Professor Vampire.

Chapter 273 - 273

Chapter 273: Chapter 273

The audience outside the venue looked at the image on the old parchment. The movements of the five warriors were divided into five boxes, all of which were clearly visible.

"Harry wanted to use the Leaking Spell to attack the mermaid. It seems that there are some problems with the effect of this spell in the water..." Bagman's attention was always focused on Harry, and he explained in time after seeing his movements.

Some of the audience looked at the box where Harry was, and saw that the tip of his wand did not emit the red beam that should have appeared. Instead, a lot of bubbles burst out, and a stream of scorching water touched the ugly mermaid.

When the water flow touched the mermaid, the mermaid did not show the original state of fatigue, but a few red spots appeared on the brown skin scalded by the hot water, and it seemed that the movement was not affected.

"We all know that Potter, as the youngest warrior, has not experienced many courses yet. This is due to his lack of experience..." Bagman explained with a worried look on his face, "There is a difference between spells in water and in the air... Unless you are strong enough to be unaffected by water."

The picture on the parchment changed again-

Mermares living in high latitudes almost always live in cold water. Although they were not hurt by the hot water, they were furious.

He opened his mouth. Although the audience could not hear it, they could guess that he made a series of sharp screams.

Afterwards, more and more ugly brown-skinned mermaids holding steel forks gathered from all directions, driving a large group of Grindylows to surround Harry in the middle.

If there is no miracle, Harry will definitely not be able to escape from this dense encirclement.

Gillweed can only make him adapt to moving and breathing in the water, and cannot improve his combat ability in the water.

In this case, a little wizard who is only in the fourth grade is obviously no match for the vicious mermaids who have lived in the water since childhood.

However, the security guard Dracula, who was lazily floating over the Black Lake, had no intention of helping. He even had the leisure to put a bloody lollipop in his mouth and looked at the greatly expanded Hogwarts title deed with interest.

Not only Dracula looked indifferent, but even the other spectators seemed to not care about Harry's condition at all... In fact, their attention was focused on another box, and they basically didn't see what happened to Harry -

There was a figure riding a majestic horse-shaped water monster, and it really seemed to be riding the wind and waves in the water of the Black Lake, shuttling quickly underwater.

Such a magical scene was so cool that the little wizards cast envious eyes, imagining that they would also have the opportunity to ride such a cool magical animal and make a big splash under the gaze of everyone.

Now in the entire arena, only Bagman and Harry's Gryffindor friends were worried about Harry who was surrounded.

"Professor, Harry is about to be attacked by a mermaid. Don't you plan to help him?"

Hermione and Ron happened to be sitting near Dracula floating in the air. Hermione was anxiously looking up and shouting to Dracula.

"Don't worry, it's not time for me to take action yet." Dracula took the bloody lollipop out of his mouth and said to the little witch in the audience.


"Didn't you see that Potter will not be alone soon." Dracula said.

He raised his chin towards another box on the title deed.

Hermione and Ron looked over and found that two boxes that were originally distinct suddenly trembled, and then the two boxes overlapped in an instant, forming a larger box.

"That's... John Kowalski!" Ron screamed in surprise.

In the picture displayed on the deed, the coolest warrior in the field, John Kowalski, rode a water monster, broke through the waves all the way, and rushed into the group of mermaids surrounding Harry.

The ugly brown-skinned mermaid was blown away by the waves raised by the water monster, and the man and the horse were thrown upside down... or the mermaid was thrown upside down, and in a blink of an eye, this unbreakable encirclement was broken open.

John rode the water monster quickly to Harry's side, dragged him to the saddle-shaped waist back of the water monster, and then rushed out of the encirclement of the mermaids again.

As a 4X-level magical animal known for its water ability, the water monster certainly swims much faster than the mermaids. In a blink of an eye, they got rid of the mermaids' pursuit, leaving only the sharp and piercing mermaids' angry screams behind them for a long time...

After completely getting rid of the mermaids, John put Harry down from the back of the water monster.

Neither of them had a normal conversation in the water, so John just glanced at Harry, made a few gestures, and then gave him a thumbs up.

Harry understood what John meant.

Because last night when Cedric gave him the herbal book that recorded the gillyweed, he had the same expression.

John also owed Harry a favor for telling him the content of the first project, and helping him today was to repay that favor.

Seeing that Harry understood what he meant, John smiled and nodded, then rode on the horse-shaped water monster like the wind, and then went to look for the "treasure" mentioned in the golden egg hint.

Harry was stunned for a while, and then he laughed.

His seemingly stupid "assisting the enemy" behavior in the first game saved his second project.

I can only say that there are still many good people!


Harry smiled knowingly underwater, but the situation on the water surface did not seem calm.

"Professor Hicks, what do you mean by your warriors?" Karkaroff stood up from the judges' seat again and questioned angrily, "Are you Yin Famori planning to form an alliance with Hogwarts to suppress us Durmstrang and Beauxbatons?!"

Their previous conflict had just been suppressed by Dumbledore and Bagman.

At that time, thanks to Percy's finding that the warriors could use any items in the competition venue to help themselves, Karkaroff had no reason to continue making trouble.

But he had just calmed down for a few minutes, and when he saw the two warriors joining forces, he couldn't help but want to scold again.

"I don't quite understand, Professor Karkaroff, do you have paranoia?" Professor Hicks was not an easy person to deal with, and he stabbed back without giving in, "Is there any problem with a kind person helping others when he sees them in danger?"

"We don't want and don't need to spend time and effort targeting you, Durmstrang!"

"But this is a competition, not a casual day." Karkaroff was furious and said loudly, "He is helping his competitors, which is unfair to Kowalski himself and other warriors!"

"If you have enough personal charm, you can also let other warriors voluntarily help your warriors, instead of jumping around like a clown here." Professor Hicks looked at him contemptuously and shook his head casually.

" are insulting a referee!" Karkaroff was so angry that his face turned red, and his right hand kept twitching, as if he was forcibly enduring not to pull out his wand to cast a spell.

Or, if he could win, he might have pulled out his wand long ago.

But Professor Hicks is a well-known spell master. She was a well-deserved first-tier fighter in the global wizard war against Grindelwald decades ago. She is not as good as Dumbledore, so Karkaroff is really a little scared when facing her.

"I am also a referee, Karkaroff." Looking at Karkaroff's expression, Professor Hicks showed a faint smile and corrected, "In my opinion, we just disagree on the judgment of the contestants and have a little friendly conflict."

Seeing that Karkaroff's face is still going to get darker, Bagman, as the only official present at the Ministry of Magic, quickly stepped forward to smooth things over for the two.

"Professor Hicks, Professor Karkaroff, it is normal for the two referees to have conflicting opinions," he said, "but you really don't need to argue..."

"Including the previous incident of riding the Equus, since Harry and Mr. Kowalski did not violate the rules, the two warriors cannot be punished;"

"Similarly, since Mr. Karkaroff thinks their behavior is unfair to other warriors, why not reflect this in the score, this is meaningful, right?"

Bagman wiped his sweat and felt that all his emotional intelligence in this life was used today.

Karkaroff snorted coldly and sat back in his chair, which was considered to be an approval of Bagman's statement.

It can be imagined that he will severely suppress the scores of other contestants in this game...

In the audience not far away, the young wizards did not know that a fight almost broke out on the referee's side. They were still looking at the huge old parchment with great interest, and carefully watching the wonderful operations of the five warriors in the lake.

Of course, the most eye-catching one is still John riding the Equus.

Before the other warriors had swum far, he had already ridden the water monster across a large area of ??the Black Lake.

"It's strange, why didn't I see Rolf come to watch the game? I was waiting to ask him about the details of the handsome water monster his cousin rode!"

In the audience of Hufflepuff College, Justin Finch-Fletchley, who was born as a Muggle and was in the same class as Rolf and Harry, looked around and said with some disappointment.

"Yes, this game is so interesting, it would be a pity if Rolf didn't come." Susan Bones nodded and agreed.

"Maybe Rolf has gone to another college?" Ernie Macmillan guessed, "Hasn't he been hanging out with that crazy girl from Ravenclaw?"

Just as the little wizards of Hufflepuff kept guessing, a voice suddenly rang in their ears:

"Don't guess, he has other more important tasks today."

Ernie, Susan and Justin turned their heads and saw Dracula's iconic silver hair and black and red cloak.

"Professor Dracula, you finally wandered over here?" Susan said in surprise, "We were just wondering, you almost floated around the stadium, why haven't you come to Hufflepuff yet!"

Dracula's mouth twitched, always feeling that the little witch used words like "wandering" and "floating" to describe herself, but he couldn't find anything worth refuting.

Fortunately, Ernie MacMillan on the side quickly changed the subject, so that Dracula didn't have to worry about how to refute Susan's description.

"Professor, did you just say that Rolf had other more important tasks?" Ernie asked, "What tasks could he have? It's not to tame another kelp?"

"That's not the case." Dracula looked at the picture on the title deed, smiled and shook his head, "But judging from Kowalski's progress, you should know soon."

On the title deed, the large square formed by Harry and John split into two again.

At present, John is still far ahead, riding the sea monster and searching everywhere.

Among the other four warriors, Harry's progress is the fastest.

On the one hand, the effect of the scapula is indeed good. He carefully avoided the search of the mermaids in the lake and swam quickly with his palms and flippers that have adapted to the aquatic environment.

On the other hand, when Harry was rescued by John, he also took the sea monster as a ride, and rode for a long distance, so he opened a large gap with the other three.

From the perspective of exploration progress, the remaining three warriors are Krum, who has turned into a shark head and is very good at swimming, and the progress is the fastest; Cedric, who combines the Bubble Head Curse with human body deformation, is second; Fleur, who only uses a Bubble Head Curse, is at the end.

Fleur's swimming skills are actually not worse than Krum's. In addition, her body is slender and slim, and the resistance is very small. The maximum speed is even faster than Krum.

But she was not a student of Durmstrang, a school built at a higher latitude. She could not adapt to cold water as well as Krum. The cold lake water in February reduced her body function by a large margin, and she could not exert her full strength at all.

Seeing another group of mermaids surrounding the slow-moving Fleur, Justin Finch-Fletchley, who was nervously watching the deed screen, became a little anxious.

"Why are these ugly mermaids again? They are so hateful!" he said indignantly, "and these mermaids simply ruined all my fantasies about mermaids, woo woo..."

"Oh?" Dracula became interested, "What fantasies can you have about mermaids?"

"I originally thought that mermaids were the kind of mermaids in fairy tales - the kind with long hair and good figures." Justin murmured sadly,

"But the mermaids in the Black Lake here at Hogwarts are not beautiful at all - iron-gray skin, shaggy hair, incomplete teeth..."

"Sure enough, fairy tales are all lies!"

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