I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 145 - 144: Cosmic Fireworks!

Chapter 145: Chapter 144: Cosmic Fireworks!

Translator: 549690339

Earth Alliance.

In the span of two days, significant turbulence has unfolded here.

Chu Zixuan, inheriting the will of the older generation of leaders, did not look out solely for himself, but placed his whole heart and soul on the people.

He gathered all the gifted young people on Earth and sent them onto the spaceships.

Over a hundred spaceships in total, carrying nearly a hundred thousand people, fled the Earth, flying towards space in the opposite direction of Tuoba’s fleet.

Chu Zixuan didn’t leave, Madame Merlin didn’t leave, the Shadow King didn’t leave. Beyond that, eight of the publicly known Meteorite Level individuals didn’t leave, and four hidden Meteorite Level individuals also stayed. Among these people included Chu Zixuan’s eldest son!

All the civilians were relocated to underground air-raid shelters.

Fortunately, Earthlings, having experienced several nuclear explosions, had an obsession with building air raid shelters.

Over a century, they had been renovated several times, with the shallowest shelter reaching a depth of a hundred meters underground, and the deepest even reaching two hundred meters!

“My lord, do you think, Du Gang will come?”

In the Earth Alliance headquarters, Madame Merlin held Chu Zixuan’s hand, asking softly.

Chu Zixuan gently looked at her and laughed: “Rest assured, if he said he would come back, then he would definitely come back!”

Although he only had contact with Du Gang for a short time, he understood him well.

A guy who appeared cold-blooded, but in reality had a warm heart.

Madame Merlin slowly leaned her head against Chu Zixuan’s shoulder.

At this moment, Chu Zixuan’s shadow suddenly stood up, whispering, “He’s here!”

Madame Merlin was speechless, her husband, who was almost perfect, had just one flaw, he liked to hide people in his shadow.

Although it is a man. she always felt a sense of discomfort in her heart

Especially when they were being intimate, she couldn’t help but ask, “Is there anyone in your shadow?”

Chu Zixuan didn’t care what she thought and exhaled deeply, saying, “Let’s go, to the satellite base!”

With that said, the three of them, along with others, mounted a flying vehicle and headed off to the satellite base.

In the starry sky near Mars, at this moment, tens of thousands of warships were flying past.

The largest among those ships, a ship about ten kilometers long, was the one that Tuoba Hong and his men were aboard.

“Dammit, wasted two days of my time. After arriving on Earth, I’ll massacre every last one of them…”

Hong Chong sat at the head of the ship, cursing under his breath, accompanied by two female warriors sitting next to him.

Below him were his three Planet Level subordinates and Tuoba Hong, who was also of Planet Level.

Tuoba Hong had an uneasy feeling in his heart but didn’t know where it was coming from.

He worriedly asked: “The Ancient God hasn’t appeared for two days, do you think he might bring some reinforcements?!”

From Hong Chong’s mouth, he learned that the Ancient God was a very powerful species in some universes, so he was a bit afraid that the other party’s elders would come knocking on their door.


Hong Chong chuckled coldly, “If it were a few tens of millions of years ago, the

Ancient God might have been quite powerful, but now, he is just a fart!”

In truth, he didn’t really understand what race the Ancient God was, only that some people from the Silver Heart mentioned that the Ancient God was a fallen species from the center of the universe that fled to the Milky Way Galaxy.

But in front of his subordinates, of course, he couldn’t show signs of fear. He laughed lightly, “The Milky Way Empire is hunting the Ancient God too. Where do you think he could go to get reinforcements?”

Tuoba Hong’s eyes narrowed slightly as he finally understood the value of the Ancient God.

Being hunted by the Milky Way Empire, he must be no simple matter!

This also explained why Hong Chong had to go to such great lengths to do this.

The Milky Way Empire must have offered a reward that he simply could not refuse!

Hong Chong did not want to discuss the Milky Way Empire anymore, and quickly asked, “How much longer until we arrive?”

“Two hours!”

“Increase the speed!”

Over two hundred light-years away from the wasteland star domain, the Ancient God’s ship was anchored alone in the desolate universe.

“Contact Earth and ask them to disable the jammer…”

After coming out, Du Gang promptly issued an order.

Soon, Chu Zixuan on Earth responded through the communication screen.

“Du Gang, are you sure it’s safe?” Although Chu Zixuan was also waiting for Du Gang’s call, he asked with concern.

Du Gang laughed: “No problem, just find a location that’s a bit farther from Earth to deactivate the jammer, preferably right in front of the enemy’s positions!”

“I see… be careful!”

Echoing Du Gang’s straightforward manner, the communication was quickly made. Soon after, they said “We’ve located the node on Earth, shall we go

directly there?” “Jump there!”

“Yes, sir!”

A second later, the Ancient God ship disappeared instantly.

The next time they appeared, they were already in front of a vast sea of steel.

Chu Zixuan was true to his word and deactivated the jammer a few million kilometers away from Earth.

The moment they appeared, the fleet, originally flying towards Earth, suddenly halted.

Soon, a ten-kilometer-long spaceship flew up and confronted the Ancient God ship from afar.

“Lord, are we boarding?”

Tuoba Hong looked at the Ancient God ship, which was almost within reach, and asked.

Hong Chong furrowed his eyebrows, “Where did they get the audacity to jump right in front of us?”

“Could it be… not the Ancient God?”

“Yes, could it be someone else?”

Just then, a man floated down from the Ancient God’s ship.

Everyone immediately looked over and it was indeed Du Gang.

In the cosmic space, Du Gang stood in the vacuum, looking at the tens of thousands of warships right in front of him emotionlessly, using his Mental Power to transmit a message: “Hong Chong, aren’t you looking for me? I am here, where are you?!”

This kind of Mental Power transmission could usually only be received by other powerful beings who also possessed Mental Power.

Aside from Hong Chong, only the other four Planet Level powerhouses could receive this message.

“How audacious!”

Tuoba Hong sneered, looking at Hong Chong.

Although Hong Chong was puzzled as to why the Ancient God would dare to come to him, he nodded and said solemnly, “Let’s go, let’s meet him.”

Could it be that the Ancient God has leveled up in these two days? Impossible!

Swiftly, the four men jumped off the spaceship, facing off against Du Gang from a distance.

At the same time, tens of thousands of other warships surrounded them, creating a barrier between the two sides.

The standoff lasted a full three seconds.

Seeing that Hong Chong didn’t seem interested in speaking, Tuoba Hong immediately addressed Du Gang, “Du Gang, you dare to show your face after you destroyed my Tuoba star system, wreaked havoc on my Tuoba family…”

At this point, Hong Chong waved his hand, interrupting Tuoba Hong’s words.

In a deep voice, he asked, “Ancient God, you’ve been avoiding us so far. Why have you suddenly appeared here today?”

Du Gang replied calmly, “Why have you come?”

Seeing his calmness, Hong Chong’s eyebrows knitted together. Such an attitude from his enemy surely meant something was amiss.

Ignoring what Du Gang had said, he nodded slightly at one of his satellite level subordinates, hinting him to probe the situation.

The satellite-level subordinate flew out and boldly declared, “I am Zhao Zihao from Tang Mountain. Ancient God, do you dare to duel with me?”

Du Gang watched as the man lept forward holding a long spear, he broke into a smile then, leaping forward a distance, beckoned the challenger with a wave.


Without a shred of hesitation, Zhao Zihao pulled out his long spear and hurled it towards Du Gang.

After shouting, Zhao Zihao’s spear came to life, transforming into a dragon in an instant, and charged at Du Gang.

“All show and no go!”

With a cold chuckle, Du Gang didn’t move , holding up his Worries Relief Spear, and swiftly aimed at one point in the void.

“Clang! ”

In an instant, the snarling dragon shimmered back into its original form: the long spear.

Seeing this, Du Gang flicked his own spear upwards and the long spear was sent flying straight away.

Zhao Zihao quickly flew by, catching the long spear. However, a hint of solemnity could now be seen in his eyes.

“The second move of the Overbearing Spear Technique!”

Determined, he used an even more powerful spear technique.

This time, Du Gang didn’t just simply flick the spear away but charged forth, clashing with his opponent.

This was the first time he was combating an enemy armed with a spear. He wanted to see exactly what this adversary was capable of. The two of them then began a fierce duel in the midst of the cosmos.

“He hasn’t transformed?!”

From the sidelines, Hong Chong expressed his astonishment.

Aren’t Ancient Gods supposed to fight with their bodies?

How can he have this level of ability without even transforming?!

The other three satellite-level warriors were also watching very intently at this moment.

They had originally thought of Du Gang as a ‘fancy head with little inside’ , pleasing to the eye but lacking real substance.

However, contrary to their expectations, Du Gang was fighting evenly with Zhao Zihao.

Zhao Zihao was not to be underestimated among them, yet he was now engaged in a fierce battle!!

In the arena.

Zhao Zihao’s speed and spear skills were getting stronger and faster.

But Du Gang was not falling behind. He was matching his opponent’s speed without deploying any heavy technique, he was simply answering blow for blow.

This technique left Zhao Zihao completely at a loss.

Although it seemed like they were evenly matched, Zhao Zihao knew better.

While he had deployed his secret techniques in the fight with Du Gang, his opponent was merely countering his attacks with the most basic moves.

The difficulty level was enormous because it indicated that his enemy was far superior to him!

However, Zhao Zihao was now finding it hard to disengage.

Although Du Gang’s moves were basic, his offensive prowess was exceptional, leaving Zhao Zihao no chance for respite.

If he stopped, he would most certainly be decapitated!

Damn it!

Zhao Zihao cursed under his breath, he rapidly deployed his strongest technique.

“Overbearing Universe!”

This was his most powerful technique at this stage, and it also happened to be the Tang Mountain Zhao family’s unique move!

In an instant, his spear technique, which was already incredibly fast, further doubled in speed, charging towards Du Gang.

Furthermore, his entire spear began to emanate a silvery-green light, its

power was awe-inspiring.


Du Gang’s eyes lit up. He quickly mobilized his divine power and launched the first kill of the Spear and Lance Nine Kills!


With a loud shout, the silver spear shattered, blood marks were splattered across the cosmos.

Looking at Zhao Zihao, a bowl-sized hole could now be seen in the center of his forehead.

“What…what’s the name of that move?” Despite being on the verge of death, Zhao Zihao’s eyes sparkled with an indescribable light as he posed the question.

Watching Zhao Zihao’s eagerness to understand his spear technique even at the brink of death, Du Gang felt a sense of respect. He solemnly replied, “That was the first kill of the Spear and Lance Nine Kills!”

“Spear and Lance Nine Kills…”

As Zhao Zihao muttered these words, he slowly breathed his last. After a while, his whole body was frozen into a block of ice by the extreme cold of the cosmos.

“A worthy adversary!”

Seeing this, Du Gang stretched out a hand towards the dead body and quickly blasted out a palm strike.

In an instant, the ice-encased corpse exploded into fragments of light, which dissipated into the cosmos.

“How is this possible?”

From a distance, Tuoba Hong and others were utterly shocked.

“They were fighting so intensely, seemingly evenly matched, how did Zhao Zihao suddenly lose?”

Hong Chong, however, was deep in thought.

Based on Du Gang’s current display of strength, he didn’t seem to be much of a match for him. But the problem was, Du Gang hadn’t transformed yet. If he did, would he become even stronger? He didn’t know!

“MO Shan, you’re next!”

He nominated another satellite level warrior to go and probe Du Gang’s strength.

MO Shan was the only one among the satellite-level warriors who wore no expression on his face.

This was partly because of his cold and ruthless nature.

On the other hand, he was very confident in his strength, and showed no regard for Zhao Zihao’s death!

“Mountain Demon…”

Tuoba Hong sighed in relief. Although he didn’t have much interaction with the Mountain Demon, he knew him as Hong Chong’s number one general, his strength was not to be underestimated!

Mountain Demon, at more than five meters tall, now stood in front of Du Gang like a small mountain, holding a mace larger than his own body. He calmly stated: “I’m not like Zhao Zihao, I’m stronger. Also, I like to eat the body of those I kill. If you have any last words, say it now…”

This was his tactic, to intimidate his opponents before battle, with the aim of affecting their fighting prowess.

Although tall, he wasn’t stupid, he understood that Du Gang was a powerful adversary, and thus opted for psychological warfare.

Du Gang chuckled – this was the first time he had met an opponent taller than he was.

Should he transform?


He didn’t want to transform just yet, because once he did, he would have to use the Ancient Divine Spear.

Instead, he wanted to rely on his current form to battle against his enemy. Moreover, he still had many tricks up his sleeve that he had yet to use.

Seeing Du Gang remain silent, the Mountain Demon thought his intimidation had worked. He swiftly leapt into action, raising his mace to strike at Du Gang.

“Block! ”

Du Gang could have avoided the attack by using the Bagua Step, but he wanted to test the blocking capacity of his newly learned spear technique. He managed to block the attack while simultaneously diverting the impact.


The mace, being bigger and steadier, caused Du Gang’s Worries Relief Spear to retreat slightly.

What a perfect opportunity!

A light flashed in the Mountain Demon’s eyes as he quickly took advantage of the situation. He once again raised his mace and aggressively struck down at Du Gang.

Du Gang chuckled, the Bagua Step was activated instantaneously. He seemed to have multiplied, leaving numerous after-images trailing behind, and in the blink of an eye, reached the back of the Mountain Demon, piercing him with his spear.


His spear hit the back of the Mountain Demon!


Enraged, the Mountain Demon turned around instantly and bellowed, “Transform ! ”

Du Gang: Huh?

The next moment, the Mountain Demon’s body swelled. In an instant, he grew from his original five-meter height to about ten meters.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The two immediately became engaged in intense combat.

Although the Mountain Demon grew in size, he still could not completely suppress Du Gang. At the moment, their fight was in a stalemate.

After about three hundred rounds of fighting, Du Gang shook his head and flatly stated, “You’re too weak!”

Originally, he just wanted to try out his moves against his opponent. However, the Mountain Demon only used brute force without any technique, which made the fight dull for Du Gang.

“Let’s end this match!”

Upon hearing this, a flicker of fear ran through Mountain Demon’s eyes. Du Gang’s deep shout cut through the air before he could make his retreat.

“Nine-layered Strength!”


Following another collision, the head of the Mountain Demon instantly exploded, turning into a cloud of blood and disappearing.

As it turns out, Du Gang applied Nine-layered Strength and activated Bagua Step at the last moment, effortlessly securing his victory.

Gazing at the three men standing in the distance, he loudly exclaimed, ‘Who’s next?!”

Immediately, a strong wave of mental energy radiated from his surroundings, spreading in all directions.

Under its impact, Tuoba Hong and the others couldn’t help but take a step back.

But the countless individuals inside the nearby warships were not so lucky. At that moment, they all had splitting headaches, were holding their heads and screaming in agony, rolling on the floor.

“Mental deterrence!”

Hong Chong was horrified. This mental deterrence was an ability only Planet

Level or above Dowerhouses could unleash,

Moreover, it was only achievable by those who specialized in Mental Power.

The problem was, the Ancient God, who was known to specialize in physical strength, was able to unleash this Mental Power disruption!

This suggested that the Ancient God was much stronger than he had ever imagined!

“Tuoba Hong, your turn!”

Upon hearing this, Tuoba Hong turned sharply to look at Hong Chong. Seeing the warning in his eyes, a sense of sadness washed over him.

The worst and most regretful decision he had made in his life, was reporting the information on the giant to Hong Chong!

If he could go back in time…

He would choose to turn a blind eye!

Although he thought this in his mind, his body did not hesitate and slowly flew in front of Du Gang.

At that moment, he was pondering how he could possibly survive this. The Mountain Demon, who was so strong, had also fallen at the hands of the enemy.

Clearly, Du Gang was much stronger than he was!

In such a situation, he could only use the secret arts of his lifetime!

“Fish dies, net breaks!”

Right off the bat, he launched a deadly move, hoping to kill Du Gang in one strike.

Unfortunately, Du Gang would obviously not be defeated so easily!

Instantly activating the Bagua Step, he dodged the deadly attack while wielding the Worries Relief Spear, striking from the flank.

Perfect opportunity!

Just then, Hong Chong, who was observing the battle from afar, made his move.

In his first move, he pulled out the strongest weapon he had, the Destroying Heaven Fist Cover!

Simultaneously, he used the Destroying Heaven Fist Method, aiming straight for Du Gang’s back.

“A sneak attack?”

The moment he moved, Du Gang sensed his maneuver as if he had eyes at the back of his head. “Nine-layered Strength!”

“First Kill!” “Fist Intent”

“Spear Intent”

At this moment, besides transformation and the [Stored-force Strike], he brought out all his means.

He wanted to see whether he could withstand the strike of a planet-level strongman with his satellite-level means. In a flash, the spear and the fist cover collided.

“Boom Boom Boom!”

A visible transparent shock wave was suddenly born, and as soon as it appeared, it spread in all directions.

“Boom Boom Boom!”

The first-row spectating battleships were all hit by the aftermath of the shockwave and exploded into cosmic debris.

This situation immediately jolted the spacecrafts behind, who hastily kept their distance.

Fortunately, although the shockwave was powerful, it did not spread too far and disappeared quickly into the universe.

In the explosion center, Hong Chong remained unmoved, but Du Gang fell back

three steps after the strike!

“Just this much!”

Du Gang scoffed.

At this point, Hong Chong moved again. He took out something similar to a drop of blood from his bosom and threw it at Du Gang, clenching his fist and launching another punch.

“Destroying Heaven Fist! !

This time, he unleashed a punch that was stronger than before, even four to five times stronger.

What’s more, the blood droplet he threw was giving off a glow. Even on it, there was a mysterious charm, a force of laws, wandering around.

Just when Hong Chong thought the match was almost won, a sigh was heard from the opposite side.

At the same time, another chilling voice rang from there.


The next moment, a giant ten thousand meters tall appeared.

The moment he grew taller, he stretched out one hand towards his ear and dug into it.

Immediately, an embroidery needle was pulled out,

“Grow grow grow!”

A rapid chanting sound rang out, and the embroidery needle immediately grew to sixteen thousand one hundred and eighty meters long.

“Stored-force Strike!”

As a deafening thunderclap sounded, the five-thousand-meter long Ancient Divine Spear was thrown straight at Hong Chong.

In an instant, the surrounding space was torn apart, and space cracks appeared in reality.

“Space cracks?”

Hong Chong’s eyes were about to bulge out. Although he didn’t know the power of Du Gang’s strike, the fact that it could tear space showed that it was a terrifying attack.

At this moment, he pulled out one defensive equipment after another from his bosom, activated them as if money was no object.


Finally, the two collided.


An impact wave, powerful enough to destroy the world, spread quickly with their collision.

“Boom Boom Boom!”

A ship after ship, at that moment, got hit head-on by the near-light speed aftershock before they had the chance to dodge.

In an instant, tens of thousands of ships exploded like fireworks!

Numerous strongmen died at the moment!

Let alone them, the two surviving satellite-level beings were also heavily damaged at the moment.

“Pull Puh Pull!”

Tuoba Hong kept vomiting blood, all the while fleeing outward at high speed.

In front of him, the last satellite-level subordinate of Hong Chong was escaping faster than him!

“I have to catch up with him…

Just as this thought appeared, suddenly, a space crack appeared in front of the satellite-level strongman.

“Swallow! ”

“Fuck! ”

Tuoba Hong was scared and immediately fled in another direction.

If someone were to observe from afar, they would find that the entire space of several million cubic meters, with the explosion center as the origin, was wrapped in a mysterious domain. Within this domain, a space crack would occasionally appear, and anyone, any creature, would be unable to escape from being torn apart.

“Puh Puh Puh!”

Hong Chong was severely injured at the moment when Du Gang hit him, but he also tore a symbol that he had been holding in his hand at the critical moment.

Then, before the remaining ninety percent of the attack power hit him, he disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

“Flee flee flee!”

Tuoba Hong had forgotten everything at this moment, only wanted to flee from this terrifying space-tearing area.

And he had already dodged countless space cracks and was about to leave this place.

A rare smile appeared on his face, he was about to escape!

But then, a figure suddenlyappeared in front of him.

It was Du Gang!

Tuoba Hong despaired. At this moment, he launched his strongest attack at Du Gang.

But it was useless!

At this moment, Du Gang was ten thousand meters tall and was covered in space cracks. Not even a bloodstain could be cut off, let alone being killed by Tuoba Hong?

He looked at Tuoba Hong, casually extended a hand and gripped him between his fingers. Then, he squeezed hard.


In an instant, Tuoba Hong exploded and disappeared completely from the universe.

“It’s over!”

Du Gang looked at the constantly evolving universe, smiled faintly, and said with a hint of regret, “It’s a pity that Hong Chong got away!”

“The means he used to escape, it must be the rumored Laws amulet, right?!”

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