Professor Vampire.

Chapter 274 - 274 Under the Lake

Chapter 274: Chapter 274 Under the Lake

"In fact, the mermaids that Muggles imagine do exist..."

Dracula glanced at the sad Justin Finch-Fletchley and said casually, "They may have seen mermaids in warm waters and recorded the images of those mermaids."

"Are the mermaids in warm waters different from the mermaids in the Black Lake?" Justin's eyes showed a glimmer of hope again, "Are there any mermaids with long hair and very beautiful hair?"

"Of course, the species of mermaids is still more pleasing to the eye." Dracula smiled indifferently, "Including temper, appearance and character are much better than those mermaids in cold water areas."

Speaking of this, Dracula couldn't help but raise a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth.

He had a big conflict with the mermaid tribe, and even personally transformed a mermaid leader into the lowest blood servant among vampires, causing that large mermaid community to fall into serious civil strife.

The thing is, in 1811, the then Minister of Magic, Grogan Stump, set a new definition of "human", and the magic community reached a consensus to define "beast" together -

Humans, that is, wizards and Muggles, as well as goblins, vampires, hags, giants, house elves, veela and werewolves in human form were all classified into this category.

However, centaurs and mermen refused to be called "humans" because they were unwilling to share the name of "human" with vampires and hags, and voluntarily were classified as "beasts".

At that time, these two groups who had no ability but were very self-righteous made Dracula very angry.

He directly picked the two most lively mermaid and centaur groups, easily transformed the leaders of the two groups into blood servants, and then stayed out of it, admiring what those races who thought they were very noble would become after their leaders became vampires that they looked down upon.

Dracula's expectations were not disappointed. The two leaders could not control their desire to suck blood and were soon exposed to the eyes of their tribesmen.

After the mermen and centaurs of the two groups found that their leaders had become lowly vampires, they quickly fell into civil strife. Countless lower-class centaurs and mermen wanted to overthrow the rule of the leaders and maintain the purity of the tribe...

"It's ridiculous that the most arrogant and self-conceited mermaid population is not those pleasing warm water mermaids, but these cold water monsters." Dracula sneered, "I really can't understand what they have to be proud of."

Justin, Ernie MacMillan and Susan Bones shivered at the same time.

They felt that the temperature around them, which was not very warm, suddenly dropped several degrees and became extremely cold.

Justin shivered and glanced at the picture on the Hogwarts title deed, watching those ugly mermaids surrounding Fleur Delacour, whose ankles were entangled by water plants, and silently gave them a pitying look.

Sure enough, Dracula suddenly flew up from the Hufflepuff audience just before the mermaid's fork was about to touch Fleur.

He appeared above the Black Lake in an instant, with a faint sneer on his lips, and waved his wand violently.

The next moment, in the horrified eyes of the crowd, the lake water set off a huge wave, and a huge water column shot into the sky, almost swallowing up half of the sky.

A huge water wall stood high on the lake, with clouds and snow, and the whole Black Lake seemed to be suddenly divided into two halves!

One half was a huge water wall, and the other half was an unfathomable abyss.

The Hogwarts title deed, which had been magnified countless times, seemed like a small building in front of the Skylon Tower compared to the water wall of the lake, standing there tremblingly, no longer as imposing as before.

In the picture on the deed, you can see that Fleur Delacour, who was entangled in water plants and wrapped by mermaids, suddenly had a beam of sunlight shining on her silver hair and the already dim light in her eyes.

Then, a waterspout quietly formed at the bottom of the lake, cutting the water plants in half, and then lifted Fleur's body to the surface of the lake.

The waterspout swept a group of mermaids into it at some point, like a drum washing machine, tossing those ugly mermaids and their pet Grindylows around, shaking them all over, and many of them lost consciousness directly.

Justin, who had been standing with Dracula not long ago, swallowed his saliva.

"Professor Dracula must have done it on purpose, right?" He whispered to Susan and Ernie beside him.

Susan and Ernie nodded silently, agreeing deeply.

"Ahem... Professor Dracula, stop your magic for a while."

Dumbledore stood up from the judges' seat and coughed twice, "Actually, I have reached an agreement with the mermaids. They are just pretending and will not really hurt Miss Delacour."

"Do you dare to believe what these guys say?" Dracula turned his head and raised his eyebrows to look at Dumbledore, "They have done many things to backstab others. If it were me, I would definitely not make any agreement with them."

"Don't worry, we have signed an unbreakable contract, and they can't violate it." Dumbledore said helplessly, "Theoretically speaking, these mermaids can also be regarded as staff members of the semi-finals..."

"So that's it!" Dracula blinked his eyes and pretended to be enlightened, but the waterspout on the water did not show any intention of stopping.

But Dracula's expression was too innocent. Justin and the other three Hufflepuff wizards could not tell that the petty professor was thinking of the previous feud with the mermaids and wanted to teach them a lesson.

Seeing that Dracula did not want to take back the magic, Dumbledore had no choice but to personally wave his wand to pull the mermaids out of the waterspout.

Poor mermaids, they were still unconscious when Dumbledore put them back into the water. I'm afraid they won't wake up for a while.

Watching the mermaids return to the water, Dracula pouted his lips in boredom, waved his hand, and smashed the water wall on the lake back onto the water, making a deafening "boom".

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly again and waved his wand again to calm the lake.

At this time, the rescued Fleur was also released from the waterspout by Dracula, and Madam Pomfrey was running over in a hurry to check the warrior's physical condition.

"Professor, can you please save my sister? She's not even ten years old yet!" Fleur shouted to Dracula anxiously before Madam Pomfrey came to check.

"Huh? What happened to your sister?" Dracula asked casually as he descended from the sky.

He snapped his fingers, and Fleur's wet body immediately became dry as if she had not been in the water.

"My sister, Gabrielle Delacour, must have been captured by the mermaid." Fleur said anxiously, "I found out early this morning that Gabrielle had disappeared. Considering the hint given by the golden egg, I have guessed that she is my 'treasure' mentioned in the hint."

"But I have lost the qualification to continue the competition, and there is no way to rescue Gabrielle... If she is not rescued in an hour, the lake will drown her!"

Dracula looked at Fleur, who was extremely anxious and extremely pale, with interest, and was a little curious whether this half-blooded veela would turn into a sharp bird's beak in extreme anxiety.

"Ahem..." Dumbledore's cough interrupted Dracula's thoughts.

Dracula looked up and saw that Dumbledore was being questioned by Beauxbatons's headmaster, Ms. Maxime, on the judges' bench. He was almost in a hurry.

He finally put aside his thoughts of watching the show and said to Fleur:

"Well, actually your sister will be fine. It's just a game. There's no need to risk her life."

"But many people died in the previous semi-finals!" Fleur was still full of anxiety, pacing back and forth, as if she wanted to jump into the Black Lake again at any time.

"How about this," Dracula saw that Fleur was still worried, so he had to add, "If your sister hasn't been rescued after an hour, I will rescue her myself, how about it?"

Fleur was relieved and let Madam Pomfrey, who had just arrived, take her to check.

Dracula's strength has been verified by everyone. If this powerful security guard who violated the rules agrees to rescue Gabrielle, then Gabrielle's safety should be guaranteed... Furong thought so.

Even if one warrior was eliminated, the competition still continued.

The mermaid's song to remind the competition time sounded under the Black Lake-

"There is only one hour to find and take back the objects we took away... Don't delay any longer, half of the time has passed, lest the things you are looking for rot here..."

The competition time has passed halfway, and the first warrior who found the "treasure" finally appeared.

As expected, it was John Kowalski riding a horse-shaped water monster.

At this time, from the Hogwarts title deed, which was restored to become the tallest building on the scene after the water wall disappeared, it can be seen that John swam to a place that looked like a village.

He looked around and drove the horse-shaped water monster to swim quickly.

There are many stone dwellings around, and they are still increasing. Gradually, the shapes of the dwellings became more and more exquisite. Some of them were surrounded by gardens - some spaces where water plants and lotus pods were planted.

Some of the dwellings had small green lodi tied in front of their doors, like a guard dog.

Mermen emerged from all directions, looking at John curiously. When they saw the horse-shaped water monster under John, they all showed vigilance in their eyes. Some mermaids took out steel forks from the house, and some covered their mouths with their hands and whispered.

John quickly turned a corner and arrived at a very strange scene.

That place seemed to be the square of a small mermaid village, surrounded by some houses, and a large group of mermaids floating in front of the houses.

Some mermaids in the middle were singing in unison, calling the warriors to come over. Behind them stood a rough statue: a big mermaid carved from a huge stone. Five people were tied tightly to the tail of the mermaid stone statue.

Most of these people's faces were familiar, including Cho Chang, Ginny, Rolf, and a little girl with cloud-like silver hair.

The audience compared the silver hair with Fleur's, and soon realized that the little girl, who was no more than eight years old, was Fleur's sister, Gabrielle Delacour.

In addition to these four little wizards, there was an older wizard wearing the uniform of the Bulgarian Quidditch National Quidditch Team.

The five of them looked very asleep, their heads drooping weakly on their shoulders, and a string of thin bubbles kept coming out of their mouths.

"Ginny! Why is she there?" Ron in the audience exclaimed, "And, isn't that Hilma Dennison? It seems to be Krum's best friend in the Bulgarian national team."

He turned his head to look at Hermione, but found that Hermione's face was a little red.

"What's wrong with you, Hermione?" Ron asked curiously.

"Nothing..." Hermione covered her face with both hands and shook her head heavily.

What she didn't tell Ron was that the staff of the semi-finals originally intended to find her as Krum's "treasure".

But because of the conflict with Ron some time ago, and Harry's dilemma of not being able to find a way to deal with the game, Hermione deeply realized that her two friends might need her more than Krum.

So she rejected the invitation of the staff and chose to stay in the library with Harry and Ron to find a way to deal with the second game.

The staff of the semi-finals had no choice but to settle for the second best and found Krum's best friend in the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team... or only friend, and arranged her as Krum's "treasure" in the depths of the lake.

At this time, in the picture on the title deed, John keenly realized what he should do.

So he took out his wand from his pocket, put it close to the rope wrapped around Rolf, and silently read:


As an experienced adult wizard, he was obviously much more effective in using spells in water than Harry.

Although this cutting spell was not as powerful as the one on the ground, it was enough to cut the rope on Rolf.

After rescuing Rolf, John drove the Kelpie to hover above the water without hesitation, causing violent waves.

"Okay, our first warrior has succeeded!" Bagman shouted loudly on the commentary stand, "Mr. John Kowalski, he rescued his partner in less than forty minutes!"

After John surfaced, the whole audience burst into warm cheers.

He smiled a little tiredly, put Rolf on the shore, and waved to the Kelpie.

The 4X-level magical animal turned around in place and disappeared into the deep lake.

However, unlike the excited and cheering audience, Fleur, who was sitting in the medical tent, looked a little lost -

She thought other warriors would help her rescue her sister.

"No need to look depressed." Dracula laughed softly and said to her.

"Even if other warriors don't save your sister, there will still be a fool in this game who will save those who have nothing to do with him despite the advice of others."

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