Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 761 Beast Horde (2)

"The other side released a horde of beast at us!"

A messenger reported as soon as he appeared from the receiving room's array. He knelt in front of the Saint and added, "We failed to detect their movements until they were near the gates!"

The Saint's calm demeanor was replaced with worry.

They had only suffered a recent attack and their fighters had barely recovered. How would they deal with the horde of beast?

"What's the status of our fighters?" The Saint asked Azikh.

Azikh, holding a white disc, was already communicating with someone from the infirmary.

"Most who suffered minor injuries from the last attack has already been cured. However, they have yet to fully recover their mana."

Gidan scowled, "There is nothing we can do about that. Give them mana potions for now. How many are abled? Did the Matron say?"

Azikh's expression turned grim as he looked at Gidan and answered, "No more than thirty."

Hilam and the Soria paled. If the abled fighters that had been there only amounted to that, they would be dispatched to the battlefield.

Subconsciously, they looked at Kyran. But then stopped midway after being overcome with shame for even considering asking him to save them when the leaders had yet to approve his stay. Besides, were they not sent here to defend the borders? They had to get a grip.

Still, thinking this way did not stop the fear that crept in their hearts. This was especially true with Soria, who almost died in the hands of a Glyve a few days ago.

Just as they were thinking this, Gidan looked at them. His intense glare almost made them balk. But they steeled themselves for whatever was to come.

"You two, go gather your people. You will join the frontlines. Meet at the assembly hall at-."



Gidan's words were interrupted by a series of explosions that shook the whole place. It was then followed by a powerful and oppressive roar of a beast that made them their insides churn.

The magic waves that accompanied the roar made Hilam and Soria fall to their knees in fear.

"A magical beast..." Azikh gritted his teeth, realizing what type of beast that was.

In Somuli, there were three types of beasts.

The normal ones with no magic, the ferocious beasts that could use magic, and finally, the magical beasts that possessed powerful magic and intelligence.

Dealing with a magical beast was no easy feat. They had to be prepared to lose half of their fighters to kill one. A forty or so fighters was not enough to deal with one, and the one outside was not even alone. It was accompanied by a horde of beast that could overwhelm even if a hundred or so fighters banded together.

If they sent their fighters outside, they would only become cannon fodders.

"Ask the Matron to relay a message to the Head Healer. Please allow the healers to go to the frontlines," the Saint suddenly said.

Azikh and Gidan fell silent.

Even the messenger lowered his head, feeling conflicted.

Healers were not meant to go to the frontlines simply because the beasts would always target them first due to their potent magic waves.

Ordinary complete beings with powerful magic waves usually turn to formidable offensive type mages.

However, their people were no ordinary complete beings but Eidums. They were sanctified complete beings. This meant their magic were pure and could only be used for healing and recovery spells. For this reason, there were no healers in Somuli that could fight. Some Eidums with weaker magic waves learned how to fight and even use low to mid-tier offensive magic spells. However, since they were still Eidums, the destructiveness of their magic was not as powerful compared to ordinary complete beings.

"I know," the Saint said with a grave tone. She knew their concern, but if a magical beast was among the horde, their injured fighters would have a hard time moving back the line to receive healing from the healers staying at the rear.

"Healers cannot fight. But if they are in the frontlines, they can provide support immediately. This will increase the survival rate of our fighters."

"Or it could jeopardize everyone's survival."

All of them looked at the person who had spoken these words.

The messenger who arrived in a panic earlier did not notice him. Now that he did, he let out a frightened shriek and backed up the wall.

The young man's dark hair and eyes had frightened him senseless!

Ignoring the messenger's reaction, Kyran shrugged and addressed the questioning stares of the rest.

"You said it yourself. There is a magical beast outside. Do you think it will allow the healers to support the fighters in real-time combat? Beasts are drawn to a healer's powerful magic wave in the first place and there is a horde of those outside. Those mindless idiots would go into a frenzy if a they sensed a group of healers near them.

"Even without the magical beast directing the horde to prioritize the healers, they will swarm at them. When that happens, the fighters will not stand a chance."

Hearing his reasoning made them realize his point.

Just as he said, magic waves from a group of healers was intoxicating to beasts. They would be targeted first and the fighters would not be able to do anything.

"You..." Azikh looked at Kyran with a frown. "You seemed knowledgeable about beast behavior."

Kyran did not respond and only tilted his head as if to say 'What's wrong with that?'

Truth be told, Kyran learned the three types of beasts in Somuli from the old man, who was making live commentary in his head.

It was when the old man screamed bloody murder at the enemy commander for daring to release a horde of beast, not to mention a magical beast at the Eidums.

As for Kyran's knowledge of beast behavior, it was based on his personal experience after encountering all sorts of beasts in and outside the Human plane.

"I have a proposal," Kyran turned to the Saint while all of them were still contemplating what he said.

The Saint raised her head toward him, relying on the sound of his voice to pinpoint his location.

"Let's hear it."

"But, leader-."

"The more time we waste here the more we are allowing the enemies to pick up the momentum and gain the upper hand," the Saint cut Gidan, midsentence. "I know I am overstepping my bounds. You are the commander and I am only a leader in name. However, while I am here, I will act the part."

All of them fell silent.I think you should take a look at

Even the old man stopped commenting in Kyran's head.

On the other hand, a small smile tugged at the corner of Kyran's lips after hearing what the Saint had said. Still he pretended not to understand and kept a straight face.

"Please continue," the Saint told Kyran.

"Though I said it is a proposal, I will only do what the Great Abbot asked me to."

Azikh and Gidan narrowed their eyes, realizing what he meant.

"Let me deal with the situation outside," Kyran said with a slight smile.

Hilam and Soria was overcame with relief at this. If Kyran truly joined them, they might truly stand a chance against the horde and the magical beast. They knew how powerful he was, but was not delusional to think he could win against the magical beast alone. Neverthless, their chances of survival would increase with him around.

"This is too timely to be called a coincidence," Gidan growled right after Kyran finished talking. "You appearing here, the enemy releasing a horde of beast... how would we know this is not a ploy to make us panic so we will agree to your proposal, and then trust you?"

Kyran gaped at him as if he was looking at an idiot.

Seeing his reaction, Hilam was reminded of their first meeting. Kyran called him something he did not understand after saying something 'strange.'

Hilam did not think the commander said something strange, though. He even believed jt was sound. But contrary to Gidan, Hilam believed Kyran had no ill intentions and only want to fulfill his part of the agreement with the Abbot.

"Are you retarded?"

"Re- what was that?" Gidan growled.

It should be noted that when Kyran called Gidan 'retarded' he used human language. He did this not because he was afraid of annoying Gidan further because he already was, but because he did not know how to say it in Somulian.

That had been the case with Hilam too, when he snapped at him for having a brain full of sh*t.

"Why would the enemy even plant a spy among you? Look at the state of your people. Is there even a reason to spy on you? Besides, they are attacking because they believed this land belongs to them, right? Does someone whose hatred appeared no-bounds, will they put in an effort to spy and get close to you?" Kyran pointed, adding the things he learned from the enemies who ambushed Hilam and the others.

"For arguments sake, let's say the enemy does have a reason in planting a spy, will they send someone with an appearance like mine? No matter how you look at it, my dark hair screams suspicious."

Gidan's brow twitched slightly. Kyran had a point.

Honestly, Gidan only said what he did because he did not trust Kyran. In the end, he was told off with a sound reasoning and felt annoyed. At the same time, ashamed for his lack of common sense.

Azikh looked at Kyran in amusement. He was starting to like his character by the second.

As if having the same thoughts as him, the Saint tilted her head slightly at him.

Seeing this, Azikh said to Kyran, "Alright. You may join the rest in the frontlines and prove that the Abbot truly sent you-."

"Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said."

"Did you not say you will help us deal with the horde?" The Saint asked in confusion.



Before Gidan could tell him off, Kyran explained, "I said, 'let me deal with the situation outside.' I never said anything about joining your people."

Hilam and Soria, who had traveled with Kyran for a few days understood at once what he meant and gaped at him.

"You... want to deal with those horde alone? Even the magical beast?"

"The reason you did not believe I was sent by the Great Abbot is because you don't know what I'm capable of.

"Distrusting your own Abbot... Tsk, tsk. He is probably rolling in his sleep right now because you doubted his judgment."

'What did you mean by that? I don't roll in my sleep.'

Kyran ignored the old man's side comment.

"Are you really fine going alone?" The Saint asked.

"Rather than wasting time with a Q and A, how about I show you?" Kyran said.

Without waiting for any of them to respond, he looked at the messenger who flinched in fright.

"Can you take me outside? You have a disc that can transport you directly to the gates, right?"

"I-I..." the messenger looked ar Azikh in hesitation.

"Take him," Akizh replied, nodding at the messenger.

"A-Alright," the messenger replied and looked at Kyran. "P-Please, this way."

Kyran nodded and approached him.

Taking out the disc, the messenger activated it and an array glowed at their feet.

A blinding light enveloped them, and in a blink of an eye, they were transported to another array near the gates.

Loud sounds of solid mass ramming on steel walls greeted them upon arrival.

As Kyran's vision cleared he found himself looking at a thirty meter high steel walls.

"What did the commander say?" A fighter approached as soon as they appeared. But upon laying his eyes on Kyran, he shrieked and fell back.

Kyran ignored the man and looked at the messenger, "Where's the emergency door leading outside?"

"T-There is no door. We only have the gates."

Kyran's brow did an involuntary twitch.

He was starting to understand why the Eidums were on the losing side of this war.

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