Professor Vampire.

Chapter 275 - 275 The silly boy in the semifinals

Chapter 275: Chapter 275 The silly boy in the semifinals

More than half of the time has passed. The current situation on the field is that one warrior has been eliminated and one warrior has successfully rescued his partner.

The game is still going on.

There are still three warriors in the Black Lake who are still swimming hard, looking for the "treasure" in the hint given by the golden egg.

Finally, when there are only a dozen minutes left before the one-hour limit, Harry swam to the mermaid village where John had been before, swinging his webbed fingers and breathing with the gill pouches on the outside of his neck.

He swam past the mermaids cautiously, fearing that these guys who raised Grindylows would suddenly stop him, and quickly bypassed the mermaids singing in the small square and swam to the rough stone statue.

On the tail of the big mermaid carved from a huge stone, one of the five people who were originally tied tightly was rescued, and now there are still four people left who have not been rescued.


Harry saw the little witch with fiery red hair at a glance.

He swam hard towards the hostages, and was careful to watch out for the groups of mermaids nearby.

Harry thought the mermaids would attack him with steel forks, but fortunately, they kept their promise to Dumbledore and did not do so.

The ropes that tied the hostages to the statue were made of seaweed, thick, slippery, and very strong. Moreover, these ropes were tied with countless strange knots inside and outside, which could not be untied in a short time.

However, after the test just now, Harry did not have the ability to use spells smoothly in the water, and could not use the cutting spell to cut the rope. After all, he could not even cast a silent spell... Now he just wished he had a knife with him.

Harry looked around, and many mermaids around the hostages held sharp steel forks in their hands.

So he swam quickly towards a seven-foot-tall mermaid with a long green beard and a short necklace made of shark teeth, and gestured to borrow its spear.

The mermaid laughed and shook his head.

"We can't help." He said in a hoarse and low voice in the water.

"Bring it here!" Harry said viciously.

But only some bubbles came out of his mouth, and no sound came out at all.

He swam forward a few feet quickly, grabbed the steel fork in the merman's hand, and tried hard to take it from him.

But even though Harry had taken the scimitar grass to adapt to the water environment, his strength was obviously not as great as that of the merman who swam in the water all year round.

The mermaid easily pulled the steel fork back, then threw Harry aside casually, and then laughed, as if mocking the weakness of this so-called "warrior".

However, Harry had no time to be angry about this. He turned around in the water eagerly, and then looked around, trying to find a sharp object... anything would do...

Fortunately, there were some fragments of stone pieces scattered on the bottom of the lake, some of which were quite sharp.

Harry dived down, grabbed a particularly sharp piece, and returned to the statue.

He used a stone to smash the rope that bound Ginny, but even so, it took him several minutes, until his arms were sore before he finally broke the rope.

Ginny closed her eyes, floating unconsciously a few inches above the bottom of the lake, drifting with the waves.

Harry took a few breaths with the cheek pouches on the side of his neck, looking around blankly.

John should have rescued a hostage, but the other warriors were still nowhere to be seen.

Harry hesitated.

He heard a voice in his heart saying that as long as Ginny was rescued, the other hostages were the tasks of other warriors and had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, according to the situation that there were four people left, John must have only taken one person away... John, who had such a powerful helper, only took one person away, so why did he have to care about those trivial matters?

Harry pulled Ginny's arm and prepared to take her back to the shore.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of a long, smooth black hair still tied to the stone statue from the corner of his eye——

Qiu Zhang.

Harry's memory suddenly went back to the second grade, when he was obsessed with this girl.

Even though he has let go of this youthful period now, it is not so easy to completely let go of it as if they were strangers... Moreover, he was able to get to this point thanks to Cedric.

Harry stopped swimming with his paddles.

His eyes moved, and he suddenly thought that John certainly didn't need to rescue the others——

When John came here, it was still early for the one-hour limit, and what he was thinking in his mind must be to finish the game as soon as possible, not to doubt that other warriors could not rescue their "treasures"...

If there were not only ten minutes left before the hour, Harry would not have doubted whether other warriors could come to this position.

However, if it was true as the mermaid's song said, those hostages would "rot here" after the one-hour limit, then he couldn't just sit back and watch!

Harry gritted his teeth, suddenly turned around and swam back to the statue, picked up the sharp stone and hit the rope on Qiu Zhang.

The next moment, several pairs of thick, gray-brown hands grabbed him.

Six or seven mermaids pulled him away from Qiu Zhang, shaking their green-haired heads and pulling him viciously.

"You can only take your own hostages," one of the mermaids said to him, "Don't worry about others..."

"No!" Harry shouted angrily, but only two bubbles came out of his mouth.

"Your project is to rescue your own friends, don't worry about others!" said the mermaid.

"She is my friend too!" Harry pointed at Qiu Zhang and shouted, a large silver bubble silently came out from his lips, "and I don't want others to die!"

Qiu Zhang's face was pale, and his long hair fluttered gently in the water. The little girl with silver hair had blue cheeks and looked lifeless.

Harry struggled to get rid of the mermaids, but they pulled harder and pulled him back.

His chest was heaving violently, and he looked around desperately.

Where were the other warriors? If he sent Ginny to the surface and then came back to rescue Qiu Zhang and the others, would it be too late? Could he still find them?

He looked down at his watch, wondering how much time was left... but his watch had long been soaked in the water and the hands were motionless.

Just then, the mermaids around him suddenly pointed excitedly above Harry's head, making bursts of sharp cries.

Harry looked up and saw Cedric swimming towards them.

There was a huge bubble around Cedric's head, making his facial features look stretched and widened, which was very funny.

"Sorry, I just got lost!" He said with his mouth, and his expression was also very nervous, "Fleur and Krum should be here soon."

Harry felt a stone fell to the ground, and he looked at Cedric with some envy as he took out his wand from his pocket, used a silent spell to turn a stone into a knife, and quickly cut the rope and rescued Qiu Zhang.

After cutting the rope, Cedric turned around and nodded to Harry, pulling Qiu Zhang upstream and soon disappeared.

Harry looked around and waited.

He had to make sure Fleur and Krum rescued their companions in time to prevent the time from exceeding an hour and causing any accidents to the hostages...


On the shore, outside the medical tent, Fleur looked at the picture on the Hogwarts title deed standing in the distance with red eyes.

"Is this the friend Rolf made at Hogwarts?" John also came to the medical tent, stood beside Fleur, and sighed softly, "He is indeed a silly boy, but he has to be admired."

He came here after rescuing Rolf and handed Rolf to Madam Pomfrey for a physical examination.

"Am I right? There will be a fool to save your sister." Dracula chuckled, "I may be able to guess why Dumbledore likes him so much."

On the judges' bench, Professor Hicks turned his head to look at Dumbledore and smiled softly.

"Albus, your Hogwarts warrior gave up the second place, why do you seem to be so happy?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing, I suddenly thought of something happy." Dumbledore said, and he couldn't hide the smile on his face.


In the depths of the Black Lake, another warrior came to the square where the hostages were.

Harry turned around and saw a huge monster swimming towards them, with a human body below, wearing swimming trunks, and a shark's head above... It was Krum.

It seemed that he wanted to do a human transformation on himself, but it was not very successful... or only half successful.

Even so, being able to achieve half of the human transformation is also quite outstanding.

Half-man, half-shark, Krum swam straight towards his teammate on the Bulgarian national team, Hilmar Denison.

Harry had a feeling that Krum seemed a little disappointed when he saw that his "treasure" was Hilmar, as if he had thought that the hostage here should be someone else.

After Krum arrived next to Hilmar, he was a little confused. He used his shark's mouth to pull and bite the rope on his body... The problem was that Krum's new teeth had a strange structure, and he had a hard time biting anything smaller than a dolphin.

And Harry was sure that Krum's movements were not careful. He almost tore Hilmar in half... Harry rushed forward, patted Krum's shoulder heavily, and raised the sharp stone.

Krum grabbed it and started to chop and smash the rope on Hilmar's body.

It turned out that Krum was much stronger than Harry, and he succeeded in a few seconds.

He grabbed his teammate's waist and took him to the surface quickly without looking back.

Now there was only one hostage left, the little girl with silver hair.

Fleur hasn't come yet, what should I do? Harry thought anxiously.

He was not sure when the game time would reach one hour. It seemed that Fleur must have encountered some trouble... There was no other way now, only...

Outside the medical tent, Fleur looked at the picture on the title deed nervously. Harry grabbed the stone that Krum had thrown and came to Gabrielle Delacour.

But the mermaids gathered around Ginny and Gabrielle, shaking their heads at Harry.

Harry pulled out his wand viciously.

"Get out of the way!" A string of bubbles came out of his mouth.

But he clearly realized that the mermaids understood what he meant, because their expressions suddenly changed, and their turbid yellow eyes stared at Harry's wand, looking very scared.

They were in large numbers, and Harry was alone.

But Harry saw from the panic on their faces that they seemed to be afraid of magic... Just twenty minutes ago, the mermaid he faced had not shown such emotions.

Bagman, who was sitting in the commentary booth, had a strange expression on his face as he looked at Dracula standing on the shore.

"Obviously, these mermaids are afraid of the wand in Mr. Potter's hand..." he said, "If I'm guessing correctly, it should be that the spell used by Professor Dracula to rescue Fleur not long ago left a great shock to the mermaids underwater, making them have an unprecedented awe of magic..."

In the depths of the Black Lake, Harry raised his wand high above his head.

"I'll count to three!" he shouted, and a large string of bubbles spurted out of his mouth.

Harry raised three fingers to make sure they understood what he meant.

"One!" He put down one finger, and the mermaids looked at him blankly, but hesitated and did not move.

"Two..." He put down the second finger.

The mermaids finally couldn't suppress the fear in their hearts, and scattered, and from time to time they looked back at the wand in Harry's hand, fearing that he would suddenly attack.

Harry rushed forward and chopped the rope on Gabrielle's body like he did when he rescued Ginny.

Finally, Gabrielle was free too.

Harry picked up Ginny and Gabrielle, two little witches, in one hand each, and kicked off from the bottom of the lake.

Even with the effect of the scapula, it was still very difficult for Harry to swim to the surface with the two girls, especially when both hands could not paddle smoothly.

Fortunately, the weight of the two little girls was very light, so he could barely support himself.

Harry flapped his webbed feet desperately, but after a few minutes, he found that these feet had turned back into ordinary human feet again...

His heart sank suddenly, realizing that an hour had passed.

The mermaids swam up with him, and Harry saw them swimming around him lightly and freely, watching him struggling in the water... Now the time is up, will they pull him back to the bottom of the water? Will they eat people?

Harry was getting more and more out of breath, and all kinds of terrible speculations kept emerging in his mind...

He began to realize very clearly how wet and cold the lake water in his mouth was... His consciousness gradually became faint, and the two slender little witches in his hands seemed to have turned into two heavy lead balls...

"Professor, Potter seems to have no strength..." Fleur's eyes were red, and she stood up from her seat and said to Dracula anxiously, "Please save them quickly!"

Dracula frowned, and seemed a little dissatisfied with the result. But he nodded and took a step forward.

At this moment, John suddenly stopped Dracula's action.

He picked up a leaf that he had been holding in his hand for a long time and played a melodious melody.

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