I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 56: Avos Island 7

Chapter 56: Avos Island 7

Hmm~ When did they come~ I cant wait~ Naomi was skipping through the crowd of people near Chis caf while she used her Telekinesis to try to find the mask that she instructed to be placed on the cafs roof hidden from the other people.

She scanned the cafs roof with her Telekinesis and found a box in the corner of the roof. Naomi who found it smiled and lifted the box high to the sky with her Telekinesis and flew it in the direction of her hotel. She planned to hide it in the hotels roof for now and take it when she needed it someday.

Thats one thing done, I really want the thugs to corner me today but I think thats not possible if I am in the crowd, huh.  But I have no reason to go to a desolate area by myself what should I do? Well, lets roam around for now, I didnt cover the whole Island yet and its still around 3 P.M. so I still have some time before dinner.

Naomi continued her walk around Avos Island to see if there is something interesting other than Chis Lunar caf. She remembered that Hotaru said there is a famous restaurant in Avos Island named Chis diner. From the name, it was obvious that the owner of the restaurant is Chi, her subordinate.

Shes getting so obvious. I didnt see Chi in the caf, could it be shes in her restaurant? Should I visit it?

Naomi was uncertain about visiting Chis restaurant. She only has 1 reason why shes so uncertain right now, its because Chi didnt know Naomis face yet. She only shows her face and name to Rekka and Hyun-Woo.

Wait, her cafs name is Lunar caf and her restaurant is Chis diner. I know that both places are related, but other people certainly wont know about it. Doesnt that mean I have nothing to worry about if I want to enter her restaurant?

Naomi who walked without any aim stopped when she realized something so simple that she didnt think of before. She always deals with complicated matters that she thinks too deeply about simple things. She pulled out her holo phone and look at the map to see the location of Chis restaurant. She saw that the restaurant is on the other side of the island where she is right now.

Naomi turned back and began walking in the opposite direction. But, what she saw when she turned back puzzled her. Unconsciously, Naomi had walked into a desolate area. The crowd of pedestrians was gone, the busy city was replaced by a desolate factory.

Huh? Did I turn in the wrong direction while I was thinking about visiting Chis restaurant?

Naomi tilted her head to the right and touched her cheek with her right hand. Before long, a group of people wearing leather jackets emerged from the desolate factory while holding various kinds of weapons, from a wooden bat to firearms.

Oh!! Is this a situation where I, a fragile girl was surrounded by a gang of thugs? Naomi hid her mouth with her right hand to hide a smile that crept on her face. She cant hide her excitement in front of the upcoming fight.

It was my first day here and I got into 2 incidents! Avos Island is the best!!

While Naomi rejoicing and trying to hold back her excitement, the crowd in front of her parted and 3 men emerged from the back. The man in the front was a big man with a scar on his cheek, he wear the same kind of leather armor as the crowd around Naomi.

Naomi looked at the 2 men behind the scarred man and she recognized them. They are the playboys that hit on her in the hotel.

Wow, they sure worked fast. I just came out from the hotel not too long ago and they already made a plan to deal with me already?

The big man in the front grinned and let out a creepy laugh as he stopped in front of the crowd. The big man is Dorizo, the leader of the gang of thugs.

KUKUKUKUKU, the mouse has entered the cat territory without realizing it. We just finished our talk and we found our prey already, is this what they call a godsend?

The two playboys behind the big man, Daiki and Lou laughed alongside Dorizo. They have a creepy smile on their face which makes Naomi disgusted.

Hahahahaha! Just surrender girl!! Even if you have weapons which you showed at the hotel, you wont be able to win against us!! Just accept your fate and obey my order, and I will let you experience a pleasure out of this world! Lou said while he licked his lips in a seductive way, imagining the moment where Naomi cease her resistance and obey his order.

Lou, dont forget!! I am the one who calls Dorizo and his gang. I will have the first taste. Daiki smiled and he looked at Naomi with a lustful gaze. That body, I will enjoy it thoroughly before I let those guys here play with you~ Dorizo, dont hurt her too much.

Dont worry Mr. Daiki. When you said a beautiful chick I didnt know that she was this beautiful, even I want my turn with her. HAHAHAHAHA

The laughter echoed as the crowd also looked at Naomi with a lustful gaze. But, that didnt faze Naomi even a bit.

Tch, so they are the same type as Melaine. Why do I always get the attention of a pervert!

The reason why Naomi didnt react to their gaze is simple. She was used to be looked at with those gazes. In these 10 months, Naomi visited the base a few times. And each time she visited the base, Melaine always looked at her with a lustful gaze which was worse than the thugs around her. Not to mention, sometimes Bel also joins Melaine to look at Naomi with a crazy expression on her face.

Compared to those 2 their gaze are on the level of a kid. Although I said that, their gaze is disgusting. I also forgot to punish the guard on the bridge that look at me with the same gaze. Thanks for reminding me.

Naomi opened the suitcase in her left hand and used her Telekinesis to control her weapon. 4 chakrams are floating around Naomi as she spins them rapidly, ready for any attack from the thugs. Naomi pinched her nose with her right hand and provoked the thugs by waved her left hand in front of her nose.

All of you smell like trash, are you living in a dumpster? Just get away from here or attack me already, I have a lot of plans unlike you trashes. I bet your plan is to lie down near the dumpster like the other trash.

The thugs got enraged by Naomis provocation and began to rush at her.

WAITT!! Dont let her provoke you! Dorizo shouted to the thugs, but they are already in Naomis area of attack.

Too late. Naomi controlled her weapons and cut the legs of the thugs that entered her area of attack.

AAAAAHHHH!!! the thugs who get their legs cut screamed with all their might. Soon, more scream was heard after some of them realized that their legs were cut too.

The average C-Ranked Telekinesis Esper radius is 15 to 20 meters. Some of them managed to increase their radius of control to 25 meters if they only control 1 object. But, Naomi controlled 4 objects. With her limited power, which she estimated by watching the videos of C-Ranked Esper, she keep her radius of attack to 10 meters.

Thats why 10 meters around Naomi is a deadly zone where her chakrams could fly freely.

I told you that I cant stand your smell, thats why if you enter 10 meters I will attack you. Naomi moved her right hand that hid her mouth and show her grin.

Dorizo and the 2 playboys finally realized it. The girl in front of them is not normal, shes a monster. She didnt hesitate to hurt someone, unlike the usual girl which they usually targeted.

Now~ Are you going to attack me? Or maybe surrender? I could call my friend if you choose to surrender, but that will ruin the fun right~

It was a wake-up call for the thugs. They sweated and only one thing remained in their mind, they only think that they had messed with the wrong person.

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