Chapter 278

278 How Can I Mad at You?

It didn’t take long, both of them finally came to the surface.

BaiYing hit the Crown Prince on the shoulder and looked at him in annoyance as he almost drowned because of that ignorant person.

“Eulk, Your Majesty, just startled me!”

LuoXiang chuckled, he was still amused to see BaiYing’s panicked face which made him unable to contain himself.

“Hahaha this kid, YingYing is still so cute even when you scared like that”

BaiYing pulled his hand which was still held by the Crown Prince tightly, pushed his shoulder, the young man came suddenly and was already in the water shocking him, the big tall man let go of his upper clothes showed his broad and sturdy shoulders and his athletic broad full of muscles chest, BaiYing’s little hands were meaningless when it touched him.

“Of course I’m scared, I’m most afraid of dying in the water, suddenly a water monster pulled my leg, how come I didn’t panic?”

The Crown Prince laughed, he grabbed BaiYing’s hand and hugged his waist.

“Hehehehe, Crown Prince apologies, why are you angry like that, look at your face, you look so pale”


BaiYing tried to let go of the Crown Prince’s embrace in annoyance.

“Your Majesty thinks this servant is a girl, right? What can be feared like that, what if I accidentally launch out my fire, Your Majesty will be seriously injured.”

LuoXiang finally stopped his laughter, he grabbed BaiYing’s waist and hugged him tightly. The young man’s big eyes blinked a number of times, seeing how serious the Crown Prince’s face suddenly became.

“Your Majesty”

“Heh, how well, my YingYing always makes me always want to tease you, why are you so good at teasing people, HuaBaiYing” Crown Prince whispered near his ear.

BaiYing stuttered, the Crown Prince’s voice was deep and even, is he angry?

“Eh Y-Your Majesty...” He hadn’t even finished speaking when the Crown Prince came back closer and tilted his head, devouring his lips as he spoke.


One hand, held BaiYing’s waist in the water, while the other held the boy’s jaw, holding him in a palm which big enough so the boy couldn’t run away as he devoured his sweet red lips that were so tempting.

“You know right? These lips of yours, only belong to the Crown Prince, no one in the world should dare to even think about eating your lips apart from me, you are like a medicine that I always have to drink every time, or this chest will hurt when I don’t see you for a while”

The Crown Prince’s wide palm, holding BaiYing’s small neck made the young man look up comfortably as the Crown Prince continued to shower him with kisses. He surrendered and give up all his body weight completely in the man’s big hands who held him very easily.

“Your Majesty, how did Your Majesty know, I am here?” BaiYing asked in between the Crown Prince’s relentless kisses.

The Crown Prince stopped the kiss, saw BaiYing’s face from a very close distance, kissed his chin, his nose, up to his forehead.

“How could I not know what you were doing, where you were?”

“Your Majesty means, Your Majesty always knows where I am?”

“Of course, how could this Crown Prince allow his eye-catching concubine to roam around unattended, this could be a problem right?”

BaiYing looked at the Crown Prince for a moment, then pushed the young man’s chest away from him.

“Your Majesty has been watching over me all this time?”

“So what? This is not a palace, anything can happen here, keeping eyes on my YingYing of course to ensure your safety”

“I can protect myself Your Majesty, and Your Majesty has also sent Master ShinYa to watch over me right?”

“ShinYa, what can he do? He may be very good at the divine, but I still won’t put your safety in his hands.”

Realizing that BaiYing opened his eyes wide, surprised after realizing something very important.

“Does that mean Your Majesty also knows that I and the others met Miss Xu?”

The Crown Prince pursed his lips, thinking for a while.

“Em that”

That doesn’t need to be asked again, it’s certain that the man knows what he’s been doing all day.

“Your Majesty, you really...” he speechless.

“I-I’m going up, it’s been too long to soak” BaiYing seemed to be unable to contain his annoyance and stepped aside from the Crown Prince’s presence.

But the Crown Prince held the boy’s small hand as the young man was about to walk away from him, pulling him until he fell onto his bare chest.

“Where are you going? HuaBaiYing, how can you get away from me?”

BaiYing tried to let go of the Crown Prince’s hand but the man just pulled him up to lift his body easily.

“Your Majesty let me go.” LuoXiang carried BaiYing out of the pond, Yan, and Bi and the other maids immediately followed the two.

“This brat, you are indeed very naughty and should be severely punished”

“Your Majesty, please let me down, everyone is watching”

“Then why? They have eyes to see, let everyone see” exclaimed the Crown Prince.

“Your Majesty, please put Servant down!”

The Crown Prince glanced at BaiYing’s two maids to give them coats, not long until Crown Prince carried BaiYing all the way to his bungalow, up to their room.

“Your Majesty!” imagine how embarrassed BaiYing would be when everyone saw that, even ChenMing clenched his fists in annoyance.

“That person” ChenMing was about to catch up with the Crown Prince who passed him towards the stairs leading to the second floor, but BeiYau’s hand held him back.

“Prince, calm down, His Majesty has done it so many times.”

Chen Ming’s nose puffed up like a buffalo ready to charge.

“He deliberately humiliated my little brother, that rotten Crown Prince”

ShinYa came closer, he smiled.

“I think it is His Majesty’s nature, that he is always open about what he thinks.”

“Guard Bei, does the Crown Prince always do that in the palace? Did he do that to the other concubines too?” Chen Ming asked.

BeiYau smiled, seeing the cute face of prince Chen who was angry that his forehead was furrowed with sharp eyes.

“Hehe Prince Chen, my whole life I have been the bodyguard of the Crown Prince, the only person who can make His Majesty think crazy and strange is only His Majesty the Viceroy, just trust me, I have never seen His Majesty the Crown Prince smile so beautifully before about anything, His Highness the viceroy made His Highness the Crown Prince really alive”

ChenMing actually knew that, but he was still annoyed how the Crown Prince treated his younger cousin in such a manner, BaiYing is a boy after all. Even though he is still so young and soft-hearted, everyone sometimes thinks of him as a cute girl.

“Heh that rotten Crown Prince”


In the room.

BaiYing sitting on the edge of the bed while the Crown Prince sat behind him helped him to dry his hair.

“It’s because of Your Majesty, I just washed my hair, and now it’s wet again, hattchie! Excuse me.”

Crown Prince glanced at the young man.

“I said sorry, YingYing then what can I do? Who told you to soak in this cold air, no matter how hot the water is.”

“But the water is so hot, it’s so good for our body.”

LuoXiang smiled, he pulled the young man’s waist and sat closer to him, and embraced him with his two wide arms.

“Em, does YingYing still cold? Want me to hug you?”

BaiYing obviously couldn’t avoid the embrace of the perverted man who can’t divert his eyes from him, who only wearing very thin clothes because his body was wet earlier, he admitted that the young man’s big body was very warm and even hot.

“Your Majesty”

LuoXiang ruffled the young man’s hair which was still wet, messy and fell on his forehead.

“Em, so, what were you two talking about, in that crazy girl’s room? What can YingYing really do? Even Physician Ou alone can’t do much” asked LuoXiang while holding BaiYing’s hands.

BaiYing thought for a while, he looked away in front of him while taking a deep breath, the young man finally leaned his body against the large body of the Crown Prince who was sitting behind him, it felt much warmer, with his big hands who hugged him.

The flacks of the fire burning coals in the stove not far from the bed were faintly sounded.

“Em, Young Lady Xu actually feels very guilty about her sister’s death, she feels haunted and as she often sees her sister’s face everywhere.”

The Crown Prince frowned at BaiYing’s serious face who was deep in thought.

“Did the girl say that to you?”

BaiYing shook his head.

“No, she didn’t say anything, just mumbled and cried, the only clear word she said was just her sister name, LiMei”

“Then how did YingYing know about it?”

BaiYing straightened his body, turning to look at the Crown Prince for a moment.

“Em, Servant, just can feel it.”


Hearing that the Crown Prince’s eyes widened.

“YingYing felt it? What have you done? Is this what that rotten Shaman did?”

“It’s not him, Your Majesty, Ying did it by myself.”

“Really? You really able to do it? How?”

BaiYing thought.

“Actually, Ying didn’t do anything, I just hugged her”

“My YingYing hugged that crazy girl?” The Crown Prince’s voice was loud, startling BaiYing who was so close to him.

“This majesty, just startling me!”

“Well, how not? Don’t you remember what that crazy girl did to my YingYing’s smooth hands, what if she scratches your face? Physician Ou said her nails are so dirty, it could leave scars on your wound, if YingYing gets hurt again by her, I could lose my patient on her”

“Then what is Your Majesty going to do?”

“Of course I’ll punish her! How dare is she?”

“This majesty is unreasonable, how can you blame her, she is crazy anyway”

“Then what? I can’t punish my concubine who is very sweet and too kind, can I?”

Hearing that BaiYing smiled, the Crown Prince’s face was scary when he’s angry but even so, he still could speak out a very sweet word for him.

“Hey, Your Majesty is so funny”

“Which part is funny? I’m so angry.”

BaiYing couldn’t stop smiling until finally the Crown Prince tilted his head and kissed the young man’s lips again.


Even when BaiYing was not ready and shocked.

“This Highness, why Your Majesty always did that?”

The Crown Prince chuckled, he held BaiYing’s soft hand tightly gripping it, hooked all his fingers on the small palm, and pulled it closer to him.

“Um, It can be helped? Only with this can reduce all of my anger, otherwise, I will keep mad.”

“Then, now Ying also wants to be angry too”

“Then, just do it.”

The Crown Prince pushed the young man’s body onto his bed, stroking the young man’s soft hair, and kissed his forehead.

“My YingYing, is indeed very attractive, how can I stay mad at you?”


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