Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2096 Hidden Purpose (2)

Chapter 2096 Hidden Purpose (2)

A spark of understanding ignited in Yun Lintian's mind. Perhaps this wasn't a random attack, but something more calculated. "So, because I'm different," he rasped, the pain in his voice evident, "I'm to be punished for defending myself?"

The Tomb Protector didn't answer directly. Instead, he raised his hand, the air shimmering around it as he gathered his power. A palpable tension filled the room, and everyone instinctively braced themselves for another onslaught.

But instead of attacking the Tomb Protector focused his energy on Yun Lintian, a deep frown etching his features as he seemed to probe the young man's very essence.

Moments stretched into an eternity, the silence broken only by Yun Lintian's labored breaths.

Finally, the Tomb Protector lowered his hand, his expression unreadable. The oppressive atmosphere in the chamber lessened, but a heavy tension remained.

"There is much I do not understand," he admitted, his voice devoid of its earlier arrogance. "But your defiance is… intriguing."

Yun Lintian, despite the throbbing pain that consumed him, couldn't help but let out a scoff. "Intriguing? I'm being crushed by your power, and all you can say is that it's intriguing?"

A hint of amusement flickered across the Tomb Protector's masked face, an unexpected response that further confused Yun Lintian. "Indeed," the Protector said, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest. "You are unlike any I have encountered before. Perhaps your defiance is precisely what these trials need."


The Tomb Protector's pronouncement hung heavy in the air. With a flick of his wrist, a wave of energy pulsed outwards.

Suddenly, all the practitioners inside the hall except for Yun Lintian's group dissolved into dissolved into shimmering motes of light, presumably teleported back to their designated trial areas.

The unexpected turn of events left Yun Lintian and his companions speechless, unsure what to make of the Tomb Protector's cryptic words and actions.

Taking a steadying breath, Yun Lintian forced himself to speak, his voice hoarse but firm. "What is your purpose, Tomb Protector?"

The enigmatic figure studied him for a moment longer, then spoke in a surprisingly calm tone. "You possess a truth hidden within you, Yun Lintian. A truth concerning the Soul Scepter and the one seeking to revive the ancient gods – Si Junyi."

Yun Lintian's heart hammered in his chest. How could the Tomb Protector know his purpose? Perhaps he had been monitored all this time?

He cautiously decided on honesty. "Yes," he admitted, the word a ragged gasp escaping his lips. "I came here for the Soul Scepter. I need to stop Si Junyi from achieving his goal."

A flicker of approval seemed to pass through the Tomb Protector's masked visage. "An admirable purpose," he rumbled. "But the path you seek is fraught with peril. The Soul Scepter lies at the heart of this God Tomb, guarded by trials both physical and mental."

"I understand the risks," Yun Lintian pressed through the pain, his determination unwavering. "But I have no choice. The consequences if Si Junyi succeeds are too dire to contemplate."

The Tomb Protector seemed to ponder his words for a moment. "Your resolve is commendable," he finally conceded. "However, simply reaching the Soul Scepter won't be enough. You must possess the strength to wield its power."

Yun Lintian's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"The Soul Scepter is not a mere weapon," the Protector explained. "It is a conduit, a channel for immense power. To use it effectively, you must prove your worthiness."

A spark of understanding ignited within Yun Lintian. The trials he had faced so far – were they not, in a way, tests of his strength and resolve? But what exactly was the Tomb Protector looking for?

"What kind of worthiness?" he inquired, pushing himself upright with a wince at the protest his battered body lodged.

The Tomb Protector raised a hand, silencing him. "The trials will continue," he boomed, his voice echoing through the vast chamber. "But they will be tailored to your specific needs. Consider them not punishments, but opportunities to hone your skills and unlock your true potential."

Yun Lintian frowned slightly. This unexpected development, while still shrouded in mystery, offered a chance. A chance to grow stronger to fulfill the destiny that seemed to be thrust upon him.

As if sensing his newfound determination, the Tomb Protector spoke once more. "Remember, Yun Lintian," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle for such a powerful entity. "The fate of your world may very well hinge on your success."

With that final pronouncement, the Tomb Protector raised his hand once more. This time, a soft light enveloped Yun Lintian and his companions. The familiar pressure built, then abruptly vanished, replaced by a sensation of weightlessness.

When Yun Lintian opened his eyes again, he found himself no longer in the grand hall, but in a stark, white chamber devoid of any features. The only light source came from a soft, ethereal glow emanating from the walls.

Lin Xinyao materialized beside him, a worried frown etched on her beautiful face. "Are you alright, Lintian?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Linlin and Qingqing hurriedly rushed to his side and looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine," Yun Lintian took a deep breath, channeling the power of the Tree of Life to heal his injury.

"What do you think?" Yun Qianxue looked at him, asking.

Yun Lintian pondered for a moment before saying, "He must have guessed my identity, but I don't understand why he wanted to test me."

Yun Lintian could clearly see the Tomb Protector's intention of testing him, based on his words and actions.

"Uncle Yun said this was an avoidable trap," Lin Xinyao suddenly interjected, reminding everyone of Yun Wuhan's words.

Yun Lintian furrowed his brow. Aside from his current enemies, he couldn't think of any possible trap. Could there be another hostile entity present?

He shook his head and said. "Let's put it aside first."

Everyone glanced around the place curiously. The stark white chamber felt like a blank canvas, ready to be splashed with the colors of their next challenge.


Suddenly, the white walls shimmered, and a ripple of energy formed in the center of the room. As it coalesced, it solidified into a shimmering figure, its form eerily similar to the Tomb Protector, yet somehow different. This one, however, lacked the imposing aura, radiating a more ethereal glow.

"Greetings, challengers," the spectral figure boomed, its voice echoing in the chamber. "Welcome to the first trial tailored specifically for your growth. Here, you will face your deepest fears, your most crippling anxieties."

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