I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 144 - 144: 143: Reborn!

Chapter 144 - 144: 143: Reborn!

Translator: 549690339

“Spear and Lance Nine Kills” proved to be more difficult than Du Gang had imagined.

When he had previously practiced “Nine-Layered Strength”, it was done through fist fighting, and given that the fist is part of his body, it was relatively easy to control.

However, “Spear and Lance Nine Kills” was different, primarily using spears and lances as offensive tools.

Different gripping positions led to entirely different outcomes.

Still, he did not get discouraged. As with his fist training, he began to slowly practice the first move.

The first move was very simple, just a spear thrusting action.

This movement appeared straightforward, but Du Gang’s execution looked incredibly clumsy.

His entire body was very uncoordinated, like a toddler learning to walk, looking extremely awkward.

“Does it have something to do with the length of the spear?”

Du Gang quickly immersed himself in his consciousness space, re-reading

“Spear and Lance Nine Kills” and searching for information about spear length.

However, he didn’t find anything, possibly because no one other than the creator had used it.

The spear used by the creator was his most convenient, so he might not have been aware of these issues.

After some thought, Du Gang went to the memory area of the Ancient God and began looking for the memories of the ancient god who created “Spear and Lance Nine Kills”.

Through the memories of this ancient god, Du Gang understood the ratio between his body and the spear.

Not only in human form, but even after the ancient god transformed, he maintained the same ratio with the Divine Spear.

After carefully studying numerous memory segments, he finally determined that the ratio was 1 to 1.618.

So, once he was out, Du Gang quickly adjusted the length of the Divine Spear according to his height.

This time, when he performed “Spear and Lance Nine Kills”, it was indeed more comfortable than before.

Although the movements were still stiff and seemed uncoordinated, he was able to practice them smoothly.

He began to practice the first move honestly and seriously.

A month later.

Du Gang stood straight on the ground, with a spear casually planted on the ground and his right hand resting on it.


With a roar, his body moved, his whole person staring at a point in the air, the spear following his heart’s movement.


The spear firmly pierced the point in the air that he had been staring at. After hitting the target, he very naturally retracted the spear.


Du Gang gently exhaled a breath.

After a month of practice, he finally had some insight.

Looking at the spear in his hand that had become very familiar, he said with a smile, “It’s not quite right to call you the Divine Spear now. From now on, you’ll be called the Ancient Divine Spear!”

Unexpectedly to him, the Ancient Divine Spear actually made three crisp sounds on its own, as if responding to him.

Du Gang revealed a slight smile.

As expected, divine weapons have spirits!

This spear of his was a divine weapon and naturally possessed strong spirituality.

It could be said that none of the Ancient Gods of their lineage had ever truly exploited the capabilities of the Divine Spear.

Through the memories, he learned that the Ancient God didn’t only use the Divine Spear.

The Divine Spear was just the divine weapon used by the Ancient God who inherited from Du Kang’s lineage.

The first of this lineage used a Divine Spear!

So, this weapon was passed down from the first generation of Ancient Gods!

Other Ancient Gods, judging from the memories, used other divine weapons.

However, to Du Gang’s puzzlement, he couldn’t find any memory of the first-generation Ancient God in the inherited memory, possibly because it was too ancient.

All the memories of the later Ancient Gods were from the inheritors.

“Perhaps it was lost!”

Du Gang casually commented, then ignored these issues and continued practicing the first move: Thrust!

Fortunately, this technique was indeed created by the Ancient God, and his progress in practicing it was fast.

From the initial discomfort to later ease, it took him merely three months to reach a satisfactory state for the first time, just as it had with his fist-fighting training.

With a confident smile, he began learning the second move.

The second move was also simple, just a flicking action.

Although it was completely different from the first move, he was now intimately familiar with the spear, not needing to readjust; so in just three short weeks, he completely mastered the second move.

The following seven moves were even simpler!

He essentially maintained a speed of mastering one move every three weeks.

After twenty-one weeks, all the nine moves of the first kill in “Spear and Lance Nine Kills” were mastered.

This time, he started practicing the nine moves continuously.

Because to truly master the first kill, he needed to combine these nine moves into one.

Thrust, flick, jab, stab, lunge, rip, entangle, block, grab; nine distinct moves were performed formidable by Du Gang at this moment.

He was no longer being bound by each individual move, but was freely creating and adjusting.

Each move and form were entirely spur-of-the-moment.

As he danced, cold stars shimmered, silver rays burst!

Within a month, the original nine moves were condensed into eight!

“I understand now!”

As the nine moves were reduced to eight, Du Gang revealed a mild smile. This time, he genuinely understood.

The so-called nine moves of the first kill were essentially one move in nature. However, the creator, being a genius, realized that it would be challenging for others to execute it smoothly.

So, he divided the first kill into nine moves.

Even if each of these nine moves were used separately, they would still possess unrivaled power.

Learners could not only learn the most basic things from these nine moves.

More importantly, when they condense the forms, they could fully understand and grasp the essence, realizing their true meaning.

Each move contained a meaning. If he mastered all nine moves and combined them into one, then he believed that he could also understand the “Spear Lance Mood”!

After understanding the many intricacies, he was eager again to immerse himself into cultivation.

He continued at his previous speed of condensing one move per month.

Eight full months, and only two moves remained in the first kill of his “Spear and Lance Nine Kills”.

Just one more integration, and he could truly comprehend the first kill.

But this time, he hit a bottleneck.

These two moves were already the best movements he could condense, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t further condense them into one.

“How on earth did they do it?”

That day, Du Gang did not practice as usual but sat down cross-legged and began to ponder.

After such a long time of independent cultivation, he had developed a habit of thinking about things.

When facing any problem, he would first calm down and think it through, searching for the answer within himself.

“My two moves are already optimized, why can’t I continue to condense?” Du Gang was pondering and muttering to himself.

He thought of many possibilities but couldn’t explain the problem he was currently facing. “The best?”


Du Gang suddenly thought of something, repeating his previous words.

“My two moves, which are clearly the best, why can’t they be further condensed?”

“Hahaha, I get it!”

At this moment, he had a complete realization.

Actually, it wasn’t that the techniques couldn’t be reduced, but in the process of making these eight refinements, he was continuously accumulating confidence, constantly increasing his understanding and proficiency of the techniques.

In the end, he had completely believed in these two moves, which encompassed the essence of his life.

“So, only by breaking free from this kind of self-belief can I truly breakthrough to the first kill?”

At this moment, Du Gang was full of admiration for the Ancient God who created the “Spear and Lance Nine Kills”.

It was truly impressive.

For those who fail to self-reflect, they might be trapped for a lifetime!

And such people, their achievements would be limited!

However, the problem was not that the founder deliberately made it so, but the first kill required a genuine clear enlightenment.

Be wise, not complacent!

One step taken rightly leads to the right path and one wrong step can lead to continual mistakes!

His two moves, though correct, were not entirely so!

Indeed, they were condensed into two moves, just one step away from the full killing technique.

But the mistake was in his excessive faith in himself.

“So, should I abandon these so-called two moves and seek the real killing technique?!”

At this moment, a bright smile spread across Du Gang’s face again.

As the saying goes, familiarity breeds ease. Once you are familiar with it, your heart can forget your hands, and your hands can forget the spear. What he needed to do now was not merging techniques, but forgetting them.

After he completely forgets these two moves, would he truly understand the first killing technique!

“Let’s start!”

Facing this new challenge, Du Gang was full of confidence and anticipation!

This time his cultivation was focused on forgetting.

For an entire month, the original two moves were divided into three.

Another month passed, and the three moves were divided into four.

Every month after that, he was able to split out an additional move.

It wasn’t until eight months after he condensed his techniques down to two, did his techniques finally break down into nine!

Looking at the nine techniques he executed now, they were completely different from the original nine he learned!

These were the nine techniques created by him based on his understanding!

One day, he stood under a pear tree, continuously practicing his moves.

The ninth technique!

The eighth technique!

The seventh technique!

Each technique was unpredictable and divine!

And these techniques, once used, were gone!

Finally, when he finished the last move, a roaring sound echoed.

A humming noise sounded around him.

However, Du Gang completely ignored this.

At this moment, his mind, spirit and body were harmoniously unified, standing calmly like a motionless child.

“First Kill!!!”

Suddenly, without any signs, he moved.

He shot out like a lightning bolt, “clang!”

After a crisp sound, a crack appeared in the air, just like tearing the space apart, shooting straight into the distance, reaching the edge of space. Only when it hit the void did it disappear.

The originally exuberant and invincible Du Gang, after finishing the shot, quickly steadied himself and completely contained his power. He looked just like an ordinary person standing there.

But on his face, there hung a faint smile.

“First Kill, finally mastered!”

“So this is what ‘Oneness of mind and weapon’ truly means!”

At this moment, he not only mastered the First Kill, but also clearly understood the concept of Oneness of mind and weapon.

Moreover, he also realized the Spear Lance Mood.

Besides, the greatest achievement was his heart which was now undisturbed!

It seemed extraordinarily profound, but exteriorly, his grounding source had smoothly broken through from the third layer to the fourth layer!

This also implied, his spirit finally matched his body!

Ancient God’s Body: Fourth Rank!

Ancient God’s Spirit: Fourth Rank!

Besides, his Ancient God Technique also improved!

It had broken through from the second layer to the third!

This meant, he could now resist all Planet Level mental attacks.

Not only that, he could also produce enough force to kill a satellite-level


Up to now, he had been training for four years and four months.

Only thirteen months were left of the five year and five-month timeframe!

Now, he was calm!

His mental state was peaceful, handling situations with ease.

“Now, it’s time to learn the Stored-force Strike!”

He had achieved Oneness of mind and weapon, fulfilling the basic condition to learn the Stored-force Strike.

Considering the current time frame, he wouldn’t be able to learn the other eight kills of the ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’ thus, deciding to first learn ‘Stored-force Strike’.

After all, his initial objective of coming here was to protect Earth and repel the invaders!

Returning to the Memory Space of Inheritance, this time, he felt differently when he observed ‘Stored-force Strike’.

“Release my power into the weapon and store it there?”

Du Gang’s eyes slightly closed. Holding the Ancient Divine Spear tightly, he slowly guided the power into it.

It was quite easy, and he finished the first step with ease!

Next was the second step – to prevent the power from leaking.

This step was easy to pass due to the artifact nature of the Ancient Divine Spear.

“For the third step, I need to keep the weapon connected to my body continuously, replenishing power without interruption…”

Du Gang hesitated. This meant that his hands could not leave the Ancient Divine Spear.

The problem was that the Ancient Divine Spear was a long weapon. According to the proportion, the length of the gun was 1.618 times his height which made it pretty long.

Constantly holding it was inconvenient!

“What if…l don’t hold the Ancient Divine Spear in my hands…”

With this thought, he quickly tucked the Ancient Divine Spear under his arm.

Indeed, as he had expected, he could still transmit power into it.

“What if, like Sun Wukong, I can lodge the Ancient Divine Spear in my ears, so I can store power continuously?”

Thinking, Du Gang quickly muttered, “Shrink, shrink, shrink!”

In an instant, the Ancient Divine Spear began to reduce in size; only when it had shrunk to the size of a needle did he pinch it and gently stick it in his ear. At the same time, he manipulated the flesh inside his ear to hold it in place.

“It really works! l”

Du Gang showed a look of joy.

He tried to use his ear as an outlet to transmit strength, and sure enough, the needle-sized Ancient Divine Spear accepted all the power he supplied at that moment!

This meant that he could store strength all the time!

“However, I might need to find another weapon!”

Just as he was wondering where to find a similar weapon, he suddenly remembered a glimpse of the Ancient God Lance from Du Kang’s memory.

Quickly, he once again accessed the memory area of the Ancient God legacy, flipping through Du Kang’s memories.

Sure enough, he found it!

Apparently, hundreds of thousands of years ago, Du Kang, driven by his hormones and fantasizing about the female Ancient Gods daily, went as far as to envision what their children would look like.

Similarly, out of boredom, he painstakingly created a replica of the Ancient God Lance with C-grade material, as a gift for his future son…

Sure enough, he really found that fake Ancient God Lance.

Just by the appearance, it was almost identical to the real Ancient God Lance, only its length was somewhat inappropriate.

Although the fake Ancient God Lance was also made of C-grade material, a rare high-quality weapon, it was still inferior to the Ancient God Lance, which could freely enlarge and shrink. Therefore, the length couldn’t change!

“No matter, you can’t change, but I can!”

Du Gang smirked, adjusting his height to follow a 1 to 1.618 ratio.

When he adjusted his height to 1.84 meters, it was a perfect fit with the proportion of the Ancient God Lance.

Gripping the fake Ancient God Lance in his hand, Du Gang laughed, “The name ‘Ancient Divine Spear’ is already taken. I can’t call you that. Let me give you a new name!”

After some thought, he declared, “My father’s name is Du Kang. He created you while burdened with the troubles of yearning for the female Ancient Gods…”

“So, I’ll name you ‘Worries Relief’!”

“Worries Relief Spear!”

“Clang, clang, clang!”

Weapons have spirits and the Worries Relief Spear, although made of C-grade material and merely a powerful weapon, is already very precious.

At that moment, it responded to Du Gang’s words.

After settling the matter of the ‘Stored-force Strike’ technique and weapons, Du Gang had essentially completed the mission for his visit.

However, he would not let up because he still had a year’s time left to use.

The ‘Nine-layered Strength’, which is a common technique, had been perfected. There was nothing more to practice.

He had mastered the first kill of the ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’, with eight more still to learn!

The ‘Sky-breaking Strike’ technique, after checking, was challenging to learn, so he would wait until he had learned the ninth kill of the ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills.

After thinking, he entered the legacy memory space again, preparing to select another technique to learn.

While browsing, he found that the later stages of all advanced techniques are linked to Laws.

This confirmed what Balala had said – the Universe’s essence is a combination of the Ten Major Laws.

“But what Law attribute do I possess exactly?”

Du Gang was somewhat curious, because he had never awakened any superpower before, hence he was interested in finding out which Laws he had an affinity to.

Unfortunately, there were no devices in Du Kang’s reserves capable of checking the affinity of the Laws.

So, if he wanted to check his affinity toward the Laws, he would have to go to a higher-level place.

At the very least, the Hidden Dragon Kingdom didn’t have such a thing.

Under normal circumstances, only individuals at the Stellar Level and above would comprehend the Laws.

He was currently at an unbeatable Satellite Level and halfway to the Planet Level, so he wasn’t too anxious.

After flipping through again, Du Gang stopped.

This aimless browsing made everything seem good to him.

“I should find something that I’m currently lacking! ” He thought silently, “I have the “Spear and Lance Nine Kills” as an attack method, and the “Stored-force Strike” for a burst method…’

Suddenly, his eyes sparkled, and he exclaimed: “I should choose a bodily technique!”

Indeed, he had seen bodily techniques in the inherited memories before, but he hadn’t paid much attention, because initially, he lacked attack methods.

Now, it’s different. He lacked a bodily technique that could match him.

Although he had gravity manipulation and could fly, he actually couldn’t do it with precision.

He could only go sweeping broadly in a certain direction, it was not feasible for him to make small changes.

After carefully reading a pile of secret manuscripts related to bodily techniques, Du Gang faced a dilemma.

He discovered a problem similar to when he was practicing boxing earlier – the bodily techniques were very profound and he didn’t understand them at all.

If he wanted to learn them, he would have to start from the simplest.

However, even the simplest bodily techniques were still at a very high level.

Suddenly, he discovered a bodily technique created by the same Ancient God who created the “Spear and Lance Nine Kills”.

“Skyward Nine Transformations!”

The name was very characteristic of the Ancient God, very simple. After thoroughly understanding it, he immediately gasped in admiration. “Such an Ancient God predecessor, he really is mighty!”

The only pity was that he did not know the name of this Ancient God.

In the memory of the Ancient Gods, there were no instances where they would call their own names.

And their enemies normally just called them Ancient God or Giants.

“Skyward Nine Transformations” was divided into nine layers, each layer exhibiting one kind of transformation!

In addition to the required step changes, once each transformation was mastered, one would comprehend a teleportation technique for ultra-long-distance flight.

For example, the first transformation of Skyward mainly practiced footwork and bodily techniques, which were generally used in battle.

However, the technique was not only that, once the first transformation was mastered, you would naturally comprehend the technique of flight!

The speed of the flight technique that was understood in the first transformation can reach 1,000 kilometers per second!!!

This meant that he only needed forty seconds to fly around the Earth once!

This speed was already very close to the fifth cosmic speed.

It also surpassed the speed of his previous gravitational flight by ten times!

“So, does this mean that if I learn the first transformation, not only will my bodily techniques increase, but my flying speed will also increase ten times?!”

One thousand kilometers per second, when converted into an hourly speed, reaches 3.6 million kilometers per hour. This means that his speed had reached the upper limit of an average E-grade spaceship.

The flying speed of an average E-grade spaceship was basically at the edge close to the fifth cosmic speed.

“So, after learning the first transformation, I can catch up with a flying

E-grade spaceship using only my flesh body?! !”

“I’ll learn it!”

After seeing this, Du Gang did not hesitate. He made up his mind to master these “Skyward Nine Transformations”!

He didn’t have any objections to the name either.

Because, the place where the Ancient God lived was quite exaggerated, the distance between the heaven and the earth had reached a height of 100,000 light-years.

The first transformation of the “Skyward Nine Transformations” consists of eighty-one steps, each containing eighty-one variations.

This meant, he needed to learn six thousand five hundred and sixty-one variations to thoroughly grasp the first transformation!

Looking at these steps, Du Gang couldn’t help but admire, the Ancient God was really low-key.

All these eighty-one kinds of steps were extremely profound.

Any kind of them could become a formidable technique on its own!

Yet, they were just the eighty-one variations in the first transformation of “Skyward Nine Transformations”!

“Take it slowly!”

Du Gang understood that this “Skyward Nine Transformations” was another massive project.

But he was not worried. After the previous cultivation, his mind had settled down.

Neither haughty nor impetuous!

After getting acquainted with all the steps in the first transformation of “Skyward Nine Transformations” , he left the memory inheritance space.

And he began to cultivate.

The first transformation included eighty-one kinds of steps. Each step was an independent existence.

Therefore, he needed to learn these steps first!

The first method of steps, although unnamed, he decided to call it the Bagua Step.

Because this step method was based on the principles of Bagua Theory.

Each direction had a different method, he needed to separate and combine them all to thoroughly grasp it.

This meant, he needed to comprehend eighty-eight and sixty-four different changes to completely grasp the first method of steps, Bagua Step!

Kan is north, Kun is southwest, Zhen is east, Sun is southeast, Qian is northwest, Dui is west, Gen is northeast, and Li is south.

Each direction represented a hexagram position.

He needed to combine these with the changes in the Bagua Step and merge them with spatial locations to reach the effects of step practice.

Just like that, he started cultivating according to the method of Bagua Step.

One month later.

“Qian One, Kan Two!”

Du Gang shouted, and his whole body moved quickly, changing rapidly as his mind conceived.

“Zhen Three, Gen Four!”

His body moved again, the gentle step landed exactly on the spot on the ground where he had drawn the Bagua array.

After continuously jumping to sixteen and sixty-four changes, he finally stopped.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Du Gang exhaled. “It’s really tough!”

Despite his words, his face overflowed with a smile.

After a month, he had finally made a start!

Yes, he has performed all the sixty-four changes once, learned them all, but this only represents his entry level!

Because, there is a bigger project waiting for him ahead.

The sixty-four changes are just fixed changes. Next, he needs to unravel them completely, separate them, and practice them in a different order.

That is to say, sixty-four changes can be further divided into four thousand and ninety-six changes!

He had to comprehend all these four thousand and ninety-six changes to be able to say that he had learned the first step, the Bagua Step!

However, once he thoroughly understood the fundamentals, it would be easier to apply the subsequent changes.

So, his progress was much faster than before.

Basically, maintaining a speed of sixty-four variations per day.

After sixty-four days, he successfully mastered four thousand and ninety-six different changes.

This meant that he had finally mastered the Bagua Step!

“After three months, I learned one of the sixty-four types of steps in the first transformation of ‘Skyward Nine Transformations!!”

Du Gang cheerfully said: “By this estimate, I will only need one hundred and ninety-two months to learn sixty-four steps. That’s sixteen years to learn the first transformation of ‘Skyward Nine Transformations’?!”

He was not surprised by this result, nor was he very confused.

Because, each of these steps is not simple, even if used singly, they can have a huge effect!

He glanced at the timer; he still had ten months to come out of seclusion. “So, can I comprehend three new types of steps more or less?”

Thinking of this, he didn’t waste a single moment, quickly went into the memory inheritance space, memorized all the contents of the second type of step, and then started practicing.

After ten months.

In the space of ten thousand square meters, Du Gang transformed into a phantom. One moment he was up, then down, then left, then right.

The entire three-dimensional space had become his field of operation.

His moves were unpredictable, and his footprints could not be traced!

You should know that he achieved this kind of level just with the physique of an ordinary person.

Once he fully unleashed his potential, the effect he could produce would be absolutely terrifying!

Just then, a voice suddenly came from above his head.

“Du Gang, time’s up. Come out.”

This was Barara’s voice!

As soon as Du Gang heard it, he quickly stopped. Immediately, countless phantoms behind him, like so many clones, returned into his body one after another.

“Has the time finally come?!”

Du Gang casually laughed.

This time, he was full of confidence in resolving the crisis on Earth!

Five years and five months, two thousand days and nights, forty-eight thousand hours, he didn’t rest for a moment.

He either cultivated, or cultivated, or still cultivated!

In the end, the results were very obvious!

Before activating the Time Rune, his Founder Zen was merely at the first level.

But now, his Founder Zen has reached the fourth level!

Similarly, the Ancient God Technique, which was originally at the first level, is now at the third level. Moreover, he had a feeling that it could break through to the fourth level at any moment!

Aside from that, the greatest gain was his mindset!

Only now, he finally had a true heart of a strong cultivator!

He could endure loneliness and focus on cultivating!

“Nine-layered Strength” has been completed and he was now able to release ten times his power!

He didn’t know the power of the first kill of “Spear and Lance Nine Kills” , as he hasn’t tested it yet, but from its understanding process, it could be seen that it is not simple!

“Stored-force Strike” not only learned to unite the man and the weapon, but even hid the Ancient Divine Spear in his ear, ready to exert force at any time, anywhere. After more than a year of storing up force, if he were to take it out, no one knew how powerful a strike could be released. But one could imagine it, and it was absolutely terrifying!

He only learned four types of steps in the first transformation of the “Skyward Nine Transformations” and he had a long way to go to fully master the first transformation. However, its power should not be underestimated.

Compared to before, his strength had taken a big leap!

“Reborn” wasn’t an overstatement!

He believed that he could win against a hundred or even a thousand of his past selves!

With a faint smile on his face, Du Gang left the Life Space.

“Hong Chong, here I come, hoping that you…. can withstand my first kill of

‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’!”

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