Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 251 Ransacking The City

In the end, only a small portion of the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers managed to escape the almost complete clutches of Barlia.

The struggle for survival had taken its toll, with many brave warriors falling in the face of overwhelming odds. Those who survived were battered, exhausted, and haunted by the memories of the harrowing escape.

"Don't stop! We are not safe yet!" Bain Lawrance's voice pierced through soldiers' complacency.

The group, now reduced to a handful of weary soldiers dragged their ached bodies forward. Each step forward felt like a monumental effort but the reminder from their commander ignited a flicker of resilience within their weary souls. 

With Bain leading the way, they move northward, to the established trade route network. His plan is to move to make their way to Bideford. 


Back at the city, Sarika's eyes lingered on the distant horizon where the remnants of the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers had vanished.

She turned to face Victor, her brows furrowed with concern and confusion. "Are you sure you want to let them escape?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Victor's gaze remained fixed on the spot where the retreating figures had disappeared. He exhaled a long breath, his voice calm and resolute. "Yes, let them be," he replied with a hint of indifference. "They've faced insurmountable odds. It's not like they're going to survive anyway."

Sarika's eyes widened in surprise, her voice betraying a mix of disbelief and empathy. "But... to let them go without pursuing them, without finishing them off? Isn't that what we're here for?"

Victor turned to meet Sarika's gaze, his expression hardened. "Sometimes, victory is not just about defeating the enemy, but also taking what belongs to them." he declared, his voice filled with a ruthless determination.

He knew that within the city's walls lay the spoils of war, resources and weaponry left behind by the retreating Ryntum-Naharog forces. It was an opportunity too tempting to pass up.

With a nod of agreement, Sarika joined Victor, and together they led the Barlia soldiers deeper into the conquered city.

The streets were strewn with the remnants of the battle, debris and fallen soldiers bearing witness to the intense struggle that had unfolded. The air was heavy with the scent of dead bodies.

They moved swiftly, systematically searching through abandoned buildings and overturned barricades. The sound of shattered glass and splintering wood filled the air as they ransacked homes, looting whatever valuable items they could find.

They seized weapons left behind by the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers, the clinking of metal echoing as they gathered armaments to replenish their own arsenal.

The once vibrant marketplace had transformed into a chaotic scene of pillaging. Barlia soldiers, driven by their hunger for spoils, scrambled to claim their share. They grabbed anything of value they could lay their hands on, from precious jewels and gold to practical supplies such as food, ammunition, and medical provisions.

Sarika observed the frenzied scene with a mix of exhilaration and unease coursing through her. The city's treasures were being stripped away, leaving behind a sense of desolation. 

Amidst the chaos of the ransacking, the city's inhabitants became unwitting victims of the pillaging. Fear and despair gripped their hearts as their homes were violated, their belongings stolen, and their sense of security shattered.

They huddled together, seeking solace and protection from the relentless onslaught.

Families were torn apart, and the invading forces upended their lives. The elderly, the sick, and the young found themselves caught in the crossfire of violence and greed.

Cries of anguish filled the air as the inhabitants watched helplessly, their lives and livelihoods reduced to mere collateral damage in the pursuit of spoils.

Some tried to resist, futilely pleading with the invaders to spare their homes and possessions. But their pleas fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the clamour of looting and the insatiable hunger for wealth. Others cowered in the shadows, their spirits broken, as they bore witness to the pillaging of their once beloved city.

Both Sarika and Victor then arrived in front of the curved structure near the city centre, a place that had become the gathering spot for the Slydrisess.

They cautiously entered the red-coloured lair, their eyes scanning the fiery-themed tapestry adorning the walls. The vivid imagery of flames, dragons, and fire-related symbols lent an air of mystique to the lair's interior. Sarika's gaze lingered on the tapestry, a flicker of admiration for the Slydrisess' aesthetic taste crossing her face.

As they ventured deeper into the lair, their footsteps echoed in the dimly lit chambers. The showcased magic by Fire Priest Gliibious invokes their curiosity and desire for such power. It became a motivation that led them here in search of any sign of valuable resources.

Their attention was drawn to a secure safe located in a corner, its imposing presence hinting at the potential riches it held within.

Spotting a figure lurking nearby, Sarika and Victor approached the safe keeper with intimidating expressions. "Open the safe," Victor demanded, his voice laced with an undercurrent of authority.

The safe keeper trembled, his eyes darting nervously between Sarika and Victor. "I don't have the key," he stammered, his fear palpable.

Sarika's eyes narrowed as she exchanged a determined glance with Victor. She unsheathed her sword and stab the safe keeper in the chest before saying, "Then we'll break it down," she declared, her tone brooking no argument.




They tirelessly attempted to force open the secure safe. Minutes turned into an eternity as they exerted all their strength until finally, the resistance of the safe gave way with a resounding crack.

As the safe swung open, revealing its hidden treasures, Sarika and Victor's eyes widened in astonishment.

Tons of shimmering mana crystals filled the safe, their iridescent glow captivating their gaze.  Stacked alongside were magic books, their pages brimming with arcane knowledge waiting to be explored. And nestled in a velvet-lined compartment is a vial containing red-coloured liquid. 

"We struck gold mine!" Sarika's voice filled with a mix of excitement and awe. "This is beyond our expectations. The power contained within these mana crystals and the knowledge within these books... it will change the course of our nation."

Victor nodded, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of newfound power. "Indeed, these resources will be instrumental in solidifying our dominance. We must send this back to our prince for further analysis. But...What is this red liquid?"

"Who cares," Sarika brushed the question away, "Send all of them back to Thyrate. Let them do the analyzing process."

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