I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 57: Avos Island 8

Chapter 57: Avos Island 8

Dont panic!! Shes alone, there is no way she can stop us! Prepare to fire!! Dorizo, give out an order to his subordinates.

Without any other choice but to obey him, the thugs who hold a gun pointed the muzzle at Naomi and they are ready to fire it anytime. Their hands were shaking, afraid that Naomi will retaliate against them. 

But they cant disobey Dorizo, when they compared Dorizo to Naomi, their fear and respect for Dorizo are far greater. Thats why they obey his command although their life was in the line.

Naomi smirked disdainfully when she saw them pointing the muzzle of the gun toward her. Did they think a gun will work against an Esper with Telekinesis ability?

Maybe guns will be a threat for normal Esper, but Naomi was far from normal even if she limited her usage of power to imitate a C-Rank output. Her control over her ability is monstrous, making her able to control even a small particle of sand with her Telekinesis which is normally impossible for even Esper with great control over their ability.

Do you think guns will scare me? Those toys maybe will prove as a threat against Esper with Pyrokinesis or the other. But against a Telekinesis user, they are no different from toys.

Naomi controlled her chakrams to move circling around her at a high speed. When the chakrams become a blur, she launched one of them in the direction of Dorizo. The chakram flew at a high speed, creating a sound of cutting the wind and embedded on the ground right between Dorizos legs with a loud thud.

Dorizo, the target of Naomi was fine. He slowly looked down and saw that the chakram managed to slice the ground cleanly and got embedded on the ground with only a tip of the blade could be seen jutting out on the surface of the ground.

Oh, it missed. It seems I made a mistake in my calculation. Next time I wont make the same mistake.

Naomi didnt make a mistake with her calculation, she intentionally missed the target to intimidate them. Her intimidation worked, Dorizo who looked on the ground had sweat all over his face. 

His body is shaking uncontrollably and his mouth opened and closed, but no voice came out from it. The 2 playboys fall on their butt and creeping back, trying to stay away from the chakram.

The thugs also got intimidated by Naomis attack. Some of them stare blankly and dropped their weapon. There is even someone who got on his knees and begging for her forgiveness. But there are some of them who looked at Dorizo, they had hope in their eyes and believe that Dorizo will make the correct decision.

a-a-a Stutter slowly came out from Dorizo mouth as he gripped her hand trying to stop his shaking. He punched his knees and chest, he felt pain, stopping his shaking body, and finally, he stare at Naomi with bloodshot eyes.

He cant believe that a girl managed to make him felt fear. He gritted his teeth and shouted his order.

Attack!! Open fire!!

Because of fear, Dorizo cant think rationally. His subordinates already lost hope when they saw Naomis chakram, and hesitate to obey Dorizos command.

Dorizo looked at his subordinates and shouted his order once again.

What are you doing!! Attack now!! Or we will be killed!

When the thugs heard Dorizo order for the 2nd time, the realization washed over them. They obeyed Dorizo order and send a barrage of bullets towards Naomi.

The bullets flew from all directions, directed at Naomi who stood in the middle of the crowds. She didnt move from her spot and didnt do anything special. The smoked created from the guns filled the area, the bullet managed to hit Naomi directly.

The thugs didnt stop shooting at Naomi because of their fear, they keep firing their guns until their ammo depleted. When the barrage of bullets stopped, the smoke still filled the area and they cant see the state of Naomi. The thugs hoped that Naomi died from their guns and they celebrate it by throwing their weapons into the air.

Dorizo also smiled when he thought that they are safe now because the girl had died from that. But, his expectation shattered in an instant by Naomis voice.

Are you done?

When Naomi said that, the smoke magically cleared in an instant and the sight of the bullet stopped in the mid-air shocked the thugs and Dorizo. The 2 playboys behind Dorizo were screaming on top of their lungs and tried to run.

Who allows you to run?

4 of the bullet in the mid-air were shoots towards the playboy's legs, making them stumble to the ground.

AAAAHH!! the scream of pain once again filled the area.

The thugs looking at Naomi in disbelief. They dropped their weapon, and raised their hand, surrendering to Naomi.

P-p-please!! We surrender! Please spare us!!

Naomi who heard the thug plead turned to the one who said it.

Surrender? Whats the chance you wont do this anymore? Naomi gathered the bullets and turned them into a ball right above her and dropped it beside her while her 3 chakrams float calmly behind her.

Dorizo who saw his subordinates surrendered and Naomi turned toward his subordinate, frowned, and slowly pulled out a gun from his back pocket. He took this as a chance to shoot Naomi when shes not paying attention to him.

He thought that earlier, she managed to stop the bullet because shes prepared and use her power in advance. Now, she already dropped her guard and wasnt prepared for any attack, he could use his gun to hurt her. No, to kill her. He already abandoned his plan to take her alive and focused on killing her since she threw her weapon towards him earlier.

I-We wont do anything like this again!! I-I promise, I will live a different life. The thug dropped to his knees while looking at Naomi with tears in his eyes.

Hes crying? And what is their boss doing? Hes been silent this whole time. Naomi thought as she turned towards Dorizo. He saw him grinning while pointing his gun towards her and pulled the trigger while he said.


The bullet flew faster compared to the previous one. Naomi was in the state without any adjustment on her body cant react to the surprise bullet get hit directly on her temple. She dropped her suitcase to the ground and her body arched backward because of the force behind the bullet.

Dorizo seeing the bullet hit Naomi directly burst into mad laughter.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, TAKE THAT!!! THATS THE RESULT IF YOU DARE TO DEFY U- before he finishes his sentence, a thud was heard. The next moment, Dorizo finds himself looking at the sky.


He didnt understand whats going on before he looked at his legs.

A-A-AAAAHHH!!!! Dorizos legs were cut right above his knees. The remaining of his legs were still stood on the ground, facing Naomi who was staying in an arched position with the help of her Telekinesis to support her body.


Dorizo scream filled the area, the playboys fainted when they saw the state of Dorizo.

Ah~ You shouldnt do that. I plan to call Hotaru and make her take you to the jail without any injury but you shoot me. You made a big mistake~

Naomi said as she slowly straightened her posture and smiled.


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