Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 762 Beast Horde (3)

"Never mind," Kyran told the messenger after thinking it through. Using a door to go outside was only a pretense since he did not want to warp. Besides, even if he did not warp, he had other ways to leave the walls— like jumping over the wall. He only wanted to make sure there was no array or spell in place over the walls that would prevent him from doing so.

"Keep the gates closed no matter what," Kyran exhorted the messenger before turning to leave.

"T-That's… I can't promise that. If the commander or the Saint asked it to be opened..."

Kyran sighed inwardly. He did not stop to try and convince him to listen. In any case, he did not think the commander or the Saint would order the gates to be opened once he stepped outside. Besides, he planned to take the horde seriously. Thus, an accident where a beast breached his defenses and aimed for the walls was unlikely.

To be honest, one of the reasons he volunteered to face the horde alone was not only so he could show them he had the 'strength' to back up the Abbot's reason in asking for his help but because he wanted to see how the magical beast would react once he appeared.

Would it stop attacking and retreat because of his ability? Or would it continue to lead the horde and render his ability useless?

In any case, he knew there was a limit to the influence of his ability to stop beasts from attacking. For example, when Savagery sent out her minions, they attacked him ruthlessly. The same happened with Max's beasts and Ruin's summons.

In all those instances, there was one thing the three of them had in common. Those beasts or summons were ordered to fight. What about a beast with a higher level? Like a magical beast with intelligence?

Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to meet a beast with a higher level.

Until now.

'Let's go with 20%,' Kyran decided and circulated the Draconic magic in his body.

When he fought the enemies who ambushed Hilam and the others back in the forest, he used the combination of Void and Draconic in dealing with them. He did this not because he wanted to overwhelm them but because he did not want to be careless. As he told the old man at that time, he wanted to get serious.

Alas, getting serious made him a big bully. He did not think the enemies were that weak. Frankly, they had a strange aura about them that he thought they were dangerous compared to the bandits.

In any case, Kyran already knew the magic law of this plane likely caused him to have a different perspective when it came to sensing auras. He might not be affected by the plane's magic law and could still use his magic without any problem because of the Shaiha, but that did not mean he could automatically adapt to the plane's magic law.

Kyran did ask the old man to explain it during the first part of their journey. Unfortunately, the old man was not a good teacher, and Kyran only got confused.

Putting aside learning the Somuli plane's magic law, Kyran refocused his attention on the situation at hand. He lowered his stance and jumped over the wall with a loud bam.

When they saw this, the messenger and the fighter who greeted them almost had their eyes popped out of their sockets.

The rest of the fighters maintaining the barrier of the walls also heard the commotion and wondered what had happened.

Their doubt was answered almost immediately when they saw a figure appear on top of the wall. Like the messenger and the fighter below, their eyes bulged at the sight.

How could someone appear on top of the wall without them noticing? It should be noted that although there was not an emergency door on the wall that led to the other side, it had a wall that led to a stair to the top. However, the only ones allowed to enter that door and go up were fighters responsible for maintaining the barrier around the walls.

As Kyran landed on top, he saw about three fighters gaping at him in astonishment. He made a mental note that there was a magical barrier around the walls and that three Eidums were maintaining it. Then he looked up front and checked the situation on the other side.

Kyran's eyes constricted as he saw the beast horde.

A sea of beasts of all kinds, ramming their heads on the steel walls. Some were even using magic to attack, while others dug their claws into the ground and picked up boulders to throw at the walls.

The barrier the three Eidums maintained could counter the boulders being thrown at it. It also protected the walls from some of the beasts' low-tier magic attacks. However, it was hopeless to those ramming at it directly and attacking with second to advance-tier magic attacks. This resulted in banging sounds and explosions that shook the other side.

Apart from the sea of beasts, Kyran's eyes were drawn to the huge one at the rear. His eyes narrowed as he sensed it looking at him.

The huge beast stood upright like a human, whose frame was similar to a human's. It also looked a little like a human— a big and ugly one with dark blue skin. Its body was full of yellow markings like runes but could also be tattoos. Most of all, looking at the solid mass of a muscle it had, it was not hard to imagine how much raw power it possessed.

This was the first time Kyran saw such a beast. However, he had read of them before. Then again, could he even call it a beast? Seeing it possessed human features?I think you should take a look at

'An blue-skinned High Orc,' Kyran thought, an amused smile tugging at the side of his lips. 'This guy is considered a magical beast in this plane? As far as I remember, they are among the most notorious monsters that could be found in many planes.

'Not that I've been to the planes they belonged to. This is my first time seeing one, and I never expected it to be this huge.'

The blue-skinned High Orc stood about fifty meters, a feat not included in the book he had read about. As far as he remembered, a High Orc's height could go up to seven meters— not fifty.

'Rather than a High Orce, maybe it can be considered a giant?' Kyran pondered.

Shaking his head inwardly, two long daggers slowly materialized on each of his spread hands.

The three Eidums watching him cautiously were shocked after seeing the daggers appear out of nowhere. However, they did not attempt to question or detain him because they already received a message from the messenger on his identity.

Nevertheless, that did not stop them from looking at him warily because of his appearance.

Ignoring the three looking at him, Kyran walked over to the edge of the walls and jumped.

The three Eidums gasped. They knew he was there to face the horde, but they had imagined he would use magic from there. Yes, they saw him take out the daggers, but they had thought he planned on 'throwing' them rather than using them to fight in melee.

The beasts below sensed Kyran's descent and turned their focus on him. Some were already jumping, their fang-filled-mouth gaping open, wanting to snap him into pieces.

Before they could even attempt to do anything, though, Kyran disappeared. The beasts were astonished because even if their prey suddenly turned invisible or changed direction at an astonishing speed that their eyes could not follow, they had other ways of sensing their prey— like their scent or aura. However, when Kyran disappeared, they also lost track of his scent and aura.

How could it be?


The magical beast that had sensed Kyran's presence as soon as he stepped onto the walls roared at the beast at the front for being weaklings. Kyran's sudden disappearance did not affect it as much as the beasts close to the walls.

Kyran saw the High Orc's reaction and could not help but smile. It seemed a magical beast was truly on a different level.

The magical beast raised its weapon, a club with razor-sharp blades scattered all over it, and threw it toward the walls.

Kyran, who did not disappear but moved around the horde, slicing and beheading the smaller ones, was surprised at the High Orc's action because the club was not aimed at where he was but at a spot where he would appear next.

'This guy—!'


The club hit the ground close to the steel wall, smashing some beasts.

Kyran, who managed to stop in time, barely avoided the club. However, the shockwave after it landed forced him back a few steps.


The High Orc roared toward in anger after missing Kyran.

Kyran, on the other hand, looked at it with a vein popping at his forehead.

"You b*stard. I'll kill you first."

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