I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 55: Avos Island 6

Chapter 55: Avos Island 6

Naomi avoided the man, she sidestepped and went behind them.

I thought you are talking with the fly behind me. Naomi put her hand on her nose, pinching it. Because both of you smell like trash. She held her suitcase in front of her, trying to separate their area from her suitcase.

The men expression twisted in anger as the black-shirted man shouted.

You!! We are trying to be kind because you are kind of beautiful, but you are too full of yourself!

Cih! You better come with us or you will taste the consequence! The white-shirted man tried to grab Naomis hand but she blocked him using her suitcase.

Oh, you want to use force? Why dont we settle this with your way then? Naomi opened her suitcase and used her Telekinesis to control her weapon.

4 circular objects flew out from Naomis suitcase, 2 of them floating beside Naomi while 2 of them floating behind her. The objects were black in color with grey on their sharp edge. The middle of the object was hollow, they are often called chakram, one of the unusual throwing weapons often used in martial arts movies or games.

The reason why Naomi chose this weapon was simple, with her limited strength Naomi couldnt lift a heavy object. Thats why she opted for a light and bladed weapon, and chakram fit her requirement. The circular form of chakram could be used to spin it, making it deadlier and faster when Naomi used her Telekinesis to control it.

I saw in the videos that spinning weapon could cut pretty well, how about we try it? Naomi intimidated the men by making her weapon spin rapidly.

The men's expression visibly turned into fear as their faces paled when they saw the weapon began spinning rapidly. They waved their hand in front of their chest as they making an excuse.

Wa-wait! We are just joking, right?! The black-shirted man that stood right in front of Naomi turned towards the other man as sweat began to form in his forehead.

R-right! We are just joking! Added the white-shirted man.

Naomis chakram began to spin slower as she smiled. Is that so? I totally think you are talking to the flies behind me that time. So you were really trying to talk with the fly right? Naomi put her weapon back in her suitcase as she said that.

Because Im in the good mood right now, I will get angry if someone trying to disturb me. Besides, can you go to that corner? Both of you smell like a trash bin. Naomi pointing out the corner across her and make a disgusted expression.

The white-shirted man almost jumped at Naomi when she mocked them, but the black-shirted man restrain him and bring him to the corner.

Y-yeah! We are trying to talk with a fly! The black-shirted man answered Naomi as he restrained the white-shirted man.

The black-shirted man leaned towards the white-shirted man's ear as he whispered.

Hey, Lou. Calm down, although she is an Esper and brings a weapon. If we bring them Im sure she wont be able to do anything.

Thats right! Then you call them, Daiki. I cant wait to see that girl expression turned into fear when we surround her. The white-shirted man, Lou had a smirk on his face.

Naomi who saw that smirk thought in her mind.

Really? They whispered their plan in front of me, did they take me as a fool? I could hear your plan clearly!! And wipe that smirk, youre really obvious!!

Naomi turned and faced the elevator door that was about to open and released a long sigh. She couldnt understand thugs like the men behind her. They talked about their plan in the open, shouldnt they waited for Naomi to walk away before they talked about their plan? Talk about stupid.

The door of the elevator opened and Naomi walked away. Still wary about the men but she didnt think too much about it. They are just thugs, no matter how many of them they wouldnt be able to touch Naomi.

I cant wait~ To get attacked~ Lets get the mask first, so I wont get into a trouble~

Unfortunately, those thugs didnt know, that Naomi loved a fight to the point she attacked the Esper Association.


Welcome, Mr. Daiki. What made a person like you visit this place, you could tell me and maybe I could offer my assistance.

A man sitting in a chair surrounded by trash located in a certain warehouse asked a man who sit in front of him, Daiki, one of the men who hit on Naomi in the hotel. He wore a leather jacket and ripped jeans. There is a scar across his cheeks and a tattoo of a sun on his left hand. If normal people saw him, they will certainly stay as far as possible because of his intimidating appearance.

Not only that, the warehouse was filled with thugs, wearing the same kind of leather armor. Some of them chatting with the other thugs there is some of them who shows off their weapon. The thugs have a look of respect when they are looking at the man.

Such a man was calling Daiki with Mister and talk politely to him. That shows Daikis influence in his group.

Yeah, there is a girl who disrespects and threatened me and my friend Lou. I need your help to make her cower in fear. Daiki has a shrewd smile on his face as he said that. He imagined when the girl, Naomi, would be his playthings and beg him to stop what he did.

A girl is it? For you to ask help from us, is she an Esper? The man touched his chin with his left hand as he leaned closer to Daiki.

Although Daiki was treated with respect by the man, hes still got intimidated by him. Y-youre right. From what I see, she has Telekinesis power. Not only that, she bring a weapon shaped like a sharpened wheel.

Hou, interesting. If she brings a weapon openly, that means she has a permit from the Esper Association. Getting that permit isnt easy if you are not a rich individual. Are you sure you want to attack her? There is a chance that she has a connection with the Esper Association.

The mans word managed to falter Daiki for a second. Attacking someone who has a connection with the Esper Association is dangerous. But, he still wanted to pay her back for the humiliation.

I dont mind. But do it silently, even my connection cant help if the Esper Association knows about it.

Hearing Daiki, the man grinned to the ears as he slapped his thigh.

Hahahaha, I like your courage, Mr. Daiki. Well then, we accept the job. You know where to pay right?

Yeah. I will send it when the job is done. Daiki's expression turned into that of a madman.

Fine, thats okay. Just leave it to me. This Dorizo will bring the result immediately! Hahahaha

The man, Dorizo was laughing loudly. Like infected by his laughter, Daiki began to laugh too.

Soon, the laugh fill the warehouse as the other thugs inside began laughing. They are imagining what will they did with the money after they are done with the job. Not knowing the girl is a monster who was prepared for their attack.

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