Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2095 Hidden Purpose (1)

Chapter 2095 Hidden Purpose (1)

"Who dares disturb the trials of the Illusion Palace!"

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the chamber, shaking the very foundations. The voice resonated with power, radiating an aura that instantly dwarfed even Yun Lintian's impressive display.

All eyes turned towards the source of the voice. A figure materialized from the swirling shadows at the back of the chamber. Tall and imposing, clad in immaculate white robes, the figure exuded an air of absolute authority.

His face remained hidden beneath a mask etched with intricate bone patterns, but the piercing intensity of his gaze seemed to pierce through everyone in the room.

The atmosphere in the chamber shifted once more. Fear hung heavy in the air, thick enough to choke on. Even Yun Lintian, his expression unreadable, couldn't help but acknowledge the formidable presence before him.

This was likely the Tomb Protector Lan Qinghe had warned him about – a powerhouse guarding the secrets of the God Tomb.

The figure descended from the shadows, his every step measured and deliberate. As he stopped a few feet from Yun Lintian's group, an air of scrutiny settled on them. "Who are you? And why have you disrupted the trials?" he boomed once more, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Yun Lintian, ever the calm center in the storm, met the Tomb Protector's gaze head-on. "We are simply passing through," he replied, his voice unwavering. "These men attacked us without provocation." A flicker of accusation flashed in his eyes.

The Tomb Protector narrowed his eyes, his gaze sweeping between the scorched remains of the Iron Fists and Yun Lintian's group. He seemed to be searching for any hint of deception. The tension in the chamber reached a fever pitch as everyone waited with bated breath for the Tomb Protector's next move.

A flicker of something akin to curiosity crossed the Tomb Protector's features, quickly replaced by a steely resolve.

"Regardless of who started the conflict," he boomed, his voice echoing through the chamber, "violence is not tolerated within the trials. You have broken the sacred rules of the Illusion Palace."

With a flick of his wrist, a wave of invisible pressure surged towards Yun Lintian. It was a crushing force, imbued with the vast aura of a True God, aimed at bringing Yun Lintian to his knees in submission.

The crowd gasped as the pressure slammed into Yun Lintian. The air crackled with unseen energy, and the ground beneath his feet trembled slightly.

Lin Xinyao and the others instinctively stepped closer, their faces etched with concern.

"Stay back!" Yun Lintian bellowed.

He stood tall, his posture unwavering. A faint shimmer emanated from his body, a subtle defense against the crushing pressure.

His expression remained impassive, although a hint of surprise flickered in his eyes. This Tomb Protector was indeed formidable, far stronger than anyone he'd encountered on his journey thus far.

The Tomb Protector narrowed his eyes further. He had expected Yun Lintian to crumble under the weight of his aura, but the young man stood firm, seemingly unfazed.

"Interesting," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. He maintained the pressure for a few moments longer, testing Yun Lintian's limits. But Yun Lintian remained stoic, his body barely registering the strain.

Finally, with a sigh, the Tomb Protector withdrew his aura. The oppressive atmosphere in the chamber dissipated, leaving behind a heavy silence.

"You have proven surprisingly resilient," the Tomb Protector acknowledged, his voice regaining its authoritative tone. "However, that does not excuse your actions. You will be punished."

Yun Lintian raised an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Punished?" he echoed, his voice calm but laced with a challenge. "For defending ourselves from unwarranted aggression?"

The Tomb Protector's gaze narrowed again. Yun Lintian's defiance was unexpected. Most would cower in fear under his scrutiny, but this young man seemed unafraid.

With a flick of his wrist, he subtly unleashed the pressure again. This time, it was several times stronger.


A sickening crack echoed through the chamber as a bone in Yun Lintian's leg gave way. He crumpled to one knee, his face flickered with pain, but his eyes held the Tomb Protector's captive.

"Perhaps you haven't witnessed the entire picture, esteemed protector," he gritted out, each word a battle cry against the agony.

He took a shallow breath, his chest heaving with the effort. "These men," he continued, emphasizing each word with a grimace as another bone in his arm splintered, "attacked us on sight. We had no choice but to retaliate."

Yun Lintian straightened his back in a display of immense willpower, his defiance unwavering despite the wracking pain that threatened to consume him. "If your trials prioritize blind adherence to rules over basic survival, then I question their fairness entirely."

He locked eyes with the Tomb Protector, his voice a low growl, raw with exertion and indignation. "Tell me, protector, why are you targeting me?"

The chamber held its breath, the weight of Yun Lintian's question hanging heavy in the air. Was there more to this encounter than a simple violation of the rules?

Lin Xinyao and the others wanted to step forward but were stopped by Long Qingxuan.

"Wait and see," Long Qingxuan said gently. Although her eyes were tightly shut, Lin Xinyao and the others could feel a murderous aura from her.

The Tomb Protector's impassive mask seemed to flicker for a moment, a hint of something unreadable crossing his features before it was quickly masked once more.

"Silence!" The Tomb Protector boomed, the force of his voice echoing through the chamber and causing dust to motes from the ceiling.

The display of power was undeniable, and even Yun Lintian winced slightly, his body screaming in protest.

However, the defiance in his eyes remained. "Silence?" he echoed, his voice weak but resolute. "Is that all you have to say? You attack me without understanding the situation and then punish the victim?"

A tense silence followed. Lin Xinyao and the others could see that the Tomb Protector had deliberately targeted Yun Lintian. Why was that?

Suddenly, the Tomb Protector spoke again, his voice lower this time, almost a murmur. "You possess a peculiar aura," he said, his gaze fixed on Yun Lintian. "An aura that resonates with…

unorthodox energies."

Yun Lintian's brow furrowed. Unorthodox energies? Was it the dark energy? But he had never shown it. He remained silent, unsure how to respond.

The Tomb Protector continued, his voice laced with suspicion. "You are not like the others who enter these trials. There is something…different about you."

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