Chapter 279

279 Picnic

The next day.

The sun shining so bright that morning and the wind were blowing warmly.

Crown Prince walked at the very front wearing a beautiful light blue dress with a combination of silver and dark blue on the bottom which was lightly swaying in the wind, his hand tightly holding BaiYing’s little hand who was walking beside him, the young man as usual always looked so bright with a cheerful face. Wearing his beautiful dress which is bright yellow with swan embroidery on the bottom with a little combination of golden shimmer on the waist and bottom.

The two of them were followed by BeiYau and ChenMing behind him, ShinYa, Concubine Fu, the maids and the little palace guards for their picnic that morning, just as the Crown Prince had promised BaiYing, accompanied him to the valley not far from the Medicine Valley college, there also Elder Yi who looks too bored and keep yawning walking at the very back of the group, the man walked leisurely with his hands folded behind his back looking around, nodding as if satisfied with the scene he saw there.

“Hem at least the grass is growing well”

Just like BaiYing, ChenMing’s face which was so bright that even sunlight could beat him, and in BeiYau’s eyes who couldn’t stop admiring the prince’s beautiful face, he wanted to join in holding the young Prince’s hand but ChenMing was busy putting two hands behind his waist, but BeiYau smiled, he didn’t care and finally took ChenMing’s one hand and held it.

“Be careful Prince, the road is still wet and slippery”

BeiYau said with a mischievous smile, he used the opportunity as best he could.

“Really? Yes, the grass is still wet” ChenMing said looking at the grass he stepped on, the morning dew still remained and he could fall and slip at any moment, he held BeiYau’s hand tightly.


ShinYa smirked at the scene of the two people in front of him.

“He really knows how to use his change at the very right time, this Guard Bei is really naughty”


“Your Majesty, what are we going to do today?” Bai Ying asked.

Crown Prince lifted BaiYing’s hand and wrapped it around his arm.

“Em YingYing said you wanted to walk at the valley, the weather today is very perfect, and I am also very bored sitting in the bungalow, we will enjoy our time to our heart’s content here”

BaiYing’s eyes widened.

“Really, Your Highness, to our heart’s content? Em Ying hasn’t played a kite in a long time, let’s fly a kite today Your Highness, the sky is very beautiful”

“Hehehe then where will we get the kite, my sweet YingYing?”

BaiYing thought, too bad they didn’t take it with them there.

“Heh yes, er, then what should we do Your Highness?”

The Crown Prince pinched BaiYing’s nose exasperatedly.

“This kid, why can’t we just sit and enjoy the air, the sky is so beautiful, we can sit and drink tea and enjoy it right?”

BaiYing laughed so hard that his eyes disappeared.

“Heheheh yes Your Majesty, I am very happy to be able to enjoy the air with Your Majesty, Ying will do anything”

The wind blew gently.

The sun is getting brighter but the atmosphere in the valley at the foot of the Golden Buffalo is indeed very calm, the sky is beautiful, the air is clean, it is said that a long stay in these mountains will have a long and youthful life because all the natural wealth is spread in the air. Just look at what happened to Elder Yi who was training in the center of the mountain in the Cold Rock cave, if it wasn’t for the mountain having guards with so many beasts around the mountain, don’t know how many people from the martial world or not would have come there. Of course, although it is dangerous, the mountain is still visited by anyone who believes in its greatness.

The Crown Prince took BaiYing’s soft little hand and walked back towards the Medicine Valley College.

Lan’er approached, she glanced at the Crown Prince who had not let go of Bai Ying’s hand ever since.

“Brother, there is a very beautiful flower, do you want to see it?” Lan’er whispered.

BaiYing opened his eyes wide.

“Where’s sis?”

“It’s a bit ahead, Sister and Bi saw it earlier, there are a lot of butterflies too”

“Really? Ying wants to see it please.”

BaiYing immediately pulled his hand away from the Crown Prince’s grip.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty”

Even when LuoXiang wasn’t ready and the young man had already run away from him.

“This kid”

LuoXiang glanced at ShinYa for the shaman to follow BaiYing, without thinking the young shaman ran after BaiYing and Lan’er who trotted to the side of the road in front of them where many wild plants were growing beautifully.

“Your Honour!” ShinYa exclaimed.

“Wow, this is beautiful, what’s the name of the plant?”

BaiYing couldn’t hide his admiration, all the colorful little flowers that grew low on the ground mingling with the tall grass around him.

Crown Prince waved his wide sleeves, and put his empty fists into fists behind his waist. BeiYau walked beside him.

“Your Majesty, shall we get back the day after tomorrow?”

Crown Prince looked at BaiYing and Concubine Fu and two maidservants who were enjoying the scenery in the beautiful valley.

“It can’t be helped, that rotten emperor has asked us to go home immediately after he found out about YingYing’s condition”

Elder Yi approached.

“Hem Your Majesty, forgive me, but I only remind you that the design of Medicine valley for Master’s and disciple’s clothing will be different for each grade, for the master teacher is reddish-brown with gold combination, for...”

The Crown Prince looked at Elder Yi sharply, causing the man to stop his speech. Elder Yi pursed his lips, even though he was very powerful but he just found out that gaze can actually kill, for example, the Crown Prince’s gaze was very sharp towards him.

“Ahem, I’m just saying it”

BeiYau lowered his head respectfully in front of Elder Yi.

“Elder Yi, forgive me for interrupting, the uniform is a very small matter for the palace, let alone how many years, even how many generations can be granted, you can rest easy on that matter”

Crown Prince continued on his way, not wanting to pay attention to the young but old man who was so fussy.

“Elder Yi, don’t let this matter reach YingYing’s ears, that child will think badly and sensitively about this small matter”

“What’s the matter Your Highness?”

Crown Prince almost jumped up in surprise, BaiYing was already in front of him looking at him with his round big eyes.

“Eh YingYing, why are you suddenly here?”

BaiYing frowned, he thought he had heard something that the Crown Prince didn’t want him to know, but it didn’t matter, the young man immediately grabbed the Crown Prince’s hand.

“Come on Your Majesty have a look, there is a flower that is very cute in shape, it looks like an insect”

“Oh yeah? Where?”

BaiYing pulled the Crown Prince’s hand closer to some wild plants with very beautiful flowers, one of which was a group of small plants with small brightly colored flowers that BaiYing was now looking at, he pointed to a yellow flower that looked like an insect.

“This, Your Majesty, hold it, it’s so cute”

BaiYing pulled the Crown Prince’s hand, for a moment the man was reluctant to hold anything he didn’t like, everything except BaiYing, but the young man was already smiling to show it, how could he refuse it?

LuoXiang stretched out his hand to touch the flower, all of them, including BaiYing, seemed to hold their breath when the Crown Prince’s hand touched the flower which turned out to be a grasshopper-like insect, which quite big in size, surprising Crown Prince who quickly pulled his hand away.


Finally, BaiYing laughed loudly at the Crown Prince’s hilarious reaction.

“Hahahaha Your Majesty is in shock” while Concubine Fu and BaiYing’s two maids couldn’t help but cover their mouths holding back laughter.

The Crown Prince looked at BaiYing with big eyes but couldn’t help to get angry.

“This kid, YingYing can be a bitch too.”

As the Crown Prince was excited to chase after BaiYing who ran away and was about to pinch him, the young man ran and hid behind Concubine Fu.

“This brat, come here”

“Hahaha Your Majesty is so funny, you should look at Your face, it’s like about to eat people”

“What’s so funny, come here, YingYing will be punished”

While the two of them were joking, a voice sounded from a distance, a few young guards at the very front of the group approached BeiYau fast.

“Report Guard Bei, it looks like there’s a fire at the front of the road” the young guard reported.

Crown Prince and BaiYing turned their heads, all opened their eyes wide, especially Elder Yi who realized what was in front of them, he advanced towards the young bodyguard.

“What does the front mean? Oh it’s Medicine Valley” without long Elder Yi rushed towards the front of the road, BeiYau turned to the Crown Prince.

“Your Majesty, I’ll take a look.”

LuoXiang nodded, he held onto BaiYing’s hand tightly, not wanting to be missed at a time like this. BeiYau signaled some of his men to follow him.

Concubine Fu asked ShinYa who was standing beside her.

“Master Shin, the Medicine valley on fire?” Lan’er asked.

ShinYa nodded.


“It looks like it, the fire looks quite big” said ShinYa when he noticed the black smoke that was slightly visible from a distance, that was where the Medicine Valley College was located.

ChenMing approached the Crown Prince and BaiYing.

“The weather was so hot, how come there’s a fire?”

“Maybe it’s just a small fire Bother, Your Majesty let’s see what happens there” said BaiYing looking up to see the Crown Prince beside him, whose face was serious and gripped his hand quite tightly.

“I don’t think there’s anything serious, just a small fire, Your Majesty,” BaiYing continued, smiling broadly at the Crown Prince.

Crown Prince saw BaiYing’s adorable face smiling at him, he finally smiled, somehow because he was used to it, he looked very wary of whatever happened.

“Hey yeah, maybe just a small thing”


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