Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 763 Not Mine (1)

Kyran first wanted to reduce the number of beasts hitting the defensive walls, so he did not go after the magical beast. Besides, he wanted to observe how it commands the horde.

But it seemed to have noticed Kyran and wanted to go after him itself.

Seeing that it missed, the magical beast roared and charged toward Kyran, crushing the smaller beasts along the way.

Kyran also charged forward, planning to intercept the magical beast while cutting through the beasts blocking his path.

In an instant, the battlefield had gotten chaotic.

The Eidums maintaining the barrier gaped at the battlefield in amazement and fear.

How could one 'being' with such a small stature deal so much damage to beasts more than twice his size? Apart from this, the magical beast had reacted to him and was already after him. Instead of avoiding the magical beast, he even went after it.

<What is the situation outside?>

The messenger's voice sounded through the communication device and called the attention of the three Eidums.

Snapping out of the initial shock at the development of the battle below, one Eidum responded, "T-That young man... h-he..."

<What? What happened to him? Did he already fail?>

"Fail? What are you talking about? He is slaughtering his way toward the magical beast!"


Back to the battlefield, Kyran aimed at the eyes of the beast resembling a rhinoceros blocking his path. This beast usually had thick skins. Thus, he did not hesitate to aim at the most vulnerable part available— its eyes.


The beast roared in pain and slammed into a beast about to claw Kyran from the side.


The second beast fell to the ground, and the one resembling a rhino stumbled on top of it. What followed was a stampede of beasts that wanted to attack Kyran.

Kyran twisted his body midair and avoided one beast. He landed on top of the head of another and pierced its eyes before jumping to another, doing the same.

He could not kill all of the beasts with his weapon. The ones near the walls were medium-sized that his daggers could still cut. But now, he was faced with large-sized beasts, and if he wanted to cut their heads, he had to slice through their necks a few times. Some of them even had thicker skin that could not be easily penetrated. Thus, Kyran aimed to disable them in the meantime.

Kyran knew these beasts' regenerative abilities were insane, but he imbued his long daggers with the Void property to ensure their eyes would not regenerate.

These daggers were one of the new weapons he forged in the past year. It was made from materials that could absorb his Void magic, albeit for a few hours only. After that, the blades would erode and become useless.

Basically, the long daggers were 'disposable' weapons.

It was quite unfortunate that apart from the two black swords in his possession, no other weapons could withstand his Void magic. He tried looking for the materials used to create the black swords but realized even when he used the materials to forge a new weapon. It could not withstand the Void's property. Ultimately, he realized there was something special about the black sword, which enabled them to withstand his magic.

Unfortunately, Kyran did not have a way to dismantle the sword and study them. He was also afraid they would lose that 'special trait' if he forcefully dismantled it in his own way.

In any case, Kyran did not use those swords because the other Sovereigns outside Somuli already saw him wielding them. If an image of him, as Nar, were recorded by a complete being that worked for the Somuli's fake Sovereign, and that image leaked to the outside, who knew how the Sovereigns, especially Ruin's essence, would react?


The magical beast roared as it neared Kyran. He noticed how enraged he was after some of the beasts came at him. He reckoned it wanted to deal with him itself and did not want the other beasts meddling.

'Does this mean that magical beast is not commanding the horde?' Kyran wondered as he looked at it with narrowed eyes.

'Doesn't matter. I'll find out soon enough,' he thought, using the Dragon Steps to close in on it.


The magical beast raised its hand, and the club it had thrown earlier flew back into its hand. Then it did a low swipe horizontally, destroying the beasts and land before it.

"Tsk!" Kyran gritted his teeth as he abruptly stopped to avoid the magical beast's swing before rolling to the side.

He was shocked that it predicted where he would appear after using the Dragon Steps! It was almost similar to how it reacted when it threw the club at him. He was hidden among the beasts, yet it could pinpoint his location and barely hit him.

'This magical beast...' Kyran glowered. 'He is tracking me, but how?'I think you should take a look at

Kyran regained his balance at the same time as the magical beast stopped its motion of swinging. To his surprise, the magical beast deftly twisted its wrist and swung the club backward.

'This b*astard is surprisingly agile!' Kyran thought through gritted teeth.

The magical beast's movement was too fast and unpredictable that he knew it would be too late to roll out of the club's way. Instead, he utilized the 20% Draconic magic energy he was circulating and reinforced his body's defenses.


The club hit Kyran's side, and the ground around him exploded, causing a small shockwave that pushed the nearby beasts back.

The magical beast's eyes widened after sensing its target was not crushed by the attack just now. Before it could retract its arm holding the club, it found it was stuck. Its eyes widened and it immediately let go of the club and jumped back.

With its fifty-meter height, it would not be surprising if it weighed a ton. However, when it jumped, it looked as agile and light as a feather.

Seeing the magic beast had jumped, the beasts below immediately steered clear on the spot it would land.

However, a shadow dashed toward the airborne magical beast from the still smoke-covered area where the club landed.

The magical beast's eyes widened further as it opened its mouth and roared in annoyance.


The magical beast's roar carried an invisible force, creating a shockwave that destroyed everything in its wake.

At least, that was what it could do. However, the shadow did not falter and stopped on the magical beast's nose bridge.

Kyran's eyes had already turned silver, with its pupils turning into slits. While in midair, he twisted his body and aimed at the magical beast's eyes.

However, the magical beast was still agile, even while suspended in midair. It managed to pull its head back, barely avoiding the blades of the long daggers.

But Kyran already anticipated this, and a silver coating enveloped the long daggers. These silver coatings seemed to extend the long daggers' blades and managed to cut the magical beast's eyes.


The magical beast roared in agony as it landed on the ground. It then used its hand to swipe Kyran away from its face.

Although Kyran succeded in slicing its eyes, it was still too shallow and managed to regenerate almost at once.

Kyran gritted his teeth. He could not use his Void magic energy to 'extend' the blades of his long dagger. His daggers were imbued by Void magic, but it covered the blades themselves.

Of course, he could have used the Void magic to create an extension of the blades, but if he did, the blades would disintegrate afterward. For this reason, he could only use the Draconic magic as an extension.

Kyran stepped on the magical beast's hand as it neared him instead of trying to dodge it completely. His reasoning was simple. If he dodged it, he would be forced to land. Something he could not afford because he could not 'fly.'

He only added the shockwave from the club, hitting the ground to push his body upward. Of course, he could have jumped. But jumping lacked momentum, and the magical beast would notice his approach. It would then render his sneak attack pointless.


The magical beast continued to swipe at Kyran. But he would not let it.

This was the only good thing about fighting someone with a huge body. It was an easy target.

Kyran landed on the magical beast's forehead while simultaneously piercing the long daggers. His eyes glowed silver as he pulled the daggers upward. At the same time, he ran up the magical beast's forehead.



Appearing like it had gone insane, the magical beast slammed its hand on its forehead. Dark violet blood splurted from the magical beast's head each time it slammed its hand.

Unfortunately for it, Kyran had already jumped down its shoulder.

Using the magical beast's frenzied mood, Kyran continued his attack. He aimed for the magical beast's nape next, causing dark violet blood to gush out.

Kyran was not done.

He continued to cut his way around the magical beast's body, not giving it any chance to recover.

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