Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2097 Illusion (1)

Chapter 2097 Illusion (1)

Yun Lintian stared at the spectral figure calmly. A trial of deepest fears? For him, it was just another day. What he was concerned about currently was the so-called qualification to be recognized by the Soul Scepter.

The spectral figure swept its gaze across the group, its voice devoid of any emotion. "The trial will commence individually. Step forward, Yun Lintian."

Yun Lintian looked at his companions gently before stepping forward.

The spectral figure raised a hand, and the white walls around him dissolved, replaced by a scene that ripped a gasp from his lips.

He found himself standing on a familiar dirt path, the lush greenery of the Misty Cloud Sect surrounding him. Laughter echoed in the distance, drawing him closer. As he rounded a bend, he came upon a scene that shattered his composure.

There, amidst the familiar training grounds, his father Yun Wuhan, his face etched with despair. Beside him, Lin Xinyao lay crumpled on the ground, a deep crimson stain blooming on her chest.

The sight plunged a wave of pain into Yun Lintian's heart. Bloodshot eyes and tensed muscles betrayed his composure. In that instant, rationality fled, leaving his mind a chaotic void.

"Yaoyao!" Yun Lintian roared, his voice raw with anguish. He launched himself towards Lin Xinyao.

But as he reached out, the scene shimmered, distorting like a mirage. Lin Xinyao vanished, replaced by Linlin, who lay in the same position, blood staining the grass crimson. Then came Qingqing, her vibrant eyes forever closed, a look of despair etched on her face.

With each transformation, a fresh wave of despair crashed over Yun Lintian. He fell to his knees, the weight of his nonexistent failures crushing him. He had failed to protect them all.

Suddenly, a chilling voice echoed in the empty space. "You are weak, Yun Lintian. Too weak to protect those precious to you."

The voice belonged to Si Junyi, his face twisted in a cruel smirk. "Because of your weakness, they all die. It's your fault. The blood is on your hands."

"Arghhhh! This is not true!" Yun Lintian's vision blurred with tears of rage and self-loathing. He pounded his fists on the ground, a primal scream tearing from his throat. But his cries were met with only mocking silence.

The scene shifted once more. He stood before a towering gate, its surface etched with intricate symbols that pulsed with an ominous light. Beyond the gate, a swirling vortex of darkness beckoned, an endless void threatening to consume everything.

A voice, cold and devoid of warmth, emanated from the gate. "This is your future, Yun Lintian. A future devoid of light, where darkness reigns supreme."

Yun Lintian couldn't think of anything at the moment.

"Do you crave more power? Do you yearn to control the very destinies of others?… Then come. Offer your soul, and I will grant you the power you desire."

The voice promised power, the ability to rewrite fate itself. But the price was his humanity, his very soul. Yun Lintian teetered on the edge, the seductive whispers of power battling with the guilt and despair gnawing at him.

Yun Lintian, with a despair-filled heart, didn't even struggle for a second. Just as he was about to reach out, a soft glow emanated from his chest. The warmth spread through his body, dispelling the oppressive darkness.

He looked down to see a faint emerald light pulsing from his chest, the Tree of Life offering a silent beacon of hope.

A surge of defiance coursed through him. He wouldn't succumb to despair. He wouldn't let his loved ones die in vain.

"This is an illusion!" he roared, his voice ringing with newfound conviction. "I won't let you win! I will protect them all, no matter the cost!"

The spectral figure watched with amusement as Yun Lintian's defiance shattered the carefully constructed illusion. The despairing scene around him dissolved, replaced by a stark white void.

"Interesting," the spectral figure murmured, its voice devoid of any inflection. "You possess a remarkable willpower, Yun Lintian. Not many can resist the allure of power offered in exchange for their deepest desires."

Yun Lintian stood tall, his eyes blazing with determination.

"Enough with these illusions," he declared, his voice echoing in the empty space. "Bring on the real challenge!"

The spectral figure tilted its head slightly. "As you wish." With a wave of its hand, the void around them shimmered and solidified, transforming into a familiar arena. But this time, it wasn't empty.

Standing across from him were two figures. One was the towering form of a Hell Asura, its crimson eyes glowing with malevolent hunger. Beside it stood Si Junyi, a sneer twisting his usually handsome face.

"Welcome back to reality, Yun Lintian," Si Junyi said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Did you enjoy your little vacation in dreamland?"

Yun Lintian ignored him, his gaze fixed on the Hell Asura. He could feel the raw power emanating from the creature, a power that could easily crush him if he let his guard down. But fear was a distant memory now, replaced by a cold, steely resolve.

Yun Lintian gripped the hilt of the Heaven Piercing Sword, the metal warming pleasantly in his hand. He closed his eyes, channeling the Great Law of Life within him. As he did, the emerald light emanating from his chest intensified, bathing him in a soft glow.

When he opened his eyes again, they shone with a newfound brilliance. The world around him seemed sharper, clearer. He could feel the very essence of life pulsing around him, a boundless energy waiting to be unleashed.


With a flick of his wrist, the Heaven Piercing Sword sang a clear note as it emerged from its sheath. The emerald light from Yun Lintian's chest flowed into the blade, imbuing it with an otherworldly power. The air crackled with energy as the sword hummed in anticipation.

Across the arena, Si Junyi's sneer faltered slightly. He could sense the change in Yun Lintian, the raw power that now emanated from him. A flicker of unease crossed his eyes, but he quickly pushed it down, replacing it with a smirk.

"Let's see how well your little trickery fares against true power," he said, gesturing towards the Hell Asura. The creature let out a bone-chilling roar, charging towards Yun Lintian with surprising agility for its size.

Yun Lintian didn't move. He raised the Heaven Piercing Sword, its emerald light intensifying into a blinding beam. As the Hell Asura closed the distance, he unleashed a powerful strike.


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