Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 250 Struggle For Escape

"Abandon the west gate! Fall back and regroup in the northern part of the city! We must make sure the northern gate is tightly in our grip!" Bain's voice rang out.

With urgency fueling their every step, the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers disengaged from the beleaguered west gate, forming a disciplined retreat towards the northern sector of the city. The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air, mingling with the shouts and cries of both friend and foe.

Bain, leading from the front, directed his troops towards the northern gate. He knew that if they could fortify their position there, they could mount a more cohesive defence against Barlia's relentless advance.

As they reached the northern part of the city, the soldiers quickly formed defensive lines, rallying around their commanding officer. Sweat dripped down their faces and their fatigue was palpable.

Bain's eyes surveyed the surroundings, mapping out the most advantageous positions for his troops. "We will hold this ground! There is still a chance for us to recover the city!" he declared, his voice echoing with conviction.

Shortly after, Barlia's forces, led by Victor, arrive at the northern sector of the city. Gunfire erupted, filling the air with the acrid scent of gunpowder. The air crackled with tension as bullets whizzed through the air, both sides exchanging deadly fire.

The sound of artillery and explosions echoed throughout the war-torn streets of Mezorin, a testament to the ferocity of the clash. Explosions rocked the surroundings, tearing through buildings and raining debris upon the fighters below. 

The Ryntum-Naharog soldiers were heavily outnumbered. The only saving grace that allow them to keep up with the assault was their superior weapon and their training. Each volley of gunfire was met with a valiant response from the defenders. Their training was evident as they returned fire with disciplined accuracy.

The pained cries of fallen comrades reverberated through the smoke-filled battlefield.

"Victor, I'm going to take the portion of the troop, circling around the city to reach the north gate," said Sarika.

Victor listened to Sarika's words. The situation in the northern section was becoming increasingly dragged out. A new approach was necessary to break the deadlock.

"Very well, Sarika," Victor replied, his voice laced with a sense of urgency. "Go and block their escape route. I will divert their attention and create a distraction here, drawing their focus away from your manoeuvre."

She nodded. Sarika's detachment slowly moves away from the battle and makes its way to the west gate. Their footsteps grew softer, their movements purposeful yet discreet. 

Meanwhile, at the main front, Victor intensified the assault, ordering his troops to increase their firepower and push forward relentlessly.

The Ryntum-Naharog soldiers at the northern gate fought valiantly despite the build-up fatigue, unaware of the impending danger from the encircling forces.

Sarika's contingent, moving stealthily along the outskirts of the city, crept closer to their intended target. As she and her forces closed in, they unleashed a sudden assault from the flank, catching the defenders off guard.

Now caught in a pincer movement, soldiers of Ryntum-Naharog found themselves sandwiched between the relentless onslaught from both sides.

In the face of such a hopeless situation, Bain Lawrance abandons the idea of recapturing the city. The odds were stacked against them, and their survival now took precedence over any notion of victory.

He knew that every passing second meant the difference between life and death for his men.

"We are surrounded! I repeat! We are surrounded! Abandon your post and head to the north gate! Our only hope is to cut through their ranks and make our escape!" Bain's voice echoed with a mix of desperation and determination.

The soldiers, their faces etched with weariness and apprehension, understood the gravity of the situation. With a sense of urgency, the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers fought like madmen. 

They engaged the enemy with relentless aggression. Every single movement they made was driven by the instinct for self-preservation. Every bullet fired, every swing of their blades, was for the sake of creating an opening in the enemy lines.

Regardless of the chaos and carnage, regardless of the suffocating pungent smell of smoke hung heavy in their nostrils, they pushed forward, inch by inch.

One moment of hesitation could mean death for them.

They fought tooth and nail, using their bodies to act as a shield against the barrage of enemy fire. They dodged bullets, weaved through the melee, and engaged in hand-to-hand combat, all in a desperate bid to escape the clutches of their enemy.

Each step taken brought them closer to the edge of survival. Each step taken is also filled with more danger. And with each step taken, they lost their brothers in arms.

Every second was a race against time. Fatigue threatened to overtake them, but the adrenaline coursing through their veins propelled them forward.

They could not afford to slow down. 

Through sheer determination and a grim resolve, the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers carved a path through the enemy ranks. The struggle was intense as they fought valiantly for the chance to see another day.

Sarika's eyes widened with disbelief as she watched the relentless struggle of the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers. "This is... This is madness!" she whispered. The lieutenant general was utterly amazed.

Throughout her career, never before had she witnessed such a display of desperation and ferocity on the battlefield. The sight of these soldiers fighting like untamed beasts. Their every move is fueled by a primal instinct for survival.

Far at the back, Victor stood in silent awe. "Incredible," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with respect. The struggle they displayed, the unwavering determination in their eyes, had earned his grudging admiration.

The magnitude of their defiance touched a chord within him. It was a moment of introspection for Victor, a recognition that the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers had earned his respect through their unwavering resolve.

Nevertheless, his respect doesn't mean that he will go easy on them. In fact, Barlia's soldiers should fight harder to match reciprocate Ryntum-Naharog's fighting spirits. 

[A/N: Map]

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