Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 249 Fall Of Mezorin

While Hector's forces and Levi's army remained locked in their tense standoff, a separate battle unfolded in Mezorin. Barlia's relentless assault on Mezorin reaches a new height, proving them to be a formidable force to reckon with.

From the east of the city, General Victor takes the initiative to launch a swift attack first. After being put in a passive position since the beginning of the war, he decided to take advantage of Ryntum's unpreparedness and deal some damage. 

Their tactics worked and left Ryntum scrambling to react. Ryntum thought with Fire Priest Gliibious's presence on their side can deter Barlia from acting actively on the battlefield.

But, they were wrong. Victor noticed how the Ryntum army began relying excessively on magical abilities user instead of their own acumen. They become too comfortable hiding behind that magic shield.

Understanding this weakness, Victor issued orders to his troops beforehand— concentrating on attacking the side where the priest is. Do not allow him the opportunity to prepare his spells.

His prediction came true when Barlia's troops came like a flood. The first thing Ryntum soldiers did was search for the location of the priest. It was a mistake to take off their eyes from the incoming enemy and Victor is sure to capitalize on that golden opportunity. 

The attack left the Ryntum army vulnerable and exposed to Barlia's overwhelming troops. Without maintaining a solid defence against the advancing enemy forces, they were soon pushed back closer to the city. 



The fight escalated. The once serene landscape was now marred by the echoes of gunfire and the deafening roar of artillery. The exchange of shots between Ryntum and Barlia armies filled the air with the acrid smell of gunpowder, painting the sky with trails of smoke.

Bain Lawrance shouted orders to his men, trying to rally them amidst the relentless onslaught. "Hold the line! We cannot let them breach our defences!" he bellowed, his voice drowned out by the thunderous explosions.

Ryntum army is desperately trying to gain the upper hand. He can feel the enemy put everything they had into this round of clash.

"General Lawrance, look! We have another army approaching from the south!" Amidst the chaos and smoke-filled air, Bain heard the shout. Although he doesn't know who said it, Bain turns his head to the south nonetheless. 

Bain narrowed his eyes. His heart sank at the sight of the approaching enemy. He realized that the situation had become even more dire. "No... We are being surrounded," he muttered.

From the south, Sarika's troops surged forward, pressing their advantage. The rhythmic thud of boots against the ground echoed through the air as her soldiers pushed onward.

Sarika rode at the forefront, her voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "Soldiers, push forward! The chance is wide open before us! Keep moving, faster!" she commanded, her voice transmitted all the way to the back. 

Driven by their previous success in Szazki, the troops quickened their pace as they smells the scent of victory hanging in the air.

As they closed in, Barlia soldiers unleashed a flurry of attacks under the leadership of Sarika. 

Bain quickly assessed the battlefield, realizing that their manpower was concentrated more on the eastern side, leaving their defences in the south too vulnerable. It was too late to bolster the south. The ongoing onslaught already strained defences. Transferring some soldiers to the south would stretch their line even thinner. 

Time was running out, and they needed to make a difficult decision.

"Fall back! Fall back into the city!" Bain's voice boomed across the battlefield, reaching the ears of his weary soldiers.

Simultaneously, he dispatched a trusted soldier to the palace, carrying a crucial message for the king. "Go to the palace swiftly! Inform the king that we must prepare to evacuate. I will come to fetch him and the queen personally," Bain commanded, his voice laced with urgency and determination.

The messenger sprinted through the streets of Mezorin, his breath ragged. The fate of the kingdom rested on their ability to evacuate the royal family to safety.

As Ryntum's army take a step back into the city, Barlia's soldiers took a step forward. 

Victor barked orders to his troops, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "Stick close to them! Do not give them a chance to close the city gate! Push forward and maintain the pressure!"

Barlia's soldiers advanced, further tightening their formation as they sought to exploit the retreating move made by Ryntum to enter the city. The sound of boots pounding against the cobblestone streets starts to echo through the air.

Within the city, several new defensive lines were established. They desperately sought to delay the enemy's advance and buy enough time for the evacuation of the royal family.

Barricades were hastily erected, and sharpshooters took up positions on rooftops, aiming to slow down the relentless onslaught of Barlia's forces.

The battlefield has turned into urban warfare. Firearms roared, bullets whizzed through the air, and the rattle of musketry reverberated in the city. Both sides exchanged fierce volleys with each other. 


Meanwhile, inside the palace, the news of the imminent evacuation spread like wildfire.

Inside the opulent halls of the palace, King Nelson and his queen moved back and forth with a sense of urgency. Servants hurried to pack their most valuable possessions, while the royal couple exchanged worried glances.

King Nelson turned to Bain Lawrance, his voice tinged with concern. "Bain, are we truly has to abandon the city? Is there no hope to push them out of Mezorin?" His voice was laced with sorrow.

Bain's gaze met the king's, "Your Majesty, this kingdom will officially cease to exist if the royal family perished. And I am sure that's the aim of Barlia. We must ensure your survivability first. As for reclaiming the city, we will do it in the foreseeable future."

"Where do you plan to take us, Sir Bain?" asked the queen. 

"We are going to Bideford, the capital of Ryntum. My king would provide protection for both of you. Moreover, your children are also there, studying."

"Bideford, you say? Very well," the king replied. "If it is the capital of Ryntum, then it seems like a reasonable destination."

The palace gates swung open, revealing the chaotic streets of Mezorin. The sounds of battle echoed in the distance, a constant reminder of the imminent danger.

From the palace, the buildings in the city crumbled under the weight of artillery fire. The anguished cries of its people can be heard from every direction. 

Bain Lawrance took the lead, with the king, queen, fire priest, and trusted confidants following closely behind. The small group moved with purpose, their hearts heavy with the weight of the moment.

Guided by Bain, they made their way toward the northern gate, where a contingent of soldiers awaited to escort them to safety. The soldiers, aware of their mission, fought fiercely to create a safe path of escape from the onslaught of Barlia's forces.

Bain's voice cut through the clamour of battle, giving a clear and straightforward order. "Protect the king and queen at all costs! You guys must bring them to Bideford safe and sound!"

His words echoed in the hearts of the loyal soldiers who formed a protective barrier around the royal family.

"Wait! Are you not coming with us, Sir Bain?" asked the king. His voice filled with concern and a hint of trepidation. The prospect of Bain's absence seemed to unsettle him.

Facing a question from King Nelson, Bain shook his head. A sense of duty was etched upon his face. "Your Majesty, I will not accompany you on this journey. I need to make sure my subordinates safely retreat from the city."

He took out an envelope from his military coat. "Please deliver this letter to my king, Your Majesty. It contains vital information that our allies need to know," he said, handing the sealed letter to the king.

King Nelson accepted the letter, his gaze meeting Bain's with gratitude and understanding. "Don't worry, Sir Bain. You can trust me. Let's meet again in Bideford."

And with that, the small group of the royal family and their loyal retinue departed from the city. The soldiers formed a protective formation around them, shielding them from harm as they stepped onto the trade route road network.

Their destination is set on Bideford.

Bain remained at the gate, his gaze fixed on the retreating figures until they disappeared from sight.

He turned his attention back to the city. The state of the current situation weighed heavily upon him.

As he rushed to lead his soldiers in the midst of the chaos. A soldier called out, breathless. "Sir! The first defensive line has collapsed. Nearly one-fourth of the city has fallen into Barlia's hands. We're struggling to hold the west gate against their relentless assault."

The urgent report reached his ears, painting a grim picture of the city's defence. Bain clenched his fist, his mind racing with thoughts of strategy.

It was a matter of time before they are losing more ground.

The city was beyond saving.

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