bedroom, agreed with what Jeno said. "That is Darkness."

There were dark "clouds" moving to the sun. It wasn't obvious to the naked eye yet, but people on her level could see it clearly– Darkness was spread in the sky with the intention of blocking the sun.

And if that happened…

Neoma let out a sigh. "Are they trying to cover the world in Darkness once again?"

"I don't know about the world yet, Princess Neoma," Xion said. "However, according to the reports I received from my family, there has been sighting of this strange phenomena all over the empire."


"What's his name again?" Neoma wondered out loud. "That god of Darkness."

"It's Helstor, Princess Neoma," Paige answered. "He's the God of Eternal Darkness. He was also the one who tricked the former Commander Gavin Quinzel into betraying Lady Roseheart."

"That bastard also joined hands with the crows before," Juri added. "It's like he's repeating the horror that the Absolute Darkness that almost swallowed the world during the Ancient Period had caused in the past."

"At this rate, people will once again fear Darkness," Lewis said quietly. "I'm worried that Darkness attribute users like Lady Hanna might get ostracized once again."


That might really happen.

"Fearmongering," Neoma said while looking at the weakass Darkness spread in the sky. "That amount of Darkness isn't enough to swallow the world. But it's more than enough to scare the people. Moreover, if it's only happening in the empire, then it's safe to assume that the target is the people of the Great Moonasterion Empire."

After all, if you say 'Western Continent,' the first thing people would think was the empire.

[We practically invaded the entire continent.]

Everyone knew, even the countries and kingdoms from the other continents, that the Great Moonasterion Empire was the strongest because of the crazy de Moonasterios. Thanks to this reputation, no nation was stupid enough to attack the empire during the huge chaos that was the recent trial.

[But if it was me, I would have attacked the empire while the royals and the nobles were busy fighting each other~]

"Anyway, this is probably Lord Helstor's warning," Neoma said casually. "Perhaps I'm just being too arrogant, but I have a feeling the warning is directed at me. After all, I'm pretty sure they already know by now that I have the power to fuck them up."

Gosh, why was she born so powerful?

"I can't forgive those bastards for doing this the day I was officially added to the Royal Household," Neoma said through gritted teeth. "When is Helstor's birthday? I'll make sure to ruin his day the way he ruined mine."

"Gods don't have birthdays," Trevor said. "They only celebrate the day a temple or church was built in their name."

"Gosh, that's so sad," Neoma said, genuinely feeling bad for the gods. "Then the day I punch Lord Helstor in the face would be his new birthday."

Trevor laughed while her "children" snickered.

[Thank goodness Greko isn't here.]

She didn't want to corrupt her innocent sweet summer child.

Anyway, right now, Neoma and the others were on the balcony of bedroom because she was "confined" to her room.

Her parents wanted her to rest and sleep.

But she couldn't do that after seeing the strange things in the sky earlier. Hence, she secretly summoned her "children" to her room.

[Princess Maan is busy with her courtesy call to Papa Boss.]

On the other hand, Nero and Hanna had some official duties they had to attend.

[I think it has something to do with their upcoming engagement party.]

To be honest, although Neoma was aware that Nero and Hanna suited each other, she still felt skeptical about the two's relationship.

[But they're both consenting adults, so I don't have a say about their decisions.]

Anyway, she was just glad that Mama Boss took Dahlia with her so Nero wouldn't get the chance to approach Dahlia.

[I think Mama Boss and Dahlia are discussing the "guardian" that they left in the island.]

And as far as Neoma knew, Mama Boss and Dahlia were also in contact with Charlotte who was left to guard the island with Nathaira, the Imoogi that Mama Boss summoned from the Black Ocean.

"Eomma, I'm back!"


It was Greko who returned with a vial of bear-shaped jelly-like pills inside.

"Eomma, I heard you lost a lot of blood during your trip," Greko said, handing her the vial. "These pills will help you replenish what you've lost."

"Aww, thank you, baby."

Greko pouted. "Eomma, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a teenager now."

Neoma just smiled because whatever Greko said, he would always be a baby in her eyes.

"Anyway, let's focus on the current problem," Neoma said, turning to Jeno. "Can you cover the Darkness with your clouds and mist in the meantime, Jeno?"

Jeno nodded firmly. "I will do my best, Princess Neoma."

"Thank you," Neoma said, addressing her people with a firm gaze. "For now, let's focus on preventing the news from spreading. We can't let the enemies use fearmongering on the citizens, especially since our future Crown Princess is a Darkness attribute user."

[We need to buy time until we find a way to get rid of that stupid Darkness in the sky.]


"EOMMA, you need to rest. Where are you going now?"

"I'm going to distress, my son~"

"But we're headed to the prison…"


Neoma was in high spirits because she could finally bully the person on the top of her hate list. It was long overdue, but what could she do?

[I'm a busy woman~]

Only Greko and Lewis accompanied her because she gave tasks to her other "children."

[I'll join my "children" later, but first...]

"Annyeong, Kyle Sprouse," Neoma greeted the person behind bars, right in front of her. "Did you miss me?"

As expected, Kyle Sprouse just look at her coldly.

The traitor looked shabby at the moment, unlike his neat appearance in the past.

It was obvious that Kyle Sprouse was having a hard time in that small and dirty prison cell. If she remembered correctly, it had only been a few days since the traitor was locked up. And yet, he already looked like he suffered for months.

[Well, he deserves it.]

"Are you here to finally relay Empress Juliet's last message to me, Princess Neoma?" Kyle Sprouse asked weakly. "I will accept any punishment as long As Your Royal Highness tells me where to find Empress Juliet's reincarnation."

Ah, look at this bastard.


"This is why I fucking hate yanderes," Neoma said, clicking her tongue. "Real life tsunderes are so fucking creepy."

Kyle Sprouse just looked at her as if he didn't understand what she just said.

Of course, she didn't bother explaining.

[Empress Juliet's memorial service will take place tomorrow. I'll make sure this bastard wouldn't even hear about it.]

The former empress must have suffered a lot from the traitor's obsession.

"It's true that Empress Juliet has a message for you," Neoma said, opening her hand until a small crystal ball materialized above her palm. "I'll let you hear the preview."

She inserted a small amount of Moonglow in the crystal ball because it was the only way to activate it.

As soon as she did, a voice was heard from the crystal ball.

<"Kyle Sprouse…">

She stopped the recording by releasing the Moonglow inside the crystal ball.

[I said it was only a preview, didn't I?]

"Empress Juliet!"

It was funny how Kyle Sprouse believed that it was really the late Empress Juliet's voice.

The recording had Monik's voice, but she modified it with the help of Trevor's magic. After all, they had to hide the fact that Monik was the late empress' reincarnation.

"It was Empress Juliet's voice," Kyle Sprouse said desperately, running towards her and grabbing the prison bars. There was a frenzied look in his eyes. "Princess Neoma, please let me hear the rest!"

Lewis clicked his tongue, his hand already touching the scabbard as if he was itching to slice Kyle Sprouse for raising his voice at her.

"Don't worry, I'll let you hear the rest," Neoma said, smiling at the traitor. "Once I ascend the throne, that is."

Kyle Sprouse looked horrified. "Then you don't have any intention to let me hear the rest of Empress Juliet's message!"

[This bastard…]

Lewis kicked the prison door– the impact sent Kyle Sprouse flying until the traitor hit the wall.

The poor prison bars were bent, but at least, they didn't completely break.

[Well, there's a barrier supporting the prison door/bars. The fact that they bent was a testament to Lewis' physical power.]

In short, 'One-kick Lewis' was really something.

"Don't yell at Princess Neoma," Lewis warned the traitor, his golden eyes glowing menacingly. "Raise your voice one more time if you want to die early."


Lewis was riled up, huh?

Kyle Sprouse, on the other hand, could only cough up blood.

[Let's finish this before Lewis ends up killing that bastard.]

"Kyle Sprouse, even after all this time, you still don't have faith in me," Neoma said calmly. She wasn't disappointed or sad. After all, she didn't care about the traitor. "You better pray that I become the empress regnant soon, though. That's the only way for you to hear Empress Juliet's last message."

This was the trap that she prepared for the traitor.

[Kyle Sprouse is still pretty useful, after all.]

"I will not kill you yet, Kyle Sprouse. After all, I want you to witness the era of the empire's first empress regnant," Neoma declared firmly. She closed her hand, the crystal ball vanishing into thin air. "If the crows, the people you chose over Papa Boss because you are so fucking dumb, get in my way, then I'll have no choice but to delete the recording I have."

It wasn't like she needed Kyle Sprouse's help.

But she had a plan.

[A plan to break him further.]

"I know you understand what I'm trying to say, Kyle Sprouse," Neoma said, turning her back on the traitor. "You better make a wise choice this time."


"I WANT Mother and Father to get married before my coronation."

Neoma gave Nero a look of disbelief. "Yeah, no. It's up to them when they want to get married, dude."

She was wondering why her twin brother fetched her.

[We have a family dinner later, but Nero came to my room to escort me. I didn't know he'd propose this kind of thing.]

"I don't want to ascend the throne while being a child out of wedlock," Nero said, frowning. "Mother won't be the empress even if she married Father since I'd be taking the throne soon, so I believe this is the perfect time for them to get married."

"Then what are you suggesting? That we give them a surprise wedding or something?"

"Yes, exactly that."


"After my engagement ceremony with Hanna, let's prepare a wedding ceremony for Mother and Father," Nero said in a serious voice. "I already discussed it with Hanna, and she said she'll base her decision on yours."

Ah, so that was why Nero was discussing it with her now.

[Did losing a part of his memories made him dumb?]

No, scratch that.

[Nero has always been a cold-hearted person, with or without his complete memories.]

Neoma pinched the bridge of her nose while sighing. "Nero, your engagement ceremony is supposed to be Hanna's time to shine," she said, giving her twin brother a look of disappointment. "I don't think Mother would appreciate it if she suddenly stole the thunder from Hanna, you know?"


"WE RECEIVED a warning from Lord Helstor, Ruto."

Ruto turned to Sienna, the Sun Priestess, with knitted eyebrows. "A warning?"

"If the Eastern Continent aids the Western Continent, then Lord Helstor would also spread Darkness in our Continent," Sienna said worriedly. "The Sun Goddess oversees the Eastern Continent. Hence, Lord Helstor's warning applies to us directly."

He clenched his hands when he finally realized the meaning behind Lord Levi's recent message.

<"Stay where you are whatever happens.">

"Lord Levi chose to cut off the Moon God," Ruto whispered in disbelief. "The Great Moonasterion Empire is in its own now…"

That only meant one thing.

Neoma and the de Moonasterions wouldn't receive any help from the currently active major gods in the Upper World.


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