I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 143 - 143: 142: Focused Cultivation!

Chapter 143 - 143: 142: Focused Cultivation!

Translator: 549690339

The Time Rune was made from an unknown material, crystal clear throughout, three fingers wide, and five fingers long, with no writing on it.

Du Gang gave it a simple look-over, then quickly activated it.

Suddenly, the Time Rune floated up, suspending itself in mid-air, a vast force enveloped the entire space.

Seeing this, he quickly took out a timer and started it.

Although he had been told about time by others, he should not completely lose his sense of it.

After making all the preparations, he then sat on the cushion left in the center of the space and began to meditate.

In his mind, the memories from the Ancient God’s legacy were numerous. Even with the Soul of the Ancient God, it was a huge task to thoroughly peruse them.

Therefore, he was not attracted by high-level methods and secrets. Instead, he started from the basics.

The first thing he found was related to the Sky-breaking Strike technique that Du Kang cultivated.

From the introduction, he understood that this was a simple yet violent battle skill.

It was created by an Ancient God from the past and can be used in combination with the Ancient God Spear.

This battle skill had five levels in total. The first level used the means of conception.

The second level used laws to attack.

The third level could break through any Domain with one strike.

For the latter two levels, Du Gang found that he couldn’t even comprehend them. They were extremely obscure, and he forgot them as soon as he read them.

He understood instantly that the later materials were too advanced. He was not capable of understanding them at this point, so this was the memory of the legacy protecting him.

The Sky-breaking Strike seemed to be perfect for cultivation by the Ancient God, but he was not in a hurry.

He wanted to find a skill that he could learn within five years and then use it to resolve Earth’s crisis.

After some searching, he finally found a skill he wanted.

At first glance, the ‘Stored-force Strike’ seemed pretty common, like a generic technique.

But then he thought, this was an Ancient God’s legacy memory. Could anything recorded here be simple?

The ‘Stored-force Strike’ could store power in one’s weapon through a special method. The longer the power was stored, the greater the power released…

Quickly, Du Gang conjured the Ancient God’s Spear and began to cultivate using this method.

He initially found it straightforward, just storing power. However, when he really started cultivating it, he found that the most challenging aspect was not the actual storing of power, but understanding the concept behind it.

He was not able to accumulate power onto his weapon as the skill described.

There was an additional line in the description of this battle skill.

To achieve this battle skill, one must first reach the state of unity between man and weapon!

Du Gang was confused, “What does unity between man and weapon mean?”

He understood each word individually. Why did he not understand when they were put together?

Was he supposed to fuse with the Ancient God Spear?

After trying to cultivate for a week, he stopped, his mood a bit chaotic.

Initially, he was confident that he could understand the laws within five years before coming here. But now, he was filled with despair. He had no understanding of unity between man and weapon.


Du Gang took a few deep breaths, calming his mind and spoke to himself slowly.

“Du Gang, your power came too easily. These are the powers the Ancient God gave you, not something you cultivated yourself, so this is why you have no understanding of power!” “But are you just going to give up like this?”

“No, I won’t give up!”

His mindset gradually stabilized.

Based on what he learned here and from Balala, he roughly understood what existence the Ancient God was.

High aptitude, high starting point, as long as they kept consuming resources, they would keep improving their cultivation!

No bottlenecks, no other miscellaneous issues. For them, they just need to keep consuming, they could eventually reach eternity!

However, this approach had one downside, that was too much reliance on their body and the Ancient God.

Du Kang’s partial memory was also in the heritage memory. He skimmed it and saw all the battles were just one spear hit kills.

No other skills, regardless of the enemy, he would only shoot one spear.

If he could win, he would stay. If he couldn’t, he would run away with Balala.

Before this, he thought Du Kang’s memory was very majestic, but after carefully looking through the legacy memory, he finally understood that there are many choices in this world.

Giving up relying on the Ancient God Spear, and relying on the body, might also be a choice.

Du Gang asked himself if he did not have the Ancient God’s body right now, what would he have?

The answer is, nothing!

This power came easily and wasn’t something he cultivated himself. “Starting from the basics, I need to understand what power truly is!” After he figured it out, Du Gang started going through the memory again.

This time, he only looked for the basics.

Eventually, in a very inconspicuous corner of the heritage memory, Du Gang found a book called ‘Detailed Explanation of Power’.

The contents were similar to what coach Wang Hu taught him about Hidden Strength and Obvious Strength, but it was more comprehensive and rich.

From multiple perspectives such as body, power, weapon, speed, etc., it explained the true essence of power.

In addition, behind this Detailed Explanation of Power, there was a martial skill attached.

‘Nine-layered Strength’, which could stack up one’s own power and release it all at once.

The first layer could release an additional strike, creating the effect of a double-powered attack.

The second layer could release two extra strikes, creating the effect of a

Up to the ninth layer, one could release nine extra strikes. Along with one’s original power, they could release ten times the power.

Most importantly, this skill was a secret technique for stacking power. The method of releasing power could be attached to any technique or situation.

For instance, it could be released when fighting hand to hand or even when using a weapon.

However, during practice, it was understood through the form of punching.

Du Gang did not belittle this unpretentious secret book. Instead, he earnestly memorized every word within it before leaving the legacy memory space.

Without any pause, he began practicing swiftly in his Life Space.

Luckily, with the foundation that Wang Hu had taught him, he more or less knew some techniques of force release. Therefore, in no time, he had memorized the entire set of boxing techniques that he had been practicing, and was able to execute them correctly.

However, without rushing into practicing the strength trails, he took two more days to go over the whole boxing technique until they were all well-established. Only then did he finally begin to cultivate the first level of the Nine-layered Strength.

In the first level of Nine-layered Strength, there are nine boxing techniques. As long as he could fully execute these nine techniques in succession, he would be considered to have grasped the first level.

“Is it really that simple?”

Looking at the instructions, Du Gang was somewhat surprised, for the techniques didn’t seem that difficult.

“I should try it out!”

Du Gang quickly steadied himself and began recalling the first-level techniques. At the same time, he isolated all his Ancient God power, solely relying on a normal human’s strength to start practicing.


As soon as he threw the first punch, he found himself incapable of throwing the second.

‘What’s going on?”

Du Gang immediately stopped. The first punch went out very smoothly, but when trying to combine the punches to release the second, he experienced a very strange feeling that prevented him from exerting force successfully.

“It’s not as simple as I thought!”

Realizing that the second punch was this difficult, Du Gang didn’t give up. Instead, he adjusted his attitude again and began to practice each punch one by one.

After practicing day and night, he still had gained nothing.


Du Gang kicked out and hit the giant tree.

“Darn it! How can I throw the second punch?!”

He was slightly uncomfortable, a whole day had passed and he was still clueless. Could it be that his comprehension was really that poor?

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

After venting his frustration on the tree with a few consecutive punches, he finally took a break.

Looking at the timer, nearly ten days had passed. This made him feel both frustrated and annoyed.

Then, he remembered what was mentioned in “Nine-layered Strength” about instincts being solid foundations, adept skills, and ultimately, becoming second nature.

“Do I have a solid foundation?”

He shook his head. He was totally mismatched with his body’s strength.

Lowering his expectations, Du Gung once again revisited the contents of the “Nine-layered Strength” in his mind.

The Nine-layered Strength had nine levels, with nine punches in each level, totaling to eighty-one punches.

If he could comprehend all of the punches, then his Nine-layered Strength would be perfected, and each time he exerted strength, he could stack up to ten times his power.

“Have these eighty-one punches become my instinct?”

He shook his head again. There had been no progress on this. He had only practiced the first nine punches of the first level, and not as proficiently as he had imagined.

“If that’s the case, I should perfect the execution of all eighty-one punches!”

Du Gang may not understand cultivation, but he knew that without effort, there would be no results.

Being anxious wouldn’t help now. The only thing he could do was to continue practicing slowly.

Such clear understanding made him feel a little more relieved.

His eyes, which occasionally glanced at the timer, no longer did so.

Thus, he embarked on his training again. This time, he didn’t aim to execute moves in succession. Instead, he focused on practicing one punch at a time, slowly and steadily.

In this way, another ten days passed. He could still only throw one punch, but something was different.

Before, he thought that this one punch was simply about throwing his fist out.

However, in the past ten days, he found that moving his body along with his punch would slightly enhance the power of his punch.

He was very pleased with this change, and included the movement of his body into the boxing techniques.

After another ten days, his understanding of this punch deepened significantly.


With just a bit of strength, he punched out and a sonic boom resounded. He understood that he had gained a deeper grasp of this punch. “Should I practice the second punch now?”

No sooner had he had this thought than he suppressed it.

“If I haven’t fully understood the first punch, how can I practice the second one?”

He was determined that he needed to completely grasp all aspects of this first punch before practicing the second one.

Another ten days passed.

This time, not only could he make a sonic boom in the air, he also produced the sound of a sonic barrier breaking, which was a more terrifying level.

He was certain that the force he exerted was exactly the same as before, and had not increased at all. However, the attacking power was several times that of before.

“Should I practice the second punch now?!”

Seeing such an effect, Du Gang felt a little proud. After all, without the Ancient God body, he was nothing. Yet, he had managed to create such a miraculous effect with the power of an ordinary human. “Have I truly mastered this punch?”

Du Gang questioned himself again.

This was a method he devised to deal with his impatient tendencies.

“Perhaps, I should practice more and see if I can reveal more effects of this punch!”

With this in mind, he began to practice again.

This time, he practiced for a whole month.

The progress made in this month was barely equivalent to what he had achieved in the previous ten days.

Every time, he thought he was in the best stance and in the best position to release his strength. However, after relentless practice, he could always find a more perfect state.

This time, when he finished practicing, he didn’t question himself about whether to practice the second punch. Instead, he continued with the first punch practice.

“Bang!” “Thud, thud!”

“Bang, bang, bang!”

This time, like he’s possessed, he ceaselessly practices the first punch. Even if this punch is already perfect and without fault, he keeps practicing.

In this manner, time flew by, and after practicing relentlessly for a year, he finally takes a pause.

This time, a faint smile hangs from the corner of his mouth.

“To practice boxing is to practice the heart!”

A year of practicing martial arts had brought him a lot of enlightenment.

Some about strength, some about the body, but he felt the greatest accomplishment was in mindset!

Before this, he was very impatient. After one failed attempt, he would consider himself incapable.

But now, he is very calm and can see clearly the truth of things, which is the real wisdom.

“Now, I can practice the second punch!”

This time, he doesn’t question his heart, but confidently voices this sentence.

Because, he has truly, completely mastered the first punch!

The moment he started practicing the second punch, he constantly adjusted his body, searching for the best way to throw the punch.

This time, it was different from the first punch. Many techniques from the first punch could no longer be applied to the second one. But, he wasn’t in a hurry, instead, he quietly began practicing.

One punch, two punches, three punches!

Every day he threw at least a million punches, and in this way, after a whole month, he threw a total of 30 million punches, and completely mastered the second punch.

Just like before, instead of self-doubt, he confidently began the third punch!

This time, he was even quicker than the second punch. He mastered the third punch in just one week!

Then came the fourth, fifth punches each taking three days and two days respectively.

The subsequent sixth to eighth punches were even more incredible. He mastered one punch each day. In three days, he completely learned them!

But once he reached the ninth punch, he stopped and didn’t rush into action.

Just like that, standing silently on the ground, his eyes half closed, endlessly simulating the ninth punch in his mind.

After standing for about an hour, Du Gang suddenly burst into laughter.

“Hahaha! ”

“So that’s how it is!”

His eyes suddenly opened, and in an instant, a brilliant light flashed out in all directions. Then his entire body moved like a swimming dragon, shifting with each punch.

“Swipe, swipe, swipe!”

Endless continuity, one punch after another, a total of eight punches were thrown out. When he reached the ninth punch, he suddenly stood still, a smile on his mouth, looking into the void, slowly raising his hand, and gently punched out.

“Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang…”

This punch, though it seemed light, contained an infinite amount of power. As the punch was thrown, not only did the air keep bursting, even the entire air was suppressed, almost solidifying. Then, he finally threw out this last punch.


With a crisp sound, the punch was over!

This time, it seemed less powerful, but in truth, the real killing intent was even stronger.

This punch had reached another realm!

Returning to simplicity!

One year and three months, Nine-layered Strength first layer is complete!

He has also fully learned how to unleash double attack power!

Now, it’s not just limited to boxing anymore.

Because, at the deepest level of boxing, there is the unveiling of the mystery.

He has already understood the essence of power, the origin of the overlay.

At this moment, even if he took out any weapon, he could strike it out with double the power.

“Time to practice the second layer!”

This time, he still maintained the mindset he had when practicing the first layer of boxing, not arrogant nor impatient, suppressing the power of the

Ancient God, and started to train his body slowly just like an ordinary person.

A month later, he casually stood on the ground, threw a punch, and two muffled sounds came through the air.

“Second layer complete!”

Afterwards, the subsequent boxing moves seemed to have lost all their difficulty.

With one layer per month, he thoroughly understood the Nine-layered Strength in just seven months.

“Thud, thud, thud…’

Nine continuous muffled sounds later, he had demonstrated the Nine-layered Strength once through.

At the same time, his boxing moves suddenly carried a strange rhythm.

Du Gang understood, this was boxing intent!

Mastering the truth of the punch to its extreme, then boxing intent would naturally emerge.

However, he understood that his future path was still far.

Behind the boxing intent, there is a long journey, but now he is no longer in a state of confusion. He has a very thorough understanding and recognition of power, martial arts, cultivation, and even his body.

By now, two years had passed since he entered the life space.

More miraculously, as he calmly progressed his state of mind, the level of his Essence Suppressing Technique continuously increased.

When he unleashed his boxing intent, the Essence Suppressing Technique reached the third level.

This meant he was now capable of ignoring any mental attacks from satellite-level powerhouses.

Apart from this, his Ancient God Technique naturally broke through to the second layer.

This meant he was now capable of personally killing comet-level powerhouses!

“Now, it’s time to learn the Stored-force Strike!”

This time, Du Gang, full of confidence, revisited the Stored-force Strike technique.

However, after he finished reading through the Stored-force Strike completely, his brows were tightly furrowed.

When he first saw it, he thought the Stored-force Strike was very simple, just storing force.

But now, looking at it again, he felt it was extremely complex.

Because, he now understood the theory of fist techniques and the profundity of strength.

After comprehending the truth, looking at this technique again, he felt like he was facing too many problems and they were extremely difficult, even making him feel clueless about where to start. “But, this makes it even more interesting, doesn’t it?”

A faint smile emerged on Du Gang’s face.

This boxing training not only improved his strength by a lot, but also made his state of mind stronger.

Furthermore, he seemed to enjoy cultivation more.

For these difficult problems, he not only didn’t resist or feel despair but even adopted the mindset he had once as a top student.

He felt an impulse to dive in eagerly and experience the mysteries within.

“Excellent, let’s begin now!”

Pleased with his current state, he nodded silently, returned to his Life Space, and began practicing the Stored-force Strike.

Stored-force Strike.

In Du Gang’s view, there were several main difficulties.

Firstly, transmitting the force of his body into the weapon steadily to store it.

Secondly, once stored, keeping it from escaping.

According to the secret manual, the upper limit of stored force is related to the weapon’s rank.

The higher the weapon’s rank, the higher the limit of force that can be stored.

He wasn’t worried about this however, because the Ancient God Spear was a divine tool. Unless he stored enough force to deliver a Divine Strike, it was impossible to break.

The third point was to continuously store strength day and night!

Actually, the force stored in the weapon each time wasn’t much.

Hence, he needed to constantly store force inside.

Among these three points, the hardest one for Du Gang was the first one, harmony between man and weapon.

He had some Clear Enlightenment on fist techniques and had grasped the intention, but he had no understanding of weapons. The Ancient God Spear felt like a mere tool to him.

“Perhaps, I should find a spear technique?”

Du Gang pondered for a moment, and according to the logic from the theory and intent of fist techniques, spear techniques can also be comprehended from the spear itself.

With this thought in mind, he quickly entered the memory inheritance space and started to look for it.

Sky-breaking Strike was the first one to be rejected by him.

This secret technique wasn’t suitable for understanding the true intent of a spear.

A spear was actually the same as a lance, the only difference was that a spear shaft is very rigid, and the spear point is a triangular direct stabbing shape.

The nature was the same. The spear could also use lance techniques, and more importantly, it could be thrown!

Based on this, Du Gang searched for a long time, and didn’t find the so-called spear techniques. Ultimately, he found a skill associated with the spear in a technique called “Spear and Lance Nine Kills.”

After careful study, he discovered that this so-called “Spear and Lance Nine Kills” was actually created by a former Ancient God.

The first eight kills did not leave the spear, the lance did not leave the hand. In his understanding, in the hand of the Ancient God Spear, it was a lance, which could use lance techniques.

Once thrown, it could act as a spear, and spear techniques could be used, that was the last kill.

The first eight kills were lance techniques, the ninth kill was a spear technique.

At the same time, he also found that the ninth kill seemed very similar to the

Sky-breaking Strike.

However, it seemed less powerful than the Sky-breaking Strike.

He instantly understood why so many Ancient Gods over the years have not used this technique.

It was because the ninth kill wasn’t as strong as the Sky-breaking Strike, so those muscle-brained Ancient Gods looked down on this technique.

When he was flipping through the Ancient God memories, out of ten Ancient Gods, at least eight of them only knew the Sky-breaking Strike as an attacking technique…

Of course, their level of Sky-breaking Strike was very high, even reaching a level that could instantly kill opponents of higher ranks.

Regrettably, Du Kang didn’t master the Sky-breaking Strike. He didn’t achieve the Stellar Level instant kill of a Universe Level opponent.

It wasn’t that Du Kang was weak, but that his enemies knew him too well, not only did they poison him in advance, making him unable to utilize his full strength, but they also found a defensive artifact with immense power.

This led to Du Kang’s fatal injury and eventual death.

Otherwise, with the talent and body of the Ancient Gods, ordinary races stood no chance!

After thoroughly understanding the Spear and Lance Nine Kills, Du Gang made up his mind to learn this technique.

Because to learn the harmony between man and weapon, he must understand the real power of the spear.

And if he only knows how to throw the spear, he will never comprehend the true intent of the spear in his lifetime.

Therefore, after memorizing the “Spear and Lance Nine Kills”, he started practicing.

And the weapon he used for practice was the Ancient God Spear.

In “Spear and Lance Nine Kills” , other than the ninth kill which only has one throwing action, each of the other eight kills contains nine moves.

Eight kills all add up to seventy-two moves!

According to the technique’s introduction, at the beginning of practice, each kill is made up of nine moves. As understanding deepens, the number of moves for each kill will reduce.

This meant that the nine moves of each kill were provided by the creator of the technique.

The users would then combine them according to their understanding.

Reducing a move in each kill equated to progressing a level.

Only when each kill has only one move, is it considered fully mastered!

What’s even more interesting is that, if the first kill isn’t mastered, the second kill cannot be comprehended.

Each kill is progressive and contains different profundities!


Du Gang’s eyes were filled with desire, he was very interested in things that obviously held great depth.

Without hesitation, he quickly threw himself into the understanding of “Spear

and Lance Nine Kills”..

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