Chapter 280

280 Impudent Guests


At Medicine Valley’s courtyard, which is now being surrounded by so many people dressed in black, they may be around three times in number to XuYi’s men, who cornered in the middle of the courtyard. Someone was holding XuYi, who had to surrender to a tall man who easily held the young man’s wrist, while many Medicine Valley disciples including YoTang were trying to keep out the strangers who came to attack the college and set fire to one of the building’s.

But YoTang and the Medicinal Valley disciples were no match for those huge giants with sinister faces and terrifying voices. A man holding XuYi’s hand sneered, from his fairly neat and luxurious clothes he didn’t look like other uncivilized beings, they were just people with much bigger bodies than others.

“Sneaky brats, how dare you to think about against me, GuMo of the Black Leaf Clan, do you really not know what we can do, you’re just tired of living arent you?”

A somewhat old man standing beside the young man who introduced himself as GuMo approached, from his face, the man was clearly more like his advisor, as his wise face and high eyebrows showed the extent of his analytical skills.

“Young Master, this Valley is worthless, we shouldn’t waste any time here, Chief must have been waiting for us back at the clan”

The young man named GuMo turned his head, still not letting go of XuYi’s wrist that was moaning in pain helplessly in his hand.

“Old man don’t spoil the mood, I’m just getting started, you guys grab that rotten girl quickly, how dare that old man hide his daughter here”

Hearing that XuYi widened his eyes, he saw several men walking towards the back bungalow without anyone getting in their way, as strong as they could, XuYi tried to fight back.


“Impudent! What do you want? All the agreements are over why are you still forcing us!!” XuYi tried to break free from the man’s grip, he jumped up and twisted his body aiming his kick while spinning at the man’s face.

“Let me go!”

The big guy GuMo took a step back because of the little guy’s kick in front of him, but he smirked.

“Hehe, you’re great, aren’t you?” then the man stepped forward while dragging his big heavy club on the ground and hitting it towards XuYi, the agile XuYi managed to dodge, but he wasn’t fast enough when the man who was aiming his gun blindly hit his leg and made him fall.


The young man gave up when the giant advanced while holding his club high, he was about to try to hold it with his sword, but instead, the man kicked him so hard that his body was pushed far away and stopped when he crashed to the tree.


XuYi spits out fresh blood from his mouth, the man’s attack was strong enough to give him internal injury.


XuYi struggled to get up as he watched with his big eyes as the giant ran towards him holding up his club.

“God damn it! Feel this!”

XuYi was going to endure it, but the giant was simply too strong for him.

“Oh Damn it!” He tries to get up but he might be too late to dodge.

The club was about to hit him hard when suddenly a strong wind pushed the giant man away from him.


Everyone from the Black Leaf clan didn’t expect GuMo’s massive body to be pushed so easily and hit so hard to a tree, the bump was like an earthquake with his massive body.


In an instant it appeared that peoples who had entered from the gate, Elder Yi, along with BeiYau and ChenMing and a few bodyguards dressed in commoners had already entered the Medicine Valley College and were standing at the center, Elder Yi lowered his hand, he and the two young men approached XuYi and the disciples of Medicine valley in the middle.

“Insolent! Who dares to make a fuss in my college!” Elder Yi’s voice was booming, even his voice could make everyone flinch from the tremors.

The clan’s men helped their young master who had fallen so humiliatingly.

“Young Master”

The man looked sharply at Elder Yi and the others who had just entered.

“Who are they! How brazen they are against us!” GuMo was about to chargeback, but Elder Yi turned his head, he just needed to raise his hand slightly to create air pressure around the people, none of them could move due to the heavy pressure.

“Young master!” cried his advisor who also stood still in his position.

BeiYau helped XuYi up.

“Young master Xu, are you all right?”

XuYi shook his head, even though his body was in a lot of pain, but his eyes opened wide as he remembered something.

“Oh no Yan’er!” the young man rushed towards the back bungalow.

But it was too late, it was seen that two big men had already dragged his sister XuYan and his nanny there.

“Get your hands off! Insolent! What are you guys doing!” shouted LoMa trying to break loose. But the two young men holding XuYan and LoMa stopped when they saw what was happening in the middle of the courtyard, XuYi rushed over to his sister and pulled her and LoMa closer to them.


“Who are you guys? How dare you come and disturb us!” shouted GuMo furiously.

ChenMing who was standing casually with his arms crossed in front of his chest grinned.

“Hey its should be us who asked this, this person who came to people’s houses made a fuss, as I recall, this is still the Valley of Medicine, right?”

BeiYau looked around looking for Physician Ou and the other elders, it seemed that YoTang who had been overwhelmed since earlier trying to fight off the people who had come in large numbers was rushing over.

“Grandmaster, Guard Bei, Prince Chen, Master, and others are inside being held captive by them.”

Elder Yi glanced at his clumsy and exhausted grand disciple, he rolled his eyes upwards.

“Heh this is why Valley disciples have to learn martial arts, see how it turns out, it’s so embarrassing”

BeiYau glanced at some of his subordinates who immediately drew their swords in a stance ready to attack.

“Who are you guys? The bears come to people’s homes and make a fuss, aren’t you afraid of being caught by the authority?” BeiYau exclaimed, hearing BeiYau’s words, GuMo and his men laughed.

“Hahahaha the authority, is there really an authority guard here?”

ChenMing looked at XuYi, the authority should have come from the Governor’s family and his ranks, but even the Governor’s son is being bullied by them, then what does the authority mean to these people?

Shortly after the Medicine Valley disciples brought Physician Ou and the elders out of the building where they had been previously held hostage, Physician Ou immediately saluted Elder Yi who tossed his hair very calmly.

“Mas-.. uh Elder Yi”

“Don’t keep them here any longer, why did you let these foreign and uncivilized people enter and burn down your buildings? What are you guys doing?” Elder Yi’s voice was loud, Physician Ou and YoTang bowed their heads to accept Elder Yi’s anger even though the others were a bit confused by it.

GuMo laughed loudly again.

“Hahahaha, uncivilized? If we are not civilized, then what is the name of the person who has snatched someone’s wife and taken her away? What is that person called as?”

Hearing GuMo’s words, everyone held their breath, XuYi saw LoMa who was hugging his sister who was so scared that she couldn’t stop shaking.

“What does this mean? Whose wife?” asked Elder Yi.

GuMo pointed towards XuYan who’s hugged by her nany, XuYi was standing in front of him.

“Who else, beautiful XuYan”

XuYi looked at GuMo sharply.

“Don’t be impudent! My sister was never been your wife, don’t ever dream about being able to touch her!”

Although still confused about what really happened Elder Yi, BeiYau and ChenMing clearly believed XuYi’s words more than the other, but those barbarian men from the Black Leaf Clan didn’t give them a chance to think, immediately GuMo, the leader ordered his men to charge forward and attack.

“What are you waiting for, beat them with all you got!”

Elders Yi and BeiYau couldn’t stay still, while ChenMing who didn’t want to get his hands dirty immediately moved to the side of Physician Ou and the other elders who were taking refugees. The battle was unavoidable, although Elder Yi’s strength was enough to blow everyone away with his strength, there were true quite a number of them.

“God damn it!”

In an instant many people from the Black Leaf Clan were blown away and pushed down heavily onto the ground, BeiYau hadn’t even taken out his sword yet and was simply pulling and kicking every opponent that came at him.

Elder Yi waved his hand again but this time he had an opponent, GuMo’s advisor, that old man with almost white hair holding Elder Yi’s hand, he was so quick, being able to be there in an instant.


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